// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit // persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the // following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, // DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. 'use strict'; const common = require('../common'); const ArrayStream = require('../common/arraystream'); const { hijackStderr, restoreStderr } = require('../common/hijackstdio'); const assert = require('assert'); const path = require('path'); const fixtures = require('../common/fixtures'); const { builtinModules } = require('module'); const publicModules = builtinModules.filter((lib) => !lib.startsWith('_')); const hasInspector = process.features.inspector; if (!common.isMainThread) common.skip('process.chdir is not available in Workers'); // We have to change the directory to ../fixtures before requiring repl // in order to make the tests for completion of node_modules work properly // since repl modifies module.paths. process.chdir(fixtures.fixturesDir); const repl = require('repl'); function getNoResultsFunction() { return common.mustSucceed((data) => { assert.deepStrictEqual(data[0], []); }); } const works = [['inner.one'], 'inner.o']; const putIn = new ArrayStream(); const testMe = repl.start({ prompt: '', input: putIn, output: process.stdout, allowBlockingCompletions: true }); // Some errors are passed to the domain, but do not callback testMe._domain.on('error', assert.ifError); // Tab Complete will not break in an object literal putIn.run([ 'var inner = {', 'one:1', ]); testMe.complete('inner.o', getNoResultsFunction()); testMe.complete('console.lo', common.mustCall(function(error, data) { assert.deepStrictEqual(data, [['console.log'], 'console.lo']); })); testMe.complete('console?.lo', common.mustCall((error, data) => { assert.deepStrictEqual(data, [['console?.log'], 'console?.lo']); })); testMe.complete('console?.zzz', common.mustCall((error, data) => { assert.deepStrictEqual(data, [[], 'console?.zzz']); })); testMe.complete('console?.', common.mustCall((error, data) => { assert(data[0].includes('console?.log')); assert.strictEqual(data[1], 'console?.'); })); // Tab Complete will return globally scoped variables putIn.run(['};']); testMe.complete('inner.o', common.mustCall(function(error, data) { assert.deepStrictEqual(data, works); })); putIn.run(['.clear']); // Tab Complete will not break in an ternary operator with () putIn.run([ 'var inner = ( true ', '?', '{one: 1} : ', ]); testMe.complete('inner.o', getNoResultsFunction()); putIn.run(['.clear']); // Tab Complete will return a simple local variable putIn.run([ 'var top = function() {', 'var inner = {one:1};', ]); testMe.complete('inner.o', getNoResultsFunction()); // When you close the function scope tab complete will not return the // locally scoped variable putIn.run(['};']); testMe.complete('inner.o', getNoResultsFunction()); putIn.run(['.clear']); // Tab Complete will return a complex local variable putIn.run([ 'var top = function() {', 'var inner = {', ' one:1', '};', ]); testMe.complete('inner.o', getNoResultsFunction()); putIn.run(['.clear']); // Tab Complete will return a complex local variable even if the function // has parameters putIn.run([ 'var top = function(one, two) {', 'var inner = {', ' one:1', '};', ]); testMe.complete('inner.o', getNoResultsFunction()); putIn.run(['.clear']); // Tab Complete will return a complex local variable even if the // scope is nested inside an immediately executed function putIn.run([ 'var top = function() {', '(function test () {', 'var inner = {', ' one:1', '};', ]); testMe.complete('inner.o', getNoResultsFunction()); putIn.run(['.clear']); // The definition has the params and { on a separate