. * */ namespace OCA\Talk\Controller; use OCA\Talk\Chat\AutoComplete\SearchPlugin; use OCA\Talk\Chat\AutoComplete\Sorter; use OCA\Talk\Chat\ChatManager; use OCA\Talk\Chat\MessageParser; use OCA\Talk\GuestManager; use OCA\Talk\Model\Message; use OCA\Talk\Room; use OCA\Talk\TalkSession; use OCP\AppFramework\Http; use OCP\AppFramework\Http\DataResponse; use OCP\AppFramework\Utility\ITimeFactory; use OCP\Collaboration\AutoComplete\IManager; use OCP\Collaboration\Collaborators\ISearchResult; use OCP\Comments\IComment; use OCP\Comments\MessageTooLongException; use OCP\Comments\NotFoundException; use OCP\IL10N; use OCP\IRequest; use OCP\IUserManager; class ChatController extends AEnvironmentAwareController { /** @var string */ private $userId; /** @var IUserManager */ private $userManager; /** @var TalkSession */ private $session; /** @var ChatManager */ private $chatManager; /** @var GuestManager */ private $guestManager; /** @var string[] */ protected $guestNames; /** @var MessageParser */ private $messageParser; /** @var IManager */ private $autoCompleteManager; /** @var SearchPlugin */ private $searchPlugin; /** @var ISearchResult */ private $searchResult; /** @var IL10N */ private $l; /** @var ITimeFactory */ protected $timeFactory; public function __construct(string $appName, ?string $UserId, IRequest $request, IUserManager $userManager, TalkSession $session, ChatManager $chatManager, GuestManager $guestManager, MessageParser $messageParser, IManager $autoCompleteManager, SearchPlugin $searchPlugin, ISearchResult $searchResult, ITimeFactory $timeFactory, IL10N $l) { parent::__construct($appName, $request); $this->userId = $UserId; $this->userManager = $userManager; $this->session = $session; $this->chatManager = $chatManager; $this->guestManager = $guestManager; $this->messageParser = $messageParser; $this->autoCompleteManager = $autoCompleteManager; $this->searchPlugin = $searchPlugin; $this->searchResult = $searchResult; $this->timeFactory = $timeFactory; $this->l = $l; } /** * @PublicPage * @RequireParticipant * @RequireReadWriteConversation * @RequireModeratorOrNoLobby * * Sends a new chat message to the given room. * * The author and timestamp are automatically set to the current user/guest * and time. * * @param string $message the message to send * @param string $actorDisplayName for guests * @param int $replyTo Parent id which this message is a reply to * @return DataResponse the status code is "201 Created" if successful, and * "404 Not found" if the room or session for a guest user was not * found". */ public function sendMessage(string $message, string $actorDisplayName = '', int $replyTo = 0): DataResponse { if ($this->userId === null) { $actorType = 'guests'; $sessionId = $this->session->getSessionForRoom($this->room->getToken()); // The character limit for actorId is 64, but the spreed-session is // 256 characters long, so it has to be hashed to get an ID that // fits (except if there is no session, as the actorId should be // empty in that case but sha1('') would generate a hash too // instead of returning an empty string). $actorId = $sessionId ? sha1($sessionId) : 'failed-to-get-session'; if ($sessionId && $actorDisplayName) { $this->guestManager->updateName($this->room, $this->participant, $actorDisplayName); } } else { $actorType = 'users'; $actorId = $this->userId; } if (!$actorId) { return new DataResponse([], Http::STATUS_NOT_FOUND); } $parent = $parentMessage = null; if ($replyTo !== 0) { try { $parent = $this->chatManager->getParentComment($this->room, (string) $replyTo); } catch (NotFoundException $e) { // Someone is trying to reply cross-rooms or to a non-existing message return new DataResponse([], Http::STATUS_BAD_REQUEST); } $parentMessage = $this->messageParser->createMessage($this->room, $this->participant, $parent, $this->l); $this->messageParser->parseMessage($parentMessage); if (!$parentMessage->isReplyable()) { return new DataResponse([], Http::STATUS_BAD_REQUEST); } } $this->room->ensureOneToOneRoomIsFilled(); $creationDateTime = $this->timeFactory->getDateTime('now', new \DateTimeZone('UTC')); try { $comment = $this->chatManager->sendMessage($this->room, $this->participant, $actorType, $actorId, $message, $creationDateTime, $parent); } catch (MessageTooLongException $e) { return new DataResponse([], Http::STATUS_REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE); } catch (\Exception $e) { return new DataResponse([], Http::STATUS_BAD_REQUEST); } $chatMessage = $this->messageParser->createMessage($this->room, $this->participant, $comment, $this->l); $this->messageParser->parseMessage($chatMessage); if (!