OC.L10N.register( "privacy", { "Privacy" : "Privaatheid", "-" : "-", "Andorra" : "Andorra", "United Arab Emirates" : "Verenigde Arabiese Emirate", "Afghanistan" : "Afghanistan", "Antigua and Barbuda" : "Antigua en Barbuda", "Anguilla" : "Anguilla", "Albania" : "Albanië", "Armenia" : "Armenië", "Angola" : "Angola", "Antarctica" : "Antarktika", "Argentina" : "Argentinië", "American Samoa" : "Amerikaans-Samoa", "Austria" : "Oostenryk", "Australia" : "Australië", "Aruba" : "Aruba", "Åland Islands" : "Ålandeilande", "Azerbaijan" : "Azerbeidjan", "Bosnia and Herzegovina" : "Bosnië-Herzegowina", "Barbados" : "Barbados", "Bangladesh" : "Bangladesj", "Belgium" : "België", "Burkina Faso" : "Burkina Faso", "Bulgaria" : "Bulgarye", "Bahrain" : "Bahrein", "Burundi" : "Burundi", "Benin" : "Benin", "Saint Barthélemy" : "Sint Bartholomeus", "Bermuda" : "Bermuda", "Brunei" : "Broenei", "Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba" : "Bonaire, Sint-Eustatius en Saba", "Brazil" : "Brasilië", "Bahamas" : "Bahamas", "Bhutan" : "Bhoetan", "Bouvet Island" : "Bouveteiland", "Botswana" : "Botswana", "Belarus" : "Wit-Rusland", "Belize" : "Belize", "Canada" : "Kanada", "Cocos (Keeling) Islands" : "Cocos- (Keeling-) eilande", "Democratic Republic of the Congo" : "Demokratiese Republiek van die Kongo", "Central African Republic" : "Sentraal Afrikaanse Republiek", "Congo" : "Kongo", "Switzerland" : "Switserland", "Cote d'Ivoire" : "Ivoorkus", "Cook Islands" : "Cookeilande", "Chile" : "Chili", "Cameroon" : "Kameroen", "China" : "Sjina", "Colombia" : "Colombië", "Costa Rica" : "Costa Rica", "Cuba" : "Kuba", "Cabo Verde" : "Kaap Verde", "Curaçao" : "Curaçao", "Christmas Island" : "Kerseiland", "Cyprus" : "Siprus", "Czech" : "Tsjaggië", "Germany" : "Duitsland", "Djibouti" : "Djiboeti", "Denmark" : "Denemarke", "Dominican Republic" : "Dominikaanse Republiek", "Algeria" : "Algerië", "Ecuador" : "Ecuador", "Estonia" : "Estland", "Egypt" : "Egipte", "West Sahara" : "Wes-Sahara", "Eritrea" : "Eritrea", "Spain" : "Spanje", "Ethiopia" : "Ethiopië", "Finland" : "Finland", "Fiji" : "Fidji", "Faroe Islands" : "Faroëreilande", "France" : "Frankryk", "Gabon" : "Gaboen", "United Kingdom" : "Verenigde Koninkryk", "Grenada" : "Grenada", "Georgia" : "Georgië", "French Guiana" : "Frans-Guiana", "Guernsey" : "Guernsey", "Ghana" : "Ghana", "Gibraltar" : "Gibraltar", "Greenland" : "Groenland", "Gambia" : "Gambië", "Guinea" : "Guinee", "Guadeloupe" : "Guadeloupe", "Equatorial Guinea" : "Ekwatoriaal Guinee", "Greece" : "Griekeland", "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands" : "Suid-Georgië en die Suidelike Sandwicheilande", "Guatemala" : "Guatemala", "Guam" : "Guam", "Guinea-Bissau" : "Guinee-Bissau", "Guyana" : "Guiana", "Honduras" : "Honduras", "Hong Kong" : "Hongkong", "Heard Island and McDonald Islands" : "Heardeiland en McDonaldeilande", "Croatia" : "Kroasië", "Haiti" : "Haïti", "Hungary" : "Hongarye", "Indonesia" : "Indonesië", "Ireland" : "Ierland", "Israel" : "Israel", "Isle of Man" : "Man, die eiland", "India" : "Indië", "British Indian Ocean Territory" : "Britse Indiese Oseaangebied", "Iraq" : "Irak", "Iran" : "Iran", "Iceland" : "Ysland", "Italy" : "Italië", "Jamaica" : "Jamaika", "Jordan" : "Jordanië", "Japan" : "Japan", "Kenya" : "Kenia", "Kyrgyzstan" : "Kirgisië", "Cambodia" : "Kambodja", "Kiribati" : "Kiribati", "Saint Kitts and Nevis" : "Sint Kitts en Nevis", "North Korea" : "Noord-Korea", "South Korea" : "Suid-Korea", "Kuwait" : "Koeweit", "Cayman Islands" : "Kaaimanseilande", "Kazakhstan" : "Kazakstan", "Laos" : "Laos", "Lebanon" : "Libanon", "Saint Lucia" : "Sint