line. putIn.run([ 'var top = function() {', 'r = function test (', ' one, two) {', 'var inner = {', ' one:1', '};', ]); testMe.complete('inner.o', getNoResultsFunction()); putIn.run(['.clear']); // Currently does not work, but should not break, not the { putIn.run([ 'var top = function() {', 'r = function test ()', '{', 'var inner = {', ' one:1', '};', ]); testMe.complete('inner.o', getNoResultsFunction()); putIn.run(['.clear']); // Currently does not work, but should not break putIn.run([ 'var top = function() {', 'r = function test (', ')', '{', 'var inner = {', ' one:1', '};', ]); testMe.complete('inner.o', getNoResultsFunction()); putIn.run(['.clear']); // Make sure tab completion works on non-Objects putIn.run([ 'var str = "test";', ]); testMe.complete('str.len', common.mustCall(function(error, data) { assert.deepStrictEqual(data, [['str.length'], 'str.len']); })); putIn.run(['.clear']); // Tab completion should not break on spaces const spaceTimeout = setTimeout(function() { throw new Error('timeout'); }, 1000); testMe.complete(' ', common.mustSucceed((data) => { assert.strictEqual(data[1], ''); assert.ok(data[0].includes('globalThis')); clearTimeout(spaceTimeout); })); // Tab completion should pick up the global "toString" object, and // any other properties up the "global" object's prototype chain testMe.complete('toSt', common.mustCall(function(error, data) { assert.deepStrictEqual(data, [['toString'], 'toSt']); })); // Own properties should shadow properties on the prototype putIn.run(['.clear']); putIn.run([ 'var x = Object.create(null);', 'x.a = 1;', 'x.b = 2;', 'var y = Object.create(x);', 'y.a = 3;', 'y.c = 4;', ]); testMe.complete('y.', common.mustCall(function(error, data) { assert.deepStrictEqual(data, [['y.b', '', 'y.a', 'y.c'], 'y.']); })); // Tab complete provides built in libs for require() putIn.run(['.clear']); testMe.complete('require(\'', common.mustCall(function(error, data) { assert.strictEqual(error, null); publicModules.forEach((lib) => { assert( data[0].includes(lib) && data[0].includes(`node:${lib}`), `${lib} not found` ); }); const newModule = 'foobar'; assert(!builtinModules.includes(newModule)); repl.builtinModules.push(newModule); testMe.complete('require(\'', common.mustCall((_, [modules]) => { assert.strictEqual(data[0].length + 1, modules.length); assert(modules.includes(newModule)); })); })); testMe.complete("require\t( 'n", common.mustCall(function(error, data) { assert.strictEqual(error, null); assert.strictEqual(data.length, 2); assert.strictEqual(data[1], 'n'); // require(...) completions include `node:`-prefixed modules: let lastIndex = -1; publicModules.forEach((lib, index) => { lastIndex = data[0].indexOf(`node:${lib}`); assert.notStrictEqual(lastIndex, -1); }); assert.strictEqual(data[0][lastIndex + 1], ''); // There is only one Node.js module that starts with n: assert.strictEqual(data[0][lastIndex + 2], 'net'); assert.strictEqual(data[0][lastIndex + 3], ''); // It's possible to pick up non-core modules too data[0].slice(lastIndex + 4).forEach((completion) => { assert.match(completion, /^n/); }); })); { const expected = ['@nodejsscope', '@nodejsscope/']; // Require calls should handle all types of quotation marks. for (const quotationMark of ["'", '"', '`']) { putIn.run(['.clear']); testMe.complete('require(`@nodejs', common.mustCall((err, data) => { assert.strictEqual(err, null); assert.deepStrictEqual(data, [expected, '@nodejs']); })); putIn.run(['.clear']); // Completions should not be greedy in case the quotation ends. const input = `require(${quotationMark}@nodejsscope${quotationMark}`; testMe.complete(input, common.mustCall((err, data) => { assert.strictEqual(err, null); assert.deepStrictEqual(data, [[], undefined]); })); } } { putIn.run(['.clear']); // Completions