#!/bin/bash # T&M Hansson IT AB © - 2022, https://www.hanssonit.se/ true SCRIPT_NAME="Nextcloud Talk" SCRIPT_EXPLAINER="This script installs Nextcloud Talk and also offers the possibility \ to install the so-called High-Performance-Backend, which makes it possible to host more video calls than it would be with the standard Talk app. \ It's called 'Talk Signaling' and you will be offered to install it as part two of this script." # shellcheck source=lib.sh source /var/scripts/fetch_lib.sh || source <(curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nextcloud/vm/master/lib.sh) # Get all needed variables from the library nc_update turn_install # Check for errors + debug code and abort if something isn't right # 1 = ON # 0 = OFF DEBUG=0 debug_mode # Must be root root_check # Check if talk_signaling is already installed if [ -z "$(nextcloud_occ_no_check config:app:get spreed turn_servers | sed 's/\[\]//')" ] \ && ! is_this_installed coturn then # Ask for installing install_popup "$SCRIPT_NAME" else # Ask for removal or reinstallation reinstall_remove_menu "$SCRIPT_NAME" # Removal nextcloud_occ_no_check config:app:delete spreed stun_servers nextcloud_occ_no_check config:app:delete spreed turn_servers nextcloud_occ_no_check config:app:delete spreed signaling_servers nextcloud_occ_no_check app:remove spreed rm -rf \ "$TURN_CONF" \ "$SIGNALING_SERVER_CONF" \ /etc/nats \ /etc/janus \ /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/morph027-janus.asc \ /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/morph027-nats-server.asc \ /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/morph027-nextcloud-spreed-signaling.asc \ /etc/apt/sources.list.d/morph027-nextcloud-spreed-signaling.list\ /etc/apt/sources.list.d/morph027-janus.list \ /etc/apt/sources.list.d/morph027-nats-server.list \ $VMLOGS/talk_apache_error.log \ $VMLOGS/talk_apache_access.log \ $VMLOGS/turnserver.log \ /var/www/html/error APPS=(coturn nats-server janus nextcloud-spreed-signaling) for app in "${APPS[@]}" do if is_this_installed "$app" then apt-get purge "$app" -y fi done apt-get autoremove -y # Show successful uninstall if applicable removal_popup "$SCRIPT_NAME" fi # Must be 20.04 if ! version 20.04 "$DISTRO" 20.04.6 then msg_box "Your current Ubuntu version is $DISTRO but must be between 20.04 - 20.04.10 to install Talk" msg_box "Please contact us to get support for upgrading your server: https://www.hanssonit.se/#contact https://shop.hanssonit.se/" exit fi # Nextcloud 19 is required. lowest_compatible_nc 19 ####################### TALK (COTURN) # Check if Nextcloud is installed with TLS check_nextcloud_https "Nextclod Talk" # Let the user choose port. TURN_PORT in msg_box is taken from lib.sh and later changed if user decides to. msg_box "The default port for Talk used in this script is port $TURN_PORT. You can read more about that port here: https://www.speedguide.net/port.php?port=$TURN_PORT You will now be given the option to change this port to something of your own. Please keep in mind NOT to use the following ports as they are likely in use already: ${NONO_PORTS[*]}" while : do if yesno_box_no "Do you want to change port?" then # Ask for port TURN_PORT=$(input_box_flow "Please enter the port you will use for Nextcloud Talk") fi # Check if port is taken and exit if that's the case if check_nono_ports "$TURN_PORT" then break fi done # Install TURN check_command install_if_not coturn check_command sed -i '/TURNSERVER_ENABLED/c\TURNSERVER_ENABLED=1' /etc/default/coturn # Create log for coturn install -d -m 777 "$VMLOGS" install -o turnserver -g turnserver -m 660 /dev/null /var/log # Generate $TURN_CONF cat << TURN_CREATE > "$TURN_CONF" listening-port=$TURN_PORT