#!/bin/bash # Tech and Me © - 2018, https://www.techandme.se/ # shellcheck disable=2034,2059 true # shellcheck source=lib.sh PREVIEW_INSTALL=1 . <(curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nextcloud/vm/master/lib.sh) unset PREVIEW_INSTALL # Check for errors + debug code and abort if something isn't right # 1 = ON # 0 = OFF DEBUG=0 debug_mode # Download and install Preview Generator if [ ! -d "$NCPATH"/apps/previewgenerator ] then echo "Installing Preview Generator..." wget -q "$PREVER_REPO/v$PREVER/$PREVER_FILE" -P "$NCPATH/apps" tar -zxf "$NCPATH/apps/$PREVER_FILE" -C "$NCPATH/apps" cd "$NCPATH/apps" rm "$PREVER_FILE" fi # Enable Preview Generator if [ -d "$NCPATH"/apps/previewgenerator ] then sudo -u www-data php "$NCPATH"/occ app:enable previewgenerator chown -R www-data:www-data $NCPATH/apps crontab -u www-data -l | { cat; echo "@daily php -f $NCPATH/occ preview:pre-generate >> /var/log/previewgenerator.log"; } | crontab -u www-data - sudo -u www-data php "$NCPATH"/occ preview:generate-all touch /var/log/previewgenerator.log chown www-data:www-data /var/log/previewgenerator.log fi