🔒🔍 strengthify ================ Combine jQuery and zxcvbn to create a password strength meter. ![Examples](examples.png) How to use ---------- As of 0.5.0, the wrapper will be automatically added beneath the target input field Add `jquery` (tested with 1.10.0), `jquery.strengthify.js` and `strengthify.css` to your document. If using the message option, include bootstrap. If using the titles option, include bootstrap's `tooltip.js`, ```HTML ``` Because [zxcvbn](https://github.com/dropbox/zxcvbn) is really heavyweight, it will be loaded asynchronously from `zxcvbn/zxcvbn.js`. This can however be configured with an optional parameter. Then call `.strengthify` on the password input field. ```JavaScript $('#password-field').strengthify() ``` That's it. Now the password strength meter will be updated after each keystroke. Configuration ------------- The path and the title of the different strength categories can be configured with the first parameter of `.strengthify`.
an array of strings that zxcvbn will treat as an extra dictionary
pop-up text (above)
detailed message beneath input
password strength color progression bars beneath input
element after which the strengthify element should be inserted
a nonce that is added to the `