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github.com/npm/cli.git - Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
diff options
98 files changed, 1118 insertions, 1195 deletions
diff --git a/.eslintrc.json b/.eslintrc.json
index 7253bed6a..6232a8f82 100644
--- a/.eslintrc.json
+++ b/.eslintrc.json
@@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
"parserOptions": {
- "ecmaVersion": 2020,
- "ecmaFeatures": {
- "jsx": true
- },
- "sourceType": "module"
+ "ecmaVersion": 2018,
+ "ecmaFeatures": {},
+ "sourceType": "script"
"env": {
@@ -30,20 +28,20 @@
"array-bracket-spacing": ["error", "never"],
"arrow-spacing": ["error", { "before": true, "after": true }],
"block-spacing": ["error", "always"],
- "brace-style": ["error", "1tbs", { "allowSingleLine": true }],
+ "brace-style": ["error", "1tbs", { "allowSingleLine": false }],
"camelcase": ["error", { "properties": "never" }],
"comma-dangle": ["error", {
- "arrays": "never",
- "objects": "never",
- "imports": "never",
- "exports": "never",
+ "arrays": "always-multiline",
+ "objects": "always-multiline",
+ "imports": "always-multiline",
+ "exports": "always-multiline",
"functions": "never"
"comma-spacing": ["error", { "before": false, "after": true }],
"comma-style": ["error", "last"],
"computed-property-spacing": ["error", "never"],
"constructor-super": "error",
- "curly": ["error", "multi-line"],
+ "curly": ["error", "multi-or-nest"],
"dot-location": ["error", "property"],
"dot-notation": ["error", { "allowKeywords": true }],
"eol-last": "error",
@@ -77,7 +75,7 @@
"no-case-declarations": "error",
"no-class-assign": "error",
"no-compare-neg-zero": "error",
- "no-cond-assign": "error",
+ "no-cond-assign": "off",
"no-const-assign": "error",
"no-constant-condition": ["error", { "checkLoops": false }],
"no-control-regex": "error",
@@ -104,25 +102,18 @@
"no-invalid-regexp": "error",
"no-irregular-whitespace": "error",
"no-iterator": "error",
- "no-labels": ["error", { "allowLoop": false, "allowSwitch": false }],
+ "no-labels": ["error", { "allowLoop": true, "allowSwitch": false }],
"no-lone-blocks": "error",
"no-misleading-character-class": "error",
"no-prototype-builtins": "error",
"no-useless-catch": "error",
- "no-mixed-operators": ["error", {
- "groups": [
- ["==", "!=", "===", "!==", ">", ">=", "<", "<="],
- ["&&", "||"],
- ["in", "instanceof"]
- ],
- "allowSamePrecedence": true
- }],
+ "no-mixed-operators": "off",
"no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs": "error",
"no-multi-spaces": "error",
"no-multi-str": "error",
"no-multiple-empty-lines": ["error", { "max": 1, "maxEOF": 0 }],
"no-negated-in-lhs": "error",
- "no-new": "error",
+ "no-new": "off",
"no-new-func": "error",
"no-new-object": "error",
"no-new-require": "error",
@@ -135,8 +126,8 @@
"no-proto": "error",
"no-redeclare": ["error", { "builtinGlobals": false }],
"no-regex-spaces": "error",
- "no-return-assign": ["error", "except-parens"],
- "no-self-assign": ["error", { "props": true }],
+ "no-return-assign": "off",
+ "no-self-assign": "off",
"no-self-compare": "error",
"no-sequences": "error",
"no-shadow-restricted-names": "error",
@@ -166,16 +157,17 @@
"no-void": "error",
"no-whitespace-before-property": "error",
"no-with": "error",
- "object-curly-newline": ["error", { "multiline": true, "consistent": true }],
- "object-curly-spacing": ["error", "always"],
+ "nonblock-statement-body-position": [2, "below"],
+ "object-curly-newline": "off",
+ "object-curly-spacing": "off",
"object-property-newline": ["error", { "allowMultiplePropertiesPerLine": true }],
"one-var": ["error", { "initialized": "never" }],
- "operator-linebreak": ["error", "after", { "overrides": { "?": "before", ":": "before", "|>": "before" } }],
+ "operator-linebreak": "off",
"padded-blocks": ["error", { "blocks": "never", "switches": "never", "classes": "never" }],
"prefer-const": ["error", {"destructuring": "all"}],
"prefer-promise-reject-errors": "error",
"quote-props": ["error", "as-needed"],
- "quotes": ["error", "single", { "avoidEscape": true, "allowTemplateLiterals": false }],
+ "quotes": ["error", "single", { "avoidEscape": true, "allowTemplateLiterals": true }],
"rest-spread-spacing": ["error", "never"],
"semi": ["error", "never"],
"semi-spacing": ["error", { "before": false, "after": true }],
diff --git a/lib/access.js b/lib/access.js
index 33d296f8f..73228cae0 100644
--- a/lib/access.js
+++ b/lib/access.js
@@ -34,12 +34,12 @@ const subcommands = [
- '2fa-not-required'
+ '2fa-not-required',
const UsageError = (msg) =>
Object.assign(new Error(`\nUsage: ${msg}\n\n` + usage), {
- code: 'EUSAGE'
+ code: 'EUSAGE',
const cmd = (args, cb) =>
@@ -53,30 +53,27 @@ const cmd = (args, cb) =>
const access = async ([cmd, ...args], cb) => {
const fn = subcommands.includes(cmd) && access[cmd]
- if (!cmd) {
+ if (!cmd)
throw UsageError('Subcommand is required.')
- }
- if (!fn) {
+ if (!fn)
throw UsageError(`${cmd} is not a recognized subcommand.`)
- }
return fn(args, { ...npm.flatOptions })
const completion = function (opts, cb) {
var argv = opts.conf.argv.remain
- if (argv.length === 2) {
+ if (argv.length === 2)
return cb(null, subcommands)
- }
switch (argv[2]) {
case 'grant':
- if (argv.length === 3) {
+ if (argv.length === 3)
return cb(null, ['read-only', 'read-write'])
- } else {
+ else
return cb(null, [])
- }
case 'public':
case 'restricted':
case 'ls-packages':
@@ -98,13 +95,11 @@ access.restricted = ([pkg], opts) =>
modifyPackage(pkg, opts, libaccess.restricted)
access.grant = async ([perms, scopeteam, pkg], opts) => {
- if (!perms || (perms !== 'read-only' && perms !== 'read-write')) {
+ if (!perms || (perms !== 'read-only' && perms !== 'read-write'))
throw UsageError('First argument must be either `read-only` or `read-write`.')
- }
- if (!scopeteam) {
+ if (!scopeteam)
throw UsageError('`<scope:team>` argument is required.')
- }
const [, scope, team] = scopeteam.match(/^@?([^:]+):(.*)$/) || []
@@ -120,9 +115,8 @@ access.grant = async ([perms, scopeteam, pkg], opts) => {
access.revoke = async ([scopeteam, pkg], opts) => {
- if (!scopeteam) {
+ if (!scopeteam)
throw UsageError('`<scope:team>` argument is required.')
- }
const [, scope, team] = scopeteam.match(/^@?([^:]+):(.*)$/) || []
@@ -144,9 +138,8 @@ access['2fa-not-required'] = access.tfaNotRequired = ([pkg], opts) =>
modifyPackage(pkg, opts, libaccess.tfaNotRequired, false)
access['ls-packages'] = access.lsPackages = async ([owner], opts) => {
- if (!owner) {
+ if (!owner)
owner = await getIdentity(opts)
- }
const pkgs = await libaccess.lsPackages(owner, opts)
@@ -170,9 +163,9 @@ const modifyPackage = (pkg, opts, fn, requireScope = true) =>
.then(pkgName => otplease(opts, opts => fn(pkgName, opts)))
const getPackage = async (name, requireScope) => {
- if (name && name.trim()) {
+ if (name && name.trim())
return name.trim()
- } else {
+ else {
try {
const pkg = await readPackageJson(path.resolve(prefix, 'package.json'))
name = pkg.name
@@ -181,16 +174,14 @@ const getPackage = async (name, requireScope) => {
throw new Error(
'no package name passed to command and no package.json found'
- } else {
+ } else
throw err
- }
- if (requireScope && !name.match(/^@[^/]+\/.*$/)) {
+ if (requireScope && !name.match(/^@[^/]+\/.*$/))
throw UsageError('This command is only available for scoped packages.')
- } else {
+ else
return name
- }
diff --git a/lib/adduser.js b/lib/adduser.js
index 017958e02..895a677c0 100644
--- a/lib/adduser.js
+++ b/lib/adduser.js
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ const authTypes = {
legacy: require('./auth/legacy.js'),
oauth: require('./auth/oauth.js'),
saml: require('./auth/saml.js'),
- sso: require('./auth/sso.js')
+ sso: require('./auth/sso.js'),
const usage = usageUtil(
@@ -24,9 +24,8 @@ const getRegistry = ({ scope, registry }) => {
if (scope) {
const scopedRegistry = npm.config.get(`${scope}:registry`)
const cliRegistry = npm.config.get('registry', 'cli')
- if (scopedRegistry && !cliRegistry) {
+ if (scopedRegistry && !cliRegistry)
return scopedRegistry
- }
return registry
@@ -34,9 +33,8 @@ const getRegistry = ({ scope, registry }) => {
const getAuthType = ({ authType }) => {
const type = authTypes[authType]
- if (!type) {
+ if (!type)
throw new Error('no such auth module')
- }
return type
@@ -44,9 +42,8 @@ const getAuthType = ({ authType }) => {
const updateConfig = async ({ newCreds, registry, scope }) => {
npm.config.delete('_token', 'user') // prevent legacy pollution
- if (scope) {
+ if (scope)
npm.config.set(scope + ':registry', registry, 'user')
- }
npm.config.setCredentialsByURI(registry, newCreds)
await npm.config.save('user')
@@ -63,13 +60,13 @@ const adduser = async (args) => {
const { message, newCreds } = await auth({
- scope
+ scope,
await updateConfig({
- scope
+ scope,
diff --git a/lib/audit.js b/lib/audit.js
index 30c043fa0..e77beab1e 100644
--- a/lib/audit.js
+++ b/lib/audit.js
@@ -9,19 +9,19 @@ const audit = async args => {
const arb = new Arborist({
audit: true,
- path: npm.prefix
+ path: npm.prefix,
const fix = args[0] === 'fix'
await arb.audit({ fix })
- if (fix) {
+ if (fix)
- } else {
+ else {
// will throw if there's an error, because this is an audit command
const reporter = npm.flatOptions.json ? 'json' : 'detail'
const result = auditReport(arb.auditReport, {
- reporter
+ reporter,
process.exitCode = process.exitCode || result.exitCode
@@ -41,9 +41,8 @@ const usage = usageUtil(
const completion = (opts, cb) => {
const argv = opts.conf.argv.remain
- if (argv.length === 2) {
+ if (argv.length === 2)
return cb(null, ['fix'])
- }
switch (argv[2]) {
case 'fix':
diff --git a/lib/auth/legacy.js b/lib/auth/legacy.js
index 883a32fd5..4178c40b9 100644
--- a/lib/auth/legacy.js
+++ b/lib/auth/legacy.js
@@ -47,11 +47,10 @@ const login = async (opts) => {
} catch (err) {
- if (err.code === 'EOTP') {
+ if (err.code === 'EOTP')
newUser = await requestOTP()
- } else {
+ else
throw err
- }
return newUser
@@ -65,20 +64,20 @@ const login = async (opts) => {
opts.creds.username &&
opts.creds.password &&
- if (err.code === 'EOTP') {
+ if (err.code === 'EOTP')
res = await requestOTP()
- } else if (needsMoreInfo) {
+ else if (needsMoreInfo)
throw err
- } else {
+ else {
// TODO: maybe this needs to check for err.code === 'E400' instead?
res = await addNewUser()
const newCreds = {}
- if (res && res.token) {
+ if (res && res.token)
newCreds.token = res.token
- } else {
+ else {
newCreds.username = opts.creds.username
newCreds.password = opts.creds.password
newCreds.email = opts.creds.email
@@ -94,7 +93,7 @@ const login = async (opts) => {
return {
- newCreds
+ newCreds,
diff --git a/lib/auth/sso.js b/lib/auth/sso.js
index 5444e9ca0..8e4c34531 100644
--- a/lib/auth/sso.js
+++ b/lib/auth/sso.js
@@ -30,9 +30,8 @@ const pollForSession = ({ registry, token, opts }) => {
return sleep(opts.ssoPollFrequency).then(() => {
return pollForSession({ registry, token, opts })
- } else {
+ } else
throw err
- }
@@ -47,9 +46,8 @@ const login = async ({ creds, registry, scope }) => {
const opts = { ...npm.flatOptions, creds, registry, scope }
const { ssoType } = opts
- if (!ssoType) {
+ if (!ssoType)
throw new Error('Missing option: sso-type')
- }
// We're reusing the legacy login endpoint, so we need some dummy
// stuff here to pass validation. They're never used.
@@ -57,15 +55,17 @@ const login = async ({ creds, registry, scope }) => {
username: 'npm_' + ssoType + '_auth_dummy_user',
password: 'placeholder',
email: 'support@npmjs.com',
- authType: ssoType
+ authType: ssoType,
const { token, sso } = await otplease(opts,
opts => profile.loginCouch(auth.username, auth.password, opts)
- if (!token) { throw new Error('no SSO token returned') }
- if (!sso) { throw new Error('no SSO URL returned by services') }
+ if (!token)
+ throw new Error('no SSO token returned')
+ if (!sso)
+ throw new Error('no SSO URL returned by services')
await openUrl(sso, 'to complete your login please visit')
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ const login = async ({ creds, registry, scope }) => {
return {
- newCreds: { token }
+ newCreds: { token },
diff --git a/lib/bin.js b/lib/bin.js
index 85b3da747..1d776365c 100644
--- a/lib/bin.js
+++ b/lib/bin.js
@@ -8,8 +8,7 @@ const usage = usageUtil('bin', 'npm bin [-g]')
const bin = async (args, cb) => {
const b = npm.bin
- if (npm.flatOptions.global && !PATH.includes(b)) {
+ if (npm.flatOptions.global && !PATH.includes(b))
console.error('(not in PATH env variable)')
- }
module.exports = Object.assign(cmd, { usage, completion })
diff --git a/lib/birthday.js b/lib/birthday.js
index 90e8ea79e..097ffd925 100644
--- a/lib/birthday.js
+++ b/lib/birthday.js
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+/* eslint-disable max-len */
// happy birthday! 🎂
module.exports = (_, c) => {
diff --git a/lib/bugs.js b/lib/bugs.js
index e6940f36b..012f39efb 100644
--- a/lib/bugs.js
+++ b/lib/bugs.js
@@ -12,27 +12,25 @@ const completion = require('./utils/completion/none.js')
const cmd = (args, cb) => bugs(args).then(() => cb()).catch(cb)
const bugs = async args => {
- if (!args || !args.length) {
+ if (!args || !args.length)
args = ['.']
- }
await Promise.all(args.map(pkg => getBugs(pkg)))
const getBugsUrl = mani => {
if (mani.bugs) {
- if (typeof mani.bugs === 'string') {
+ if (typeof mani.bugs === 'string')
return mani.bugs
- }
- if (typeof mani.bugs === 'object' && mani.bugs.url) {
+ if (typeof mani.bugs === 'object' && mani.bugs.url)
return mani.bugs.url
- }
// try to get it from the repo, if possible
const info = hostedFromMani(mani)
- if (info) {
+ if (info)
return info.bugs()
- }
// just send them to the website, hopefully that has some info!
return `https://www.npmjs.com/package/${mani.name}`
diff --git a/lib/cache.js b/lib/cache.js
index dc3a6de72..bf788043a 100644
--- a/lib/cache.js
+++ b/lib/cache.js
@@ -21,9 +21,8 @@ const usage = usageUtil('cache',
const completion = (opts, cb) => {
const argv = opts.conf.argv.remain
- if (argv.length === 2) {
+ if (argv.length === 2)
return cb(null, ['add', 'clean'])
- }
// TODO - eventually...
switch (argv[2]) {
@@ -51,9 +50,9 @@ const cache = async (args) => {
// npm cache clean [pkg]*
const clean = async (args) => {
- if (args.length) {
+ if (args.length)
throw new Error('npm cache clear does not accept arguments')
- }
const cachePath = path.join(npm.cache, '_cacache')
if (!npm.flatOptions.force) {
throw new Error(`As of npm@5, the npm cache self-heals from corruption issues
@@ -89,9 +88,8 @@ const add = async (args, where) => {
(args[1] === undefined || args[1] === null ? '' : `@${args[1]}`)
log.verbose('cache add', 'spec', spec)
- if (!spec) {
+ if (!spec)
throw new Error(usage)
- }
log.silly('cache add', 'parsed spec', spec)
const opts = { ...npm.flatOptions, where }
diff --git a/lib/ci.js b/lib/ci.js
index 2e151fd7b..a0728f8a4 100644
--- a/lib/ci.js
+++ b/lib/ci.js
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ const ci = async () => {
'later to generate a package-lock.json file, then try again.'
throw new Error(msg)
- rimraf(`${where}/node_modules/`)
+ rimraf(`${where}/node_modules/`),
// npm ci should never modify the lockfile or package.json
await arb.reify({ save: false })
diff --git a/lib/cli.js b/lib/cli.js
index 71bdb1bac..f06abcd18 100644
--- a/lib/cli.js
+++ b/lib/cli.js
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ module.exports = (process) => {
const {
- checkForUnsupportedNode
+ checkForUnsupportedNode,
} = require('../lib/utils/unsupported.js')
@@ -21,9 +21,8 @@ module.exports = (process) => {
// if npm is called as "npmg" or "npm_g", then
// run in global mode.
- if (process.argv[1][process.argv[1].length - 1] === 'g') {
+ if (process.argv[1][process.argv[1].length - 1] === 'g')
process.argv.splice(1, 1, 'npm', '-g')
- }
log.verbose('cli', process.argv)
@@ -37,7 +36,8 @@ module.exports = (process) => {
// this is how to use npm programmatically:
const updateNotifier = require('../lib/utils/update-notifier.js')
npm.load(async er => {
- if (er) return errorHandler(er)
+ if (er)
+ return errorHandler(er)
if (npm.config.get('version', 'cli')) {
return errorHandler.exit(0)
@@ -52,9 +52,9 @@ module.exports = (process) => {
const cmd = npm.argv.shift()
const impl = npm.commands[cmd]
- if (impl) {
+ if (impl)
impl(npm.argv, errorHandler)
- } else {
+ else {
npm.config.set('usage', false)
npm.commands.help(npm.argv, errorHandler)
diff --git a/lib/completion.js b/lib/completion.js
index 11c791d8f..dda7a9ebd 100644
--- a/lib/completion.js
+++ b/lib/completion.js
@@ -53,22 +53,20 @@ const cmd = (args, cb) => compl(args).then(() => cb()).catch(cb)
// completion for the completion command
const completion = async (opts, cb) => {
- if (opts.w > 3) {
+ if (opts.w > 3)
return cb()
- }
const { resolve } = require('path')
const [bashExists, zshExists] = await Promise.all([
fileExists(resolve(process.env.HOME, '.bashrc')),
- fileExists(resolve(process.env.HOME, '.zshrc'))
+ fileExists(resolve(process.env.HOME, '.zshrc')),
const out = []
- if (zshExists) {
+ if (zshExists)
- }
- if (bashExists) {
+ if (bashExists)
- }
cb(null, opts.w === 2 ? out.map(m => ['>>', m]) : out)
@@ -77,7 +75,7 @@ const compl = async args => {
if (isWindowsShell) {
const msg = 'npm completion supported only in MINGW / Git bash on Windows'
throw Object.assign(new Error(msg), {
- code: 'ENOTSUP'
+ code: 'ENOTSUP',
@@ -86,9 +84,8 @@ const compl = async args => {
// if the COMP_* isn't in the env, then just dump the script.
if (COMP_CWORD === undefined ||
COMP_LINE === undefined ||
- COMP_POINT === undefined) {
+ COMP_POINT === undefined)
return dumpScript()
- }
// ok we're actually looking at the envs and outputting the suggestions
console.error({ COMP_CWORD, COMP_LINE, COMP_POINT })
@@ -108,10 +105,11 @@ const compl = async args => {
// figure out where in that last word the point is.
const partialWordRaw = args[w]
console.error('partial word (args[%i])', w, partialWordRaw, args)
let i = partialWordRaw.length
- while (partialWordRaw.substr(0, i) !== partialLine.substr(-1 * i) && i > 0) {
+ while (partialWordRaw.substr(0, i) !== partialLine.substr(-1 * i) && i > 0)
- }
const partialWord = unescape(partialWordRaw.substr(0, i))
@@ -125,16 +123,16 @@ const compl = async args => {
- raw: args
+ raw: args,
const wrap = getWrap(opts)
if (partialWords.slice(0, -1).indexOf('--') === -1) {
- if (word.charAt(0) === '-') {
+ if (word.charAt(0) === '-')
return wrap(configCompl(opts))
- }
if (words[w - 1] &&
words[w - 1].charAt(0) === '-' &&
!isFlag(words[w - 1])) {
@@ -156,9 +154,8 @@ const compl = async args => {
console.error('PARSED', parsed)
const cmd = parsed.argv.remain[1]
console.error('CMD', cmd)
- if (!cmd) {
+ if (!cmd)
return wrap(cmdCompl(opts))
- }
Object.keys(parsed).forEach(k => npm.config.set(k, parsed[k]))
@@ -184,17 +181,16 @@ const dumpScript = async () => {
await new Promise((res, rej) => {
let done = false
process.stdout.write(d, () => {
- if (done) {
+ if (done)
- }
done = true
process.stdout.on('error', er => {
- if (done) {
+ if (done)
- }
done = true
@@ -208,11 +204,10 @@ const dumpScript = async () => {
// Really, one should not be tossing away EPIPE errors, or any
// errors, so casually. But, without this, `. <(npm completion)`
// can never ever work on OS X.
- if (er.errno === 'EPIPE') {
+ if (er.errno === 'EPIPE')
- } else {
+ else
- }
@@ -232,9 +227,8 @@ const escape = w => !/\s+/.test(w) ? w
const getWrap = opts => compls => {
console.error('WRAP', opts, compls)
- if (!Array.isArray(compls)) {
+ if (!Array.isArray(compls))
compls = compls ? [compls] : []
- }
compls = compls.map(c =>
Array.isArray(c) ? c.map(escape).join(' ') : escape(c))
@@ -245,9 +239,8 @@ const getWrap = opts => compls => {
console.error(compls, opts.partialWord)
- if (compls.length > 0) {
+ if (compls.length > 0)
- }
// the current word has a dash. Return the config names,
@@ -286,9 +279,9 @@ const cmdCompl = opts => {
console.error('CMD COMPL', opts.partialWord)
const matches = fullList.filter(c => c.startsWith(opts.partialWord))
console.error('MATCHES', matches)
- if (!matches.length) {
+ if (!matches.length)
return matches
- }
const derefs = new Set([...matches.map(c => deref(c))])
if (derefs.size === 1) {
console.error('ONLY ONE MATCH', derefs)
diff --git a/lib/config.js b/lib/config.js
index 21f3ab693..ad8db4ff5 100644
--- a/lib/config.js
+++ b/lib/config.js
@@ -28,15 +28,14 @@ const cmd = (args, cb) => config(args).then(() => cb()).catch(cb)
const completion = (opts, cb) => {
const argv = opts.conf.argv.remain
- if (argv[1] !== 'config') {
+ if (argv[1] !== 'config')
- }
if (argv.length === 2) {
const cmds = ['get', 'set', 'delete', 'ls', 'rm', 'edit']
- if (opts.partialWord !== 'l') {
+ if (opts.partialWord !== 'l')
- }
return cb(null, cmds)
@@ -44,9 +43,9 @@ const completion = (opts, cb) => {
switch (action) {
case 'set':
// todo: complete with valid values, if possible.
