#!/bin/bash # shellcheck disable=2034,2059 true # shellcheck source=lib.sh . <(curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nextcloud/vm/master/lib.sh) # Tech and Me © - 2018, https://www.techandme.se/ # Check for errors + debug code and abort if something isn't right # 1 = ON # 0 = OFF DEBUG=0 debug_mode if [[ $UNIXUSER != "ncadmin" ]] then msg_box "Current user with sudo permissions is: $UNIXUSER. This script will set up everything with that user. If the field after ':' is blank you are probably running as a pure root user. It's possible to install with root, but there will be minor errors. Please create a user with sudo permissions if you want an optimal installation. The preferred user is 'ncadmin'." if [[ "no" == $(ask_yes_or_no "Do you want to create a new user?") ]] then echo "Not adding another user..." sleep 1 else read -r -p "Enter name of the new user: " NEWUSER adduser --disabled-password --gecos "" "$NEWUSER" sudo usermod -aG sudo "$NEWUSER" usermod -s /bin/bash "$NEWUSER" while true do sudo passwd "$NEWUSER" && break done sudo -u "$NEWUSER" sudo bash "$1" fi fi