#!/bin/bash # T&M Hansson IT AB © - 2022, https://www.hanssonit.se/ true SCRIPT_NAME="Netdata" SCRIPT_EXPLAINER="Netdata is an open source tool designed to collect real-time metrics, \ such as CPU usage, disk activity, bandwidth usage, website visits, etc., \ and then display them in live, easy-to-interpret charts. The tool is designed to visualize activity in the greatest possible detail, \ allowing the user to obtain an overview of what is happening \ and what has just happened in their system or application." # shellcheck source=lib.sh source /var/scripts/fetch_lib.sh || source <(curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nextcloud/vm/master/lib.sh) # Check for errors + debug code and abort if something isn't right # 1 = ON # 0 = OFF DEBUG=0 debug_mode # Must be sudo root_check # Can't be run as pure root user if [ -z "$UNIXUSER" ] then msg_box "You can't run this script as a pure root user. You need to issue the following command: sudo -u regular_user sudo bash $SCRIPTS/menu.sh Then choose Additional Apps --> Netdata" exit 1 fi # Check if netdata is already installed if ! [ -d /etc/netdata ] then # Ask for installing install_popup "$SCRIPT_NAME" else # Ask for removal or reinstallation reinstall_remove_menu "$SCRIPT_NAME" # Removal touch /etc/netdata/.environment if [ -f /usr/src/netdata.git/netdata-uninstaller.sh ] then if ! yes no | bash /usr/src/netdata.git/netdata-uninstaller.sh -y -f then rm -Rf /usr/src/netdata.git fi elif [ -f /usr/libexec/netdata-uninstaller.sh ] then yes no | bash /usr/libexec/netdata-uninstaller.sh -y -f elif [ -f /usr/libexec/netdata/netdata-uninstaller.sh ] then bash /usr/libexec/netdata/netdata-uninstaller.sh -y -f else curl_to_dir https://raw.githubusercontent.com/netdata/netdata/master/packaging/installer netdata-uninstaller.sh $SCRIPTS check_command bash $SCRIPTS/netdata-uninstaller.sh -y -f rm $SCRIPTS/netdata-uninstaller.sh rm -rf /var/lib/netdata fi rm -rf /etc/netdata apt-get purge netdata -y apt-get autoremove -y # Show successful uninstall if applicable removal_popup "$SCRIPT_NAME" fi # Install is_process_running dpkg is_process_running apt apt-get update -q4 & spinner_loading curl_to_dir https://my-netdata.io kickstart.sh $SCRIPTS sudo -u "$UNIXUSER" bash $SCRIPTS/kickstart.sh --reinstall-even-if-unsafe --non-interactive --no-updates --stable-channel --disable-cloud rm -f $SCRIPTS/kickstart.sh # Check Netdata instructions after script is done any_key "Please check information above and press any key to continue..." # Installation done? if [ -d /etc/netdata ] then msg_box "Netdata is now installed and can be accessed from this address: http://$ADDRESS:19999 If you want to reach it from the internet you need to open port 19999 in your firewall. If you don't know how to open ports, please follow this guide: https://www.techandme.se/open-port-80-443/ After you have opened the correct port, then you can visit Netdata from your domain: http://$(hostname -f):19999 and or http://yourdomanin.com:19999 You can find more configuration options in their WIKI: https://docs.netdata.cloud/daemon/config#configuration-guide" # Cleanup rm -rf /tmp/netdata* fi exit