- if (argv.length > 3) {
+ if (argv.length > 3)
return cb(null, [])
- }
// fallthrough
/* eslint no-fallthrough:0 */
case 'get':
@@ -95,18 +94,16 @@ const config = async ([action, key, val]) => {
const set = async (key, val) => {
- if (key === undefined) {
+ if (key === undefined)
throw UsageError()
- }
if (val === undefined) {
if (key.indexOf('=') !== -1) {
const k = key.split('=')
key = k.shift()
val = k.join('=')
- } else {
+ } else
val = ''
- }
key = key.trim()
@@ -114,28 +111,25 @@ const set = async (key, val) => {
npm.log.info('config', 'set %j %j', key, val)
const where = npm.flatOptions.global ? 'global' : 'user'
npm.config.set(key, val, where)
- if (!npm.config.validate(where)) {
+ if (!npm.config.validate(where))
npm.log.warn('config', 'omitting invalid config values')
- }
await npm.config.save(where)
const get = async key => {
- if (!key) {
+ if (!key)
return list()
- }
- if (!publicVar(key)) {
+ if (!publicVar(key))
throw `The ${key} option is protected, and cannot be retrieved in this way`
- }
const del = async key => {
- if (!key) {
+ if (!key)
throw UsageError()
- }
const where = npm.flatOptions.global ? 'global' : 'user'
npm.config.delete(key, where)
@@ -144,9 +138,8 @@ const del = async key => {
const edit = async () => {
const { editor: e, global } = npm.flatOptions
- if (!e) {
+ if (!e)
throw new Error('No `editor` config or EDITOR environment variable set')
- }
const where = global ? 'global' : 'user'
const file = npm.config.data.get(where).source
@@ -199,13 +192,13 @@ const list = async () => {
const msg = []
const { long } = npm.flatOptions
for (const [where, { data, source }] of npm.config.data.entries()) {
- if (where === 'default' && !long) {
+ if (where === 'default' && !long)
- }
const keys = Object.keys(data).sort((a, b) => a.localeCompare(b))
- if (!keys.length) {
+ if (!keys.length)
- }
msg.push(`; "${where}" config from ${source}`, '')
for (const k of keys) {
const v = publicVar(k) ? JSON.stringify(data[k]) : '(protected)'
@@ -232,9 +225,9 @@ const list = async () => {
const listJson = async () => {
const publicConf = {}
for (const key in npm.config.list[0]) {
- if (!publicVar(key)) {
+ if (!publicVar(key))
- }
publicConf[key] = npm.config.get(key)
output(JSON.stringify(publicConf, null, 2))
diff --git a/lib/dedupe.js b/lib/dedupe.js
index eb197ec62..a08c9f3f8 100644
--- a/lib/dedupe.js
+++ b/lib/dedupe.js
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ const dedupe = async (args) => {
const arb = new Arborist({
path: where,
- dryRun
+ dryRun,
await arb.dedupe(npm.flatOptions)
diff --git a/lib/deprecate.js b/lib/deprecate.js
index d7a9a9481..9f8911ddd 100644
--- a/lib/deprecate.js
+++ b/lib/deprecate.js
@@ -13,7 +13,8 @@ deprecate.usage = 'npm deprecate <pkg>[@<version>] <message>'
deprecate.completion = function (opts, cb) {
return Promise.resolve().then(() => {
- if (opts.conf.argv.remain.length > 2) { return }
+ if (opts.conf.argv.remain.length > 2)
+ return
return getItentity(npm.flatOptions).then(username => {
if (username) {
// first, get a list of remote packages this user owns.
@@ -35,7 +36,8 @@ function deprecate ([pkg, msg], opts, cb) {
opts = opts || npm.flatOptions
return Promise.resolve().then(() => {
- if (msg == null) throw new Error(`Usage: ${deprecate.usage}`)
+ if (msg == null)
+ throw new Error(`Usage: ${deprecate.usage}`)
// fetch the data and make sure it exists.
const p = npa(pkg)
@@ -43,26 +45,27 @@ function deprecate ([pkg, msg], opts, cb) {
// "*" is the appropriate default.
const spec = p.rawSpec === '' ? '*' : p.fetchSpec
- if (semver.validRange(spec, true) === null) {
+ if (semver.validRange(spec, true) === null)
throw new Error('invalid version range: ' + spec)
- }
const uri = '/' + p.escapedName
return fetch.json(uri, {
spec: p,
- query: { write: true }
+ query: { write: true },
}).then(packument => {
// filter all the versions that match
.filter(v => semver.satisfies(v, spec))
- .forEach(v => { packument.versions[v].deprecated = msg })
+ .forEach(v => {
+ packument.versions[v].deprecated = msg
+ })
return otplease(opts, opts => fetch(uri, {
spec: p,
method: 'PUT',
body: packument,
- ignoreBody: true
+ ignoreBody: true,
}).then(() => cb(), cb)
diff --git a/lib/dist-tag.js b/lib/dist-tag.js
index 4d8c77d00..bd7ccc9e0 100644
--- a/lib/dist-tag.js
+++ b/lib/dist-tag.js
@@ -20,9 +20,8 @@ const usage = usageUtil(
const completion = function (opts, cb) {
const argv = opts.conf.argv.remain
- if (argv.length === 2) {
+ if (argv.length === 2)
return cb(null, ['add', 'rm', 'ls'])
- }
switch (argv[2]) {
@@ -36,25 +35,21 @@ const distTag = async ([cmdName, pkg, tag]) => {
const opts = npm.flatOptions
const has = (items) => new Set(items).has(cmdName)
- if (has(['add', 'a', 'set', 's'])) {
+ if (has(['add', 'a', 'set', 's']))
return add(pkg, tag, opts)
- }
- if (has(['rm', 'r', 'del', 'd', 'remove'])) {
+ if (has(['rm', 'r', 'del', 'd', 'remove']))
return remove(pkg, tag, opts)
- }
- if (has(['ls', 'l', 'sl', 'list'])) {
+ if (has(['ls', 'l', 'sl', 'list']))
return list(pkg, opts)
- }
if (!pkg) {
// when only using the pkg name the default behavior
// should be listing the existing tags
return list(cmdName, opts)
- } else {
+ } else
throw usage
- }
function add (spec, tag, opts) {
@@ -64,15 +59,13 @@ function add (spec, tag, opts) {
log.verbose('dist-tag add', defaultTag, 'to', spec.name + '@' + version)
- if (!spec.name || !version || !defaultTag) {
+ if (!spec.name || !version || !defaultTag)
throw usage
- }
const t = defaultTag.trim()
- if (semver.validRange(t)) {
+ if (semver.validRange(t))
throw new Error('Tag name must not be a valid SemVer range: ' + t)
- }
return fetchTags(spec, opts).then(tags => {
if (tags[t] === version) {
@@ -87,9 +80,9 @@ function add (spec, tag, opts) {
method: 'PUT',
body: JSON.stringify(version),
headers: {
- 'content-type': 'application/json'
+ 'content-type': 'application/json',
- spec
+ spec,
return otplease(reqOpts, reqOpts => regFetch(url, reqOpts)).then(() => {
output(`+${t}: ${spec.name}@${version}`)
@@ -101,9 +94,8 @@ function remove (spec, tag, opts) {
spec = npa(spec || '')
log.verbose('dist-tag del', tag, 'from', spec.name)
- if (!spec.name) {
+ if (!spec.name)
throw usage
- }
return fetchTags(spec, opts).then(tags => {
if (!tags[tag]) {
@@ -117,7 +109,7 @@ function remove (spec, tag, opts) {
const reqOpts = {
method: 'DELETE',
- spec
+ spec,
return otplease(reqOpts, reqOpts => regFetch(url, reqOpts)).then(() => {
output(`-${tag}: ${spec.name}@${version}`)
@@ -128,9 +120,8 @@ function remove (spec, tag, opts) {
function list (spec, opts) {
if (!spec) {
return readLocalPkgName().then(pkg => {
- if (!pkg) {
+ if (!pkg)
throw usage
- }
return list(pkg, opts)
@@ -154,13 +145,14 @@ function fetchTags (spec, opts) {
'prefer-online': true,
- spec
+ spec,
).then(data => {
- if (data && typeof data === 'object') delete data._etag
- if (!data || !Object.keys(data).length) {
+ if (data && typeof data === 'object')
+ delete data._etag
+ if (!data || !Object.keys(data).length)
throw new Error('No dist-tags found for ' + spec.name)
- }
return data
diff --git a/lib/docs.js b/lib/docs.js
index e101f8fea..b6a3df7f7 100644
--- a/lib/docs.js
+++ b/lib/docs.js
@@ -12,21 +12,19 @@ const completion = require('./utils/completion/none.js')
const cmd = (args, cb) => docs(args).then(() => cb()).catch(cb)
const docs = async args => {
- if (!args || !args.length) {
+ if (!args || !args.length)
args = ['.']
- }
await Promise.all(args.map(pkg => getDocs(pkg)))
const getDocsUrl = mani => {
- if (mani.homepage) {
+ if (mani.homepage)
return mani.homepage
- }
const info = hostedFromMani(mani)
- if (info) {
+ if (info)
return info.docs()
- }
return 'https://www.npmjs.com/package/' + mani.name
diff --git a/lib/doctor.js b/lib/doctor.js
index 1e781dc59..a596f1f4b 100644
--- a/lib/doctor.js
+++ b/lib/doctor.js
@@ -17,11 +17,10 @@ const checkPing = async () => {
await ping(npm.flatOptions)
return ''
} catch (er) {
- if (/^E\d{3}$/.test(er.code || '')) {
+ if (/^E\d{3}$/.test(er.code || ''))
throw er.code.substr(1) + ' ' + er.message
- } else {
+ else
throw er
- }
} finally {
@@ -33,11 +32,10 @@ const getLatestNpmVersion = async () => {
tracker.info('getLatestNpmVersion', 'Getting npm package information')
try {
const latest = (await pacote.manifest('npm@latest', npm.flatOptions)).version
- if (semver.gte(npm.version, latest)) {
+ if (semver.gte(npm.version, latest))
return `current: v${npm.version}, latest: v${latest}`
- } else {
+ else
throw `Use npm v${latest}`
- }
} finally {
@@ -58,19 +56,17 @@ const getLatestNodejsVersion = async () => {
let maxCurrent = '0.0.0'
let maxLTS = '0.0.0'
for (const { lts, version } of data) {
- if (lts && semver.gt(version, maxLTS)) {
+ if (lts && semver.gt(version, maxLTS))
maxLTS = version
- }
- if (semver.satisfies(version, currentRange) && semver.gt(version, maxCurrent)) {
+ if (semver.satisfies(version, currentRange) && semver.gt(version, maxCurrent))
maxCurrent = version
- }
const recommended = semver.gt(maxCurrent, maxLTS) ? maxCurrent : maxLTS
- if (semver.gte(process.version, recommended)) {
+ if (semver.gte(process.version, recommended))
return `current: ${current}, recommended: ${recommended}`
- } else {
+ else
throw `Use node ${recommended} (current: ${current})`
- }
} finally {
@@ -81,15 +77,15 @@ const fs = require('fs')
const { R_OK, W_OK, X_OK } = fs.constants
const maskLabel = mask => {
const label = []
- if (mask & R_OK) {
+ if (mask & R_OK)
- }
- if (mask & W_OK) {
+ if (mask & W_OK)
- }
- if (mask & X_OK) {
+ if (mask & X_OK)
- }
return label.join(', ')
const lstat = promisify(fs.lstat)
@@ -97,9 +93,8 @@ const readdir = promisify(fs.readdir)
const access = promisify(fs.access)
const isWindows = require('./utils/is-windows.js')
const checkFilesPermission = async (root, shouldOwn = true, mask = null) => {
- if (mask === null) {
+ if (mask === null)
mask = shouldOwn ? R_OK | W_OK : R_OK
- }
let ok = true
@@ -119,18 +114,16 @@ const checkFilesPermission = async (root, shouldOwn = true, mask = null) => {
- if (!st) {
+ if (!st)
- }
if (shouldOwn && (uid !== st.uid || gid !== st.gid)) {
tracker.warn('checkFilesPermission', 'should be owner of ' + f)
ok = false
- if (!st.isDirectory() && !st.isFile()) {
+ if (!st.isDirectory() && !st.isFile())
- }
try {
await access(f, mask)
@@ -148,9 +141,8 @@ const checkFilesPermission = async (root, shouldOwn = true, mask = null) => {
tracker.warn('checkFilesPermission', 'error reading directory ' + f)
return []
- for (const entry of entries) {
+ for (const entry of entries)
files.add(resolve(f, entry))
- }
} finally {
@@ -158,9 +150,8 @@ const checkFilesPermission = async (root, shouldOwn = true, mask = null) => {
if (!ok) {
throw `Check the permissions of files in ${root}` +
(shouldOwn ? ' (should be owned by current user)' : '')
- } else {
+ } else
return ''
- }
@@ -186,15 +177,15 @@ const verifyCachedFiles = async () => {
const stats = await cacache.verify(npm.flatOptions.cache)
const { badContentCount, reclaimedCount, missingContent, reclaimedSize } = stats
if (badContentCount || reclaimedCount || missingContent) {
- if (badContentCount) {
+ if (badContentCount)
tracker.warn('verifyCachedFiles', `Corrupted content removed: ${badContentCount}`)
- }
- if (reclaimedCount) {
+ if (reclaimedCount)
tracker.warn('verifyCachedFiles', `Content garbage-collected: ${reclaimedCount} (${reclaimedSize} bytes)`)
- }
- if (missingContent) {
+ if (missingContent)
tracker.warn('verifyCachedFiles', `Missing content: ${missingContent}`)
- }
tracker.warn('verifyCachedFiles', 'Cache issues have been fixed')
tracker.info('verifyCachedFiles', `Verification complete. Stats: ${
@@ -208,11 +199,10 @@ const verifyCachedFiles = async () => {
const { defaults: { registry: defaultRegistry } } = require('./utils/config.js')
const checkNpmRegistry = async () => {
- if (npm.flatOptions.registry !== defaultRegistry) {
+ if (npm.flatOptions.registry !== defaultRegistry)
throw `Try \`npm config set registry=${defaultRegistry}\``
- } else {
+ else
return `using default registry (${defaultRegistry})`
- }
const cmd = (args, cb) => doctor(args).then(() => cb()).catch(cb)
@@ -234,9 +224,9 @@ const doctor = async args => {
['Perms check on local node_modules', checkFilesPermission, [npm.localDir, true]],
['Perms check on global node_modules', checkFilesPermission, [npm.globalDir, false]],
['Perms check on local bin folder', checkFilesPermission, [npm.localBin, false, R_OK | W_OK | X_OK]],
- ['Perms check on global bin folder', checkFilesPermission, [npm.globalBin, false, X_OK]]
+ ['Perms check on global bin folder', checkFilesPermission, [npm.globalBin, false, X_OK]],
- ['Verify cache contents', verifyCachedFiles, [npm.flatOptions.cache]]
+ ['Verify cache contents', verifyCachedFiles, [npm.flatOptions.cache]],
// TODO:
// - ensure arborist.loadActual() runs without errors and no invalid edges
// - ensure package-lock.json matches loadActual()
@@ -277,18 +267,16 @@ const doctor = async args => {
const outTable = [outHead, ...outBody]
const tableOpts = {
- stringLength: s => ansiTrim(s).length
+ stringLength: s => ansiTrim(s).length,
if (!silent) {
output(table(outTable, tableOpts))
- if (!allOk) {
+ if (!allOk)
- }
- if (!allOk) {
+ if (!allOk)
throw 'Some problems found. See above for recommendations.'
- }
module.exports = Object.assign(cmd, { completion, usage })
diff --git a/lib/edit.js b/lib/edit.js
index 2e8b339e9..43f86dfe7 100644
--- a/lib/edit.js
+++ b/lib/edit.js
@@ -14,7 +14,8 @@ var noProgressTillDone = require('./utils/no-progress-while-running').tillDone
function edit (args, cb) {
var p = args[0]
- if (args.length !== 1 || !p) return cb(edit.usage)
+ if (args.length !== 1 || !p)
+ return cb(edit.usage)
var e = npm.config.get('editor')
if (!e) {
return cb(new Error(
@@ -24,25 +25,27 @@ function edit (args, cb) {
p = p.split('/')
// combine scoped parts
.reduce(function (parts, part) {
- if (parts.length === 0) {
+ if (parts.length === 0)
return [part]
- }
var lastPart = parts[parts.length - 1]
// check if previous part is the first part of a scoped package
- if (lastPart[0] === '@' && !lastPart.includes('/')) {
+ if (lastPart[0] === '@' && !lastPart.includes('/'))
parts[parts.length - 1] += '/' + part
- } else {
+ else
- }
return parts
}, [])
.replace(/(\/node_modules)+/, '/node_modules')
var f = path.resolve(npm.dir, p)
fs.lstat(f, function (er) {
- if (er) return cb(er)
+ if (er)
+ return cb(er)
editor(f, { editor: e }, noProgressTillDone(function (er) {
- if (er) return cb(er)
+ if (er)
+ return cb(er)
npm.commands.rebuild(args, cb)
diff --git a/lib/exec.js b/lib/exec.js
index 01336696b..cda884943 100644
--- a/lib/exec.js
+++ b/lib/exec.js
@@ -67,9 +67,8 @@ const cmd = (args, cb) => exec(args).then(() => cb()).catch(cb)
const exec = async args => {
const { package: packages, call } = npm.flatOptions
- if (call && args.length) {
+ if (call && args.length)
throw usage
- }
const pathArr = [...PATH]
@@ -97,9 +96,9 @@ const exec = async args => {
stdioString: true,
event: 'npx',
env: {
- PATH: pathArr.join(delimiter)
+ PATH: pathArr.join(delimiter),
- stdio: 'inherit'
+ stdio: 'inherit',
@@ -122,13 +121,12 @@ const exec = async args => {
} catch (er) {}
return await pacote.manifest(p, {
- ...npm.flatOptions
+ ...npm.flatOptions,
- if (needPackageCommandSwap) {
+ if (needPackageCommandSwap)
args[0] = getBinFromManifest(manis[0])
- }
// turn list of args into command string
const script = call || args.map(escapeArg).join(' ').trim()
@@ -136,7 +134,7 @@ const exec = async args => {
// figure out whether we need to install stuff, or if local is fine
const localArb = new Arborist({
- path: npm.localPrefix
+ path: npm.localPrefix,
const tree = await localArb.loadActual()
@@ -160,22 +158,20 @@ const exec = async args => {
const isTTY = process.stdin.isTTY && process.stdout.isTTY
if (!npm.flatOptions.yes) {
// set -n to always say no
- if (npm.flatOptions.yes === false) {
+ if (npm.flatOptions.yes === false)
throw 'canceled'
- }
- if (!isTTY) {
+ if (!isTTY)
npm.log.warn('exec', `The following package${add.length === 1 ? ' was' : 's were'} not found and will be installed: ${add.map((pkg) => pkg.replace(/@$/, '')).join(', ')}`)
- } else {
+ else {
const addList = add.map(a => ` ${a.replace(/@$/, '')}`)
.join('\n') + '\n'
const prompt = `Need to install the following packages:\n${
}Ok to proceed? `
const confirm = await read({ prompt, default: 'y' })
- if (confirm.trim().toLowerCase().charAt(0) !== 'y') {
+ if (confirm.trim().toLowerCase().charAt(0) !== 'y')
throw 'canceled'
- }
await arb.reify({ ...npm.flatOptions, add })
@@ -191,8 +187,8 @@ const exec = async args => {
scripts: {
...(realPkg.scripts || {}),
- npx: script
- }
+ npx: script,
+ },
@@ -205,9 +201,9 @@ const exec = async args => {
stdioString: true,
event: 'npx',
env: {
- PATH: pathArr.join(delimiter)
+ PATH: pathArr.join(delimiter),
- stdio: 'inherit'
+ stdio: 'inherit',
} finally {
@@ -219,13 +215,13 @@ const manifestMissing = (tree, mani) => {
// true means we need to install it
const child = tree.children.get(mani.name)
// if no child, we have to load it
- if (!child) {
+ if (!child)
return true
- }
// if no version/tag specified, allow whatever's there
- if (mani._from === `${mani.name}@`) {
+ if (mani._from === `${mani.name}@`)
return false
- }
// otherwise the version has to match what we WOULD get
return child.version !== mani.version
@@ -235,17 +231,17 @@ const getBinFromManifest = mani => {
// otherwise if there's 1 bin, use that,
// otherwise fail
const bins = Object.entries(mani.bin || {})
- if (bins.length === 1) {
+ if (bins.length === 1)
return bins[0][0]
- }
// XXX probably a util to parse this better?
