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github.com/nextcloud/richdocuments.git - Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
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authorThomas Müller <thomas.mueller@tmit.eu>2016-06-21 13:07:46 +0300
committerThomas Müller <thomas.mueller@tmit.eu>2016-06-21 13:09:31 +0300
commit9a4b72711c2b95fa317ca57c82578b798c4d8a9f (patch)
tree51873494946dcf0354594aed6c31258382bcb00e /l10n/ast.js
parente70043c361f15a892e15857e65ccfef0fad2519f (diff)
remove old transifex code
Diffstat (limited to 'l10n/ast.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 126 deletions
diff --git a/l10n/ast.js b/l10n/ast.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 21d81671..00000000
--- a/l10n/ast.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
- "documents",
- {
- "Documents" : "Documentos",
- "Can't create document" : "Nun pue crease'l documentu",
- "You don't have permission to rename this document" : "Nun tienes permisu pa camudar de nome a esti documentu",
- "Directory saved successfully." : "El direutoriu guardóse correchamente.",
- "An error occurred while changing directory." : "Asocedió un fallu cuando se camudaba'l direutoriu.",
- "Saved" : "Guardáu",
- "Format filter server is down or misconfigured" : "El sirvidor de filtru de formatu cayó o ta mal configuráu",
- "Conversion failed. Check log for details." : "Conversión fallida. Comprueba'l rexistru pa detalles.",
- "Saving..." : "Guardando...",
- "Failed to load documents." : "Fallu al cargar los documentos.",
- "No documents were found. Upload or create a document to get started!" : "Nun s'alcontrarón documentos. ¡Xubi o crea un documentu pa entamar!",
- "No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." : "Nun hai conexón col sirvidor. Intentando reconeutar.",
- "Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." : "Si dexes esta páxina nel mou d'edición, pue ser que nun se guarden dalgunos datos. Ye preferible usar el botón «Zarrar».",
- "Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." : "Nun pudo cargase'l documentu. Comprueba si pues abrilu con un editor de ficheros ODT esternu. Tamién pue ser que yá nun se comparta o se desaniciara de recién.",
- "Save" : "Guardar",
- "Loading documents..." : "Cargando los documentos...",
- "'.' is an invalid file name." : "'.' nun ye un nome de ficheru válidu.",
- "File name cannot be empty." : "El nome de ficheru nun pue quedar baleru.",
- "Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." : "Nome inválidu, los caráuteres \"\\\", \"/\", \"<\", \">\", \":\", \"\", \"|\" \"?\" y \"*\" nun tán permitíos.",
- "Align Left" : "Alliniar a la esquierda",
- "Alignment" : "Alliniación",
- "Align Right" : "Alliniar a la derecha",
- "Annotate" : "Anotar",
- "Background" : "Fondu",
- "Bold" : "Negrina",
- "Bottom" : "Inferior",
- "Cancel" : "Encaboxar",
- "Center" : "Centráu",
- "Clone" : "Clonar",
- "Clone this Style" : "Clonar esti estilu",
- "Close" : "Zarrar",
- "Color" : "Color",
- "Create" : "Crear",
- "Decrease Indent" : "Amenorgar sangría",
- "Default Style" : "Estilu por defeutu",
- "Delete" : "Desaniciar",
- "Family" : "Familia",
- "Font" : "Fonte",
- "Font Effects" : "Efeutos de fonte",
- "Format" : "Formatu",
- "Increase Indent" : "Aumentar sangría",
- "Insert Image" : "Inxertar una imaxe",
- "Invite Members" : "Invitar a miembros",
- "Italic" : "Cursiva",
- "Justified" : "Xustificáu",
- "Justify" : "Xustificar",
- "Left" : "Esquierda",
- "Loading" : "Cargando",
- "Members" : "Miembros",
- "New Name:" : "Nome nuevu:",
- "OK" : "Aceutar",