fingerprint use-auth-secret static-auth-secret=$TURN_SECRET realm=$TURN_DOMAIN total-quota=100 bps-capacity=0 stale-nonce no-multicast-peers no-stdout-log simple-log log-file=$VMLOGS/turnserver.log TURN_CREATE if [ -f "$TURN_CONF" ]; then print_text_in_color "$IGreen" "$TURN_CONF was successfully created." else print_text_in_color "$IRed" "Unable to create $TURN_CONF, exiting..." print_text_in_color "$IRed" "Please report this issue here $ISSUES" exit 1 fi # Restart the TURN server check_command systemctl restart coturn.service # Warn user to open port msg_box "You have to open $TURN_PORT TCP/UDP in your firewall or your TURN/STUN server won't work! This can be done automatically if you have UPNP enabled in your firewall/router. \ You will be offered to use UPNP in the next step. After you hit OK, the script will check if the port is open or not. If it fails \ and you want to run this script again, just execute this in your CLI: sudo bash /var/scripts/menu.sh, and choose 'Talk'." if yesno_box_no "Do you want to use UPNP to open port $TURN_PORT?" then unset FAIL open_port "$TURN_PORT" TCP open_port "$TURN_PORT" UDP cleanup_open_port fi # Check if the port is open check_open_port "$TURN_PORT" "$TURN_DOMAIN" # Enable Spreed (Talk) STUN_SERVERS_STRING="[\"$TURN_DOMAIN:$TURN_PORT\"]" TURN_SERVERS_STRING="[{\"server\":\"$TURN_DOMAIN:$TURN_PORT\",\"secret\":\"$TURN_SECRET\",\"protocols\":\"udp,tcp\"}]" if ! is_app_enabled spreed then install_and_enable_app spreed fi nextcloud_occ config:app:set spreed stun_servers --value="$STUN_SERVERS_STRING" --output json nextcloud_occ config:app:set spreed turn_servers --value="$TURN_SERVERS_STRING" --output json chown -R www-data:www-data "$NC_APPS_PATH" msg_box "Nextcloud Talk is now installed. For more information about \ Nextcloud Talk and its mobile apps visit:\nhttps://nextcloud.com/talk/" ####################### SIGNALING SCRIPT_NAME="Talk Signaling Server" msg_box "You will now be presented with the option to install the Talk Signaling (STUN) server. This aims to give you greater performance and ability to have more users in a call at the same time. You can read more here: https://github.com/strukturag/nextcloud-spreed-signaling/blob/master/README.md We will use apt packages from https://gitlab.com/morph027 which is a trusted contributor to this repository. The exact sources can be found here: https://gitlab.com/packaging/nextcloud-spreed-signaling https://gitlab.com/packaging/janus/" # Ask the user if he/she wants the HPB server as well if ! yesno_box_yes "Do you want to install the $SCRIPT_NAME?" then exit 1 fi # Ask for the domain for Talk SUBDOMAIN=$(input_box_flow "Talk Signaling Server subdomain e.g: talk.yourdomain.com NOTE: This domain must be different than your Nextcloud domain. \ They can however be hosted on the same server, but would require separate DNS entries.") # curl the lib another time to get the correct https_conf # shellcheck source=lib.sh source /var/scripts/fetch_lib.sh || source <(curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nextcloud/vm/master/lib.sh) # Notification msg_box "Before continuing, please make sure that you have you have \ edited the DNS settings for $SUBDOMAIN, and opened port 80 and 443 \ directly to this servers IP. A full extensive guide can be found here: https://www.techandme.se/open-port-80-443 This can be done automatically if you have UPNP enabled in your firewall/router. \ You will be offered to use UPNP in the next step. PLEASE NOTE: Using other ports than the default 80 and 443 is not supported, \ though it may be possible with some custom modification: https://help.nextcloud.com/t/domain-refused-to-connect-collabora/91303/17" if