# Nextcloud VM **Downloads from Github:** ![Downloads](https://img.shields.io/github/downloads/nextcloud/vm/total.svg)
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The script will mount and format the drive. Please select Manually Format & Mount when adding the second volume. #### Minimum requirements: * A clean [Ubuntu Server 18.04.X](http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/18.04/release/) using the alternative installer * OpenSSH (preferred) * 20 GB HDD for OS * XX GB HDD for DATA (/mnt/ncdata) * Absolute minimum is 1 vCPU and 2 GB RAM (4 GB minimum if you are running OnlyOffice) * A working internet connection (the script needs it to download files and variables) * [VMware Player](https://www.vmware.com/products/workstation-player/workstation-player-evaluation.html) (fully tested with Hyper-V and KVM as well). #### Recommended * DHCP available * 40 GB HDD for OS * 4 vCPU * 4 GB RAM * Port 80 and 443 open to the server. [Here's](https://letsencrypt.org/docs/allow-port-80/) why port 80 is recomended. Yes, the VM handles redirection to 443. #### Installation 1. Get the latest install script from master and install it with a sudo user:
`sudo bash -c "$(wget -q -O - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nextcloud/vm/master/nextcloud_install_production.sh)"` 2. When the VM is installed it will automatically reboot. Remember to login with the user you created:
If it automatically runs as root when you reboot the machine, you have to abort it by pressing `CTRL+C` and run the script as the user you just created:
`sudo -u sudo bash /var/scripts/nextcloud-startup-script.sh`
3. Please note that the installation/setup is *not* finished by just running the `nextcloud_install_production.sh` When you login with the (new) sudo user you ran the script with in step 2 you will automatically be presented with the setup script. ## Machine configuration of the released version Please check the configuration [here](https://docs.hanssonit.se/s/W6fMouPiqQz3_Mog/virtual-machines-vm/d/W7Du9uPiqQz3_Mr1/machine-setup-nextcloud-vm). ## Full documentation You can find the full documentatoin [here](https://docs.hanssonit.se/s/W6fMouPiqQz3_Mog/virtual-machines-vm/d/W6fMquPiqQz3_Moi/nextcloud-vm) ## Do you want to run this on your Raspberry Pi? Great news! We have forked this repository and created a Raspberry Pi image that you can download from here: https://github.com/techandme/NextBerry or here https://www.techandme.se/nextberry-rpi/. We call it NextBerry and it's confirmed to be working on Raspberry Pi 2 & 3. NOTE (2018-08-01): This is not maintained anymore, but keeping the info in case someone wants to pick it up again. ## I want to test RC! No problem! We made it simple. Run `update.sh` but abort it before it starts so that you have the latest `nextcloud_update.sh`. Then put this in your `nextcloud_update.sh` below the curl command (lib.sh) but before everything else and run it: To test a specific RC version: ``` NCREPO="https://download.nextcloud.com/server/prereleases" NCVERSION=12.0.1RC5 STABLEVERSION="nextcloud-$NCVERSION" ``` Or the latest RC: ``` NCREPO="https://download.nextcloud.com/server/prereleases" NCVERSION=$(curl -s -m 900 $NCREPO/ | sed --silent 's/.*href="nextcloud-\([^"]\+\).zip.asc".*/\1/p' | sort --version-sort | tail -1) STABLEVERSION="nextcloud-$NCVERSION" ``` ## FAQ Keep asking questions so that we can add them here. **Q: Where can i dowload VMware Player?**
**A:** You can download the latest release [here](https://my.vmware.com/web/vmware/free#desktop_end_user_computing/vmware_workstation_player/12_0). **Q: Why are my apps are disabled during an upgrade?**
**A:** Check [here](https://github.com/nextcloud/server/issues/11102#issuecomment-427685621 ). **Q: How to update Nextcloud VM?**
**A:** You cannot use the built in updater in Nextcloud GUI due to secure permissions on this VM. Use the built-in script instead: `sudo bash /var/scripts/update.sh` or run `run_update_nextcloud` as root from your terminal. **Q: How do I run the occ command?**
**A:** We've added an alias for that as well. As root, just run `nextcloud_occ` **Q: The mcrypt module is missing in the VM, why?**
**A:** https://github.com/nextcloud/vm/issues/629 **Q: Where do I tweak the settings for php-fpm?**
**A:** You can change the settings in `/etc/php/7.2/fpm/pool.d/nextcloud.conf`, but be aware; only change it if you know what you are doing! **Q: Some apps are not installed (like issuetemplate for example), when running the setup script**
**A:** https://github.com/nextcloud/vm/issues/639#issuecomment-416472543 **Q: The downloaded file is just a few kilobytes, or corrupted**
**A:** This is due to heavy load on the server. Please try again in a few minutes. **Q: The script says: "WARNING: apt does not have a stable CLI interface yet. Use with caution in scripts"**
**A:** http://askubuntu.com/a/463966 **Q: I get NETWORK NOT OK when booting the VM. How do I solve that?**
**A:** There are a few causes to this error, most of them are your own network or firewall settings.
- Remove the VM NIC adapter in settings on VMware/Virtualbox and then re-adding a NIC adapter. ![alt_tag](https://goo.gl/gWg9JN) - Check your firewall so that it doesn't block this specific IP - Check your router/firewall that you have DHCP enabled. **Q: I get a message that I'm not root, but I am.**
**A:** Please see here: https://github.com/nextcloud/vm/issues/200 **Q: Which Hyper-V generation should we chose when creating a machine to load this image?**
**A:** You currently need to use a 1st generation machine. **Q: Do you have a pre-configured Hyper-V VM?**
**A:** Yes we have, you can download it here: https://shop.hanssonit.se/product/nextcloud-vm-microsoft-hyper-v-vhd/ **Q: I want a bigger version of this VM, where can I find that?**
**A:** You can download it here: https://shop.hanssonit.se/product/nextcloud-vm-500gb/ **Q: I have found a bug that I want to report, where do I do that?**
**A:** Just submit your report here: https://github.com/nextcloud/vm/issues/new **Q: How to install apps if not selected during first install?**
**A:** Go to the apps folder in this repo and download the script in raw format and run them. For installing Talk: `wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nextcloud/vm/master/apps/talk.sh && sudo bash talk.sh` **Q: How to continue from partially installed system? - You got the FQDN wrong/You put in a bad password/ etc...**
**A:** Extract the VM again and start over. The script can *not* be run twice in a row. **Q: Does automatic update update Ubuntu and Nextcloud?**
**A:** if you want automatic updates of both Ubuntu and Nextcloud then check out this blog post: https://www.techandme.se/nextcloud-update-is-now-fully-automated/ **Q: Can I enable-disable automatic update later of OS/Nextcloud?**
**A:** Yes, it's controlled by a cronjob. Just disable the cronjob to disable automatic updates. **Q: How to backup?**
**A:** There are several ways. We recommend Rsync to a NAS or similar. You can find a script here: https://www.techandme.se/rsync-backup-script/ **Q: Can I install in a VM with a NAT and port redirection of port 443 & 10000 & 22?**
**A:** Yes, check this out: https://docs.hanssonit.se/s/W6fMouPiqQz3_Mog/virtual-machines-vm/d/W6-83ePiqQz3_MrT/publish-your-server-online ## First look ![alt tag](https://github.com/nextcloud/nextcloud.com/blob/master/assets/img/features/VMwelcome.png)