const name = mani.name.replace(/^@[^/]+\//, '')
- if (mani.bin && mani.bin[name]) {
+ if (mani.bin && mani.bin[name])
return name
- }
// XXX need better error message
throw Object.assign(new Error('could not determine executable to run'), {
- pkgid: mani._id
+ pkgid: mani._id,
diff --git a/lib/explain.js b/lib/explain.js
index 46f0d0c98..9176f2e6c 100644
--- a/lib/explain.js
+++ b/lib/explain.js
@@ -14,30 +14,27 @@ const usage = usageUtil('explain', 'npm explain <folder | specifier>')
const cmd = (args, cb) => explain(args).then(() => cb()).catch(cb)
const explain = async (args) => {
- if (!args.length) {
+ if (!args.length)
throw usage
- }
const arb = new Arborist({ path: npm.prefix, ...npm.flatOptions })
const tree = await arb.loadActual()
const nodes = new Set()
for (const arg of args) {
- for (const node of getNodes(tree, arg)) {
+ for (const node of getNodes(tree, arg))
- }
- if (nodes.size === 0) {
+ if (nodes.size === 0)
throw `No dependencies found matching ${args.join(', ')}`
- }
const expls = []
for (const node of nodes) {
const { extraneous, dev, optional, devOptional, peer } = node
const expl = node.explain()
- if (extraneous) {
+ if (extraneous)
expl.extraneous = true
- } else {
+ else {
expl.dev = dev
expl.optional = optional
expl.devOptional = devOptional
@@ -46,9 +43,9 @@ const explain = async (args) => {
- if (npm.flatOptions.json) {
+ if (npm.flatOptions.json)
output(JSON.stringify(expls, null, 2))
- } else {
+ else {
output(expls.map(expl => {
return explainNode(expl, Infinity, npm.color)
@@ -58,24 +55,21 @@ const explain = async (args) => {
const getNodes = (tree, arg) => {
// if it's just a name, return packages by that name
const { validForOldPackages: valid } = validName(arg)
- if (valid) {
+ if (valid)
return tree.inventory.query('name', arg)
- }
// if it's a location, get that node
const maybeLoc = arg.replace(/\\/g, '/').replace(/\/+$/, '')
const nodeByLoc = tree.inventory.get(maybeLoc)
- if (nodeByLoc) {
+ if (nodeByLoc)
return [nodeByLoc]
- }
// maybe a path to a node_modules folder
const maybePath = relative(npm.prefix, resolve(maybeLoc))
.replace(/\\/g, '/').replace(/\/+$/, '')
const nodeByPath = tree.inventory.get(maybePath)
- if (nodeByPath) {
+ if (nodeByPath)
return [nodeByPath]
- }
// otherwise, try to select all matching nodes
try {
@@ -87,9 +81,8 @@ const getNodes = (tree, arg) => {
const getNodesByVersion = (tree, arg) => {
const spec = npa(arg, npm.prefix)
- if (spec.type !== 'version' && spec.type !== 'range') {
+ if (spec.type !== 'version' && spec.type !== 'range')
return []
- }
return tree.inventory.filter(node => {
return node.package.name === spec.name &&
diff --git a/lib/explore.js b/lib/explore.js
index cbc30ba09..96221cb49 100644
--- a/lib/explore.js
+++ b/lib/explore.js
@@ -21,9 +21,8 @@ const { promisify } = require('util')
const stat = promisify(require('fs').stat)
const explore = async args => {
- if (args.length < 1 || !args[0]) {
+ if (args.length < 1 || !args[0])
throw usage
- }
const pkg = args.shift()
const cwd = resolve(npm.dir, pkg)
@@ -35,9 +34,8 @@ const explore = async args => {
const execCmd = escapeExecPath(args.shift())
opts.windowsVerbatimArguments = true
shellArgs.push('/d', '/s', '/c', execCmd, ...args.map(escapeArg))
- } else {
+ } else
shellArgs.push('-c', args.map(escapeArg).join(' ').trim())
- }
await stat(cwd).catch(er => {
@@ -47,9 +45,8 @@ const explore = async args => {
const sh = npm.flatOptions.shell
- if (!shellArgs.length) {
+ if (!shellArgs.length)
output(`\nExploring ${cwd}\nType 'exit' or ^D when finished\n`)
- }
log.silly('explore', { sh, shellArgs, opts })
diff --git a/lib/fund.js b/lib/fund.js
index d1c58d9b9..41dd48c46 100644
--- a/lib/fund.js
+++ b/lib/fund.js
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ const { depth } = require('treeverse')
const {
readTree: getFundingInfo,
- isValidFunding
+ isValidFunding,
} = require('libnpmfund')
const npm = require('./npm.js')
@@ -52,13 +52,13 @@ function printHuman (fundingInfo, { color, unicode }) {
const { url } = fundingSource || {}
const pkgRef = getPrintableName({ name, version })
let item = {
- label: pkgRef
+ label: pkgRef,
if (url) {
item.label = tree({
label: color ? chalk.bgBlack.white(url) : url,
- nodes: [pkgRef]
+ nodes: [pkgRef],
// stacks all packages together under the same item
@@ -66,9 +66,8 @@ function printHuman (fundingInfo, { color, unicode }) {
item = seenUrls.get(url)
item.label += `, ${pkgRef}`
return null
- } else {
+ } else
seenUrls.set(url, item)
- }
return item
@@ -77,7 +76,8 @@ function printHuman (fundingInfo, { color, unicode }) {
// puts child nodes back into returned archy
// output while also filtering out missing items
leave: (item, children) => {
- if (item) { item.nodes = children.filter(Boolean) }
+ if (item)
+ item.nodes = children.filter(Boolean)
return item
@@ -88,8 +88,8 @@ function printHuman (fundingInfo, { color, unicode }) {
Object.keys(node.dependencies || {})
.map(key => ({
name: key,
- ...node.dependencies[key]
- }))
+ ...node.dependencies[key],
+ })),
const res = tree(result)
@@ -106,9 +106,8 @@ async function openFundingUrl ({ path, tree, spec, fundingSourceNumber }) {
} else {
// matches any file path within current arborist inventory
for (const item of tree.inventory.values()) {
- if (item.path === arg.fetchSpec) {
+ if (item.path === arg.fetchSpec)
return item.package
- }
} else {
@@ -118,9 +117,8 @@ async function openFundingUrl ({ path, tree, spec, fundingSourceNumber }) {
.filter(i => semver.valid(i.package.version))
.sort((a, b) => semver.rcompare(a.package.version, b.package.version))
- if (item) {
+ if (item)
return item.package
- }
@@ -192,7 +190,7 @@ const fund = async (args) => {
path: where,
- fundingSourceNumber
+ fundingSourceNumber,
diff --git a/lib/help-search.js b/lib/help-search.js
index 6d8cf6006..ae4302e8c 100644
--- a/lib/help-search.js
+++ b/lib/help-search.js
@@ -18,9 +18,8 @@ const npmUsage = require('./utils/npm-usage.js')
const cmd = (args, cb) => helpSearch(args).then(() => cb()).catch(cb)
const helpSearch = async args => {
- if (!args.length) {
+ if (!args.length)
throw usage
- }
const docPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'docs/content')
@@ -31,9 +30,9 @@ const helpSearch = async args => {
const data = await readFiles(files)
const results = await searchFiles(args, data, files)
const formatted = formatResults(args, results)
- if (!formatted.trim()) {
+ if (!formatted.trim())
- } else {
+ else {
output(didYouMean(args[0], cmdList))
@@ -53,9 +52,8 @@ const searchFiles = async (args, data, files) => {
for (const [file, content] of Object.entries(data)) {
const lowerCase = content.toLowerCase()
// skip if no matches at all
- if (!args.some(a => lowerCase.includes(a.toLowerCase()))) {
+ if (!args.some(a => lowerCase.includes(a.toLowerCase())))
- }
const lines = content.split(/\n+/)
@@ -88,18 +86,17 @@ const searchFiles = async (args, data, files) => {
// now squish any string of nulls into a single null
const pruned = lines.reduce((l, r) => {
- if (!(r === null && l[l.length - 1] === null)) {
+ if (!(r === null && l[l.length - 1] === null))
- }
return l
}, [])
- if (pruned[pruned.length - 1] === null) {
+ if (pruned[pruned.length - 1] === null)
- }
- if (pruned[0] === null) {
+ if (pruned[0] === null)
- }
// now count how many args were found
const found = {}
@@ -124,16 +121,15 @@ const searchFiles = async (args, data, files) => {
lines: pruned,
found: Object.keys(found),
hits: found,
- totalHits
+ totalHits,
// if only one result, then just show that help section.
if (results.length === 1) {
npm.commands.help([results[0].file.replace(/\.md$/, '')], er => {
- if (er) {
+ if (er)
throw er
- }
return []
@@ -151,9 +147,8 @@ const searchFiles = async (args, data, files) => {
const formatResults = (args, results) => {
- if (!results) {
+ if (!results)
return 'No results for ' + args.map(JSON.stringify).join(' ')
- }
const cols = Math.min(process.stdout.columns || Infinity, 80) + 1
@@ -167,17 +162,16 @@ const formatResults = (args, results) => {
out.push(' '.repeat((Math.max(1, cols - out.join(' ').length - r.length - 1))))
- if (!npm.flatOptions.long) {
+ if (!npm.flatOptions.long)
return out.join('')
- }
out.push('-'.repeat(cols - 1) + '\n')
res.lines.forEach((line, i) => {
- if (line === null || i > 3) {
+ if (line === null || i > 3)
- }
if (!npm.color) {
out.push(line + '\n')
diff --git a/lib/help.js b/lib/help.js
index 73c40fd1b..5f9563e1c 100644
--- a/lib/help.js
+++ b/lib/help.js
@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
module.exports = help
help.completion = function (opts, cb) {
- if (opts.conf.argv.remain.length > 2) return cb(null, [])
+ if (opts.conf.argv.remain.length > 2)
+ return cb(null, [])
@@ -23,17 +24,15 @@ function help (args, cb) {
var argv = npm.config.parsedArgv.cooked
var argnum = 0
- if (args.length === 2 && ~~args[0]) {
+ if (args.length === 2 && ~~args[0])
argnum = ~~args.shift()
- }
// npm help foo bar baz: search topics
- if (args.length > 1 && args[0]) {
+ if (args.length > 1 && args[0])
return npm.commands['help-search'](args, cb)
- }
const affordances = {
- 'find-dupes': 'dedupe'
+ 'find-dupes': 'dedupe',
var section = affordances[args[0]] || npm.deref(args[0]) || args[0]
@@ -64,8 +63,10 @@ function help (args, cb) {
var manroot = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'man')
// legacy
- if (section === 'global') section = 'folders'
- else if (section.match(/.*json/)) section = section.replace('.json', '-json')
+ if (section === 'global')
+ section = 'folders'
+ else if (section.match(/.*json/))
+ section = section.replace('.json', '-json')
// find either /section.n or /npm-section.n
// The glob is used in the glob. The regexp is used much
@@ -74,13 +75,16 @@ function help (args, cb) {
var compextre = '\\.(gz|bz2|lzma|[FYzZ]|xz)$'
var f = '+(npm-' + section + '|' + section + ').[0-9]?(' + compextglob + ')'
return glob(manroot + '/*/' + f, function (er, mans) {
- if (er) return cb(er)
+ if (er)
+ return cb(er)
- if (!mans.length) return npm.commands['help-search'](args, cb)
+ if (!mans.length)
+ return npm.commands['help-search'](args, cb)
mans = mans.map(function (man) {
var ext = path.extname(man)
- if (man.match(new RegExp(compextre))) man = path.basename(man, ext)
+ if (man.match(new RegExp(compextre)))
+ man = path.basename(man, ext)
return man
@@ -162,7 +166,8 @@ function htmlMan (man) {
function getSections (cb) {
var g = path.resolve(__dirname, '../man/man[0-9]/*.[0-9]')
glob(g, function (er, files) {
- if (er) return cb(er)
+ if (er)
+ return cb(er)
cb(null, Object.keys(files.reduce(function (acc, file) {
file = path.basename(file).replace(/\.[0-9]+$/, '')
diff --git a/lib/hook.js b/lib/hook.js
index e2c6d76aa..e0e15243e 100644
--- a/lib/hook.js
+++ b/lib/hook.js
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ const usage = usageUtil('hook', [
'npm hook add <pkg> <url> <secret> [--type=<type>]',
'npm hook ls [pkg]',
'npm hook rm <id>',
- 'npm hook update <id> <url> <secret>'
+ 'npm hook update <id> <url> <secret>',
const completion = require('./utils/completion/none.js')
@@ -35,9 +35,9 @@ const hook = async (args) => otplease(npm.flatOptions, opts => {
const add = (pkg, uri, secret, opts) => {
hookApi.add(pkg, uri, secret, opts).then(hook => {
- if (opts.json) {
+ if (opts.json)
output(JSON.stringify(hook, null, 2))
- } else if (opts.parseable) {
+ else if (opts.parseable) {
output(Object.keys(hook).map(k => hook[k]).join('\t'))
} else if (!opts.silent && opts.loglevel !== 'silent') {
@@ -50,39 +50,38 @@ const add = (pkg, uri, secret, opts) => {
const ls = (pkg, opts) => {
return hookApi.ls({ ...opts, package: pkg }).then(hooks => {
- if (opts.json) {
+ if (opts.json)
output(JSON.stringify(hooks, null, 2))
- } else if (opts.parseable) {
+ else if (opts.parseable) {
hooks.forEach(hook => {
output(Object.keys(hook).map(k => hook[k]).join('\t'))
- } else if (!hooks.length) {
+ } else if (!hooks.length)
output("You don't have any hooks configured yet.")
- } else if (!opts.silent && opts.loglevel !== 'silent') {
- if (hooks.length === 1) {
+ else if (!opts.silent && opts.loglevel !== 'silent') {
+ if (hooks.length === 1)
output('You have one hook configured.')
- } else {
+ else
output(`You have ${hooks.length} hooks configured.`)
- }
const table = new Table({ head: ['id', 'target', 'endpoint'] })
hooks.forEach((hook) => {
{ rowSpan: 2, content: hook.id },
- hook.endpoint
+ hook.endpoint,
if (hook.last_delivery) {
colSpan: 1,
- content: `triggered ${relativeDate(hook.last_delivery)}`
+ content: `triggered ${relativeDate(hook.last_delivery)}`,
- hook.response_code
+ hook.response_code,
- } else {
+ } else
table.push([{ colSpan: 2, content: 'never triggered' }])
- }
@@ -91,9 +90,9 @@ const ls = (pkg, opts) => {
const rm = (id, opts) => {
return hookApi.rm(id, opts).then(hook => {
- if (opts.json) {
+ if (opts.json)
output(JSON.stringify(hook, null, 2))
- } else if (opts.parseable) {
+ else if (opts.parseable) {
output(Object.keys(hook).map(k => hook[k]).join('\t'))
} else if (!opts.silent && opts.loglevel !== 'silent') {
@@ -106,9 +105,9 @@ const rm = (id, opts) => {
const update = (id, uri, secret, opts) => {
return hookApi.update(id, uri, secret, opts).then(hook => {
- if (opts.json) {
+ if (opts.json)
output(JSON.stringify(hook, null, 2))
- } else if (opts.parseable) {
+ else if (opts.parseable) {
output(Object.keys(hook).map(k => hook[k]).join('\t'))
} else if (!opts.silent && opts.loglevel !== 'silent') {
@@ -121,8 +120,10 @@ const update = (id, uri, secret, opts) => {
const hookName = (hook) => {
let target = hook.name
- if (hook.type === 'scope') { target = '@' + target }
- if (hook.type === 'owner') { target = '~' + target }
+ if (hook.type === 'scope')
+ target = '@' + target
+ if (hook.type === 'owner')
+ target = '~' + target
return target
diff --git a/lib/init.js b/lib/init.js
index bec96b44c..e805a2eda 100644
--- a/lib/init.js
+++ b/lib/init.js
@@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ const init = async args => {
if (args.length) {
const initerName = args[0]
let packageName = initerName
- if (/^@[^/]+$/.test(initerName)) {
+ if (/^@[^/]+$/.test(initerName))
packageName = initerName + '/create'
- } else {
+ else {
const req = npa(initerName)
if (req.type === 'git' && req.hosted) {
const { user, project } = req.hosted
@@ -32,9 +32,8 @@ const init = async args => {
.replace(user + '/' + project, user + '/create-' + project)
} else if (req.registry) {
packageName = req.name.replace(/^(@[^/]+\/)?/, '$1create-')
- if (req.rawSpec) {
+ if (req.rawSpec)
packageName += '@' + req.rawSpec
- }
} else {
throw Object.assign(new Error(
'Unrecognized initializer: ' + initerName +
@@ -66,7 +65,7 @@ const init = async args => {
'Use `npm install <pkg>` afterwards to install a package and',
'save it as a dependency in the package.json file.',
- 'Press ^C at any time to quit.'
+ 'Press ^C at any time to quit.',
// XXX promisify init-package-json
@@ -80,11 +79,10 @@ const init = async args => {
return res()
npm.log.info('init', 'written successfully')
- if (er) {
+ if (er)
- } else {
+ else
- }
diff --git a/lib/install.js b/lib/install.js
index b2ab753bc..5f04fcd4f 100644
--- a/lib/install.js
+++ b/lib/install.js
@@ -22,24 +22,22 @@ const install = async (args, cb) => {
args = args.filter(a => resolve(a) !== npm.prefix)
// `npm i -g` => "install this package globally"
- if (where === globalTop && !args.length) {
+ if (where === globalTop && !args.length)
args = ['.']
- }
// TODO: Add warnings for other deprecated flags? or remove this one?
- if (npm.config.get('dev')) {
+ if (npm.config.get('dev'))
log.warn('install', 'Usage of the `--dev` option is deprecated. Use `--include=dev` instead.')
- }
const arb = new Arborist({
- path: where
+ path: where,
try {
await arb.reify({
- add: args
+ add: args,
if (!args.length && !isGlobalInstall && !ignoreScripts) {
const { scriptShell } = npm.flatOptions
@@ -50,7 +48,7 @@ const install = async (args, cb) => {
'prepublish', // XXX should we remove this finally??
- 'postprepare'
+ 'postprepare',
for (const event of scripts) {
await runScript({
@@ -59,7 +57,7 @@ const install = async (args, cb) => {
stdio: 'inherit',
stdioString: true,
- event
+ event,
@@ -107,17 +105,16 @@ const completion = async (opts, cb) => {
const annotatePackageDirMatch = async (sibling) => {
const fullPath = join(partialPath, sibling)
- if (sibling.slice(0, partialName.length) !== partialName) {
+ if (sibling.slice(0, partialName.length) !== partialName)
return null // not name match
- }
try {
const contents = await readdir(fullPath)
return {
- isPackage: contents.indexOf('package.json') !== -1
+ isPackage: contents.indexOf('package.json') !== -1,
- } catch {
+ } catch (er) {
return { isPackage: false }
@@ -137,7 +134,7 @@ const completion = async (opts, cb) => {
// no matches
return cb(null, [])
- } catch {
+ } catch (er) {
return cb(null, []) // invalid dir: no matching
diff --git a/lib/link.js b/lib/link.js
index 56d50f984..d7303fd08 100644
--- a/lib/link.js
+++ b/lib/link.js
@@ -67,9 +67,8 @@ const missingArgsFromTree = (tree, args) => {
// remote nodes from the loaded tree in order
// to avoid dropping them later when reifying
- for (const node of foundNodes) {
+ for (const node of foundNodes)
node.parent = null
- }
return missing
@@ -82,14 +81,14 @@ const linkInstall = async args => {
path: globalTop,
global: true,
- prune: false
+ prune: false,
const globalArb = new Arborist(globalOpts)
// get only current top-level packages from the global space
const globals = await globalArb.loadActual({
filter: (node, kid) =>
- !node.isRoot || args.some(a => npa(a).name === kid)
+ !node.isRoot || args.some(a => npa(a).name === kid),
// any extra arg that is missing from the current
@@ -98,7 +97,7 @@ const linkInstall = async args => {
if (missing.length) {
await globalArb.reify({
- add: missing
+ add: missing,
@@ -117,10 +116,10 @@ const linkInstall = async args => {
// reify all the pending names as symlinks there
const localArb = new Arborist({
- path: npm.prefix
+ path: npm.prefix,
await localArb.reify({
- add: names.map(l => `file:${resolve(globalTop, 'node_modules', l)}`)
+ add: names.map(l => `file:${resolve(globalTop, 'node_modules', l)}`),
@@ -131,7 +130,7 @@ const linkPkg = async () => {
const arb = new Arborist({
path: globalTop,
- global: true
+ global: true,
await arb.reify({ add: [`file:${npm.prefix}`] })
diff --git a/lib/logout.js b/lib/logout.js
index 861a50a23..32f74831d 100644
--- a/lib/logout.js
+++ b/lib/logout.js
@@ -27,18 +27,17 @@ const logout = async (args) => {
await npmFetch(`/-/user/token/${eu(auth.token)}`, {
method: 'DELETE',
- ignoreBody: true
+ ignoreBody: true,
- } else if (auth.username || auth.password) {
+ } else if (auth.username || auth.password)
log.verbose('logout', `clearing user credentials for ${reg}`)
- } else {
+ else {
const msg = `not logged in to ${reg}, so can't log out!`
throw Object.assign(new Error(msg), { code: 'ENEEDAUTH' })
- if (scope) {
+ if (scope)
npm.config.delete(regRef, 'user')
- }
diff --git a/lib/ls.js b/lib/ls.js
index 2dd6e4d4e..99de6bfe3 100644
--- a/lib/ls.js
+++ b/lib/ls.js
@@ -42,7 +42,8 @@ const initTree = async ({ arb, args, json }) => {
const isGitNode = (node) => {
- if (!node.resolved) return
+ if (!node.resolved)
+ return
try {
const { type } = npa(node.resolved)
@@ -61,17 +62,14 @@ const isExtraneous = (node, { global }) =>
const getProblems = (node, { global }) => {
const problems = new Set()
- if (node[_missing] && !isOptional(node)) {
+ if (node[_missing] && !isOptional(node))
problems.add(`missing: ${node.pkgid}, required by ${node[_missing]}`)
- }
- if (node[_invalid]) {
+ if (node[_invalid])
problems.add(`invalid: ${node.pkgid} ${node.path}`)
- }
- if (isExtraneous(node, { global })) {
+ if (isExtraneous(node, { global }))
problems.add(`extraneous: ${node.pkgid} ${node.path}`)
- }
return problems
@@ -103,11 +101,10 @@ const getHumanOutputItem = (node, { args, color, global, long }) => {
// special formatting for top-level package name
if (node.isRoot) {
const hasNoPackageJson = !Object.keys(node.package).length
- if (hasNoPackageJson) {
+ if (hasNoPackageJson)
printable = path
- } else {
+ else
printable += `${long ? EOL : ' '}${path}`
- }
const highlightDepName =
@@ -148,21 +145,19 @@ const getHumanOutputItem = (node, { args, color, global, long }) => {
const getJsonOutputItem = (node, { global, long }) => {
const item = {}
- if (node.version) {
+ if (node.version)
item.version = node.version
- }
- if (node.resolved) {
+ if (node.resolved)
item.resolved = node.resolved
- }
item[_name] = node.name
// special formatting for top-level package name
const hasPackageJson =
node && node.package && Object.keys(node.package).length
- if (node.isRoot && hasPackageJson) {
+ if (node.isRoot && hasPackageJson)
item.name = node.package.name || node.name
- }
if (long) {
item.name = item[_name]
@@ -176,19 +171,18 @@ const getJsonOutputItem = (node, { global, long }) => {
// augment json output items with extra metadata
- if (isExtraneous(node, { global })) {
+ if (isExtraneous(node, { global }))
item.extraneous = true
- }
- if (node[_invalid]) {
+ if (node[_invalid])
item.invalid = true
- }
if (node[_missing] && !isOptional(node)) {
item.required = node[_required]
item.missing = true
- if (node[_include] && node[_problems] && node[_problems].size) {
+ if (node[_include] && node[_problems] && node[_problems].size)
item.problems = [...node[_problems]]
- }
return augmentItemWithIncludeMetadata(node, item)
@@ -201,7 +195,7 @@ const filterByEdgesTypes = ({
- tree
+ tree,
}) => {
// filter deps by type, allows for: `npm ls --dev`, `npm ls --prod`,
// `npm ls --link`, `npm ls --only=dev`, etc
@@ -238,9 +232,8 @@ const mapEdgesToNodes = ({ seenPaths }) => (edge) => {
// item would appear twice given that it's a children of an extraneous item,
// so it's marked extraneous but it will ALSO show up in edgesOuts of
// its parent so it ends up as two diff nodes if we don't track it
- if (node.path) {
+ if (node.path)
- }
node[_required] = edge.spec
node[_type] = edge.type
@@ -259,7 +252,7 @@ const augmentNodesWithMetadata = ({
- seenNodes
+ seenNodes,
}) => (node) => {
// if the original edge was a deduped dep, treeverse will fail to
// revisit that node in tree traversal logic, so we make it so that
@@ -275,7 +268,7 @@ const augmentNodesWithMetadata = ({
realpath: node.realpath,
[_invalid]: node[_invalid],
[_missing]: node[_missing],
- [_dedupe]: true
+ [_dedupe]: true,
} else {
// keeps track of already seen nodes in order to check for dedupes
@@ -308,28 +301,25 @@ const humanOutput = ({ color, result, seenItems, unicode }) => {
// so that all its ancestors should be displayed)
// here is where we put items in their expected place for archy output
for (const item of seenItems) {
- if (item[_include] && item[_parent]) {
+ if (item[_include] && item[_parent])
- }
- if (!result.nodes.length) {
+ if (!result.nodes.length)
result.nodes = ['(empty)']
- }
const archyOutput = archy(result, '', { unicode })
return color ? chalk.reset(archyOutput) : archyOutput
const jsonOutput = ({ path, problems, result, rootError, seenItems }) => {
- if (problems.size) {
+ if (problems.size)
result.problems = [...problems]
- }
if (rootError) {
result.problems = [
...(result.problems || []),
- ...[`error in ${path}: Failed to parse root package.json`]
+ ...[`error in ${path}: Failed to parse root package.json`],
result.invalid = true
@@ -342,9 +332,8 @@ const jsonOutput = ({ path, problems, result, rootError, seenItems }) => {
// append current item to its parent item.dependencies obj in order
// to provide a json object structure that represents the installed tree
if (item[_include] && item[_parent]) {
- if (!item[_parent].dependencies) {
+ if (!item[_parent].dependencies)
item[_parent].dependencies = {}
- }
item[_parent].dependencies[item[_name]] = item
@@ -380,7 +369,7 @@ const ls = async (args) => {
- unicode
+ unicode,
} = npm.flatOptions
const path = global ? resolve(npm.globalDir, '..') : prefix
const dev = npm.config.get('dev')
@@ -394,13 +383,13 @@ const ls = async (args) => {
legacyPeerDeps: false,
- path
+ path,
const tree = await initTree({
- json
+ json,
const seenItems = new Set()
@@ -437,7 +426,7 @@ const ls = async (args) => {
- tree
+ tree,
.map(mapEdgesToNodes({ seenPaths }))
.concat(appendExtraneousChildren({ node, seenPaths }))
@@ -447,7 +436,7 @@ const ls = async (args) => {
currentDepth: node[_depth],
- seenNodes
+ seenNodes,
// visit each `node` of the `tree`, returning an `item` - these are
@@ -463,16 +452,15 @@ const ls = async (args) => {
// loop through list of node problems to add them to global list
if (node[_include]) {
- for (const problem of node[_problems]) {
+ for (const problem of node[_problems])
- }
// return a promise so we don't blow the stack
return Promise.resolve(item)
- }
+ },
// handle the special case of a broken package.json in the root folder
@@ -488,9 +476,8 @@ const ls = async (args) => {
// if filtering items, should exit with error code on no results
- if (result && !result[_include] && args.length) {
+ if (result && !result[_include] && args.length)
process.exitCode = 1
- }
if (rootError) {
throw Object.assign(
diff --git a/lib/npm.js b/lib/npm.js
index c2a172cf0..d6eab9674 100644
--- a/lib/npm.js
+++ b/lib/npm.js
@@ -21,9 +21,8 @@ const proxyCmds = (npm) => {
const cmds = {}
return new Proxy(cmds, {
get: (prop, cmd) => {
- if (hasOwnProperty(cmds, cmd)) {
+ if (hasOwnProperty(cmds, cmd))
return cmds[cmd]
- }
const actual = deref(cmd)
if (!actual) {
@@ -37,7 +36,7 @@ const proxyCmds = (npm) => {
cmds[actual] = makeCmd(actual)
cmds[cmd] = cmds[actual]
return cmds[cmd]
- }
+ },
@@ -62,7 +61,7 @@ const npm = module.exports = new class extends EventEmitter {
this.modes = {
exec: 0o755,
file: 0o644,
- umask: 0o22
+ umask: 0o22,
this.started = Date.now()
this.command = null
@@ -74,7 +73,7 @@ const npm = module.exports = new class extends EventEmitter {
npmPath: dirname(__dirname),
- shorthands
+ shorthands,
this.updateNotification = null
@@ -124,17 +123,17 @@ const npm = module.exports = new class extends EventEmitter {
// call with parsed CLI options and a callback when done loading
// XXX promisify this and stop taking a callback
load (cb) {
- if (!cb || typeof cb !== 'function') {
+ if (!cb || typeof cb !== 'function')
throw new TypeError('must call as: npm.load(callback)')
- }
this.once('load', cb)
if (this.loaded || this.loadErr) {
this.emit('load', this.loadErr)
- if (this.loading) {
+ if (this.loading)
- }
this.loading = true
process.emit('time', 'npm:load')
@@ -142,12 +141,12 @@ const npm = module.exports = new class extends EventEmitter {
return this[_load]().catch(er => er).then((er) => {
this.loading = false
this.loadErr = er
- if (!er && this.config.get('force')) {
+ if (!er && this.config.get('force'))
this.log.warn('using --force', 'Recommended protections disabled.')