should find modules and handle whitespace after the opening // bracket. testMe.complete('require \t("no_ind', common.mustCall((err, data) => { assert.strictEqual(err, null); assert.deepStrictEqual(data, [['no_index', 'no_index/'], 'no_ind']); })); } // Test tab completion for require() relative to the current directory { putIn.run(['.clear']); const cwd = process.cwd(); process.chdir(__dirname); ['require(\'.', 'require(".'].forEach((input) => { testMe.complete(input, common.mustCall((err, data) => { assert.strictEqual(err, null); assert.strictEqual(data.length, 2); assert.strictEqual(data[1], '.'); assert.strictEqual(data[0].length, 2); assert.ok(data[0].includes('./')); assert.ok(data[0].includes('../')); })); }); ['require(\'..', 'require("..'].forEach((input) => { testMe.complete(input, common.mustCall((err, data) => { assert.strictEqual(err, null); assert.deepStrictEqual(data, [['../'], '..']); })); }); ['./', './test-'].forEach((path) => { [`require('${path}`, `require("${path}`].forEach((input) => { testMe.complete(input, common.mustCall((err, data) => { assert.strictEqual(err, null); assert.strictEqual(data.length, 2); assert.strictEqual(data[1], path); assert.ok(data[0].includes('./test-repl-tab-complete')); })); }); }); ['../parallel/', '../parallel/test-'].forEach((path) => { [`require('${path}`, `require("${path}`].forEach((input) => { testMe.complete(input, common.mustCall((err, data) => { assert.strictEqual(err, null); assert.strictEqual(data.length, 2); assert.strictEqual(data[1], path); assert.ok(data[0].includes('../parallel/test-repl-tab-complete')); })); }); }); { const path = '../fixtures/repl-folder-extensions/f'; testMe.complete(`require('${path}`, common.mustSucceed((data) => { assert.strictEqual(data.length, 2); assert.strictEqual(data[1], path); assert.ok(data[0].includes('../fixtures/repl-folder-extensions/foo.js')); })); } process.chdir(cwd); } // Make sure tab completion works on context properties putIn.run(['.clear']); putIn.run([ 'var custom = "test";', ]); testMe.complete('cus', common.mustCall(function(error, data) { assert.deepStrictEqual(data, [['custom'], 'cus']); })); // Make sure tab completion doesn't crash REPL with half-baked proxy objects. // See: https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/2119 putIn.run(['.clear']); putIn.run([ 'var proxy = new Proxy({}, {ownKeys: () => { throw new Error(); }});', ]); testMe.complete('proxy.', common.mustCall(function(error, data) { assert.strictEqual(error, null); assert(Array.isArray(data)); })); // Make sure tab completion does not include integer members of an Array putIn.run(['.clear']); putIn.run(['var ary = [1,2,3];']); testMe.complete('ary.', common.mustCall(function(error, data) { assert.strictEqual(data[0].includes('ary.0'), false); assert.strictEqual(data[0].includes('ary.1'), false); assert.strictEqual(data[0].includes('ary.2'), false); })); // Make sure tab completion does not include integer keys in an object putIn.run(['.clear']); putIn.run(['var obj = {1:"a","1a":"b",a:"b"};']); testMe.complete('obj.', common.mustCall(function(error, data) { assert.strictEqual(data[0].includes('obj.1'), false); assert.strictEqual(data[0].includes('obj.1a'), false); assert(data[0].includes('obj.a')); })); // Don't try to complete results of non-simple expressions putIn.run(['.clear']); putIn.run(['function a() {}']); testMe.complete('a().b.', getNoResultsFunction()); // Works when prefixed with spaces putIn.run(['.clear']); putIn.run(['var obj = {1:"a","1a":"b",a:"b"};']); testMe.complete(' obj.', common.mustCall((error, data) => { assert.strictEqual(data[0].includes('obj.1'), false); assert.strictEqual(data[0].includes('obj.1a'), false); assert(data[0].includes('obj.a')); })); // Works