{ "Title": "PIN for passwordless WebAuthn is asked for but not verified", "Timestamp": 1598356800, "Risk": 1, "CVSS3": { "score": 4.3, "vector": "AV:P/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:L/I:L/A:L" }, "CWE": { "id": 287, "name": "Improper Authentication - Generic" }, "HackerOne": 924393, "Affected":[ { "Version":"19.0.2", "CVE":"CVE-2020-8236", "Operator":"<" } ], "Description":"A wrong configuration in Nextcloud Server 19.0.1 incorrectly made the user feel the passwordless WebAuthn is also a two factor verification by asking for the PIN of the passwordless WebAuthn but not verifying it.", "ActionTaken": "The error has been fixed.", "Acknowledgment":[ { "Name": "Dominik Schürmann", "Mail": "contact@cotech.de", "Company": "COTECH", "Website": "https://www.cotech.de/", "Reason": "Vulnerability discovery and disclosure." } ], "Resolution": "It is recommended that the Nextcloud Server is upgraded to 19.0.2." }