- }
- if (!er && !this[_flatOptions]) {
+ if (!er && !this[_flatOptions])
this[_flatOptions] = require('./utils/flat-options.js')(this)
- }
process.emit('timeEnd', 'npm:load')
this.emit('load', er)
@@ -178,13 +177,13 @@ const npm = module.exports = new class extends EventEmitter {
this.modes = {
exec: 0o777 & (~umask),
file: 0o666 & (~umask),
- umask
+ umask,
const configScope = this.config.get('scope')
- if (configScope && !/^@/.test(configScope)) {
+ if (configScope && !/^@/.test(configScope))
this.config.set('scope', `@${configScope}`, this.config.find('scope'))
- }
this.projectScope = this.config.get('scope') ||
@@ -286,6 +285,5 @@ const setupLog = require('./utils/setup-log.js')
const cleanUpLogFiles = require('./utils/cleanup-log-files.js')
const getProjectScope = require('./utils/get-project-scope.js')
-if (require.main === module) {
+if (require.main === module)
diff --git a/lib/org.js b/lib/org.js
index 0d4463fcd..12e46dd8e 100644
--- a/lib/org.js
+++ b/lib/org.js
@@ -17,9 +17,9 @@ org.usage =
org.completion = function (opts, cb) {
var argv = opts.conf.argv.remain
- if (argv.length === 2) {
+ if (argv.length === 2)
return cb(null, org.subcommands)
- }
switch (argv[2]) {
case 'ls':
case 'add':
@@ -56,40 +56,40 @@ function org ([cmd, orgname, username, role], cb) {
function orgSet (org, user, role, opts) {
role = role || 'developer'
- if (!org) {
+ if (!org)
throw new Error('First argument `orgname` is required.')
- }
- if (!user) {
+ if (!user)
throw new Error('Second argument `username` is required.')
- }
- if (!['owner', 'admin', 'developer'].find(x => x === role)) {
+ if (!['owner', 'admin', 'developer'].find(x => x === role))
throw new Error('Third argument `role` must be one of `owner`, `admin`, or `developer`, with `developer` being the default value if omitted.')
- }
return liborg.set(org, user, role, opts).then(memDeets => {
- if (opts.json) {
+ if (opts.json)
output(JSON.stringify(memDeets, null, 2))
- } else if (opts.parseable) {
+ else if (opts.parseable) {
output(['org', 'orgsize', 'user', 'role'].join('\t'))
- memDeets.role
+ memDeets.role,
- } else if (!opts.silent && opts.loglevel !== 'silent') {
+ } else if (!opts.silent && opts.loglevel !== 'silent')
output(`Added ${memDeets.user} as ${memDeets.role} to ${memDeets.org.name}. You now ${memDeets.org.size} member${memDeets.org.size === 1 ? '' : 's'} in this org.`)
- }
return memDeets
function orgRm (org, user, opts) {
- if (!org) {
+ if (!org)
throw new Error('First argument `orgname` is required.')
- }
- if (!user) {
+ if (!user)
throw new Error('Second argument `username` is required.')
- }
return liborg.rm(org, user, opts).then(() => {
return liborg.ls(org, opts)
}).then(roster => {
@@ -101,32 +101,31 @@ function orgRm (org, user, opts) {
- deleted: true
+ deleted: true,
} else if (opts.parseable) {
output(['user', 'org', 'userCount', 'deleted'].join('\t'))
output([user, org, userCount, true].join('\t'))
- } else if (!opts.silent && opts.loglevel !== 'silent') {
+ } else if (!opts.silent && opts.loglevel !== 'silent')
output(`Successfully removed ${user} from ${org}. You now have ${userCount} member${userCount === 1 ? '' : 's'} in this org.`)
- }
function orgList (org, user, opts) {
- if (!org) {
+ if (!org)
throw new Error('First argument `orgname` is required.')
- }
return liborg.ls(org, opts).then(roster => {
if (user) {
const newRoster = {}
- if (roster[user]) {
+ if (roster[user])
newRoster[user] = roster[user]
- }
roster = newRoster
- if (opts.json) {
+ if (opts.json)
output(JSON.stringify(roster, null, 2))
- } else if (opts.parseable) {
+ else if (opts.parseable) {
output(['user', 'role'].join('\t'))
Object.keys(roster).forEach(user => {
output([user, roster[user]].join('\t'))
diff --git a/lib/outdated.js b/lib/outdated.js
index c3b15e411..06bdc4c2d 100644
--- a/lib/outdated.js
+++ b/lib/outdated.js
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ async function outdated (args) {
const arb = new Arborist({
- path: where
+ path: where,
const tree = await arb.loadActual()
@@ -46,35 +46,34 @@ async function outdated (args) {
const outdated = list.sort((a, b) => a.name.localeCompare(b.name))
// return if no outdated packages
- if (outdated.length === 0 && !opts.json) {
+ if (outdated.length === 0 && !opts.json)
- }
// display results
- if (opts.json) {
+ if (opts.json)
output(makeJSON(outdated, opts))
- } else if (opts.parseable) {
+ else if (opts.parseable)
output(makeParseable(outdated, opts))
- } else {
+ else {
const outList = outdated.map(x => makePretty(x, opts))
const outHead = ['Package',
- 'Depended by'
+ 'Depended by',
- if (opts.long) outHead.push('Package Type', 'Homepage')
+ if (opts.long)
+ outHead.push('Package Type', 'Homepage')
const outTable = [outHead].concat(outList)
- if (opts.color) {
+ if (opts.color)
outTable[0] = outTable[0].map(heading => styles.underline(heading))
- }
const tableOpts = {
align: ['l', 'r', 'r', 'r', 'l'],
- stringLength: s => ansiTrim(s).length
+ stringLength: s => ansiTrim(s).length,
output(table(outTable, tableOpts))
@@ -86,24 +85,22 @@ async function outdated_ (tree, deps, opts) {
const edges = new Set()
function getEdges (nodes, type) {
const getEdgesIn = (node) => {
- for (const edge of node.edgesIn) {
+ for (const edge of node.edgesIn)
- }
const getEdgesOut = (node) => {
if (opts.global) {
- for (const child of node.children.values()) {
+ for (const child of node.children.values())
- }
} else {
- for (const edge of node.edgesOut.values()) {
+ for (const edge of node.edgesOut.values())
- }
- if (!nodes) return getEdgesOut(tree)
+ if (!nodes)
+ return getEdgesOut(tree)
for (const node of nodes) {
type === 'edgesOut'
? getEdgesOut(node)
@@ -114,7 +111,7 @@ async function outdated_ (tree, deps, opts) {
async function getPackument (spec) {
const packument = await pacote.packument(spec, {
fullMetadata: npm.flatOptions.long,
- preferOnline: true
+ preferOnline: true,
return packument
@@ -131,23 +128,22 @@ async function outdated_ (tree, deps, opts) {
: 'dependencies'
for (const omitType of opts.omit || []) {
- if (node[omitType]) {
+ if (node[omitType])
- }
// deps different from prod not currently
// on disk are not included in the output
- if (edge.error === 'MISSING' && type !== 'dependencies') return
+ if (edge.error === 'MISSING' && type !== 'dependencies')
+ return
try {
const packument = await getPackument(spec)
const expected = edge.spec
// if it's not a range, version, or tag, skip it
try {
- if (!npa(`${edge.name}@${edge.spec}`).registry) {
+ if (!npa(`${edge.name}@${edge.spec}`).registry)
return null
- }
} catch (err) {
return null
@@ -168,7 +164,7 @@ async function outdated_ (tree, deps, opts) {
wanted: wanted.version,
latest: latest.version,
dependent: edge.from ? edge.from.name : 'global',
- homepage: packument.homepage
+ homepage: packument.homepage,
} catch (err) {
@@ -178,9 +174,8 @@ async function outdated_ (tree, deps, opts) {
err.code === 'ETARGET' ||
err.code === 'E403' ||
err.code === 'E404')
- ) {
+ )
throw err
- }
@@ -201,9 +196,8 @@ async function outdated_ (tree, deps, opts) {
- for (const edge of edges) {
+ for (const edge of edges)
- }
await Promise.all(p)
return list
@@ -219,7 +213,7 @@ function makePretty (dep, opts) {
- dependent
+ dependent,
} = dep
const columns = [name, current, wanted, latest, location, dependent]
@@ -248,9 +242,10 @@ function makeParseable (list, opts) {
name + '@' + wanted,
current ? (name + '@' + current) : 'MISSING',
name + '@' + latest,
- dependent
+ dependent,
- if (opts.long) out.push(type, homepage)
+ if (opts.long)
+ out.push(type, homepage)
return out.join(':')
@@ -265,7 +260,7 @@ function makeJSON (list, opts) {
- location: path
+ location: path,
if (opts.long) {
out[name].type = type
diff --git a/lib/owner.js b/lib/owner.js
index 536c4c54c..dcc1ff630 100644
--- a/lib/owner.js
+++ b/lib/owner.js
@@ -20,12 +20,12 @@ const usage = usageUtil(
const completion = function (opts, cb) {
const argv = opts.conf.argv.remain
- if (argv.length > 3) {
+ if (argv.length > 3)
return cb(null, [])
- }
- if (argv[1] !== 'owner') {
+ if (argv[1] !== 'owner')
- }
if (argv.length === 2) {
var subs = ['add', 'rm', 'ls']
return cb(null, subs)
@@ -35,28 +35,27 @@ const completion = function (opts, cb) {
if (argv[2] === 'rm') {
const opts = {
- fullMetadata: true
+ fullMetadata: true,
.then(pkgName => {
- if (!pkgName) {
+ if (!pkgName)
return null
- }
const spec = npa(pkgName)
return pacote.packument(spec, opts)
.then(data => {
- if (data && data.maintainers && data.maintainers.length) {
+ if (data && data.maintainers && data.maintainers.length)
return data.maintainers.map(m => m.name)
- }
return []
.then(owners => {
return cb(null, owners)
- } else {
+ } else
cb(null, [])
- }
const UsageError = () =>
@@ -83,9 +82,9 @@ const owner = async ([action, ...args]) => {
const ls = async (pkg, opts) => {
if (!pkg) {
const pkgName = await readLocalPkg()
- if (!pkgName) {
+ if (!pkgName)
throw UsageError()
- }
pkg = pkgName
@@ -94,11 +93,11 @@ const ls = async (pkg, opts) => {
try {
const packumentOpts = { ...opts, fullMetadata: true }
const { maintainers } = await pacote.packument(spec, packumentOpts)
- if (!maintainers || !maintainers.length) {
+ if (!maintainers || !maintainers.length)
output('no admin found')
- } else {
+ else
output(maintainers.map(o => `${o.name} <${o.email}>`).join('\n'))
- }
return maintainers
} catch (err) {
log.error('owner ls', "Couldn't get owner data", pkg)
@@ -119,19 +118,19 @@ const validateAddOwner = (newOwner, owners) => {
return [
- newOwner
+ newOwner,
const add = async (user, pkg, opts) => {
- if (!user) {
+ if (!user)
throw UsageError()
- }
if (!pkg) {
const pkgName = await readLocalPkg()
- if (!pkgName) {
+ if (!pkgName)
throw UsageError()
- }
pkg = pkgName
log.verbose('owner add', '%s to %s', user, pkg)
@@ -166,14 +165,14 @@ const validateRmOwner = (rmOwner, owners) => {
const rm = async (user, pkg, opts) => {
- if (!user) {
+ if (!user)
throw UsageError()
- }
if (!pkg) {
const pkgName = await readLocalPkg()
- if (!pkgName) {
+ if (!pkgName)
throw UsageError()
- }
pkg = pkgName
log.verbose('owner rm', '%s from %s', user, pkg)
@@ -211,12 +210,13 @@ const putOwners = async (spec, user, opts, validation) => {
const before = data.maintainers ? data.maintainers.length : 0
const m = validation(u, data.maintainers)
- if (!m) return // invalid owners
+ if (!m)
+ return // invalid owners
const body = {
_id: data._id,
_rev: data._rev,
- maintainers: m
+ maintainers: m,
const dataPath = `/${spec.escapedName}/-rev/${encodeURIComponent(data._rev)}`
const res = await otplease(opts, opts =>
@@ -224,15 +224,14 @@ const putOwners = async (spec, user, opts, validation) => {
method: 'PUT',
- spec
+ spec,
if (!res.error) {
- if (m.length < before) {
+ if (m.length < before)
output(`- ${user} (${spec.name})`)
- } else {
+ else
output(`+ ${user} (${spec.name})`)
- }
} else {
throw Object.assign(
new Error('Failed to update package: ' + JSON.stringify(res)),
diff --git a/lib/pack.js b/lib/pack.js
index 20e518484..7a5c2edab 100644
--- a/lib/pack.js
+++ b/lib/pack.js
@@ -17,7 +17,8 @@ const usage = usageUtil('pack', 'npm pack [[<@scope>/]<pkg>...] [--dry-run]')
const cmd = (args, cb) => pack(args).then(() => cb()).catch(cb)
const pack = async (args) => {
- if (args.length === 0) args = ['.']
+ if (args.length === 0)
+ args = ['.']
const { unicode } = npm.flatOptions
@@ -40,9 +41,8 @@ const pack_ = async (arg, opts) => {
const tarballData = await libpack(arg, opts)
const pkgContents = await getContents(manifest, tarballData)
- if (!dryRun) {
+ if (!dryRun)
await writeFile(filename, tarballData)
- }
return pkgContents
diff --git a/lib/ping.js b/lib/ping.js
index 71e5a1970..7762be6d2 100644
--- a/lib/ping.js
+++ b/lib/ping.js
@@ -19,11 +19,10 @@ const ping = async args => {
registry: npm.flatOptions.registry,
- details
+ details,
}, null, 2))
- } else if (Object.keys(details).length) {
+ } else if (Object.keys(details).length)
log.notice('PONG', `${JSON.stringify(details, null, 2)}`)
- }
module.exports = Object.assign(cmd, { completion, usage })
diff --git a/lib/profile.js b/lib/profile.js
index a9e032594..cdecef3af 100644
--- a/lib/profile.js
+++ b/lib/profile.js
@@ -28,11 +28,11 @@ profileCmd.completion = function (opts, cb) {
switch (argv[2]) {
case 'enable-2fa':
case 'enable-tfa':
- if (argv.length === 3) {
+ if (argv.length === 3)
return cb(null, ['auth-and-writes', 'auth-only'])
- } else {
+ else
return cb(null, [])
- }
case 'disable-2fa':
case 'disable-tfa':
case 'get':
@@ -48,7 +48,8 @@ function withCb (prom, cb) {
function profileCmd (args, cb) {
- if (args.length === 0) return cb(new Error(profileCmd.usage))
+ if (args.length === 0)
+ return cb(new Error(profileCmd.usage))
switch (args[0]) {
case 'enable-2fa':
@@ -84,29 +85,34 @@ const knownProfileKeys = [
- 'updated'
+ 'updated',
function get (args) {
const tfa = 'two-factor auth'
const conf = npm.flatOptions
return pulseTillDone.withPromise(profile.get(conf)).then((info) => {
- if (!info.cidr_whitelist) delete info.cidr_whitelist
+ if (!info.cidr_whitelist)
+ delete info.cidr_whitelist
if (conf.json) {
output(JSON.stringify(info, null, 2))
const cleaned = {}
- knownProfileKeys.forEach((k) => { cleaned[k] = info[k] || '' })
- Object.keys(info).filter((k) => !(k in cleaned)).forEach((k) => { cleaned[k] = info[k] || '' })
+ knownProfileKeys.forEach((k) => {
+ cleaned[k] = info[k] || ''
+ })
+ Object.keys(info).filter((k) => !(k in cleaned)).forEach((k) => {
+ cleaned[k] = info[k] || ''
+ })
delete cleaned.tfa
delete cleaned.email_verified
cleaned.email += info.email_verified ? ' (verified)' : '(unverified)'
- if (info.tfa && !info.tfa.pending) {
+ if (info.tfa && !info.tfa.pending)
cleaned[tfa] = info.tfa.mode
- } else {
+ else
cleaned[tfa] = 'disabled'
- }
if (args.length) {
const values = args // comma or space separated ↓
.join(',').split(/,/).map((arg) => arg.trim()).filter((arg) => arg !== '')
@@ -116,11 +122,10 @@ function get (args) {
} else {
if (conf.parseable) {
Object.keys(info).forEach((key) => {
- if (key === 'tfa') {
+ if (key === 'tfa')
- } else {
+ else
- }
} else {
const table = new Table()
@@ -138,24 +143,24 @@ const writableProfileKeys = [
- 'github'
+ 'github',
function set (args) {
const conf = npm.flatOptions
const prop = (args[0] || '').toLowerCase().trim()
let value = args.length > 1 ? args.slice(1).join(' ') : null
- if (prop !== 'password' && value === null) {
+ if (prop !== 'password' && value === null)
return Promise.reject(Error('npm profile set <prop> <value>'))
- }
if (prop === 'password' && value !== null) {
return Promise.reject(Error(
'npm profile set password\n' +
'Do not include your current or new passwords on the command line.'))