$chatMessage->getVisibility()) { return new DataResponse([], Http::STATUS_CREATED); } $data = $chatMessage->toArray(); if ($parentMessage instanceof Message) { $data['parent'] = $parentMessage->toArray(); } return new DataResponse($data, Http::STATUS_CREATED); } /** * @PublicPage * @RequireParticipant * @RequireModeratorOrNoLobby * * Receives chat messages from the given room. * * - Receiving the history ($lookIntoFuture=0): * The next $limit messages after $lastKnownMessageId will be returned. * The new $lastKnownMessageId for the follow up query is available as * `X-Chat-Last-Given` header. * * - Looking into the future ($lookIntoFuture=1): * If there are currently no messages the response will not be sent * immediately. Instead, HTTP connection will be kept open waiting for new * messages to arrive and, when they do, then the response will be sent. The * connection will not be kept open indefinitely, though; the number of * seconds to wait for new messages to arrive can be set using the timeout * parameter; the default timeout is 30 seconds, maximum timeout is 60 * seconds. If the timeout ends a successful but empty response will be * sent. * If messages have been returned (status=200) the new $lastKnownMessageId * for the follow up query is available as `X-Chat-Last-Given` header. * * The limit specifies the maximum number of messages that will be returned, * although the actual number of returned messages could be lower if some * messages are not visible to the participant. Note that if none of the * messages are visible to the participant the returned number of messages * will be 0, yet the status will still be 200. Also note that * `X-Chat-Last-Given` may reference a message not visible and thus not * returned, but it should be used nevertheless as the $lastKnownMessageId * for the follow up query. * * @param int $lookIntoFuture Polling for new messages (1) or getting the history of the chat (0) * @param int $limit Number of chat messages to receive (100 by default, 200 at most) * @param int $lastKnownMessageId The last known message (serves as offset) * @param int $timeout Number of seconds to wait for new messages (30 by default, 30 at most) * @param int $setReadMarker Automatically set the last read marker when 1, * if your client does this itself via chat/{token}/read set to 0 * @param int $includeLastKnown Include the $lastKnownMessageId in the messages when 1 (default 0) * @return DataResponse an array of chat messages, "404 Not found" if the * room token was not valid or "304 Not modified" if there were no messages; * each chat message is an array with * fields 'id', 'token', 'actorType', 'actorId', * 'actorDisplayName', 'timestamp' (in seconds and UTC timezone) and * 'message'. */ public function receiveMessages(int $lookIntoFuture, int $limit = 100, int $lastKnownMessageId = 0, int $timeout = 30, int $setReadMarker = 1, int $includeLastKnown = 0): DataResponse { $limit = min(200, $limit); $timeout = min(30, $timeout); if ($this->participant->getSessionId() !== '0') { $this->room->ping($this->participant->getUser(), $this->participant->getSessionId(), $this->timeFactory->getTime()); } /** * Automatic last read message marking for old clients * This is pretty dumb and does not give the best and native feeling * you are used to from other chat apps. The clients should manually * set the read marker depending on the view port of the set of messages. * * We are only setting it automatically here for old clients and the * web UI, until it can be fixed in Vue. To not use too much broken data, * we only update the read marker to the last known id, when it is higher * then the current read marker. */ if ($lookIntoFuture && $setReadMarker === 1 && $lastKnownMessageId > $this->participant->getLastReadMessage()) { $this->participant->setLastReadMessage($lastKnownMessageId); } $currentUser = $this->userManager->get($this->userId); if ($lookIntoFuture) { $comments = $this->chatManager->waitForNewMessages($this->room, $lastKnownMessageId, $limit, $timeout, $currentUser, (bool) $includeLastKnown); } else { $comments = $this->chatManager->getHistory($this->room, $lastKnownMessageId, $limit, (bool) $includeLastKnown); } if (empty($comments)) { return new DataResponse([], Http::STATUS_NOT_MODIFIED); } $i = 0; $messages = $commentIdToIndex = $parentIds = []; foreach ($comments as $comment) { $id = (int) $comment->getId(); $message = $this->messageParser->createMessage($this->room, $this->participant, $comment, $this->l); $this->messageParser->parseMessage($message); if (!