/* * @copyright Copyright (c) 2019 Julius Härtl * * @author Julius Härtl * * @license GNU AGPL version 3 or any later version * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ import { openMimetypes } from './mime' import RichWorkspace from '../views/RichWorkspace' import { imagePath } from '@nextcloud/router' const FILE_ACTION_IDENTIFIER = 'Edit with text app' const optimalPath = function(from, to) { const current = from.split('/') const target = to.split('/') current.pop() // ignore filename while (current[0] === target[0]) { current.shift() target.shift() } const relativePath = current.fill('..').concat(target) const absolutePath = to.split('/') return relativePath.length < absolutePath.length ? relativePath.join('/') : to } const registerFileCreate = () => { const newFileMenuPlugin = { attach(menu) { const fileList = menu.fileList // only attach to main file list, public view is not supported yet if (fileList.id !== 'files' && fileList.id !== 'files.public') { return } // register the new menu entry menu.addMenuEntry({ id: 'file', displayName: t('text', 'New text document'), templateName: t('text', 'New text document') + '.md', iconClass: 'icon-filetype-text', fileType: 'file', actionHandler(name) { fileList.createFile(name).then(function(status, data) { const fileInfoModel = new OCA.Files.FileInfoModel(data) if (typeof OCA.Viewer !== 'undefined') { OCA.Files.fileActions.triggerAction('view', fileInfoModel, fileList) } else if (typeof OCA.Viewer === 'undefined') { OCA.Files.fileActions.triggerAction(FILE_ACTION_IDENTIFIER, fileInfoModel, fileList) } }) }, }) }, } OC.Plugins.register('OCA.Files.NewFileMenu', newFileMenuPlugin) } const registerFileActionFallback = () => { const sharingToken = document.getElementById('sharingToken') ? document.getElementById('sharingToken').value : null const dir = document.getElementById('dir').value if (!sharingToken || dir !== '') { const ViewerRoot = document.createElement('div') ViewerRoot.id = 'text-viewer-fallback' document.body.appendChild(ViewerRoot) const registerAction = (mime) => OCA.Files.fileActions.register( mime, FILE_ACTION_IDENTIFIER, OC.PERMISSION_UPDATE | OC.PERMISSION_READ, imagePath('core', 'actions/rename'), (filename) => { const file = window.FileList.findFile(filename) Promise.all([ import('vue'), import(/* webpackChunkName: "files-modal" */'./../components/PublicFilesEditor'), ]).then((imports) => { const path = window.FileList.getCurrentDirectory() + '/' + filename const Vue = imports[0].default Vue.prototype.t = window.t Vue.prototype.n = window.n Vue.prototype.OCA = window.OCA const Editor = imports[1].default const vm = new Vue({ render: h => h(Editor, { props: { fileId: file ? file.id : null, active: true, shareToken: sharingToken, relativePath: path, mimeType: file.mimetype, }, }), }) vm.$mount(ViewerRoot) }) }, t('text', 'Edit') ) for (let i = 0; i < openMimetypes.length; i++) { registerAction(openMimetypes[i]) OCA.Files.fileActions.setDefault(openMimetypes[i], FILE_ACTION_IDENTIFIER) } } } const FilesWorkspacePlugin = { el: null, attach(fileList) { if (fileList.id !== 'files' && fileList.id !== 'files.public') { return } this.el = document.createElement('div') fileList.registerHeader({ id: 'workspace', el: this.el, render: this.render.bind(this), priority: 10, }) }, render(fileList) { if (fileList.id !== 'files' && fileList.id !== 'files.public') { return } import('vue').then((module) => { const Vue = module.default this.el.id = 'files-workspace-wrapper' Vue.prototype.t = window.t Vue.prototype.n = window.n Vue.prototype.OCA = window.OCA const View = Vue.extend(RichWorkspace) const vm = new View({ propsData: { path: fileList.getCurrentDirectory(), }, }).$mount(this.el) fileList.$el.on('changeDirectory', data => { vm.path = data.dir.toString() }) }) }, } export { optimalPath, registerFileActionFallback, registerFileCreate, FilesWorkspacePlugin, FILE_ACTION_IDENTIFIER, }