- if (writableProfileKeys.indexOf(prop) === -1) {
+ if (writableProfileKeys.indexOf(prop) === -1)
return Promise.reject(Error(`"${prop}" is not a property we can set. Valid properties are: ` + writableProfileKeys.join(', ')))
- }
return Promise.resolve().then(() => {
if (prop === 'password') {
return readUserInfo.password('Current password: ').then((current) => {
@@ -183,28 +188,29 @@ function set (args) {
// FIXME: Work around to not clear everything other than what we're setting
return pulseTillDone.withPromise(profile.get(conf).then((user) => {
const newUser = {}
- writableProfileKeys.forEach((k) => { newUser[k] = user[k] })
+ writableProfileKeys.forEach((k) => {
+ newUser[k] = user[k]
+ })
newUser[prop] = value
return otplease(conf, conf => profile.set(newUser, conf))
.then((result) => {
- if (conf.json) {
+ if (conf.json)
output(JSON.stringify({ [prop]: result[prop] }, null, 2))
- } else if (conf.parseable) {
+ else if (conf.parseable)
output(prop + '\t' + result[prop])
- } else if (result[prop] != null) {
+ else if (result[prop] != null)
output('Set', prop, 'to', result[prop])
- } else {
+ else
output('Set', prop)
- }
function enable2fa (args) {
- if (args.length > 1) {
+ if (args.length > 1)
return Promise.reject(new Error('npm profile enable-2fa [auth-and-writes|auth-only]'))
- }
const mode = args[0] || 'auth-and-writes'
if (mode !== 'auth-only' && mode !== 'auth-and-writes') {
return Promise.reject(new Error(`Invalid two-factor authentication mode "${mode}".\n` +
@@ -221,8 +227,8 @@ function enable2fa (args) {
const info = {
tfa: {
- mode: mode
- }
+ mode: mode,
+ },
return Promise.resolve().then(() => {
@@ -234,7 +240,11 @@ function enable2fa (args) {
return profile.createToken(
auth.basic.password, false, [], conf
).then((result) => {
- if (!result.token) throw new Error('Your registry ' + conf.registry + 'does not seem to support bearer tokens. Bearer tokens are required for two-factor authentication')
+ if (!result.token) {
+ throw new Error(`Your registry ${conf.registry} does not seem to ` +
+ 'support bearer tokens. Bearer tokens are required for ' +
+ 'two-factor authentication')
+ }
npm.config.setCredentialsByURI(conf.registry, { token: result.token })
return npm.config.save('user')
@@ -246,12 +256,14 @@ function enable2fa (args) {
info.tfa.password = password
log.info('profile', 'Determine if tfa is pending')
return pulseTillDone.withPromise(profile.get(conf)).then((info) => {
- if (!info.tfa) return
+ if (!info.tfa)
+ return
if (info.tfa.pending) {
log.info('profile', 'Resetting two-factor authentication')
return pulseTillDone.withPromise(profile.set({ tfa: { password, mode: 'disable' } }, conf))
} else {
- if (conf.auth.otp) return
+ if (conf.auth.otp)
+ return
return readUserInfo.otp('Enter one-time password from your authenticator app: ').then((otp) => {
conf.auth.otp = otp
@@ -265,9 +277,9 @@ function enable2fa (args) {
output('Two factor authentication mode changed to: ' + mode)
- if (typeof challenge.tfa !== 'string' || !/^otpauth:[/][/]/.test(challenge.tfa)) {
+ if (typeof challenge.tfa !== 'string' || !/^otpauth:[/][/]/.test(challenge.tfa))
throw new Error('Unknown error enabling two-factor authentication. Expected otpauth URL, got: ' + inspect(challenge.tfa))
- }
const otpauth = new URL(challenge.tfa)
const secret = otpauth.searchParams.get('secret')
return qrcode(challenge.tfa).then((code) => {
@@ -288,18 +300,18 @@ function enable2fa (args) {
function getAuth (conf) {
const creds = npm.config.getCredentialsByURI(conf.registry)
let auth
- if (creds.token) {
+ if (creds.token)
auth = { token: creds.token }
- } else if (creds.username) {
+ else if (creds.username)
auth = { basic: { username: creds.username, password: creds.password } }
- } else if (creds.auth) {
+ else if (creds.auth) {
const basic = Buffer.from(creds.auth, 'base64').toString().split(':', 2)
auth = { basic: { username: basic[0], password: basic[1] } }
- } else {
+ } else
auth = {}
- }
- if (conf.otp) auth.otp = conf.otp
+ if (conf.otp)
+ auth.otp = conf.otp
return auth
@@ -312,20 +324,20 @@ function disable2fa (args) {
return readUserInfo.password().then((password) => {
return Promise.resolve().then(() => {
- if (conf.otp) return
+ if (conf.otp)
+ return
return readUserInfo.otp('Enter one-time password from your authenticator: ').then((otp) => {
conf = { ...conf, otp }
}).then(() => {
log.info('profile', 'disabling tfa')
return pulseTillDone.withPromise(profile.set({ tfa: { password: password, mode: 'disable' } }, conf)).then(() => {
- if (conf.json) {
+ if (conf.json)
output(JSON.stringify({ tfa: false }, null, 2))
- } else if (conf.parseable) {
+ else if (conf.parseable)
- } else {
+ else
output('Two factor authentication disabled.')
- }
diff --git a/lib/prune.js b/lib/prune.js
index 66f9d8ba2..aa2ed3780 100644
--- a/lib/prune.js
+++ b/lib/prune.js
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ const prune = async () => {
const where = npm.prefix
const arb = new Arborist({
- path: where
+ path: where,
await arb.prune(npm.flatOptions)
diff --git a/lib/publish.js b/lib/publish.js
index 1ff736625..0ad5204c9 100644
--- a/lib/publish.js
+++ b/lib/publish.js
@@ -24,24 +24,24 @@ const usage = usageUtil('publish',
const cmd = (args, cb) => publish(args).then(() => cb()).catch(cb)
const publish = async args => {
- if (args.length === 0) args = ['.']
- if (args.length !== 1) throw usage
+ if (args.length === 0)
+ args = ['.']
+ if (args.length !== 1)
+ throw usage
log.verbose('publish', args)
const opts = { ...npm.flatOptions }
const { json, defaultTag } = opts
- if (semver.validRange(defaultTag)) {
+ if (semver.validRange(defaultTag))
throw new Error('Tag name must not be a valid SemVer range: ' + defaultTag.trim())
- }
const tarball = await publish_(args[0], opts)
const silent = log.level === 'silent'
- if (!silent && json) {
+ if (!silent && json)
output(JSON.stringify(tarball, null, 2))
- } else if (!silent) {
+ else if (!silent)
output(`+ ${tarball.id}`)
- }
return tarball
@@ -55,15 +55,14 @@ const publish_ = async (arg, opts) => {
event: 'prepublishOnly',
path: arg,
stdio: 'inherit',
- pkg: manifest
+ pkg: manifest,
const tarballData = await pack(arg)
const pkgContents = await getContents(manifest, tarballData)
- if (!json) {
+ if (!json)
logTar(pkgContents, { log, unicode })
- }
if (!dryRun) {
// The purpose of re-reading the manifest is in case it changed,
@@ -78,7 +77,7 @@ const publish_ = async (arg, opts) => {
event: 'publish',
path: arg,
stdio: 'inherit',
- pkg: manifest
+ pkg: manifest,
// postpublish
@@ -86,7 +85,7 @@ const publish_ = async (arg, opts) => {
event: 'postpublish',
path: arg,
stdio: 'inherit',
- pkg: manifest
+ pkg: manifest,
return pkgContents
diff --git a/lib/rebuild.js b/lib/rebuild.js
index a2beecc50..076cfc699 100644
--- a/lib/rebuild.js
+++ b/lib/rebuild.js
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ const rebuild = async args => {
const where = npm.flatOptions.global ? globalTop : npm.prefix
const arb = new Arborist({
- path: where
+ path: where,
if (args.length) {
@@ -25,11 +25,10 @@ const rebuild = async args => {
const tree = await arb.loadActual()
const filter = getFilterFn(args)
await arb.rebuild({
- nodes: tree.inventory.filter(filter)
+ nodes: tree.inventory.filter(filter),
- } else {
+ } else
await arb.rebuild()
- }
output('rebuilt dependencies successfully')
@@ -37,14 +36,18 @@ const rebuild = async args => {
const getFilterFn = args => {
const specs = args.map(arg => {
const spec = npa(arg)
- if (spec.type === 'tag' && spec.rawSpec === '') { return spec }
- if (spec.type !== 'range' && spec.type !== 'version') { throw new Error('`npm rebuild` only supports SemVer version/range specifiers') }
+ if (spec.type === 'tag' && spec.rawSpec === '')
+ return spec
+ if (spec.type !== 'range' && spec.type !== 'version')
+ throw new Error('`npm rebuild` only supports SemVer version/range specifiers')
return spec
return node => specs.some(spec => {
const { version } = node.package
- if (spec.name !== node.name) { return false }
- if (spec.rawSpec === '' || spec.rawSpec === '*') { return true }
+ if (spec.name !== node.name)
+ return false
+ if (spec.rawSpec === '' || spec.rawSpec === '*')
+ return true
return semver.satisfies(version, spec.fetchSpec)
diff --git a/lib/repo.js b/lib/repo.js
index ed0253859..7bd3bd154 100644
--- a/lib/repo.js
+++ b/lib/repo.js
@@ -13,9 +13,9 @@ const completion = require('./utils/completion/none.js')
const cmd = (args, cb) => repo(args).then(() => cb()).catch(cb)
const repo = async args => {
- if (!args || !args.length) {
+ if (!args || !args.length)
args = ['.']
- }
await Promise.all(args.map(pkg => getRepo(pkg)))
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ const getRepo = async pkg => {
if (!rurl) {
throw Object.assign(new Error('no repository'), {
- pkgid: pkg
+ pkgid: pkg,
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ const getRepo = async pkg => {
if (!url) {
throw Object.assign(new Error('no repository: could not get url'), {
- pkgid: pkg
+ pkgid: pkg,
@@ -53,13 +53,12 @@ const unknownHostedUrl = url => {
const {
- pathname
+ pathname,
} = new URL(url)
/* istanbul ignore next - URL ctor should prevent this */
- if (!protocol || !hostname) {
+ if (!protocol || !hostname)
return null
- }
const proto = /(git\+)http:$/.test(protocol) ? 'http:' : 'https:'
const path = pathname.replace(/\.git$/, '')
diff --git a/lib/run-script.js b/lib/run-script.js
index 989936f25..2802c54ba 100644
--- a/lib/run-script.js
+++ b/lib/run-script.js
@@ -38,17 +38,17 @@ const runScript = async (args) => {
const pkg = await readJson(`${path}/package.json`)
const { scripts = {} } = pkg
- if (event === 'restart' && !scripts.restart) {
+ if (event === 'restart' && !scripts.restart)
scripts.restart = 'npm stop --if-present && npm start'
- } else if (event === 'env') {
+ else if (event === 'env')
scripts.env = isWindowsShell ? 'SET' : 'env'
- }
pkg.scripts = scripts
if (!scripts[event]) {
- if (npm.config.get('if-present')) {
+ if (npm.config.get('if-present'))
- }
const suggestions = didYouMean(event, Object.keys(scripts))
throw new Error(`missing script: ${event}${
suggestions ? `\n${suggestions}` : ''}`)
@@ -57,12 +57,11 @@ const runScript = async (args) => {
// positional args only added to the main event, not pre/post
const events = [[event, args]]
if (!npm.flatOptions.ignoreScripts) {
- if (scripts[`pre${event}`]) {
+ if (scripts[`pre${event}`])
events.unshift([`pre${event}`, []])
- }
- if (scripts[`post${event}`]) {
+ if (scripts[`post${event}`])
events.push([`post${event}`, []])
- }
const opts = {
@@ -71,14 +70,14 @@ const runScript = async (args) => {
stdio: 'inherit',
stdioString: true,
- pkg
+ pkg,
for (const [event, args] of events) {
await run({
- args
+ args,
@@ -94,17 +93,15 @@ const list = async () => {
- 'version'
+ 'version',
].reduce((l, p) => l.concat(['pre' + p, p, 'post' + p]), [])
- if (!scripts) {
+ if (!scripts)
return []
- }
const allScripts = Object.keys(scripts)
- if (log.level === 'silent') {
+ if (log.level === 'silent')
return allScripts
- }
if (npm.flatOptions.json) {
output(JSON.stringify(scripts, null, 2))
@@ -112,9 +109,9 @@ const list = async () => {
if (npm.flatOptions.parseable) {
- for (const [script, cmd] of Object.entries(scripts)) {
+ for (const [script, cmd] of Object.entries(scripts))
- }
return allScripts
@@ -127,20 +124,20 @@ const list = async () => {
- if (cmds.length) {
+ if (cmds.length)
output(`Lifecycle scripts included in ${name}:`)
- }
- for (const script of cmds) {
+ for (const script of cmds)
output(prefix + script + indent + scripts[script])
- }
- if (!cmds.length && runScripts.length) {
+ if (!cmds.length && runScripts.length)
output(`Scripts available in ${name} via \`npm run-script\`:`)
- } else if (runScripts.length) {
+ else if (runScripts.length)
output('\navailable via `npm run-script`:')
- }
- for (const script of runScripts) {
+ for (const script of runScripts)
output(prefix + script + indent + scripts[script])
- }
return allScripts
diff --git a/lib/search.js b/lib/search.js
index 92397d842..5c25bd715 100644
--- a/lib/search.js
+++ b/lib/search.js
@@ -26,12 +26,11 @@ function search (args, cb) {
include: prepareIncludes(args, npm.flatOptions.search.opts),
- exclude: prepareExcludes(npm.flatOptions.search.exclude)
+ exclude: prepareExcludes(npm.flatOptions.search.exclude),
- if (opts.include.length === 0) {
+ if (opts.include.length === 0)
return cb(new Error('search must be called with arguments'))
- }
// Used later to figure out whether we had any packages go out
let anyOutput = false
@@ -42,21 +41,22 @@ function search (args, cb) {
// This is a text minipass stream
var outputStream = formatPackageStream({
args, // --searchinclude options are not highlighted
- ...opts
+ ...opts,
log.silly('search', 'searching packages')
const p = new Pipeline(libSearch.stream(opts.include, opts), outputStream)
p.on('data', chunk => {
- if (!anyOutput) { anyOutput = true }
+ if (!anyOutput)
+ anyOutput = true
p.promise().then(() => {
- if (!anyOutput && !opts.json && !opts.parseable) {
+ if (!anyOutput && !opts.json && !opts.parseable)
output('No matches found for ' + (args.map(JSON.stringify).join(' ')))
- }
log.silly('search', 'search completed')
cb(null, {})
@@ -64,19 +64,22 @@ function search (args, cb) {
function prepareIncludes (args, searchopts) {
- if (typeof searchopts !== 'string') searchopts = ''
+ if (typeof searchopts !== 'string')
+ searchopts = ''
return searchopts.split(/\s+/).concat(args).map(function (s) {
return s.toLowerCase()
- }).filter(function (s) { return s })
+ }).filter(function (s) {
+ return s
+ })
function prepareExcludes (searchexclude) {
var exclude
- if (typeof searchexclude === 'string') {
+ if (typeof searchexclude === 'string')
exclude = searchexclude.split(/\s+/)
- } else {
+ else
exclude = []
- }
return exclude.map(function (s) {
return s.toLowerCase()
diff --git a/lib/search/format-package-stream.js b/lib/search/format-package-stream.js
index 7a9f61613..0f75bbff7 100644
--- a/lib/search/format-package-stream.js
+++ b/lib/search/format-package-stream.js
@@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ class JSONOutputStream extends Minipass {
if (!this._didFirst) {
this._didFirst = true
- } else {
+ } else
- }
try {
return super.write(JSON.stringify(obj))
} catch (er) {
@@ -89,14 +89,14 @@ function prettify (data, num, opts) {
author: { minWidth: 15, maxWidth: 15 },
date: { maxWidth: 11 },
version: { minWidth: 8, maxWidth: 8 },
- keywords: { maxWidth: Infinity }
- }
+ keywords: { maxWidth: Infinity },
+ },
output = trimToMaxWidth(output)
- if (opts.color) {
+ if (opts.color)
output = highlightSearchTerms(output, opts.args)
- }
return output
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ function addColorMarker (str, arg, i) {
if (arg.charAt(0) === '/') {
return str.replace(
new RegExp(arg.substr(1, arg.length - 2), 'gi'),
- function (bit) { return markStart + bit + markEnd }
+ bit => markStart + bit + markEnd
@@ -146,7 +146,9 @@ function getMaxWidth () {
var stdout = process.stdout
cols = !tty.isatty(stdout.fd) ? Infinity : process.stdout.getWindowSize()[0]
cols = (cols === 0) ? Infinity : cols
- } catch (ex) { cols = Infinity }
+ } catch (ex) {
+ cols = Infinity
+ }
return cols
@@ -184,6 +186,6 @@ function normalizePackage (data, opts) {
.split('T').join(' ')
.replace(/:[0-9]{2}\.[0-9]{3}Z$/, ''))
.slice(0, -5)) ||
- 'prehistoric'
+ 'prehistoric',
diff --git a/lib/search/package-filter.js b/lib/search/package-filter.js
index 142350eec..e3d427a4a 100644
--- a/lib/search/package-filter.js
+++ b/lib/search/package-filter.js
@@ -9,13 +9,11 @@ function filter (data, include, exclude, opts) {
function getWords (data, opts) {
return [data.name]
.concat((opts && opts.description) ? data.description : [])
- .concat((data.maintainers || []).map(function (m) {
- return '=' + m.name
- }))
+ .concat((data.maintainers || []).map(m => `=${m.name}`))
.concat(data.versions && data.versions.length && data.url && ('<' + data.url + '>'))
.concat(data.keywords || [])
- .map(function (f) { return f && f.trim && f.trim() })
- .filter(function (f) { return f })
+ .map(f => f && f.trim && f.trim())
+ .filter(f => f)
.join(' ')
@@ -23,11 +21,15 @@ function getWords (data, opts) {
function filterWords (data, include, exclude, opts) {
var words = getWords(data, opts)
for (var i = 0, l = include.length; i < l; i++) {
- if (!match(words, include[i])) return false
+ if (!match(words, include[i]))
+ return false
for (i = 0, l = exclude.length; i < l; i++) {
- if (match(words, exclude[i])) return false
+ if (match(words, exclude[i]))
+ return false
return true
diff --git a/lib/set.js b/lib/set.js
index b5e7376fb..62860e53f 100644
--- a/lib/set.js
+++ b/lib/set.js
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ var npm = require('./npm.js')
set.completion = npm.commands.config.completion
function set (args, cb) {
- if (!args.length) return cb(set.usage)
+ if (!args.length)
+ return cb(set.usage)
npm.commands.config(['set'].concat(args), cb)
diff --git a/lib/shrinkwrap.js b/lib/shrinkwrap.js
index ec759578c..0dff6b2ba 100644
--- a/lib/shrinkwrap.js
+++ b/lib/shrinkwrap.js
@@ -37,16 +37,15 @@ const shrinkwrap = async () => {
meta.filename = sw
await meta.save()
- if (newFile) {
+ if (newFile)
log.notice('', 'created a lockfile as npm-shrinkwrap.json')
- } else if (notSW) {
+ else if (notSW) {
await unlink(oldFilename)
log.notice('', 'package-lock.json has been renamed to npm-shrinkwrap.json')
- } else if (meta.originalLockfileVersion !== npm.lockfileVersion) {
+ } else if (meta.originalLockfileVersion !== npm.lockfileVersion)
log.notice('', `npm-shrinkwrap.json updated to version ${npm.lockfileVersion}`)
- } else {
+ else
log.notice('', 'npm-shrinkwrap.json up to date')
- }
module.exports = Object.assign(cmd, { usage, completion })
diff --git a/lib/star.js b/lib/star.js
index 04b8285fb..15beef373 100644
--- a/lib/star.js
+++ b/lib/star.js
@@ -24,7 +24,8 @@ module.exports = star
function star (args, cb) {
const opts = npm.flatOptions
return Promise.resolve().then(() => {
- if (!args.length) throw new Error(star.usage)
+ if (!args.length)
+ throw new Error(star.usage)
// if we're unstarring, then show an empty star image
// otherwise, show the full star image
const unstar = /^un/.test(npm.command)
@@ -38,14 +39,15 @@ function star (args, cb) {
spec: pkg,
query: { write: true },
- preferOnline: true
- })
+ preferOnline: true,
+ }),
]).then(([username, fullData]) => {
- if (!username) { throw new Error('You need to be logged in!') }
+ if (!username)
+ throw new Error('You need to be logged in!')
const body = {
_id: fullData._id,
_rev: fullData._rev,
- users: fullData.users || {}
+ users: fullData.users || {},
if (!unstar) {
@@ -61,7 +63,7 @@ function star (args, cb) {
spec: pkg,
method: 'PUT',
- body
+ body,
}).then(data => {
output(show + ' ' + pkg.name)
diff --git a/lib/stars.js b/lib/stars.js
index 391e3ec86..bd443d09a 100644
--- a/lib/stars.js
+++ b/lib/stars.js
@@ -13,9 +13,9 @@ const cmd = (args, cb) => stars(args).then(() => cb()).catch(cb)
const stars = (args) => {
return stars_(args).catch(er => {
- if (er.code === 'ENEEDAUTH') {
+ if (er.code === 'ENEEDAUTH')
log.warn('star', 'auth is required to look up your username')
- }
throw er
@@ -23,14 +23,13 @@ const stars = (args) => {
const stars_ = async ([user = getIdentity(npm.flatOptions)]) => {
const { rows } = await fetch.json('/-/_view/starredByUser', {
- query: { key: `"${await user}"` }
+ query: { key: `"${await user}"` },
- if (rows.length === 0) {
+ if (rows.length === 0)
log.warn('stars', 'user has not starred any packages')
- }
- for (const row of rows) {
+ for (const row of rows)
- }
module.exports = Object.assign(cmd, { usage, completion })
diff --git a/lib/team.js b/lib/team.js
index b0e15e349..582dadb3f 100644
--- a/lib/team.js
+++ b/lib/team.js
@@ -19,9 +19,9 @@ const usage = usageUtil(
const completion = (opts, cb) => {
const { conf: { argv: { remain: argv } } } = opts
- if (argv.length === 2) {
+ if (argv.length === 2)
return cb(null, subcommands)
- }
switch (argv[2]) {
case 'ls':
case 'create':
@@ -51,11 +51,10 @@ const team = async ([cmd, entity = '', user = '']) => {
case 'rm': return teamRm(entity, user, opts)
case 'ls': {
const match = entity.match(/[^:]+:.+/)
- if (match) {
+ if (match)
return teamListUsers(entity, opts)
- } else {
+ else
return teamListTeams(entity, opts)
- }
case 'edit':
throw new Error('`npm team edit` is not implemented yet.')
@@ -70,13 +69,12 @@ const teamCreate = async (entity, opts) => {
if (opts.json) {
created: true,
- team: entity
+ team: entity,
- } else if (opts.parseable) {
+ } else if (opts.parseable)
- } else if (!opts.silent && opts.loglevel !== 'silent') {
+ else if (!opts.silent && opts.loglevel !== 'silent')
- }
const teamDestroy = async (entity, opts) => {
@@ -84,13 +82,12 @@ const teamDestroy = async (entity, opts) => {
if (opts.json) {
deleted: true,
- team: entity
+ team: entity,
- } else if (opts.parseable) {
+ } else if (opts.parseable)
- } else if (!opts.silent && opts.loglevel !== 'silent') {
+ else if (!opts.silent && opts.loglevel !== 'silent')
- }
const teamAdd = async (entity, user, opts) => {
@@ -99,13 +96,12 @@ const teamAdd = async (entity, user, opts) => {
added: true,
team: entity,
- user
+ user,
- } else if (opts.parseable) {
+ } else if (opts.parseable)
- } else if (!opts.silent && opts.loglevel !== 'silent') {
+ else if (!opts.silent && opts.loglevel !== 'silent')
output(`${user} added to @${entity}`)
- }
const teamRm = async (entity, user, opts) => {
@@ -114,22 +110,21 @@ const teamRm = async (entity, user, opts) => {
removed: true,
team: entity,
- user
+ user,
- } else if (opts.parseable) {
+ } else if (opts.parseable)
- } else if (!opts.silent && opts.loglevel !== 'silent') {
+ else if (!opts.silent && opts.loglevel !== 'silent')
output(`${user} removed from @${entity}`)
- }
const teamListUsers = async (entity, opts) => {
const users = (await libteam.lsUsers(entity, opts)).sort()
- if (opts.json) {
+ if (opts.json)
output(JSON.stringify(users, null, 2))
- } else if (opts.parseable) {
+ else if (opts.parseable)
- } else if (!opts.silent && opts.loglevel !== 'silent') {
+ else if (!opts.silent && opts.loglevel !== 'silent') {
output(`\n@${entity} has ${users.length} user${users.length === 1 ? '' : 's'}:\n`)
output(columns(users, { padding: 1 }))
@@ -137,11 +132,11 @@ const teamListUsers = async (entity, opts) => {
const teamListTeams = async (entity, opts) => {
const teams = (await libteam.lsTeams(entity, opts)).sort()
- if (opts.json) {
+ if (opts.json)
output(JSON.stringify(teams, null, 2))
- } else if (opts.parseable) {
+ else if (opts.parseable)
- } else if (!opts.silent && opts.loglevel !== 'silent') {
+ else if (!opts.silent && opts.loglevel !== 'silent') {
output(`\n@${entity} has ${teams.length} team${teams.length === 1 ? '' : 's'}:\n`)
output(columns(teams.map(t => `@${t}`), { padding: 1 }))
diff --git a/lib/test.js b/lib/test.js
index 2c7215755..e224aa2de 100644
--- a/lib/test.js
+++ b/lib/test.js
@@ -4,9 +4,8 @@ const cmd = (args, cb) => testCmd(args, er => {
if (er && er.code === 'ELIFECYCLE') {
/* eslint-disable standard/no-callback-literal */
cb('Test failed. See above for more details.')
