--- title: Capabilities --- ## 3.0 (Initial Talk release) * `audio` - audio is supported * `video` - video + screensharing is supported * `chat` - simple text chat is supported, superseded by `chat-v2` ## 3.1 * `guest-signaling` - Guests can do signaling via api endpoints * `empty-group-room` - Group conversations can be created without inviting a Nextcloud user group by default ## 3.2 * `guest-display-names` - Display names of guests are stored in the database, can be set via API (not WebRTC only) and are used on returned comments/participants/etc. * `multi-room-users` - Users can be in multiple conversations at the same time now, therefor signaling now also requires the conversation token on the URL. * `chat-v2` - Chat messages are now [Rich Object Strings](https://github.com/nextcloud/server/issues/1706) and pagination is available, the previous `chat` is not available anymore. ## 4.0 * `favorites` - Conversations can be marked as favorites which will pin them to the top of the conversation list. * `last-room-activity` - Conversations have the `lastActivity` attribute and should be sorted by that instead of the last ping of the user. * `no-ping` - The ping endpoint has been removed. Ping is updated with a call to fetch the signaling or chat messages instead. * `system-messages` - Chat messages have a `systemMessage` attribute and can be generated by the system * `mention-flag` - The conversation list populates the boolean `unreadMention` when the user was mentioned since their last visit * `in-call-flags` - A new flag `participantFlags` has been introduced and is replacing the `participantInCall` boolean. ## 5.0 * `invite-by-mail` - *Replaced by `invite-groups-and-mails`* Guests can be invited with their email address * `notification-levels` - Users can select when they want to be notified in conversations * `invite-groups-and-mails` - Groups can be added to existing conversations via the add participant endpoint ## 6.0 * `locked-one-to-one-rooms` - One-to-one conversations are now locked to the users. Neither guests nor other participants can be added, so the options to do that should be hidden as well. Also a user can only leave a one-to-one conversation (not delete). It will be deleted when the other participant left too. If the other participant posts a new chat message or starts a call, the left-participant will be re-added. * `read-only-rooms` - Conversations can be in `read-only` mode which means people can not do calls or write chat messages. ## 7.0 * `chat-read-marker` - The chat can be optionally marked read by clients manually, independent from the loading of the chat messages. * `webinary-lobby` - See [Webinary management](webinar.md) for technical details. * `start-call-flag` - Only moderators or users might be able to start calls. * `config => chat => max-length` - Maximum length of chat messages ## 8.0 * `chat-replies` - Normal chat messages can now be replied to. Check the `isReplyable` parameter on the message object. * `circles-support` - Conversations can be created for circles and all circle members can be added to existing conversations ## 9.0 * `config => attachments => allowed` - Whether the user can upload files into a chat * `config => attachments => folder` - User defined folder where items should be uploaded to * `config => conversations => can-create` - Whether the user can create public and group conversations, if not only one-to-one conversations are allowed * `force-mute` - "forceMute" signaling messages can be sent to mute other participants. * `conversation-v2` - ~~The conversations API v2 is less load heavy and should be used by clients when available. Check the difference in the [Conversation API documentation](conversation.md).~~ Replaced by API v4 when `conversation-v4` is set. * `chat-reference-id` - an optional referenceId can be sent with a chat message to be able to identify it in parallel get requests to earlier fade out a temporary message ## 10.1 * `conversation-v3` - ~~Whether conversations API v3 is available~~ Replaced by API v4 when `conversation-v4` is set. * `sip-support` - Whether SIP can be configured and enabled by moderators. The conversations API will come with some new values `sipEnabled` which signals whether this conversation has SIP configured as well as `canEnableSIP` to see if a user can enable it. When it is enabled `attendeePin` will contain the unique dial-in code for this user. ## 11.0 * `chat-read-status` - On conversation API v3 and the chat API the last common read message is exposed which can be used to update the "read status" flag of own chat messages. The info should be shown only when the user also shares their read status. The user's value can be found in `config => chat => read-privacy`. * `listable-rooms` - Conversations can searched for even when not joined. A "listable" attribute set on rooms defines the scope of who can find it. * `phonebook-search` - Is present when the server has the endpoint to search for phone numbers to find matches in the accounts list * `raise-hand` - Participants can raise or lower hand, the state change is sent through signaling messages. * `room-description` - A description can be get and set for conversations. * `config => chat => read-privacy` - See `chat-read-status` * `config => previews => max-gif-size` - Maximum size in bytes below which a GIF can be embedded directly in the page at render time. Bigger files will be rendered statically using the preview endpoint instead. Can be set with `occ config:app:set spreed max-gif-size --value=X` where X is the new value in bytes. Defaults to 3 MB. ## 11.1 * `delete-messages` - Allows to delete chat messages up to 6 hours for your own messages or when being a moderator. On deleting the message text will be replaced and a follow up system message will make sure clients and users update it in their cache and storage. * `rich-object-sharing` - Rich objects can be shared to chats. See [OCP\RichObjectStrings\Definitions](https://github.com/nextcloud/server/blob/master/lib/public/RichObjectStrings/Definitions.php) for more details on supported rich objects and required data. * `conversation-call-flags` - Whether the room api provides the `callFlag` to tell apart video and audio calls * `temp-user-avatar-api` - Whether a temporary api is available to allow users to upload an avatar to their profile via an OCS endpoint. ## 12.0 * `conversation-v4` - Whether conversations API v4 is available. This also means that v1, v2 and v3 are **not** available anymore. The changes on API v4 allow a user to have multiple sessions in the same conversation on different devices which is incompatible with the data structure that was used by the previous APIs. * `signaling-v3` - Whether signaling API v3 is available. This also means that v1 and v2 are **not** available anymore. The TURN and STUN server data is now returning all defined servers instead of a random one. Multiple entries for the same server are combined and using the urls array correctly now. * `geo-location-sharing` - Whether the `geo-location` rich object is defined and can be shared to the rich-object sharing endpoint. * `voice-message-sharing` - Shared files can be flagged as voice messages and are then presented differently in the interface * `publishing-permissions` - Whether the publishing permissions can be set for the attendees. ## 12.1 * `clear-history` - Whether chat API has the endpoint so moderators can clear the complete history of a chat ## 13 * `direct-mention-flag` - The conversation list populates the boolean `unreadMentionDirect` when the user was mentioned directly (ignoring @all mentions) since their last visit * `notification-calls` - Whether the API to opt out of call notifications is available * `conversation-permissions` - Whether the default and custom permissions can be set for attendees. ## 14 * `chat-unread` - Whether the API to mark a conversation as unread is available * `reactions` - Api reactions to chat message * `rich-object-list-media` - When the API to get the chat messages for shared media is available * `rich-object-delete` - When the API allows to delete chat messages which are file or rich object shares ## 15 * `unified-search` - When the extended attributes of unified search results are there * `chat-permission` - When permission 128 is required to post chat messages, reaction or share items to the conversation * `silent-send` - Whether the chat API allows to send chat messages without triggering notifications * `message-expiration` - Message expiration time for a conversation * `sip-support-nopin` - Whether SIP can be configured to not require a custom attendee PIN * `send-call-notification` - When the API allows to resend call notifications for individual users that did not join yet * `silent-call` - Allow to start calls without sending notification * `config => call => enabled` - Whether calling is enabled on the instance or not * `config => signaling => session-ping-limit` - Number of sessions the HPB is allowed to ping in the same request