#!/usr/bin/env node // Identify inactive collaborators. "Inactive" is not quite right, as the things // this checks for are not the entirety of collaborator activities. Still, it is // a pretty good proxy. Feel free to suggest or implement further metrics. import cp from 'node:child_process'; import fs from 'node:fs'; import readline from 'node:readline'; const SINCE = process.argv[2] || '18 months ago'; async function runGitCommand(cmd, mapFn) { const childProcess = cp.spawn('/bin/sh', ['-c', cmd], { cwd: new URL('..', import.meta.url), encoding: 'utf8', stdio: ['inherit', 'pipe', 'inherit'], }); const lines = readline.createInterface({ input: childProcess.stdout, }); const errorHandler = new Promise( (_, reject) => childProcess.on('error', reject) ); let returnValue = mapFn ? new Set() : ''; await Promise.race([errorHandler, Promise.resolve()]); // If no mapFn, return the value. If there is a mapFn, use it to make a Set to // return. for await (const line of lines) { await Promise.race([errorHandler, Promise.resolve()]); if (mapFn) { const val = mapFn(line); if (val) { returnValue.add(val); } } else { returnValue += line; } } return Promise.race([errorHandler, Promise.resolve(returnValue)]); } // Get all commit authors during the time period. const authors = await runGitCommand( `git shortlog -n -s --email --since="${SINCE}" HEAD`, (line) => line.trim().split('\t', 2)[1] ); // Get all approving reviewers of landed commits during the time period. const approvingReviewers = await runGitCommand( `git log --since="${SINCE}" | egrep "^ Reviewed-By: "`, (line) => /^ {4}Reviewed-By: ([^<]+)/.exec(line)[1].trim() ); async function getCollaboratorsFromReadme() { const readmeText = readline.createInterface({ input: fs.createReadStream(new URL('../README.md', import.meta.url)), crlfDelay: Infinity, }); const returnedArray = []; let foundCollaboratorHeading = false; for await (const line of readmeText) { // If we've found the collaborator heading already, stop processing at the // next heading. if (foundCollaboratorHeading && line.startsWith('#')) { break; } const isCollaborator = foundCollaboratorHeading && line.length; if (line === '### Collaborators') { foundCollaboratorHeading = true; } if (line.startsWith(' **') && isCollaborator) { const [, name, email] = /^ {2}\*\*([^*]+)\*\* <<(.+)>>/.exec(line); const mailmap = await runGitCommand( `git check-mailmap '${name} <${email}>'` ); if (mailmap !== `${name} <${email}>`) { console.log(`README entry for Collaborator does not match mailmap:\n ${name} <${email}> => ${mailmap}`); } returnedArray.push({ name, email, mailmap, }); } } if (!foundCollaboratorHeading) { throw new Error('Could not find Collaborator section of README'); } return returnedArray; } async function moveCollaboratorToEmeritus(peopleToMove) { const readmeText = readline.createInterface({ input: fs.createReadStream(new URL('../README.md', import.meta.url)), crlfDelay: Infinity, }); let fileContents = ''; let inCollaboratorsSection = false; let inCollaboratorEmeritusSection = false; let collaboratorFirstLine = ''; const textToMove = []; for await (const line of readmeText) { // If we've been processing collaborator emeriti and we reach the end of // the list, print out the remaining entries to be moved because they come // alphabetically after the last item. if (inCollaboratorEmeritusSection && line === '' && fileContents.endsWith('>\n')) { while (textToMove.length) { fileContents += textToMove.pop(); } } // If we've found the collaborator heading already, stop processing at the // next heading. if (line.startsWith('#')) { inCollaboratorsSection = false; inCollaboratorEmeritusSection = false; } const isCollaborator = inCollaboratorsSection && line.length; const isCollaboratorEmeritus = inCollaboratorEmeritusSection && line.length; if (line === '### Collaborators') { inCollaboratorsSection = true; } if (line === '### Collaborator emeriti') { inCollaboratorEmeritusSection = true; } if (isCollaborator) { if (line.startsWith('* ')) { collaboratorFirstLine = line; } else if (line.startsWith(' **')) { const [, name, email] = /^ {2}\*\*([^*]+)\*\* <<(.+)>>/.exec(line); if (peopleToMove.some((entry) => { return entry.name === name && entry.email === email; })) { textToMove.push(`${collaboratorFirstLine}\n${line}\n`); } else { fileContents += `${collaboratorFirstLine}\n${line}\n`; } } else { fileContents += `${line}\n`; } } if (isCollaboratorEmeritus) { if (line.startsWith('* ')) { collaboratorFirstLine = line; } else if (line.startsWith(' **')) { const currentLine = `${collaboratorFirstLine}\n${line}\n`; // If textToMove is empty, this still works because when undefined is // used in a comparison with <, the result is always false. while (textToMove[0] < currentLine) { fileContents += textToMove.shift(); } fileContents += currentLine; } else { fileContents += `${line}\n`; } } if (!isCollaborator && !isCollaboratorEmeritus) { fileContents += `${line}\n`; } } return fileContents; } // Get list of current collaborators from README.md. const collaborators = await getCollaboratorsFromReadme(); console.log(`Since ${SINCE}:\n`); console.log(`* ${authors.size.toLocaleString()} authors have made commits.`); console.log(`* ${approvingReviewers.size.toLocaleString()} reviewers have approved landed commits.`); console.log(`* ${collaborators.length.toLocaleString()} collaborators currently in the project.`); const inactive = collaborators.filter((collaborator) => !authors.has(collaborator.mailmap) && !approvingReviewers.has(collaborator.name) ); if (inactive.length) { console.log('\nInactive collaborators:\n'); console.log(inactive.map((entry) => `* ${entry.name}`).join('\n')); if (process.env.GITHUB_ACTIONS) { console.log('\nGenerating new README.md file...'); const newReadmeText = await moveCollaboratorToEmeritus(inactive); fs.writeFileSync(new URL('../README.md', import.meta.url), newReadmeText); } }