- } else {
+ } else
- }
module.exports = Object.assign(cmd, { completion, usage })
diff --git a/lib/token.js b/lib/token.js
index 0cd8b7bc6..7e53bd612 100644
--- a/lib/token.js
+++ b/lib/token.js
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ token.usage = usageUtil('token',
const UsageError = (msg) =>
Object.assign(new Error(`\nUsage: ${msg}\n\n` + token.usage), {
- code: 'EUSAGE'
+ code: 'EUSAGE',
const InvalidCIDRError = (msg) =>
@@ -34,9 +34,8 @@ token.subcommands = ['list', 'revoke', 'create']
token.completion = function (opts, cb) {
var argv = opts.conf.argv.remain
- if (argv.length === 2) {
+ if (argv.length === 2)
return cb(null, token.subcommands)
- }
switch (argv[2]) {
case 'list':
@@ -54,7 +53,8 @@ function withCb (prom, cb) {
function token (args, cb) {
- if (args.length === 0) return withCb(list([]), cb)
+ if (args.length === 0)
+ return withCb(list([]), cb)
switch (args[0]) {
case 'list':
case 'ls':
@@ -92,27 +92,28 @@ function generateTokenIds (tokens, minLength) {
function config () {
const conf = { ...npm.flatOptions }
const creds = npm.config.getCredentialsByURI(conf.registry)
- if (creds.token) {
+ if (creds.token)
conf.auth = { token: creds.token }
- } else if (creds.username) {
+ else if (creds.username) {
conf.auth = {
basic: {
username: creds.username,
- password: creds.password
- }
+ password: creds.password,
+ },
} else if (creds.auth) {
const auth = Buffer.from(creds.auth, 'base64').toString().split(':', 2)
conf.auth = {
basic: {
username: auth[0],
- password: auth[1]
- }
+ password: auth[1],
+ },
- } else {
+ } else
conf.auth = {}
- }
- if (conf.otp) conf.auth.otp = conf.otp
+ if (conf.otp)
+ conf.auth.otp = conf.otp
return conf
@@ -131,7 +132,7 @@ function list (args) {
token.readonly ? 'true' : 'false',
- token.cidr_whitelist ? token.cidr_whitelist.join(',') : ''
+ token.cidr_whitelist ? token.cidr_whitelist.join(',') : '',
@@ -140,7 +141,7 @@ function list (args) {
const idWidth = tokens.reduce((acc, token) => Math.max(acc, token.id.length), 0)
const table = new Table({
head: ['id', 'token', 'created', 'readonly', 'CIDR whitelist'],
- colWidths: [Math.max(idWidth, 2) + 2, 9, 12, 10]
+ colWidths: [Math.max(idWidth, 2) + 2, 9, 12, 10],
tokens.forEach((token) => {
@@ -148,7 +149,7 @@ function list (args) {
token.token + '…',
String(token.created).slice(0, 10),
token.readonly ? 'yes' : 'no',
- token.cidr_whitelist ? token.cidr_whitelist.join(', ') : ''
+ token.cidr_whitelist ? token.cidr_whitelist.join(', ') : '',
@@ -156,9 +157,9 @@ function list (args) {
function rm (args) {
- if (args.length === 0) {
+ if (args.length === 0)
return Promise.reject(UsageError('`<tokenKey>` argument is required.'))
- }
const conf = config()
const toRemove = []
const progress = log.newItem('removing tokens', toRemove.length)
@@ -166,15 +167,15 @@ function rm (args) {
return pulseTillDone.withPromise(profile.listTokens(conf).then((tokens) => {
args.forEach((id) => {
const matches = tokens.filter((token) => token.key.indexOf(id) === 0)
- if (matches.length === 1) {
+ if (matches.length === 1)
- } else if (matches.length > 1) {
+ else if (matches.length > 1)
throw new Error(`Token ID "${id}" was ambiguous, a new token may have been created since you last ran \`npm token list\`.`)
- } else {
+ else {
const tokenMatches = tokens.filter((token) => id.indexOf(token.token) === 0)
- if (tokenMatches.length === 0) {
+ if (tokenMatches.length === 0)
throw new Error(`Unknown token id or value "${id}".`)
- }
@@ -184,13 +185,12 @@ function rm (args) {
})).then(() => {
- if (conf.json) {
+ if (conf.json)
- } else if (conf.parseable) {
+ else if (conf.parseable)
- } else {
+ else
output('Removed ' + toRemove.length + ' token' + (toRemove.length !== 1 ? 's' : ''))
- }
@@ -208,11 +208,11 @@ function create (args) {
}).then((result) => {
delete result.key
delete result.updated
- if (conf.json) {
+ if (conf.json)
- } else if (conf.parseable) {
+ else if (conf.parseable)
Object.keys(result).forEach((k) => output(k + '\t' + result[k]))
- } else {
+ else {
const table = new Table()
Object.keys(result).forEach((k) => table.push({ [ansistyles.bright(k)]: String(result[k]) }))
@@ -221,12 +221,11 @@ function create (args) {
function validateCIDR (cidr) {
- if (isCidrV6(cidr)) {
+ if (isCidrV6(cidr))
throw InvalidCIDRError('CIDR whitelist can only contain IPv4 addresses, ' + cidr + ' is IPv6')
- }
- if (!isCidrV4(cidr)) {
+ if (!isCidrV4(cidr))
throw InvalidCIDRError('CIDR whitelist contains invalid CIDR entry: ' + cidr)
- }
function validateCIDRList (cidrs) {
diff --git a/lib/uninstall.js b/lib/uninstall.js
index 58e2f61a8..ec997ae64 100644
--- a/lib/uninstall.js
+++ b/lib/uninstall.js
@@ -15,9 +15,9 @@ const rm = async args => {
const path = global ? resolve(npm.globalDir, '..') : prefix
if (!args.length) {
- if (!global) {
+ if (!global)
throw new Error('must provide a package name to remove')
- } else {
+ else {
const pkg = await rpj(resolve(npm.localPrefix, 'package.json'))
.catch(er => {
throw er.code !== 'ENOENT' && er.code !== 'ENOTDIR' ? er : usage()
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ const rm = async args => {
await arb.reify({
- rm: args
+ rm: args,
diff --git a/lib/unpublish.js b/lib/unpublish.js
index ec0f149c5..4d05627d2 100644
--- a/lib/unpublish.js
+++ b/lib/unpublish.js
@@ -24,10 +24,12 @@ const completion = (args, cb) => completionFn(args)
const completionFn = async (args) => {
const { partialWord, conf } = args
- if (conf.argv.remain.length >= 3) return
+ if (conf.argv.remain.length >= 3)
+ return
const username = await whoami([], true)
- if (!username) { return [] }
+ if (!username)
+ return []
const opts = npm.flatOptions
const access = await libaccess.lsPackages(username, opts)
@@ -35,23 +37,25 @@ const completionFn = async (args) => {
// to fetch versions for more than one thing, but also don't
// accidentally a whole project
let pkgs = Object.keys(access)
- if (!partialWord || !pkgs.length) return pkgs
+ if (!partialWord || !pkgs.length)
+ return pkgs
const pp = npa(partialWord).name
pkgs = pkgs.filter(p => !p.indexOf(pp))
- if (pkgs.length > 1) return pkgs
+ if (pkgs.length > 1)
+ return pkgs
const json = await npmFetch.json(npa(pkgs[0]).escapedName, opts)
const versions = Object.keys(json.versions)
- if (!versions.length) {
+ if (!versions.length)
return pkgs
- } else {
+ else
return versions.map(v => `${pkgs[0]}@${v}`)
- }
async function unpublish (args) {
- if (args.length > 1) throw usage
+ if (args.length > 1)
+ throw usage
const spec = args.length && npa(args[0])
const opts = npm.flatOptions
@@ -83,15 +87,13 @@ async function unpublish (args) {
try {
ret = await otplease(opts, opts => libunpub(pkgJsonSpec, { ...opts, publishConfig }))
} catch (err) {
- if (err && err.code !== 'ENOENT' && err.code !== 'ENOTDIR') {
+ if (err && err.code !== 'ENOENT' && err.code !== 'ENOTDIR')
throw err
- } else {
+ else
throw `Usage: ${usage}`
- }
- } else {
+ } else
ret = await otplease(opts, opts => libunpub(spec, opts))
- }
if (!silent && loglevel !== 'silent') {
output(`- ${spec.name}${
diff --git a/lib/update.js b/lib/update.js
index 7f7773153..791e67e40 100644
--- a/lib/update.js
+++ b/lib/update.js
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ const update = async args => {
const arb = new Arborist({
- path: where
+ path: where,
await arb.reify({ update })
diff --git a/lib/utils/audit-error.js b/lib/utils/audit-error.js
index 91e880c46..c7423c447 100644
--- a/lib/utils/audit-error.js
+++ b/lib/utils/audit-error.js
@@ -6,13 +6,11 @@
const output = require('./output.js')
const npm = require('../npm.js')
const auditError = (report) => {
- if (!report || !report.error) {
+ if (!report || !report.error)
return false
- }
- if (npm.command !== 'audit') {
+ if (npm.command !== 'audit')
return true
- }
const { error } = report
@@ -27,11 +25,10 @@ const auditError = (report) => {
uri: error.uri,
headers: error.headers,
statusCode: error.statusCode,
- body
+ body,
}, null, 2))
- } else {
+ } else
- }
throw 'audit endpoint returned an error'
diff --git a/lib/utils/cache-file.js b/lib/utils/cache-file.js
index 9db253a3b..b33881e87 100644
--- a/lib/utils/cache-file.js
+++ b/lib/utils/cache-file.js
@@ -15,9 +15,9 @@ const getCacheOwner = () => {
try {
st = fs.lstatSync(cache)
} catch (er) {
- if (er.code !== 'ENOENT') {
+ if (er.code !== 'ENOENT')
throw er
- }
st = fs.lstatSync(path.dirname(cache))
@@ -29,24 +29,21 @@ const getCacheOwner = () => {
const writeOrAppend = (method, file, data) => {
- if (!cache) {
+ if (!cache)
cache = npm.config.get('cache')
- }
// redundant if already absolute, but prevents non-absolute files
// from being written as if they're part of the cache.
file = path.resolve(cache, file)
- if (cacheUid === null && needChown) {
+ if (cacheUid === null && needChown)
- }
const dir = path.dirname(file)
const firstMade = mkdirp.sync(dir)
- if (!needChown) {
+ if (!needChown)
return method(file, data)
- }
let methodThrew = true
try {
@@ -55,9 +52,9 @@ const writeOrAppend = (method, file, data) => {
} finally {
// always try to leave it in the right ownership state, even on failure
// let the method error fail it instead of the chownr error, though
- if (!methodThrew) {
+ if (!methodThrew)
chownr.sync(firstMade || file, cacheUid, cacheGid)
- } else {
+ else {
try {
chownr.sync(firstMade || file, cacheUid, cacheGid)
} catch (_) {}
diff --git a/lib/utils/cleanup-log-files.js b/lib/utils/cleanup-log-files.js
index a2c28e2e8..13d1e50da 100644
--- a/lib/utils/cleanup-log-files.js
+++ b/lib/utils/cleanup-log-files.js
@@ -11,23 +11,20 @@ module.exports = (cache, max, warn) => {
/* eslint-disable promise/param-names */
return new Promise(done => {
glob(resolve(cache, '_logs', '*-debug.log'), (er, files) => {
- if (er) {
+ if (er)
return done()
- }
let pending = files.length - max
- if (pending <= 0) {
+ if (pending <= 0)
return done()
- }
for (let i = 0; i < files.length - max; i++) {
rimraf(files[i], (er) => {
- if (er) {
+ if (er)
warn('log', 'failed to remove log file', files[i])
- }
- if (--pending === 0) {
+ if (--pending === 0)
- }
diff --git a/lib/utils/cmd-list.js b/lib/utils/cmd-list.js
index 6328d80d5..5c188a8e9 100644
--- a/lib/utils/cmd-list.js
+++ b/lib/utils/cmd-list.js
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ const shorthands = {
'clean-install': 'ci',
'clean-install-test': 'cit',
x: 'exec',
- why: 'explain'
+ why: 'explain',
const affordances = {
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ const affordances = {
rum: 'run-script',
sit: 'cit',
urn: 'run-script',
- ogr: 'org'
+ ogr: 'org',
// these are filenames in .
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ const cmdList = [
- 'explain'
+ 'explain',
const plumbing = ['birthday', 'help-search']
@@ -139,5 +139,5 @@ module.exports = {
- plumbing
+ plumbing,
diff --git a/lib/utils/completion/file-completion.js b/lib/utils/completion/file-completion.js
index e4daa4dd4..b32eda52d 100644
--- a/lib/utils/completion/file-completion.js
+++ b/lib/utils/completion/file-completion.js
@@ -13,7 +13,8 @@ function fileCompletion (root, req, depth, cb) {
var pattern = root + '/{' + req + ',' + req + '/**/*}'
var opts = { mark: true, dot: true, maxDepth: depth }
glob(pattern, opts, function (er, files) {
- if (er) return cb(er)
+ if (er)
+ return cb(er)
return cb(null, (files || []).map(function (f) {
return f.substr(root.length + 1).replace(/^\/|\/$/g, '')
diff --git a/lib/utils/completion/installed-deep.js b/lib/utils/completion/installed-deep.js
index 8337757bb..0513ef9f8 100644
--- a/lib/utils/completion/installed-deep.js
+++ b/lib/utils/completion/installed-deep.js
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ const readNames = async () => {
const {
- prefix
+ prefix,
} = npm.flatOptions
const getValues = (tree) =>
@@ -24,16 +24,14 @@ const readNames = async () => {
const gArb = new Arborist({ global: true, path: resolve(npm.globalDir, '..') })
const gTree = await gArb.loadActual({ global: true })
- for (const node of getValues(gTree)) {
+ for (const node of getValues(gTree))
res.add(global ? node.name : [node.name, '-g'])
- }
if (!global) {
const arb = new Arborist({ global: false, path: prefix })
const tree = await arb.loadActual()
- for (const node of getValues(tree)) {
+ for (const node of getValues(tree))
- }
return [...res]
diff --git a/lib/utils/completion/installed-shallow.js b/lib/utils/completion/installed-shallow.js
index 5a7a5932f..e2ff5a302 100644
--- a/lib/utils/completion/installed-shallow.js
+++ b/lib/utils/completion/installed-shallow.js
@@ -6,9 +6,8 @@ const names = global => readdir(global ? npm.globalDir : npm.localDir)
const installedShallow = async opts => {
const { conf: { argv: { remain } } } = opts
- if (remain.length > 3) {
+ if (remain.length > 3)
return null
- }
const { global } = npm.flatOptions
const locals = global ? [] : await names(false)
diff --git a/lib/utils/config.js b/lib/utils/config.js
index 440806f79..9af6289ff 100644
--- a/lib/utils/config.js
+++ b/lib/utils/config.js
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ const {
semver: { type: semver },
Umask: { type: Umask },
url: { type: url },
- path: { type: path }
- }
+ path: { type: path },
+ },
} = require('@npmcli/config')
const { version: npmVersion } = require('../../package.json')
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ const defaults = {
userconfig: '~/.npmrc',
version: false,
versions: false,
- viewer: isWindows ? 'browser' : 'man'
+ viewer: isWindows ? 'browser' : 'man',
const types = {
@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ const types = {
- 'silly'
+ 'silly',
'logs-max': Number,
long: Boolean,
@@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ const types = {
userconfig: path,
version: Boolean,
versions: Boolean,
- viewer: String
+ viewer: String,
const shorthands = {
@@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ const shorthands = {
silent: ['--loglevel', 'silent'],
v: ['--version'],
verbose: ['--loglevel', 'verbose'],
- y: ['--yes']
+ y: ['--yes'],
module.exports = { defaults, types, shorthands }
diff --git a/lib/utils/deep-sort-object.js b/lib/utils/deep-sort-object.js
index 7499efc4b..e7bb7365b 100644
--- a/lib/utils/deep-sort-object.js
+++ b/lib/utils/deep-sort-object.js
@@ -2,10 +2,11 @@
var sortedObject = require('sorted-object')
module.exports = function deepSortObject (obj) {
- if (obj == null || typeof obj !== 'object') return obj
- if (obj instanceof Array) {
+ if (obj == null || typeof obj !== 'object')
+ return obj
+ if (obj instanceof Array)
return obj.map(deepSortObject)
- }
obj = sortedObject(obj)
Object.keys(obj).forEach(function (key) {
obj[key] = deepSortObject(obj[key])
diff --git a/lib/utils/depr-check.js b/lib/utils/depr-check.js
index 97023ddda..aa728a336 100644
--- a/lib/utils/depr-check.js
+++ b/lib/utils/depr-check.js
@@ -7,9 +7,8 @@ const deprWarned = {}
module.exports = deprCheck
function deprCheck (data) {
- if (deprecated[data._id]) {
+ if (deprecated[data._id])
data.deprecated = deprecated[data._id]
- }
if (data.deprecated) {
deprecated[data._id] = data.deprecated
diff --git a/lib/utils/deref-command.js b/lib/utils/deref-command.js
index 18e11689e..f45c2627e 100644
--- a/lib/utils/deref-command.js
+++ b/lib/utils/deref-command.js
@@ -7,21 +7,21 @@ const abbrev = require('abbrev')
const abbrevs = abbrev(fullList)
module.exports = c => {
- if (!c || typeof c !== 'string') {
+ if (!c || typeof c !== 'string')
return ''
- }
- if (c.match(/[A-Z]/)) {
+ if (c.match(/[A-Z]/))
c = c.replace(/([A-Z])/g, m => '-' + m.toLowerCase())
- }
- if (plumbing.indexOf(c) !== -1) {
+ if (plumbing.indexOf(c) !== -1)
return c
- }
// first deref the abbrev, if there is one
// then resolve any aliases
// so `npm install-cl` will resolve to `install-clean` then to `ci`
let a = abbrevs[c]
- while (aliases[a]) {
+ while (aliases[a])
a = aliases[a]
- }
return a || ''
diff --git a/lib/utils/error-handler.js b/lib/utils/error-handler.js
index 16abcd67c..91bfe787a 100644
--- a/lib/utils/error-handler.js
+++ b/lib/utils/error-handler.js
@@ -12,23 +12,22 @@ const cacheFile = require('./cache-file.js')
let logFileName
const getLogFile = () => {
- if (!logFileName) {
+ if (!logFileName)
logFileName = path.resolve(npm.config.get('cache'), '_logs', (new Date()).toISOString().replace(/[.:]/g, '_') + '-debug.log')
- }
return logFileName
const timings = {
version: npm.version,
command: process.argv.slice(2),
- logfile: null
+ logfile: null,
process.on('timing', (name, value) => {
- if (timings[name]) {
+ if (timings[name])
timings[name] += value
- } else {
+ else
timings[name] = value
- }
process.on('exit', code => {
@@ -46,10 +45,11 @@ process.on('exit', code => {
// kill any outstanding stats reporter if it hasn't finished yet
- if (code) itWorked = false
- if (itWorked) {
+ if (code)
+ itWorked = false
+ if (itWorked)
- } else {
+ else {
if (!cbCalled) {
log.error('', 'cb() never called!')
@@ -58,37 +58,40 @@ process.on('exit', code => {
- if (code) {
+ if (code)
log.verbose('code', code)
- }
- if (npm.config && npm.config.loaded && npm.config.get('timing') && !wroteLogFile) writeLogFile()
+ if (npm.config && npm.config.loaded && npm.config.get('timing') && !wroteLogFile)
+ writeLogFile()
if (wroteLogFile) {
// just a line break
- if (log.levels[log.level] <= log.levels.error) console.error('')
+ if (log.levels[log.level] <= log.levels.error)
+ console.error('')
'A complete log of this run can be found in:',
- ' ' + getLogFile()
+ ' ' + getLogFile(),
wroteLogFile = false
// actually exit.
- if (exitCode === 0 && !itWorked) {
+ if (exitCode === 0 && !itWorked)
exitCode = 1
- }
- if (exitCode !== 0) process.exit(exitCode)
+ if (exitCode !== 0)
+ process.exit(exitCode)
const exit = (code, noLog) => {
exitCode = exitCode || process.exitCode || code
log.verbose('exit', code)
- if (log.level === 'silent') noLog = true
+ if (log.level === 'silent')
+ noLog = true
const reallyExit = () => {
itWorked = !code
@@ -103,11 +106,10 @@ const exit = (code, noLog) => {
- if (code && !noLog) {
+ if (code && !noLog)
- } else {
+ else
- }
const errorHandler = (er) => {
@@ -118,9 +120,8 @@ const errorHandler = (er) => {
console.error(er.stack || er.message)
- if (cbCalled) {
+ if (cbCalled)
er = er || new Error('Callback called more than once.')
- }
if (npm.updateNotification) {
const { level } = log
@@ -130,7 +131,8 @@ const errorHandler = (er) => {
cbCalled = true
- if (!er) return exit(0)
+ if (!er)
+ return exit(0)
if (typeof er === 'string') {
log.error('', er)
return exit(1, true)
@@ -146,7 +148,8 @@ const errorHandler = (er) => {
for (const k of ['type', 'stack', 'statusCode', 'pkgid']) {
const v = er[k]
- if (v) log.verbose(k, v)
+ if (v)
+ log.verbose(k, v)
log.verbose('cwd', process.cwd())
@@ -159,20 +162,21 @@ const errorHandler = (er) => {
for (const k of ['code', 'syscall', 'file', 'path', 'dest', 'errno']) {
const v = er[k]
- if (v) log.error(k, v)
+ if (v)
+ log.error(k, v)
const msg = errorMessage(er)
- for (const errline of [...msg.summary, ...msg.detail]) {
+ for (const errline of [...msg.summary, ...msg.detail])
- }
if (npm.config && npm.config.get('json')) {
const error = {
error: {
code: er.code,
summary: messageText(msg.summary),
- detail: messageText(msg.detail)
- }
+ detail: messageText(msg.detail),
+ },
console.log(JSON.stringify(error, null, 2))
@@ -183,7 +187,8 @@ const errorHandler = (er) => {
const messageText = msg => msg.map(line => line.slice(1).join(' ')).join('\n')
const writeLogFile = () => {
- if (wroteLogFile) return
+ if (wroteLogFile)
+ return
const os = require('os')
@@ -191,7 +196,8 @@ const writeLogFile = () => {
let logOutput = ''
log.record.forEach(m => {
const p = [m.id, m.level]
- if (m.prefix) p.push(m.prefix)
+ if (m.prefix)
+ p.push(m.prefix)
const pref = p.join(' ')
diff --git a/lib/utils/error-message.js b/lib/utils/error-message.js
index a1e1caeeb..26dc7c3cb 100644
--- a/lib/utils/error-message.js
+++ b/lib/utils/error-message.js
@@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ module.exports = (er) => {
'\nIf you are behind a proxy, please make sure that the',
- "'proxy' config is set properly. See: 'npm help config'"
- ].join('\n')
+ "'proxy' config is set properly. See: 'npm help config'",
+ ].join('\n'),
@@ -59,8 +59,8 @@ module.exports = (er) => {
'previous versions of npm which has since been addressed.',
'To permanently fix this problem, please run:',
- ` sudo chown -R ${process.getuid()}:${process.getgid()} ${JSON.stringify(npm.config.get('cache'))}`
- ].join('\n')
+ ` sudo chown -R ${process.getuid()}:${process.getgid()} ${JSON.stringify(npm.config.get('cache'))}`,
+ ].join('\n'),
} else {
short.push(['', er])
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ module.exports = (er) => {
: 'It is likely you do not have the permissions to access this file as the current user'),
'\nIf you believe this might be a permissions issue, please double-check the',
'permissions of the file and its containing directories, or try running',
- 'the command again as root/Administrator.'