yesno_box_no "Do you want to use UPNP to open port 80 and 443?" then unset FAIL open_port 80 TCP open_port 443 TCP cleanup_open_port fi # Check if $SUBDOMAIN exists and is reachable print_text_in_color "$ICyan" "Checking if $SUBDOMAIN exists and is reachable..." domain_check_200 "$SUBDOMAIN" # Check open ports with NMAP check_open_port 80 "$SUBDOMAIN" check_open_port 443 "$SUBDOMAIN" # NATS ## Pre-Configuration mkdir -p /etc/nats echo "listen:" > /etc/nats/nats.conf ## Installation curl -sL -o "/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/morph027-nats-server.asc" "https://packaging.gitlab.io/nats-server/gpg.key" echo "deb https://packaging.gitlab.io/nats-server nats main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/morph027-nats-server.list apt-get update -q4 & spinner_loading install_if_not nats-server chown nats:nats /etc/nats/nats.conf start_if_stopped nats-server check_command systemctl enable nats-server # Janus WebRTC Server ## Installation ## TODO Fix shellcheck check, and remove the disable command # shellcheck disable=SC1091 source /etc/lsb-release curl -sL -o "/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/morph027-janus.asc" "https://packaging.gitlab.io/janus/gpg.key" echo "deb https://packaging.gitlab.io/janus/$DISTRIB_CODENAME $DISTRIB_CODENAME main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/morph027-janus.list apt-get update -q4 & spinner_loading install_if_not janus ## Configuration sed -i "s|#turn_rest_api_key.*|turn_rest_api_key = $JANUS_API_KEY|" /etc/janus/janus.jcfg sed -i "s|#full_trickle|full_trickle|g" /etc/janus/janus.jcfg sed -i 's|#interface.*|interface = "lo"|g' /etc/janus/janus.transport.websockets.jcfg sed -i 's|#ws_interface.*|ws_interface = "lo"|g' /etc/janus/janus.transport.websockets.jcfg start_if_stopped janus check_command systemctl enable janus # HPB ## Installation curl -sL -o "/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/morph027-nextcloud-spreed-signaling.asc" "https://packaging.gitlab.io/nextcloud-spreed-signaling/gpg.key" echo "deb https://packaging.gitlab.io/nextcloud-spreed-signaling signaling main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/morph027-nextcloud-spreed-signaling.list apt-get update -q4 & spinner_loading install_if_not nextcloud-spreed-signaling ## Configuration if [ ! -f "$SIGNALING_SERVER_CONF" ]; then cat << SIGNALING_CONF_CREATE > "$SIGNALING_SERVER_CONF" [http] listen = [app] debug = false [sessions] hashkey = $(openssl rand -hex 16) blockkey = $(openssl rand -hex 16) [clients] internalsecret = $(openssl rand -hex 16) [backend] allowed = ${TURN_DOMAIN} allowall = false secret = ${NC_SECRET} timeout = 10 connectionsperhost = 8 [nats] url = nats://localhost:4222 [mcu] type = janus url = ws:// [turn] apikey = ${JANUS_API_KEY} secret = ${TURN_SECRET} servers = turn:$TURN_DOMAIN:$TURN_PORT?transport=tcp,turn:$TURN_DOMAIN:$TURN_PORT?transport=udp SIGNALING_CONF_CREATE fi start_if_stopped signaling check_command systemctl enable signaling # Apache Proxy # https://github.com/strukturag/nextcloud-spreed-signaling#apache # Install Apache2 install_if_not apache2 # Enable Apache2 module's a2enmod proxy a2enmod proxy_wstunnel a2enmod proxy_http a2enmod ssl a2enmod headers a2enmod remoteip # Allow CustomLog touch $VMLOGS/talk_apache_access.log touch $VMLOGS/talk_apache_error.log chown www-data:www-data $VMLOGS/talk_apache_error.log $VMLOGS/talk_apache_access.log # Prep the error page mkdir -p /var/www/html/error echo "Hi there! :) If you see this page, the Apache2 proxy for $SCRIPT_NAME is up and running." > /var/www/html/error/404_proxy.html chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html/error # Only add TLS 1.3 on Ubuntu later