- "Open" : "Abrir",
- "Options" : "Opciones",
- "Paragraph..." : "Párrafu...",
- "Paragraph Styles" : "Estilos de párrafu",
- "Redo" : "Refacer",
- "Right" : "Derechu",
- "Size" : "Tamañu",
- "Spacing" : "Espaciamientu",
- "Strikethrough" : "Tacháu",
- "Style" : "Estilu",
- "Text" : "Testu",
- "Top" : "Superior",
- "Underline" : "Solliñáu",
- "Undo" : "Desfacer",
- "Unknown Author" : "Autor desconocíu",
- "Shared" : "Compartíu",
- "Error" : "Fallu",
- "Error while sharing" : "Fallu mientres la compartición",
- "Error while unsharing" : "Fallu mientres se dexaba de compartir",
- "Error while changing permissions" : "Fallu mientres camudaben los permisos",
- "Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" : "Compartíu contigo y col grupu {group} por {owner}",
- "Shared with you by {owner}" : "Compartíu contigo por {owner}",
- "Share" : "Compartir",
- "Share link" : "Compartir enllaz",
- "The public link will expire no later than {days} days after it is created" : "L'enllaz públicu va caducar enantes de {days} díes dende la so creación",
- "Password protect" : "Protexer con contraseña",
- "Password" : "Contraseña",
- "Choose a password for the public link" : "Escueyi una contraseña pal enllaz públicu",
- "Email link to person" : "Enllaz de corréu-e a la persona",
- "Send" : "Unviar",
- "Set expiration date" : "Afitar la data de caducidá",
- "Expiration" : "Caducidá",
- "Expiration date" : "Data de caducidá",
- "group" : "grupu",
- "Resharing is not allowed" : "Recompartir nun ta permitíu",
- "Shared in {item} with {user}" : "Compartíu en {item} con {user}",
- "Unshare" : "Dexar de compartir",
- "notify by email" : "notificar per corréu",
- "can share" : "pue compartir",
- "can edit" : "pue editar",
- "access control" : "control d'accesu",
- "create" : "crear",
- "delete" : "desaniciar",
- "Password protected" : "Contraseña protexida",
- "Error unsetting expiration date" : "Fallu desafitando la data de caducidá",
- "Error setting expiration date" : "Fallu afitando la fecha de caducidá",
- "Sending ..." : "Unviando ...",
- "Email sent" : "Corréu-e unviáu",
- "Warning" : "Avisu",
- "Edit" : "Editar",
- "guest" : "invitáu",
- "MS Word support (requires openOffice/libreOffice)" : "Sofitu de MS Word (requier openOffice/libreOffice)",
- "Local" : "Llocal",
- "openOffice/libreOffice is installed on this server. Path to binary is provided via preview_libreoffice_path in config.php" : "openOffice/libreOffice ta instaláu nesti sirvidor. El camín pal binariu apúrrese per preview_libreoffice_path en config.php",
- "External" : "Esternu",
- "openOffice/libreOffice is installed on external server running a format filter server" : "openOffice/libreOffice ta instaláu nun sirvidor esternu executando un sirvidor de filtráu de formatu",
- "Disabled" : "Deshabilitáu",
- "No MS Word support" : "Nun esiste sofitu pa MS Word",
- "scheme://domain.tld[:port]" : "scheme://domain.tld[:port]",
- "Server URL" : "URL del sirvidor",
- "Apply and test" : "Aplicar y comprobar",
- "New document" : "Documentu nuevu",
- "Upload (max. %s)" : "Xuba (máx. %s)",
- "Upload" : "Xubir",
- "Save new documents to" : "Guardar documentos nuevos en",
- "Wrong password. Please retry." : "Contraseña incorreuta. Inténtalo de nueves.",
- "Guest %s" : "Invitáu %s",
- "This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." : "Esti enllaz caducó o enxamás esistió. Pa más detalles, contauta cola persona que lu compartió contigo.",
- "Advanced feature-set" : "Carauterístiques avanzaes",
- "(Unstable)" : "(Inestable)"
-"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");