Lucia", "Liechtenstein" : "Liechtenstein", "Sri Lanka" : "Sri Lanka", "Liberia" : "Liberië", "Lesotho" : "Lesotho", "Lithuania" : "Litaue", "Luxembourg" : "Luxemburg", "Latvia" : "Letland", "Libya" : "Libië", "Morocco" : "Marokko", "Monaco" : "Monaco", "Montenegro" : "Montenegro", "Madagascar" : "Madagaskar", "Marshall Islands" : "Marshalleilande", "Mali" : "Mali", "Myanmar" : "Mianmar", "Mongolia" : "Mongolië", "Macao" : "Macao", "Northern Mariana Islands" : "Noordelike Marianaeilande", "Mauritania" : "Mauritanië", "Montserrat" : "Montserrat", "Malta" : "Malta", "Mauritius" : "Mauritius", "Maldives" : "Maledive", "Malawi" : "Malawi", "Mexico" : "Meksiko", "Malaysia" : "Maleisië", "Mozambique" : "Mosambiek", "Namibia" : "Namibië", "New Caledonia" : "Nieu-Kaledonië", "Niger" : "Niger", "Norfolk Island" : "Norfolkeiland", "Nigeria" : "Nigerië", "Nicaragua" : "Nicaragua", "Netherlands" : "Nederland", "Norway" : "Noorweë", "Nepal" : "Nepal", "Nauru" : "Nauru", "Niue" : "Niue", "New Zealand" : "Nieu-Seeland", "Oman" : "Oman", "Panama" : "Panama", "Peru" : "Peru", "French Polynesia" : "Frans-Polinesië", "Papua New Guinea" : "Papoea-Nieu-Guinee", "Philippines" : "Filippyne", "Pakistan" : "Pakistan", "Poland" : "Pole", "Saint Pierre and Miquelon" : "Sint Pierre en Miquelon", "Pitcairn" : "Pitcairn", "Puerto Rico" : "Puerto Rico", "Portugal" : "Portugal", "Palau" : "Palau", "Paraguay" : "Paraguay", "Qatar" : "Katar", "Réunion" : "Réunion", "Romania" : "Roemenië", "Serbia" : "Serwië", "Russia" : "Rusland", "Rwanda" : "Rwanda", "Saudi Arabia" : "Saoedi-Arabië", "Solomon Islands" : "Solomoneilande", "Seychelles" : "Seychelle", "Sudan" : "Seodan", "Sweden" : "Swede", "Singapore" : "Singapoer", "Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha" : "Sint Helena, Ascension en Tristan da Cunha", "Slovenia" : "Slowenië", "Svalbard and Jan Mayen" : "Spitsbergen en Jan Mayen", "Slovakia" : "Slowakye", "Sierra Leone" : "Sierra Leone", "San Marino" : "San Marino", "Senegal" : "Senegal", "Somalia" : "Somalië", "Suriname" : "Suriname", "South Sudan" : "Suid-Soedan", "Sao Tome and Principe" : "São Tomé en Principe", "El Salvador" : "El Salvador", "Syria" : "Sirië", "Swaziland" : "eSwathini", "Turks and Caicos Islands" : "Turks- en Caicoseilande", "Chad" : "Tsjad", "Togo" : "Togo", "Thailand" : "Thailand", "Tajikistan" : "Tadjikistan", "Tokelau" : "Tokelau", "Timor-Leste" : "Oos-Timor", "Turkmenistan" : "Turkmenië", "Tunisia" : "Tunisië", "Tonga" : "Tonga", "Turkey" : "Turkye", "Trinidad and Tobago" : "Trinidad en Tobago", "Tuvalu" : "Tuvalu", "Taiwan" : "Taiwan", "Tanzania" : "Tanzanië", "Ukraine" : "Oekraïne", "Uganda" : "Uganda", "United States Minor Outlying Islands" : "Klein Afgeleë Eilande van die Verenigde State van Amerika", "United States" : "Verenigde State", "Uruguay" : "Uruguay", "Uzbekistan" : "Oesbekistan", "Holy See" : "Vatikaanstad", "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines" : "Sint Vincent en die Grenadine", "Venezuela" : "Venezuela", "Virgin Islands (British)" : "Maagde-eilande (Brits)", "Virgin Islands (U.S.)" : "Maagde-eilande (V.S.)", "Vietnam" : "Viëtnam", "Vanuatu" : "Vanuatu", "Wallis and Futuna" : "Wallis en Futuna", "Samoa" : "Samoa", "Yemen" : "Jemen", "Mayotte" : "Mayotte", "South Africa" : "Suid-Afrika", "Zambia" : "Zambië", "Zimbabwe" : "Zimbabwe", "Where is your data?" : "Waar is u data?", "Who has access to your data?" : "Wie het toegang tot u data?", "Privacy policy" : "Privaatheidsbeleid", "Read the privacy policy." : "Lees die privaatheidsbeleid.", "Encryption" : "Enkripsie" }, "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");