inside assignments putIn.run(['.clear']); testMe.complete('var log = console.lo', common.mustCall((error, data) => { assert.deepStrictEqual(data, [['console.log'], 'console.lo']); })); // Tab completion for defined commands putIn.run(['.clear']); testMe.complete('.b', common.mustCall((error, data) => { assert.deepStrictEqual(data, [['break'], 'b']); })); putIn.run(['.clear']); putIn.run(['var obj = {"hello, world!": "some string", "key": 123}']); testMe.complete('obj.', common.mustCall((error, data) => { assert.strictEqual(data[0].includes('obj.hello, world!'), false); assert(data[0].includes('obj.key')); })); // Make sure tab completion does not include __defineSetter__ and friends. putIn.run(['.clear']); putIn.run(['var obj = {};']); testMe.complete('obj.', common.mustCall(function(error, data) { assert.strictEqual(data[0].includes('obj.__defineGetter__'), false); assert.strictEqual(data[0].includes('obj.__defineSetter__'), false); assert.strictEqual(data[0].includes('obj.__lookupGetter__'), false); assert.strictEqual(data[0].includes('obj.__lookupSetter__'), false); assert.strictEqual(data[0].includes('obj.__proto__'), true); })); // Tab completion for files/directories { putIn.run(['.clear']); process.chdir(__dirname); const readFileSyncs = ['fs.readFileSync("', 'fs.promises.readFileSync("']; if (!common.isWindows) { readFileSyncs.forEach((readFileSync) => { const fixturePath = `${readFileSync}../fixtures/test-repl-tab-completion`; testMe.complete(fixturePath, common.mustCall((err, data) => { assert.strictEqual(err, null); assert.ok(data[0][0].includes('.hiddenfiles')); assert.ok(data[0][1].includes('hellorandom.txt')); assert.ok(data[0][2].includes('helloworld.js')); })); testMe.complete(`${fixturePath}/hello`, common.mustCall((err, data) => { assert.strictEqual(err, null); assert.ok(data[0][0].includes('hellorandom.txt')); assert.ok(data[0][1].includes('helloworld.js')); }) ); testMe.complete(`${fixturePath}/.h`, common.mustCall((err, data) => { assert.strictEqual(err, null); assert.ok(data[0][0].includes('.hiddenfiles')); }) ); testMe.complete(`${readFileSync}./xxxRandom/random`, common.mustCall((err, data) => { assert.strictEqual(err, null); assert.strictEqual(data[0].length, 0); }) ); const testPath = fixturePath.slice(0, -1); testMe.complete(testPath, common.mustCall((err, data) => { assert.strictEqual(err, null); assert.ok(data[0][0].includes('test-repl-tab-completion')); assert.strictEqual( data[1], path.basename(testPath) ); })); }); } } [ Array, Buffer, Uint8Array, Uint16Array, Uint32Array, Uint8ClampedArray, Int8Array, Int16Array, Int32Array, Float32Array, Float64Array, ].forEach((type) => { putIn.run(['.clear']); if (type === Array) { putIn.run([ 'var ele = [];', 'for (let i = 0; i < 1e6 + 1; i++) ele[i] = 0;', 'ele.biu = 1;', ]); } else if (type === Buffer) { putIn.run(['var ele = Buffer.alloc(1e6 + 1); ele.biu = 1;']); } else { putIn.run([`var ele = new ${type.name}(1e6 + 1); ele.biu = 1;`]); } hijackStderr(common.mustNotCall()); testMe.complete('ele.', common.mustCall((err, data) => { restoreStderr(); assert.ifError(err); const ele = (type === Array) ? [] : (type === Buffer ? Buffer.alloc(0) : new type(0)); assert.strictEqual(data[0].includes('ele.biu'), true); data[0].forEach((key) => { if (!key || key === 'ele.biu') return; assert.notStrictEqual(ele[key.substr(4)], undefined); }); })); }); // check Buffer.prototype.length not crashing. // Refs: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/11961 putIn.run(['.clear']); testMe.complete('Buffer.prototype.', common.mustCall()); // Make sure repl gives correct autocomplete on