+ 'the command again as root/Administrator.',
@@ -87,8 +87,8 @@ module.exports = (er) => {
'Failed using git.',
- 'Please check if you have git installed and in your PATH.'
- ].join('\n')
+ 'Please check if you have git installed and in your PATH.',
+ ].join('\n'),
@@ -106,8 +106,8 @@ module.exports = (er) => {
'Please resolve the package.json conflict and retry the command:',
- `$ ${process.argv.join(' ')}`
- ].join('\n')
+ `$ ${process.argv.join(' ')}`,
+ ].join('\n'),
@@ -117,8 +117,8 @@ module.exports = (er) => {
'Failed to parse JSON data.',
- 'Note: package.json must be actual JSON, not just JavaScript.'
- ].join('\n')
+ 'Note: package.json must be actual JSON, not just JavaScript.',
+ ].join('\n'),
@@ -132,8 +132,8 @@ module.exports = (er) => {
'You can provide a one-time password by passing --otp=<code> to the command you ran.',
'If you already provided a one-time password then it is likely that you either typoed',
- 'it, or it timed out. Please try again.'
- ].join('\n')
+ 'it, or it timed out. Please try again.',
+ ].join('\n'),
} else {
// npm ERR! code E401
@@ -147,8 +147,8 @@ module.exports = (er) => {
'To correct this please trying logging in again with:',
- ' npm login'
- ].join('\n')
+ ' npm login',
+ ].join('\n'),
} else if (auth.includes('Basic')) {
short.push(['', 'Incorrect or missing password.'])
@@ -163,12 +163,11 @@ module.exports = (er) => {
'If you were doing some other operation then your saved credentials are',
'probably out of date. To correct this please try logging in again with:',
- ' npm login'
- ].join('\n')
+ ' npm login',
+ ].join('\n'),
- } else {
+ } else
short.push(['', er.message || er])
- }
@@ -183,9 +182,9 @@ module.exports = (er) => {
const valResult = nameValidator(pkg)
- if (valResult.validForNewPackages) {
+ if (valResult.validForNewPackages)
detail.push(['404', 'You should bug the author to publish it (or use the name yourself!)'])
- } else {
+ else {
detail.push(['404', 'This package name is not valid, because', ''])
const errorsArray = (valResult.errors || []).concat(valResult.warnings || [])
@@ -214,8 +213,8 @@ module.exports = (er) => {
'Refusing to remove it. Update manually,',
- 'or move it out of the way first.'
- ].join('\n')
+ 'or move it out of the way first.',
+ ].join('\n'),
@@ -231,8 +230,8 @@ module.exports = (er) => {
- format('Unsupported platform for %s: wanted %j (current: %j)', er.pkgid, expected, actual)
- ].join('\n')
+ format('Unsupported platform for %s: wanted %j (current: %j)', er.pkgid, expected, actual),
+ ].join('\n'),
@@ -240,8 +239,8 @@ module.exports = (er) => {
'Valid OS: ' + validOs,
'Valid Arch: ' + validArch,
'Actual OS: ' + process.platform,
- 'Actual Arch: ' + process.arch
- ].join('\n')
+ 'Actual Arch: ' + process.arch,
+ ].join('\n'),
@@ -269,8 +268,8 @@ module.exports = (er) => {
'This is a problem related to network connectivity.',
'In most cases you are behind a proxy or have bad network settings.',
'\nIf you are behind a proxy, please make sure that the',
- "'proxy' config is set properly. See: 'npm help config'"
- ].join('\n')
+ "'proxy' config is set properly. See: 'npm help config'",
+ ].join('\n'),
@@ -278,7 +277,7 @@ module.exports = (er) => {
short.push(['notarget', er.message])
detail.push(['notarget', [
'In most cases you or one of your dependencies are requesting',
- "a package version that doesn't exist."
+ "a package version that doesn't exist.",
@@ -287,7 +286,7 @@ module.exports = (er) => {
detail.push(['403', [
'In most cases, you or one of your dependencies are requesting',
'a package version that is forbidden by your security policy, or',
- 'on a server you do not have access to.'
+ 'on a server you do not have access to.',
@@ -301,9 +300,9 @@ module.exports = (er) => {
'Required: ' + JSON.stringify(er.required),
'Actual: ' + JSON.stringify({
npm: npm.version,
- node: npm.config.loaded ? npm.config.get('node-version') : process.version
- })
- ].join('\n')
+ node: npm.config.loaded ? npm.config.get('node-version') : process.version,
+ }),
+ ].join('\n'),
@@ -313,8 +312,8 @@ module.exports = (er) => {
'There appears to be insufficient space on your system to finish.',
- 'Clear up some disk space and try again.'
- ].join('\n')
+ 'Clear up some disk space and try again.',
+ ].join('\n'),
@@ -324,8 +323,8 @@ module.exports = (er) => {
'Often virtualized file systems, or other file systems',
- "that don't support symlinks, give this error."
- ].join('\n')
+ "that don't support symlinks, give this error.",
+ ].join('\n'),
@@ -335,8 +334,8 @@ module.exports = (er) => {
'This is related to npm not being able to find a file.',
- er.file ? "\nCheck if the file '" + er.file + "' is present." : ''
- ].join('\n')
+ er.file ? "\nCheck if the file '" + er.file + "' is present." : '',
+ ].join('\n'),
@@ -349,25 +348,25 @@ module.exports = (er) => {
'This is an error with npm itself. Please report this error at:',
- ' https://github.com/npm/cli/issues'
- ].join('\n')
+ ' https://github.com/npm/cli/issues',
+ ].join('\n'),
short.push(['', er.message || er])
- if (er.signal) {
+ if (er.signal)
detail.push(['signal', er.signal])
- }
- if (er.cmd && Array.isArray(er.args)) {
+ if (er.cmd && Array.isArray(er.args))
detail.push(['command', ...[er.cmd, ...er.args]])
- }
- if (er.stdout) {
+ if (er.stdout)
detail.push(['', er.stdout.trim()])
- }
- if (er.stderr) {
+ if (er.stderr)
detail.push(['', er.stderr.trim()])
- }
return { summary: short, detail: detail }
diff --git a/lib/utils/explain-dep.js b/lib/utils/explain-dep.js
index af819f1c2..096df97ed 100644
--- a/lib/utils/explain-dep.js
+++ b/lib/utils/explain-dep.js
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ const nocolor = {
red: s => s,
yellow: s => s,
cyan: s => s,
- magenta: s => s
+ magenta: s => s,
const explainNode = (node, depth, color) =>
@@ -30,31 +30,29 @@ const printNode = (node, color) => {
- peer
+ peer,
} = node
const { bold, dim } = color ? chalk : nocolor
const extra = []
- if (extraneous) {
+ if (extraneous)
extra.push(' ' + bold(colorType('extraneous', color)))
- }
- if (dev) {
+ if (dev)
extra.push(' ' + bold(colorType('dev', color)))
- }
- if (optional) {
+ if (optional)
extra.push(' ' + bold(colorType('optional', color)))
- }
- if (peer) {
+ if (peer)
extra.push(' ' + bold(colorType('peer', color)))
- }
return `${bold(name)}@${bold(version)}${extra.join('')}` +
(location ? dim(`\n${location}`) : '')
const explainDependents = ({ name, dependents }, depth, color) => {
- if (!dependents || !dependents.length || depth <= 0) {
+ if (!dependents || !dependents.length || depth <= 0)
return ''
- }
const max = Math.ceil(depth / 2)
const messages = dependents.slice(0, max)
@@ -90,9 +88,8 @@ const explainEdge = ({ name, type, from, spec }, depth, color) => {
const explainFrom = (from, depth, color) => {
- if (!from.name && !from.version) {
+ if (!from.name && !from.version)
return 'the root project'
- }
return printNode(from, color) +
explainDependents(from, depth - 1, color)
diff --git a/lib/utils/explain-eresolve.js b/lib/utils/explain-eresolve.js
index 07a63c240..69789ec9a 100644
--- a/lib/utils/explain-eresolve.js
+++ b/lib/utils/explain-eresolve.js
@@ -18,9 +18,8 @@ const explainEresolve = (expl, color, depth) => {
const { edge, current, peerConflict } = expl
const out = []
- if (edge.from && edge.from.whileInstalling) {
+ if (edge.from && edge.from.whileInstalling)
out.push('While resolving: ' + printNode(edge.from.whileInstalling, color))
- }
out.push('Found: ' + explainNode(current, depth, color))
out.push('\nCould not resolve dependency:\n' +
@@ -66,5 +65,5 @@ const explain = (expl, depth = 2) => explainEresolve(expl, npm.color, depth)
module.exports = {
- report
+ report,
diff --git a/lib/utils/flat-options.js b/lib/utils/flat-options.js
index 37daabe03..d7713ae13 100644
--- a/lib/utils/flat-options.js
+++ b/lib/utils/flat-options.js
@@ -13,21 +13,17 @@ const buildOmitList = npm => {
.filter(type => !include.includes(type)))
const only = npm.config.get('only')
- if (/^prod(uction)?$/.test(only) || npm.config.get('production')) {
+ if (/^prod(uction)?$/.test(only) || npm.config.get('production'))
- }
- if (/dev/.test(npm.config.get('also'))) {
+ if (/dev/.test(npm.config.get('also')))
- }
- if (npm.config.get('dev')) {
+ if (npm.config.get('dev'))
- }
- if (npm.config.get('optional') === false) {
+ if (npm.config.get('optional') === false)
- }
npm.config.set('omit', [...omit])
return [...omit]
@@ -91,7 +87,7 @@ const flatOptions = npm => npm.flatOptions || Object.freeze({
lockFile: {
retries: npm.config.get('cache-lock-retries'),
stale: npm.config.get('cache-lock-stale'),
- wait: npm.config.get('cache-lock-wait')
+ wait: npm.config.get('cache-lock-wait'),
// XXX remove these once no longer used
@@ -134,7 +130,7 @@ const flatOptions = npm => npm.flatOptions || Object.freeze({
exclude: npm.config.get('searchexclude'),
limit: npm.config.get('searchlimit') || 20,
opts: npm.config.get('searchopts'),
- staleness: npm.config.get('searchstaleness')
+ staleness: npm.config.get('searchstaleness'),
dryRun: npm.config.get('dry-run'),
@@ -144,7 +140,7 @@ const flatOptions = npm => npm.flatOptions || Object.freeze({
retries: npm.config.get('fetch-retries'),
factor: npm.config.get('fetch-retry-factor'),
maxTimeout: npm.config.get('fetch-retry-maxtimeout'),
- minTimeout: npm.config.get('fetch-retry-mintimeout')
+ minTimeout: npm.config.get('fetch-retry-mintimeout'),
timeout: npm.config.get('fetch-timeout'),
@@ -217,22 +213,22 @@ const flatOptions = npm => npm.flatOptions || Object.freeze({
// note that the various (HTTPS_|HTTP_|)PROXY environs will be
// respected if this is not set.
proxy: npm.config.get('https-proxy') || npm.config.get('proxy'),
- noProxy: npm.config.get('noproxy')
+ noProxy: npm.config.get('noproxy'),
const getPreferOnline = npm => {
const po = npm.config.get('prefer-online')
- if (po !== undefined) {
+ if (po !== undefined)
return po
- }
return npm.config.get('cache-max') <= 0
const getPreferOffline = npm => {
const po = npm.config.get('prefer-offline')
- if (po !== undefined) {
+ if (po !== undefined)
return po
- }
return npm.config.get('cache-min') >= 9999
@@ -242,9 +238,8 @@ const getScopesAndAuths = npm => {
const scopesAndAuths = {}
// pull out all the @scope:... configs into a flat object.
for (const key in npm.config.list[0]) {
- if (/@.*:registry$/i.test(key) || /^\/\//.test(key)) {
+ if (/@.*:registry$/i.test(key) || /^\/\//.test(key))
scopesAndAuths[key] = npm.config.get(key)
- }
return scopesAndAuths
diff --git a/lib/utils/get-identity.js b/lib/utils/get-identity.js
index d31b3ae28..d5c560161 100644
--- a/lib/utils/get-identity.js
+++ b/lib/utils/get-identity.js
@@ -6,9 +6,8 @@ const needsAuthError = (msg) =>
module.exports = async (opts = {}) => {
const { registry } = opts
- if (!registry) {
+ if (!registry)
throw Object.assign(new Error('No registry specified.'), { code: 'ENOREGISTRY' })
- }
// First, check if we have a user/pass-based auth
const creds = npm.config.getCredentialsByURI(registry)
@@ -20,13 +19,13 @@ module.exports = async (opts = {}) => {
} else if (token) {
// No username, but we have a token; fetch the username from registry
const registryData = await npmFetch.json('/-/whoami', {
- ...opts
+ ...opts,
const { username: usernameFromRegistry } = registryData
// Retrieved username from registry; return it
- if (usernameFromRegistry) {
+ if (usernameFromRegistry)
return usernameFromRegistry
- } else {
+ else {
// Didn't get username from registry; bad token
throw needsAuthError(
'Your auth token is no longer valid. Please login again.'
diff --git a/lib/utils/get-project-scope.js b/lib/utils/get-project-scope.js
index 0b2b6061c..3ce84d5bb 100644
--- a/lib/utils/get-project-scope.js
+++ b/lib/utils/get-project-scope.js
@@ -2,13 +2,13 @@ const { resolve } = require('path')
module.exports = prefix => {
try {
const { name } = require(resolve(prefix, 'package.json'))
- if (!name || typeof name !== 'string') {
+ if (!name || typeof name !== 'string')
return ''
- }
const split = name.split('/')
- if (split.length < 2) {
+ if (split.length < 2)
return ''
- }
const scope = split[0]
return /^@/.test(scope) ? scope : ''
} catch (er) {
diff --git a/lib/utils/metrics-launch.js b/lib/utils/metrics-launch.js
index 7e2a8d1cc..c39c3fec9 100644
--- a/lib/utils/metrics-launch.js
+++ b/lib/utils/metrics-launch.js
@@ -4,13 +4,15 @@ module.exports = launchSendMetrics
var fs = require('graceful-fs')
var child_process = require('child_process')
-if (require.main === module) main()
+if (require.main === module)
+ main()
function launchSendMetrics () {
var path = require('path')
var npm = require('../npm.js')
try {
- if (!npm.config.get('send-metrics')) return
+ if (!npm.config.get('send-metrics'))
+ return
var cliMetrics = path.join(npm.config.get('cache'), 'anonymous-cli-metrics.json')
var targetRegistry = npm.config.get('metrics-registry')
@@ -21,9 +23,11 @@ function launchSendMetrics () {
function runInBackground (js, args, opts) {
- if (!args) args = []
+ if (!args)
+ args = []
- if (!opts) opts = {}
+ if (!opts)
+ opts = {}
opts.stdio = 'ignore'
opts.detached = true
var child = child_process.spawn(process.execPath, args, opts)
diff --git a/lib/utils/metrics.js b/lib/utils/metrics.js
index d1f5e5586..c394f1d34 100644
--- a/lib/utils/metrics.js
+++ b/lib/utils/metrics.js
@@ -14,19 +14,23 @@ const cacheFile = require('./cache-file.js')
let inMetrics = false
function startMetrics () {
- if (inMetrics) return
+ if (inMetrics)
+ return
// loaded on demand to avoid any recursive deps when `./metrics-launch` requires us.
var metricsLaunch = require('./metrics-launch.js')
npm.metricsProcess = metricsLaunch()
function stopMetrics () {
- if (inMetrics) return
- if (npm.metricsProcess) npm.metricsProcess.kill('SIGKILL')
+ if (inMetrics)
+ return
+ if (npm.metricsProcess)
+ npm.metricsProcess.kill('SIGKILL')
function saveMetrics (itWorked) {
- if (inMetrics) return
+ if (inMetrics)
+ return
// If the metrics reporter hasn't managed to PUT yet then kill it so that it doesn't
// step on our updating the anonymous-cli-metrics json
@@ -35,11 +39,10 @@ function saveMetrics (itWorked) {
try {
metrics = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(metricsFile))
metrics.metrics.to = new Date().toISOString()
- if (itWorked) {
+ if (itWorked)
- } else {
+ else
- }
} catch (ex) {
metrics = {
metricId: uuidv4(),
@@ -47,8 +50,8 @@ function saveMetrics (itWorked) {
from: new Date().toISOString(),
to: new Date().toISOString(),
successfulInstalls: itWorked ? 1 : 0,
- failedInstalls: itWorked ? 0 : 1
- }
+ failedInstalls: itWorked ? 0 : 1,
+ },
try {
@@ -68,7 +71,7 @@ function sendMetrics (metricsFile, metricsRegistry) {
registry: metricsRegistry,
method: 'PUT',
body: cliMetrics.metrics,
- retry: false
+ retry: false,
).then(() => {
diff --git a/lib/utils/module-name.js b/lib/utils/module-name.js
index 18f54e411..6152f1258 100644
--- a/lib/utils/module-name.js
+++ b/lib/utils/module-name.js
@@ -6,11 +6,14 @@ module.exports.test = {}
module.exports.test.pathToPackageName = pathToPackageName
function pathToPackageName (dir) {
- if (dir == null) return ''
- if (dir === '') return ''
+ if (dir == null)
+ return ''
+ if (dir === '')
+ return ''
var name = path.relative(path.resolve(dir, '..'), dir)
var scoped = path.relative(path.resolve(dir, '../..'), dir)
- if (scoped[0] === '@') return scoped.replace(/\\/g, '/')
+ if (scoped[0] === '@')
+ return scoped.replace(/\\/g, '/')
return name.trim()
@@ -21,12 +24,16 @@ function isNotEmpty (str) {
var unknown = 0
function moduleName (tree) {
- if (tree.name) { return tree.name }
+ if (tree.name)
+ return tree.name
var pkg = tree.package || tree
- if (isNotEmpty(pkg.name) && typeof pkg.name === 'string') return pkg.name.trim()
+ if (isNotEmpty(pkg.name) && typeof pkg.name === 'string')
+ return pkg.name.trim()
var pkgName = pathToPackageName(tree.path)
- if (pkgName !== '') return pkgName
- if (tree._invalidName != null) return tree._invalidName
+ if (pkgName !== '')
+ return pkgName
+ if (tree._invalidName != null)
+ return tree._invalidName
tree._invalidName = '!invalid#' + (++unknown)
return tree._invalidName
diff --git a/lib/utils/no-progress-while-running.js b/lib/utils/no-progress-while-running.js
index 961fa8b55..13c2c50e1 100644
--- a/lib/utils/no-progress-while-running.js
+++ b/lib/utils/no-progress-while-running.js
@@ -4,14 +4,17 @@ var progressEnabled
var running = 0
var startRunning = exports.startRunning = function () {
- if (progressEnabled == null) progressEnabled = log.progressEnabled
- if (progressEnabled) log.disableProgress()
+ if (progressEnabled == null)
+ progressEnabled = log.progressEnabled
+ if (progressEnabled)
+ log.disableProgress()
var stopRunning = exports.stopRunning = function () {
- if (progressEnabled && running === 0) log.enableProgress()
+ if (progressEnabled && running === 0)
+ log.enableProgress()
exports.tillDone = function noProgressTillDone (cb) {
diff --git a/lib/utils/npm-usage.js b/lib/utils/npm-usage.js
index 77eb97317..720aab3de 100644
--- a/lib/utils/npm-usage.js
+++ b/lib/utils/npm-usage.js
@@ -32,13 +32,11 @@ Configuration fields: npm help 7 config
npm@${npm.version} ${dirname(dirname(__dirname))}
- if (npm.argv.length >= 1) {
+ if (npm.argv.length >= 1)
output(didYouMean(npm.argv[0], cmdList))
- }
- if (!valid) {
+ if (!valid)
process.exitCode = 1
- }
const wrap = (arr) => {
@@ -47,17 +45,18 @@ const wrap = (arr) => {
var line
line = process.stdout.columns
- if (!line) {
+ if (!line)
line = 60
- } else {
+ else
line = Math.min(60, Math.max(line - 16, 24))
- }
- arr.sort(function (a, b) { return a < b ? -1 : 1 })
+ arr.sort(function (a, b) {
+ return a < b ? -1 : 1
+ })
.forEach(function (c) {
- if (out[l].length + c.length + 2 < line) {
+ if (out[l].length + c.length + 2 < line)
out[l] += ', ' + c
- } else {
+ else {
out[l++] += ','
out[l] = c
diff --git a/lib/utils/open-url.js b/lib/utils/open-url.js
index 8f270221c..4d9de4f57 100644
--- a/lib/utils/open-url.js
+++ b/lib/utils/open-url.js
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ module.exports = function open (url, errMsg, cb, browser = npm.config.get('brows
const alternateMsg = json
? JSON.stringify({
title: errMsg,
- url
+ url,
}, null, 2)
: `${errMsg}:\n ${url}\n`
@@ -32,17 +32,15 @@ module.exports = function open (url, errMsg, cb, browser = npm.config.get('brows
return cb()
- if (!isUrlValid(url)) {
+ if (!isUrlValid(url))
return cb(new Error('Invalid URL: ' + url))
- }
const command = browser === true ? null : browser
opener(url, { command }, (er) => {
if (er && er.code === 'ENOENT') {
return cb()
- } else {
+ } else
return cb(er)
- }
diff --git a/lib/utils/otplease.js b/lib/utils/otplease.js
index 6a389a091..3210f3e91 100644
--- a/lib/utils/otplease.js
+++ b/lib/utils/otplease.js
@@ -10,11 +10,11 @@ module.exports = otplease
function otplease (opts, fn) {
opts = { prompt, ...opts }
return Promise.resolve().then(() => fn(opts)).catch(err => {
- if (!isOtpError(err)) {
+ if (!isOtpError(err))
throw err
- } else if (!process.stdin.isTTY || !process.stdout.isTTY) {
+ else if (!process.stdin.isTTY || !process.stdout.isTTY)
throw err
- } else {
+ else {
return readUserInfo.otp(opts.prompt)
.then(otp => fn({ ...opts, otp }))
diff --git a/lib/utils/package-id.js b/lib/utils/package-id.js
index 2c5e33146..4048aee4f 100644
--- a/lib/utils/package-id.js
+++ b/lib/utils/package-id.js
@@ -5,11 +5,11 @@ module.exports = function (tree) {
var pkg = tree.package || tree
// FIXME: Excluding the '@' here is cleaning up after the mess that
// read-package-json makes. =(
- if (pkg._id && pkg._id !== '@') return pkg._id
+ if (pkg._id && pkg._id !== '@')
+ return pkg._id
var name = moduleName(tree)
- if (pkg.version) {
+ if (pkg.version)
return name + '@' + pkg.version
- } else {
+ else
return name
- }
diff --git a/lib/utils/perf.js b/lib/utils/perf.js
index 8cc4573dd..3f81ee4b0 100644
--- a/lib/utils/perf.js
+++ b/lib/utils/perf.js
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ process.on('timeEnd', (name) => {
process.emit('timing', name, ms)
log.timing(name, `Completed in ${ms}ms`)
- } else {
+ } else
log.silly('timing', "Tried to end timer that doesn't exist:", name)
- }
diff --git a/lib/utils/pick-manifest-from-registry-metadata.js b/lib/utils/pick-manifest-from-registry-metadata.js
index 4161fafcc..a92e30b73 100644
--- a/lib/utils/pick-manifest-from-registry-metadata.js
+++ b/lib/utils/pick-manifest-from-registry-metadata.js
@@ -11,16 +11,16 @@ function pickManifestFromRegistryMetadata (spec, tag, versions, metadata) {
var tagged = metadata['dist-tags'][tag]
if (tagged &&
metadata.versions[tagged] &&
- semver.satisfies(tagged, spec, true)) {
+ semver.satisfies(tagged, spec, true))
return { resolvedTo: tag, manifest: metadata.versions[tagged] }
- }
// find the max satisfying version.
