. * */ namespace OCA\Talk\Files; use OCA\Talk\Events\JoinRoomGuestEvent; use OCA\Talk\Events\JoinRoomUserEvent; use OCA\Talk\Exceptions\ParticipantNotFoundException; use OCA\Talk\Exceptions\UnauthorizedException; use OCA\Talk\Model\Attendee; use OCA\Talk\Room; use OCA\Talk\Service\ParticipantService; use OCA\Talk\TalkSession; use OCP\EventDispatcher\IEventDispatcher; use OCP\IUserManager; use OCP\Server; /** * Custom behaviour for rooms for files. * * The rooms for files are intended to give the users a way to talk about a * specific shared file, for example, when collaboratively editing it. The room * is persistent and can be accessed simultaneously by any user or guest if the * file is publicly shared (link share, for example), or by any user with direct * access (user, group, circle and room share, but not link share, for example) * to that file (or to an ancestor). The room has no owner, although self joined * users with direct access become persistent participants automatically when * they join until they explicitly leave or no longer have access to the file. * * These rooms are associated to a "file" object, and their custom behaviour is * provided by calling the methods of this class as a response to different room * events. */ class Listener { protected Util $util; protected ParticipantService $participantService; protected IUserManager $userManager; protected TalkSession $talkSession; public function __construct(Util $util, ParticipantService $participantService, IUserManager $userManager, TalkSession $talkSession) { $this->util = $util; $this->participantService = $participantService; $this->userManager = $userManager; $this->talkSession = $talkSession; } public static function register(IEventDispatcher $dispatcher): void { $listener = static function (JoinRoomUserEvent $event): void { $listener = Server::get(self::class); try { $listener->preventUsersWithoutAccessToTheFileFromJoining($event->getRoom(), $event->getUser()->getUID()); $listener->addUserAsPersistentParticipant($event->getRoom(), $event->getUser()->getUID()); } catch (UnauthorizedException $e) { $event->setCancelJoin(true); } }; $dispatcher->addListener(Room::EVENT_BEFORE_ROOM_CONNECT, $listener); $listener = static function (JoinRoomGuestEvent $event): void { $listener = Server::get(self::class); try { $listener->preventGuestsFromJoiningIfNotPubliclyAccessible($event->getRoom()); } catch (UnauthorizedException $e) { $event->setCancelJoin(true); } }; $dispatcher->addListener(Room::EVENT_BEFORE_GUEST_CONNECT, $listener); } /** * Prevents users from joining if they do not have access to the file. * * A user has access to the file if the file is publicly accessible (through * a link share, for example) or if the user has direct access to it. * * A user has direct access to a file if she received the file (or an * ancestor) through a user, group, circle or room share (but not through a * link share, for example), or if she is the owner of such a file. * * This method should be called before a user joins a room. * * @param Room $room * @param string $userId * @throws UnauthorizedException */ public function preventUsersWithoutAccessToTheFileFromJoining(Room $room, string $userId): void { if ($room->getObjectType() !== 'file') { return; } // If a guest can access the file then any user can too. $shareToken = $this->talkSession->getFileShareTokenForRoom($room->getToken()); if ($shareToken && $this->util->canGuestAccessFile($shareToken)) { return; } $node = $this->util->getAnyNodeOfFileAccessibleByUser($room->getObjectId(), $userId); if ($node === null) { throw new UnauthorizedException('User does not have access to the file'); } } /** * Add user as a persistent participant of a file room. * * Only users with direct access to the file are added as persistent * participants of the room. * * This method should be called before a user joins a room, but only if the * user should be able to join the room. * * @param Room $room * @param string $userId */ public function addUserAsPersistentParticipant(Room $room, string $userId): void { if ($room->getObjectType() !== 'file') { return; } if ($this->util->getAnyNodeOfFileAccessibleByUser($room->getObjectId(), $userId) === null) { return; } try { $room->getParticipant($userId, false); } catch (ParticipantNotFoundException $e) { $user = $this->userManager->get($userId); $this->participantService->addUsers($room, [[ 'actorType' => Attendee::ACTOR_USERS, 'actorId' => $userId, 'displayName' => $user ? $user->getDisplayName() : $userId, ]]); } } /** * Prevents guests from joining the room if it is not publicly accessible. * * This method should be called before a guest joins a room. * * @param Room $room * @throws UnauthorizedException */ protected function preventGuestsFromJoiningIfNotPubliclyAccessible(Room $room): void { if ($room->getObjectType() !== 'file') { return; } $shareToken = $this->talkSession->getFileShareTokenForRoom($room->getToken()); if ($shareToken && $this->util->canGuestAccessFile($shareToken)) { return; } throw new UnauthorizedException('Guests are not allowed in this room'); } }