literals testMe.complete('``.a', common.mustCall((err, data) => { assert.strictEqual(data[0].includes('``.at'), true); })); testMe.complete('\'\'.a', common.mustCall((err, data) => { assert.strictEqual(data[0].includes('\'\'.at'), true); })); testMe.complete('"".a', common.mustCall((err, data) => { assert.strictEqual(data[0].includes('"".at'), true); })); testMe.complete('("").a', common.mustCall((err, data) => { assert.strictEqual(data[0].includes('("").at'), true); })); testMe.complete('[].a', common.mustCall((err, data) => { assert.strictEqual(data[0].includes('[].at'), true); })); testMe.complete('{}.a', common.mustCall((err, data) => { assert.deepStrictEqual(data[0], []); })); const testNonGlobal = repl.start({ input: putIn, output: putIn, useGlobal: false }); const builtins = [['Infinity', 'Int16Array', 'Int32Array', 'Int8Array'], 'I']; if (common.hasIntl) { builtins[0].push('Intl'); } testNonGlobal.complete('I', common.mustCall((error, data) => { assert.deepStrictEqual(data, builtins); })); // To test custom completer function. // Sync mode. const customCompletions = 'aaa aa1 aa2 bbb bb1 bb2 bb3 ccc ddd eee'.split(' '); const testCustomCompleterSyncMode = repl.start({ prompt: '', input: putIn, output: putIn, completer: function completer(line) { const hits = customCompletions.filter((c) => c.startsWith(line)); // Show all completions if none found. return [hits.length ? hits : customCompletions, line]; } }); // On empty line should output all the custom completions // without complete anything. testCustomCompleterSyncMode.complete('', common.mustCall((error, data) => { assert.deepStrictEqual(data, [ customCompletions, '', ]); })); // On `a` should output `aaa aa1 aa2` and complete until `aa`. testCustomCompleterSyncMode.complete('a', common.mustCall((error, data) => { assert.deepStrictEqual(data, [ 'aaa aa1 aa2'.split(' '), 'a', ]); })); // To test custom completer function. // Async mode. const testCustomCompleterAsyncMode = repl.start({ prompt: '', input: putIn, output: putIn, completer: function completer(line, callback) { const hits = customCompletions.filter((c) => c.startsWith(line)); // Show all completions if none found. callback(null, [hits.length ? hits : customCompletions, line]); } }); // On empty line should output all the custom completions // without complete anything. testCustomCompleterAsyncMode.complete('', common.mustCall((error, data) => { assert.deepStrictEqual(data, [ customCompletions, '', ]); })); // On `a` should output `aaa aa1 aa2` and complete until `aa`. testCustomCompleterAsyncMode.complete('a', common.mustCall((error, data) => { assert.deepStrictEqual(data, [ 'aaa aa1 aa2'.split(' '), 'a', ]); })); // Tab completion in editor mode const editorStream = new ArrayStream(); const editor = repl.start({ stream: editorStream, terminal: true, useColors: false }); editorStream.run(['.clear']); editorStream.run(['.editor']); editor.completer('Uin', common.mustCall((error, data) => { assert.deepStrictEqual(data, [['Uint'], 'Uin']); })); editorStream.run(['.clear']); editorStream.run(['.editor']); editor.completer('var log = console.l', common.mustCall((error, data) => { assert.deepStrictEqual(data, [['console.log'], 'console.l']); })); { // Tab completion of lexically scoped variables const stream = new ArrayStream(); const testRepl = repl.start({ stream }); stream.run([` let lexicalLet = true; const lexicalConst = true; class lexicalKlass {} `]); ['Let', 'Const', 'Klass'].forEach((type) => { const query = `lexical${type[0]}`; const expected = hasInspector ? [[`lexical${type}`], query] : [[], `lexical${type[0]}`]; testRepl.complete(query, common.mustCall((error, data) => { assert.deepStrictEqual(data, expected); })); }); }