// Flags: --experimental-network-imports --dns-result-order=ipv4first import * as common from '../common/index.mjs'; import { path, readKey } from '../common/fixtures.mjs'; import { pathToFileURL } from 'url'; import assert from 'assert'; import http from 'http'; import os from 'os'; import util from 'util'; if (!common.hasCrypto) { common.skip('missing crypto'); } const https = (await import('https')).default; const createHTTPServer = http.createServer; // Needed to deal w/ test certs process.env.NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED = '0'; const options = { key: readKey('agent1-key.pem'), cert: readKey('agent1-cert.pem') }; const createHTTPSServer = https.createServer.bind(null, options); const testListeningOptions = [ { hostname: 'localhost', listenOptions: { host: '' } }, ]; const internalInterfaces = Object.values(os.networkInterfaces()).flat().filter( (iface) => iface?.internal && iface.address && !iface.scopeid ); for (const iface of internalInterfaces) { testListeningOptions.push({ hostname: iface?.family === 'IPv6' ? `[${iface?.address}]` : iface?.address, listenOptions: { host: iface?.address, ipv6Only: iface?.family === 'IPv6' } }); } for (const { protocol, createServer } of [ { protocol: 'http:', createServer: createHTTPServer }, { protocol: 'https:', createServer: createHTTPSServer }, ]) { const body = ` export default (a) => () => a; export let url = import.meta.url; `; const base = ''; for (const { hostname, listenOptions } of testListeningOptions) { const host = new URL(base); host.protocol = protocol; host.hostname = hostname; // /not-found is a 404 // ?redirect causes a redirect, no body. JSON.parse({status:number,location:string}) // ?mime sets the content-type, string // ?body sets the body, string const server = createServer(function(_req, res) { const url = new URL(_req.url, host); const redirect = url.searchParams.get('redirect'); if (url.pathname === '/not-found') { res.writeHead(404); res.end(); return; } if (redirect) { const { status, location } = JSON.parse(redirect); res.writeHead(status, { location }); res.end(); return; } res.writeHead(200, { 'content-type': url.searchParams.get('mime') || 'text/javascript' }); res.end(url.searchParams.get('body') || body); }); const listen = util.promisify(server.listen.bind(server)); await listen({ ...listenOptions, port: 0 }); const url = new URL(host); url.port = server?.address()?.port; const ns = await import(url.href); assert.strict.deepStrictEqual(Object.keys(ns), ['default', 'url']); const obj = {}; assert.strict.equal(ns.default(obj)(), obj); assert.strict.equal(ns.url, url.href); // Redirects have same import.meta.url but different cache // entry on Web const redirect = new URL(url.href); redirect.searchParams.set('redirect', JSON.stringify({ status: 302, location: url.href })); const redirectedNS = await import(redirect.href); assert.strict.deepStrictEqual( Object.keys(redirectedNS), ['default', 'url'] ); assert.strict.notEqual(redirectedNS.default, ns.default); assert.strict.equal(redirectedNS.url, url.href); // Redirects have the same import.meta.url but different cache // entry on Web const relativeAfterRedirect = new URL(url.href + 'foo/index.js'); const redirected = new URL(url.href + 'bar/index.js'); redirected.searchParams.set('body', 'export let relativeDepURL = (await import("./baz.js")).url'); relativeAfterRedirect.searchParams.set('redirect', JSON.stringify({ status: 302, location: redirected.href })); const relativeAfterRedirectedNS = await import(relativeAfterRedirect.href); assert.strict.equal( relativeAfterRedirectedNS.relativeDepURL, url.href + 'bar/baz.js' ); const crossProtocolRedirect = new URL(url.href); crossProtocolRedirect.searchParams.set('redirect', JSON.stringify({ status: 302, location: 'data:text/javascript,' })); await assert.rejects( import(crossProtocolRedirect.href), { code: 'ERR_NETWORK_IMPORT_DISALLOWED' } ); const deps = new URL(url.href); deps.searchParams.set('body', ` export {data} from 'data:text/javascript,export let data = 1'; import * as http from ${JSON.stringify(url.href)}; export {http}; `); const depsNS = await import(deps.href); assert.strict.deepStrictEqual(Object.keys(depsNS), ['data', 'http']); assert.strict.equal(depsNS.data, 1); assert.strict.equal(depsNS.http, ns); const relativeDeps = new URL(url.href); relativeDeps.searchParams.set('body', ` import * as http from "./"; export {http}; `); const relativeDepsNS = await import(relativeDeps.href); assert.strict.deepStrictEqual(Object.keys(relativeDepsNS), ['http']); assert.strict.equal(relativeDepsNS.http, ns); const fileDep = new URL(url.href); const { href } = pathToFileURL(path('/es-modules/message.mjs')); fileDep.searchParams.set('body', ` import ${JSON.stringify(href)}; export default 1;`); await assert.rejects( import(fileDep.href), { code: 'ERR_NETWORK_IMPORT_DISALLOWED' } ); const builtinDep = new URL(url.href); builtinDep.searchParams.set('body', ` import 'node:fs'; export default 1; `); await assert.rejects( import(builtinDep.href), { code: 'ERR_NETWORK_IMPORT_DISALLOWED' } ); const unprefixedBuiltinDep = new URL(url.href); unprefixedBuiltinDep.searchParams.set('body', ` import 'fs'; export default 1; `); await assert.rejects( import(unprefixedBuiltinDep.href), { code: 'ERR_NETWORK_IMPORT_DISALLOWED' } ); const unsupportedMIME = new URL(url.href); unsupportedMIME.searchParams.set('mime', 'application/node'); unsupportedMIME.searchParams.set('body', ''); await assert.rejects( import(unsupportedMIME.href), { code: 'ERR_UNKNOWN_MODULE_FORMAT' } ); const notFound = new URL(url.href); notFound.pathname = '/not-found'; await assert.rejects( import(notFound.href), { code: 'ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND' }, ); server.close(); } }