than 20.04 if version 20.04 "$DISTRO" 20.04.10 then TLS13="+TLSv1.3" fi if [ -f "$HTTPS_CONF" ] then a2dissite "$SUBDOMAIN.conf" rm -f "$HTTPS_CONF" fi if [ ! -f "$HTTPS_CONF" ]; then cat << HTTPS_CREATE > "$HTTPS_CONF" ServerName $SUBDOMAIN:443 SSLCertificateChainFile $CERTFILES/$SUBDOMAIN/chain.pem SSLCertificateFile $CERTFILES/$SUBDOMAIN/cert.pem SSLCertificateKeyFile $CERTFILES/$SUBDOMAIN/privkey.pem SSLOpenSSLConfCmd DHParameters $DHPARAMS_SUB # Intermediate configuration SSLEngine on SSLCompression off SSLProtocol -all +TLSv1.2 $TLS13 SSLCipherSuite ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:ECDHE-ECDSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305:ECDHE-RSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305:DHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:DHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 SSLHonorCipherOrder off SSLSessionTickets off ServerSignature off # Logs LogLevel warn CustomLog \${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined ErrorLog \${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log # Just in case - see below SSLProxyEngine On SSLProxyVerify None SSLProxyCheckPeerCN Off SSLProxyCheckPeerName Off # contra mixed content warnings RequestHeader set X-Forwarded-Proto "https" # Custom error page ProxyErrorOverride On DocumentRoot "/var/www/html" ProxyPass /error/ ! ErrorDocument 404 /error/404_proxy.html # Enable proxying Websocket requests to the standalone signaling server. # https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/mod_proxy_wstunnel.html ProxyPass / "" RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{HTTP:Upgrade} websocket [NC] RewriteCond %{HTTP:Connection} upgrade [NC] RewriteRule ^/?(.*) "ws://\$1" [P,L] # Extra (remote) headers RequestHeader set X-Real-IP %{REMOTE_ADDR}s Header set X-XSS-Protection "1; mode=block" Header set Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload" Header set X-Content-Type-Options nosniff Header set Content-Security-Policy "frame-ancestors 'self'" HTTPS_CREATE if [ -f "$HTTPS_CONF" ]; then print_text_in_color "$IGreen" "$HTTPS_CONF was successfully created." sleep 1 else print_text_in_color "$IRed" "Unable to create vhost, exiting..." print_text_in_color "$IRed" "Please report this issue here $ISSUES" exit 1 fi fi # Install certbot (Let's Encrypt) install_certbot # Generate certs and auto-configure if successful if generate_cert "$SUBDOMAIN" then # Generate DHparams cipher if [ ! -f "$DHPARAMS_SUB" ] then openssl dhparam -dsaparam -out "$DHPARAMS_SUB" 4096 fi print_text_in_color "$IGreen" "Certs are generated!" a2ensite "$SUBDOMAIN.conf" restart_webserver else # remove settings to be able to start over again rm -f "$HTTPS_CONF" last_fail_tls "$SCRIPTS"/apps/talk_signaling.sh exit 1 fi ## TODO # Add to /etc/hosts # Based on https://help.nextcloud.com/t/nextcloud-talk-signaling-server-now-automated-installation/90567/17?u=enoch85 # echo " $SUBDOMAIN" >> /etc/hosts # Set signaling server strings SIGNALING_SERVERS_STRING="{\"servers\":[{\"server\":\"https://$SUBDOMAIN/\",\"verify\":true}],\"secret\":\"$NC_SECRET\"}" nextcloud_occ config:app:set spreed signaling_servers --value="$SIGNALING_SERVERS_STRING" --output json # Check that everything is working if ! curl -L https://"$SUBDOMAIN"/api/v1/welcome then msg_box "Installation failed. :/\n\nPlease run this script again to uninstall if you want to clean the system, or choose to reinstall if you want to try again.\n\nLogging can be found by typing: journalctl -lfu signaling" exit 1 else msg_box "Congratulations, everything is working as intended! The installation succeeded.\n\nLogging can be found by typing: journalctl -lfu signaling" exit 0 fi