$message->getVisibility()) { $commentIdToIndex[$id] = null; continue; } if ($comment->getParentId() !== '0') { $parentIds[$id] = $comment->getParentId(); } $messages[] = $message->toArray(); $commentIdToIndex[$id] = $i; $i++; } /** * Set the parent for reply-messages */ $loadedParents = []; foreach ($parentIds as $commentId => $parentId) { $commentKey = $commentIdToIndex[$commentId]; // Parent is already parsed in the message list if (!empty($commentIdToIndex[$parentId])) { $parentKey = $commentIdToIndex[$parentId]; $messages[$commentKey]['parent'] = $messages[$parentKey]; // We don't show nested parents… unset($messages[$commentKey]['parent']['parent']); continue; } // Parent was already loaded manually for another comment if (!empty($loadedParents[$parentId])) { $messages[$commentKey]['parent'] = $loadedParents[$parentId]; continue; } // Parent was not skipped due to visibility, so we need to manually grab it. if (!isset($commentIdToIndex[$parentId])) { try { $comment = $this->chatManager->getParentComment($this->room, $parentId); $message = $this->messageParser->createMessage($this->room, $this->participant, $comment, $this->l); $this->messageParser->parseMessage($message); if ($message->getVisibility()) { $loadedParents[$parentId] = $message->toArray(); $messages[$commentKey]['parent'] = $loadedParents[$parentId]; continue; } $loadedParents[$parentId] = [ 'id' => $parentId, 'deleted' => true, ]; } catch (NotFoundException $e) { } } // Message is not visible to the user $messages[$commentKey]['parent'] = [ 'id' => $parentId, 'deleted' => true, ]; } $response = new DataResponse($messages, Http::STATUS_OK); $newLastKnown = end($comments); if ($newLastKnown instanceof IComment) { $response->addHeader('X-Chat-Last-Given', $newLastKnown->getId()); /** * This false set the read marker on new messages although you * navigated away to a different chat already. So we removed this * and instead update the read marker before your next waiting. * So when you are still there, it will just have a wrong read * marker for the time until your next request starts, while it will * not update the value, when you actually left the chat already. if ($setReadMarker === 1 && $lookIntoFuture) { $this->participant->setLastReadMessage((int) $newLastKnown->getId()); } */ } return $response; } /** * @NoAdminRequired * @RequireParticipant * * @param int $lastReadMessage * @return DataResponse */ public function setReadMarker(int $lastReadMessage): DataResponse { $this->participant->setLastReadMessage($lastReadMessage); return new DataResponse(); } /** * @PublicPage * @RequireParticipant * @RequireReadWriteConversation * @RequireModeratorOrNoLobby * * @param string $search * @param int $limit * @return DataResponse */ public function mentions(string $search, int $limit = 20): DataResponse { $this->searchPlugin->setContext([ 'itemType' => 'chat', 'itemId' => $this->room->getId(), 'room' => $this->room, ]); $this->searchPlugin->search($search, $limit, 0, $this->searchResult); $results = $this->searchResult->asArray(); $exactMatches = $results['exact']; unset($results['exact']); $results = array_merge_recursive($exactMatches, $results); $this->autoCompleteManager->registerSorter(Sorter::class); $this->autoCompleteManager->runSorters(['talk_chat_participants'], $results, [ 'itemType' => 'chat', 'itemId' => (string) $this->room->getId(), 'search' => $search, ]); $results = $this->prepareResultArray($results); $roomDisplayName = $this->room->getDisplayName($this->participant->getUser()); if (($search === '' || strpos('all', $search) !== false || stripos($roomDisplayName, $search) !== false) && $this->room->getType() !== Room::ONE_TO_ONE_CALL) { if ($search === '' || stripos($roomDisplayName, $search) === 0 || strpos('all', $search) === 0) { array_unshift($results, [ 'id' => 'all', 'label' => $roomDisplayName, 'source' => 'calls', ]); } else { $results[] = [ 'id' => 'all', 'label' => $roomDisplayName, 'source' => 'calls', ]; } } return new DataResponse($results); } protected function prepareResultArray(array $results): array { $output = []; foreach ($results as $type => $subResult) { foreach ($subResult as $result) { $output[] = [ 'id' => $result['value']['shareWith'], 'label' => $result['label'], 'source' => $type, ]; } } return $output; } }