var ms = semver.maxSatisfying(versions, spec, true)
- if (ms) {
+ if (ms)
return { resolvedTo: ms, manifest: metadata.versions[ms] }
- } else if (spec === '*' && versions.length && tagged && metadata.versions[tagged]) {
+ else if (spec === '*' && versions.length && tagged && metadata.versions[tagged])
return { resolvedTo: tag, manifest: metadata.versions[tagged] }
- } else {
+ else {
diff --git a/lib/utils/pulse-till-done.js b/lib/utils/pulse-till-done.js
index a533c0644..215a514c8 100644
--- a/lib/utils/pulse-till-done.js
+++ b/lib/utils/pulse-till-done.js
@@ -6,19 +6,22 @@ let pulsers = 0
let pulse
function pulseStart (prefix) {
- if (++pulsers > 1) return
+ if (++pulsers > 1)
+ return
pulse = setInterval(function () {
}, 150)
function pulseStop () {
- if (--pulsers > 0) return
+ if (--pulsers > 0)
+ return
module.exports = function (prefix, cb) {
validate('SF', [prefix, cb])
- if (!prefix) prefix = 'network'
+ if (!prefix)
+ prefix = 'network'
return (er, ...args) => {
diff --git a/lib/utils/read-local-package.js b/lib/utils/read-local-package.js
index 8d30883e7..91a1e3a5b 100644
--- a/lib/utils/read-local-package.js
+++ b/lib/utils/read-local-package.js
@@ -5,9 +5,8 @@ const readJson = require('read-package-json-fast')
const npm = require('../npm.js')
async function readLocalPackageName (cb) {
- if (npm.flatOptions.global) {
+ if (npm.flatOptions.global)
- }
const filepath = resolve(npm.flatOptions.prefix, 'package.json')
return (await readJson(filepath)).name
diff --git a/lib/utils/read-user-info.js b/lib/utils/read-user-info.js
index f5a583be6..9977d2d60 100644
--- a/lib/utils/read-user-info.js
+++ b/lib/utils/read-user-info.js
@@ -21,32 +21,35 @@ function readOTP (msg, otp, isRetry) {
'Enter one below. You can also pass one on the command line by appending --otp=123456.',
'For more information, see:',
- 'Enter OTP: '
+ 'Enter OTP: ',
- if (isRetry && otp && /^[\d ]+$|^[A-Fa-f0-9]{64,64}$/.test(otp)) return otp.replace(/\s+/g, '')
+ if (isRetry && otp && /^[\d ]+$|^[A-Fa-f0-9]{64,64}$/.test(otp))
+ return otp.replace(/\s+/g, '')
return read({ prompt: msg, default: otp || '' })
.then((otp) => readOTP(msg, otp, true))
function readPassword (msg, password, isRetry) {
- if (!msg) msg = 'npm password: '
- if (isRetry && password) return password
+ if (!msg)
+ msg = 'npm password: '
+ if (isRetry && password)
+ return password
return read({ prompt: msg, silent: true, default: password || '' })
.then((password) => readPassword(msg, password, true))
function readUsername (msg, username, opts, isRetry) {
- if (!msg) msg = 'npm username: '
+ if (!msg)
+ msg = 'npm username: '
if (isRetry && username) {
const error = userValidate.username(username)
- if (error) {
+ if (error)
opts.log && opts.log.warn(error.message)
- } else {
+ else
return Promise.resolve(username.trim())
- }
return read({ prompt: msg, default: username || '' })
@@ -54,14 +57,14 @@ function readUsername (msg, username, opts, isRetry) {
function readEmail (msg, email, opts, isRetry) {
- if (!msg) msg = 'email (this IS public): '
+ if (!msg)
+ msg = 'email (this IS public): '
if (isRetry && email) {
const error = userValidate.email(email)
- if (error) {
+ if (error)
opts.log && opts.log.warn(error.message)
- } else {
+ else
return email.trim()
- }
return read({ prompt: msg, default: email || '' })
diff --git a/lib/utils/reify-output.js b/lib/utils/reify-output.js
index 10b276cd9..ed5733487 100644
--- a/lib/utils/reify-output.js
+++ b/lib/utils/reify-output.js
@@ -21,9 +21,8 @@ const auditError = require('./audit-error.js')
// TODO: output JSON if flatOptions.json is true
const reifyOutput = arb => {
// don't print any info in --silent mode
- if (log.levels[log.level] > log.levels.error) {
+ if (log.levels[log.level] > log.levels.error)
- }
const { diff, actualTree } = arb
@@ -37,7 +36,7 @@ const reifyOutput = arb => {
removed: 0,
changed: 0,
audited: auditReport && !auditReport.error ? actualTree.inventory.size : 0,
- funding: 0
+ funding: 0,
if (diff) {
@@ -60,7 +59,7 @@ const reifyOutput = arb => {
const node = d.actual || d.ideal
log.silly(d.action, node.location)
- getChildren: d => d.children
+ getChildren: d => d.children,
@@ -87,9 +86,9 @@ const reifyOutput = arb => {
// to tell you to run `npm audit` for details. otherwise, use the summary
// report. if we get here, we know it's not quiet or json.
const printAuditReport = report => {
- if (!report) {
+ if (!report)
- }
const reporter = npm.command !== 'audit' ? 'install' : 'detail'
const defaultAuditLevel = npm.command !== 'audit' ? 'none' : 'low'
const auditLevel = npm.flatOptions.auditLevel || defaultAuditLevel
@@ -97,7 +96,7 @@ const printAuditReport = report => {
const res = auditReport(report, {
- auditLevel
+ auditLevel,
process.exitCode = process.exitCode || res.exitCode
output('\n' + res.report)
@@ -107,46 +106,43 @@ const packagesChangedMessage = ({ added, removed, changed, audited }) => {
const msg = ['\n']
if (added === 0 && removed === 0 && changed === 0) {
msg.push('up to date')
- if (audited) {
+ if (audited)
msg.push(', ')
- }
} else {
- if (added) {
+ if (added)
msg.push(`added ${added} package${added === 1 ? '' : 's'}`)
- }
if (removed) {
- if (added) {
+ if (added)
msg.push(', ')
- }
- if (added && !audited && !changed) {
+ if (added && !audited && !changed)
msg.push('and ')
- }
msg.push(`removed ${removed} package${removed === 1 ? '' : 's'}`)
if (changed) {
- if (added || removed) {
+ if (added || removed)
msg.push(', ')
- }
- if (!audited && (added || removed)) {
+ if (!audited && (added || removed))
msg.push('and ')
- }
msg.push(`changed ${changed} package${changed === 1 ? '' : 's'}`)
- if (audited) {
+ if (audited)
msg.push(', and ')
- }
- if (audited) {
+ if (audited)
msg.push(`audited ${audited} package${audited === 1 ? '' : 's'}`)
- }
msg.push(` in ${ms(Date.now() - npm.started)}`)
const packagesFundingMessage = ({ funding }) => {
- if (!funding) {
+ if (!funding)
- }
const pkg = funding === 1 ? 'package' : 'packages'
diff --git a/lib/utils/setup-log.js b/lib/utils/setup-log.js
index dde55b4fa..44e612d50 100644
--- a/lib/utils/setup-log.js
+++ b/lib/utils/setup-log.js
@@ -22,11 +22,11 @@ module.exports = (config) => {
return warn(heading, ...args)
- if (config.get('timing') && config.get('loglevel') === 'notice') {
+ if (config.get('timing') && config.get('loglevel') === 'notice')
log.level = 'timing'
- } else {
+ else
log.level = config.get('loglevel')
- }
log.heading = config.get('heading') || 'npm'
const stdoutTTY = process.stdout.isTTY
@@ -42,26 +42,23 @@ module.exports = (config) => {
: color === false ? false
: stdoutTTY
- if (enableColorStderr) {
+ if (enableColorStderr)
- } else {
+ else
- }
- if (config.get('unicode')) {
+ if (config.get('unicode'))
- } else {
+ else
- }
// if it's more than error, don't show progress
const quiet = log.levels[log.level] > log.levels.error
- if (config.get('progress') && stderrNotDumb && !quiet) {
+ if (config.get('progress') && stderrNotDumb && !quiet)
- } else {
+ else
- }
return enableColorStdout
diff --git a/lib/utils/spawn.js b/lib/utils/spawn.js
index b164a6acb..3bbe18384 100644
--- a/lib/utils/spawn.js
+++ b/lib/utils/spawn.js
@@ -5,11 +5,15 @@ var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter
var npwr = require('./no-progress-while-running.js')
function willCmdOutput (stdio) {
- if (stdio === 'inherit') return true
- if (!Array.isArray(stdio)) return false
+ if (stdio === 'inherit')
+ return true
+ if (!Array.isArray(stdio))
+ return false
for (var fh = 1; fh <= 2; ++fh) {
- if (stdio[fh] === 'inherit') return true
- if (stdio[fh] === 1 || stdio[fh] === 2) return true
+ if (stdio[fh] === 'inherit')
+ return true
+ if (stdio[fh] === 1 || stdio[fh] === 2)
+ return true
return false
@@ -17,16 +21,19 @@ function willCmdOutput (stdio) {
function spawn (cmd, args, options) {
var cmdWillOutput = willCmdOutput(options && options.stdio)
- if (cmdWillOutput) npwr.startRunning()
+ if (cmdWillOutput)
+ npwr.startRunning()
var raw = _spawn(cmd, args, options)
var cooked = new EventEmitter()
raw.on('error', function (er) {
- if (cmdWillOutput) npwr.stopRunning()
+ if (cmdWillOutput)
+ npwr.stopRunning()
er.file = cmd
cooked.emit('error', er)
}).on('close', function (code, signal) {
- if (cmdWillOutput) npwr.stopRunning()
+ if (cmdWillOutput)
+ npwr.stopRunning()
// Create ENOENT error because Node.js v0.8 will not emit
// an `error` event if the command could not be found.
if (code === 127) {
@@ -36,15 +43,16 @@ function spawn (cmd, args, options) {
er.syscall = 'spawn'
er.file = cmd
cooked.emit('error', er)
- } else {
+ } else
cooked.emit('close', code, signal)
- }
cooked.stdin = raw.stdin
cooked.stdout = raw.stdout
cooked.stderr = raw.stderr
- cooked.kill = function (sig) { return raw.kill(sig) }
+ cooked.kill = function (sig) {
+ return raw.kill(sig)
+ }
return cooked
diff --git a/lib/utils/tar.js b/lib/utils/tar.js
index 4ad1219f2..9e3c7ec25 100644
--- a/lib/utils/tar.js
+++ b/lib/utils/tar.js
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ function logTar (tarball, opts = {}) {
return { path: f.path, size: `${bytes.value}${bytes.unit}` }
}), {
include: ['size', 'path'],
- showHeaders: false
+ showHeaders: false,
if (tarball.bundled.length) {
@@ -36,15 +36,15 @@ function logTar (tarball, opts = {}) {
{ name: 'shasum:', value: tarball.shasum },
name: 'integrity:',
- value: tarball.integrity.toString().substr(0, 20) + '[...]' + tarball.integrity.toString().substr(80)
+ value: tarball.integrity.toString().substr(0, 20) + '[...]' + tarball.integrity.toString().substr(80),
tarball.bundled.length && { name: 'bundled deps:', value: tarball.bundled.length },
tarball.bundled.length && { name: 'bundled files:', value: tarball.entryCount - tarball.files.length },
tarball.bundled.length && { name: 'own files:', value: tarball.files.length },
- { name: 'total files:', value: tarball.entryCount }
+ { name: 'total files:', value: tarball.entryCount },
].filter((x) => x), {
include: ['name', 'value'],
- showHeaders: false
+ showHeaders: false,
log.notice('', '')
@@ -68,20 +68,20 @@ async function getContents (manifest, tarball) {
path: entry.path.replace(/^package\//, ''),
size: entry.size,
- mode: entry.mode
+ mode: entry.mode,
- }
+ },
const integrity = await ssri.fromData(tarball, {
- algorithms: ['sha1', 'sha512']
+ algorithms: ['sha1', 'sha512'],
const comparator = (a, b) => {
return a.path.localeCompare(b.path, undefined, {
sensitivity: 'case',
- numeric: true
+ numeric: true,
@@ -108,6 +108,6 @@ async function getContents (manifest, tarball) {
filename: `${manifest.name}-${manifest.version}.tgz`,
files: uppers.concat(others),
entryCount: totalEntries,
- bundled: Array.from(bundled)
+ bundled: Array.from(bundled),
diff --git a/lib/utils/unsupported.js b/lib/utils/unsupported.js
index 8e880c2cc..5f6a341a8 100644
--- a/lib/utils/unsupported.js
+++ b/lib/utils/unsupported.js
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ const checkVersion = exports.checkVersion = version => {
return {
version: versionNoPrerelease,
broken: semver.satisfies(versionNoPrerelease, knownBroken),
- unsupported: !semver.satisfies(versionNoPrerelease, supported)
+ unsupported: !semver.satisfies(versionNoPrerelease, supported),
diff --git a/lib/utils/update-notifier.js b/lib/utils/update-notifier.js
index dda6f3dca..0a19be94e 100644
--- a/lib/utils/update-notifier.js
+++ b/lib/utils/update-notifier.js
@@ -33,18 +33,16 @@ const updateTimeout = async (npm, duration) => {
// might be using /dev/null as the cache or something weird like that.
await writeFile(f, '').catch(() => {})
return true
- } else {
+ } else
return false
- }
const updateNotifier = module.exports = async (npm, spec = 'latest') => {
// never check for updates in CI, when updating npm already, or opted out
if (!npm.config.get('update-notifier') ||
isGlobalNpmUpdate(npm) ||
- ciDetect()) {
+ ciDetect())
return null
- }
// if we're on a prerelease train, then updates are coming fast
// check for a new one daily. otherwise, weekly.
@@ -52,17 +50,15 @@ const updateNotifier = module.exports = async (npm, spec = 'latest') => {
const current = semver.parse(version)
// if we're on a beta train, always get the next beta
- if (current.prerelease.length) {
+ if (current.prerelease.length)
spec = `^${version}`
- }
// while on a beta train, get updates daily
const duration = spec !== 'latest' ? DAILY : WEEKLY
// if we've already checked within the specified duration, don't check again
- if (!(await updateTimeout(npm, duration))) {
+ if (!(await updateTimeout(npm, duration)))
return null
- }
// if they're currently using a prerelease, nudge to the next prerelease
// otherwise, nudge to latest.
@@ -71,13 +67,12 @@ const updateNotifier = module.exports = async (npm, spec = 'latest') => {
const mani = await pacote.manifest(`npm@${spec}`, {
// always prefer latest, even if doing --tag=whatever on the cmd
defaultTag: 'latest',
- ...npm.flatOptions
+ ...npm.flatOptions,
}).catch(() => null)
// if pacote failed, give up
- if (!mani) {
+ if (!mani)
return null
- }
const latest = mani.version
@@ -85,14 +80,12 @@ const updateNotifier = module.exports = async (npm, spec = 'latest') => {
// and should get the updates from that release train.
// Note that this isn't another http request over the network, because
// the packument will be cached by pacote from previous request.
- if (semver.gt(version, latest) && spec === 'latest') {
+ if (semver.gt(version, latest) && spec === 'latest')
return updateNotifier(npm, `^${version}`)
- }
// if we already have something >= the desired spec, then we're done
- if (semver.gte(version, latest)) {
+ if (semver.gte(version, latest))
return null
- }
// ok! notify the user about this update they should get.
// The message is saved for printing at process exit so it will not get
diff --git a/lib/utils/usage.js b/lib/utils/usage.js
index 1eda734c0..636914061 100644
--- a/lib/utils/usage.js
+++ b/lib/utils/usage.js
@@ -4,11 +4,13 @@ var aliases = require('../utils/cmd-list').aliases
module.exports = function usage (cmd, txt, opt) {
var post = Object.keys(aliases).reduce(function (p, c) {
var val = aliases[c]
- if (val !== cmd) return p
+ if (val !== cmd)
+ return p
return p.concat(c)
}, [])
- if (opt || post.length > 0) txt += '\n\n'
+ if (opt || post.length > 0)
+ txt += '\n\n'
if (post.length === 1) {
txt += 'alias: '
@@ -19,7 +21,8 @@ module.exports = function usage (cmd, txt, opt) {
if (opt) {
- if (post.length > 0) txt += '\n'
+ if (post.length > 0)
+ txt += '\n'
txt += 'common options: ' + opt
diff --git a/lib/utils/warn-deprecated.js b/lib/utils/warn-deprecated.js
index fe5c5ec82..ce690f78e 100644
--- a/lib/utils/warn-deprecated.js
+++ b/lib/utils/warn-deprecated.js
@@ -9,14 +9,19 @@ function warnDeprecated (type) {
if (!instance) {
if (!deprecations[type]) {
deprecations[type] = {}
- messages.forEach(function (m) { log.warn(type, m) })
+ messages.forEach(function (m) {
+ log.warn(type, m)
+ })
} else {
- if (!deprecations[type]) deprecations[type] = {}
+ if (!deprecations[type])
+ deprecations[type] = {}
if (!deprecations[type][instance]) {
deprecations[type][instance] = true
- messages.forEach(function (m) { log.warn(type, m) })
+ messages.forEach(function (m) {
+ log.warn(type, m)
+ })
diff --git a/lib/version.js b/lib/version.js
index 0cfe5906e..98068490d 100644
--- a/lib/version.js
+++ b/lib/version.js
@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ const usageUtil = require('./utils/usage.js')
const completion = (opts, cb) => {
const none = require('./utils/completion/none.js')
const { conf: { argv: { remain } } } = opts
- if (remain.length > 2) {
+ if (remain.length > 2)
return none(opts, cb)
- }
return cb(null, [
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ const completion = (opts, cb) => {
- 'from-git'
+ 'from-git',
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ const version = async args => {
case 1:
return output(await libversion(args[0], {
- path: npm.prefix
+ path: npm.prefix,
throw version.usage
@@ -57,13 +57,12 @@ const list = async () => {
.then(data => JSON.parse(data))
.catch(() => ({}))
- if (pkg.name && pkg.version) {
+ if (pkg.name && pkg.version)
results[pkg.name] = pkg.version
- }
results.npm = npm.version
- for (const [key, version] of Object.entries(process.versions)) {
+ for (const [key, version] of Object.entries(process.versions))
results[key] = version
- }
output(npm.flatOptions.json ? JSON.stringify(results, null, 2) : results)
diff --git a/lib/view.js b/lib/view.js
index b8c22cd6a..141514776 100644
--- a/lib/view.js
+++ b/lib/view.js
@@ -40,57 +40,62 @@ const completion = async (opts, cb) => {
function getFields (d, f, pref) {
f = f || []
- if (!d) return f
+ if (!d)
+ return f
pref = pref || []
Object.keys(d).forEach(function (k) {
- if (k.charAt(0) === '_' || k.indexOf('.') !== -1) return
+ if (k.charAt(0) === '_' || k.indexOf('.') !== -1)
+ return
const p = pref.concat(k).join('.')
if (Array.isArray(d[k])) {
d[k].forEach(function (val, i) {
const pi = p + '[' + i + ']'
- if (val && typeof val === 'object') getFields(val, f, [p])
- else f.push(pi)
+ if (val && typeof val === 'object')
+ getFields(val, f, [p])
+ else
+ f.push(pi)
- if (typeof d[k] === 'object') getFields(d[k], f, [p])
+ if (typeof d[k] === 'object')
+ getFields(d[k], f, [p])
return f
const view = async args => {
- if (!args.length) args = ['.']
+ if (!args.length)
+ args = ['.']
const opts = { ...npm.flatOptions, preferOnline: true, fullMetadata: true }
const pkg = args.shift()
let nv
- if (/^[.]@/.test(pkg)) {
+ if (/^[.]@/.test(pkg))
nv = npa.resolve(null, pkg.slice(2))
- } else {
+ else
nv = npa(pkg)
- }
const name = nv.name
const local = (name === '.' || !name)
- if (opts.global && local) {
+ if (opts.global && local)
throw new Error('Cannot use view command in global mode.')
- }
if (local) {
const dir = npm.prefix
const manifest = await readJson(path.resolve(dir, 'package.json'))
- if (!manifest || !manifest.name) throw new Error('Invalid package.json')
+ if (!manifest || !manifest.name)
+ throw new Error('Invalid package.json')
const p = manifest.name
nv = npa(p)
- if (pkg && ~pkg.indexOf('@')) {
+ if (pkg && ~pkg.indexOf('@'))
nv.rawSpec = pkg.split('@')[pkg.indexOf('@')]
- }
await fetchAndRead(nv, args, opts)
- } else {
+ } else
await fetchAndRead(nv, args, opts)
- }
const fetchAndRead = async (nv, args, opts) => {
@@ -99,9 +104,8 @@ const fetchAndRead = async (nv, args, opts) => {
const pckmnt = await packument(nv, opts)
- if (pckmnt['dist-tags'] && pckmnt['dist-tags'][version]) {
+ if (pckmnt['dist-tags'] && pckmnt['dist-tags'][version])
version = pckmnt['dist-tags'][version]
- }
if (pckmnt.time && pckmnt.time.unpublished) {
const u = pckmnt.time.unpublished
@@ -115,20 +119,20 @@ const fetchAndRead = async (nv, args, opts) => {
const results = []
const versions = pckmnt.versions || {}
pckmnt.versions = Object.keys(versions).sort(semver.compareLoose)
- if (!args.length) args = ['']
+ if (!args.length)
+ args = ['']
// remove readme unless we asked for it
- if (args.indexOf('readme') === -1) {
+ if (args.indexOf('readme') === -1)
delete pckmnt.readme
- }
Object.keys(versions).forEach(function (v) {
if (semver.satisfies(v, version, true)) {
args.forEach(arg => {
// remove readme unless we asked for it
- if (args.indexOf('readme') !== -1) {
+ if (args.indexOf('readme') !== -1)
delete versions[v].readme
- }
results.push(showFields(pckmnt, versions[v], arg))
@@ -186,12 +190,12 @@ const prettyView = async (packument, manifest, opts) => {
publisher: manifest._npmUser && unparsePerson({
name: color.yellow(manifest._npmUser.name),
- email: color.cyan(manifest._npmUser.email)
+ email: color.cyan(manifest._npmUser.email),
modified: packument.time ? color.yellow(relativeDate(packument.time[packument.version])) : undefined,
maintainers: (packument.maintainers || []).map((u) => unparsePerson({
name: color.yellow(u.name),
- email: color.cyan(u.email)
+ email: color.cyan(u.email),
repo: (
manifest.bugs && (manifest.bugs.url || manifest.bugs)
@@ -206,13 +210,13 @@ const prettyView = async (packument, manifest, opts) => {
shasum: color.yellow(manifest.dist.shasum),
integrity: manifest.dist.integrity && color.yellow(manifest.dist.integrity),
fileCount: manifest.dist.fileCount && color.yellow(manifest.dist.fileCount),
- unpackedSize: unpackedSize && color.yellow(unpackedSize.value) + ' ' + unpackedSize.unit
+ unpackedSize: unpackedSize && color.yellow(unpackedSize.value) + ' ' + unpackedSize.unit,
- if (info.license.toLowerCase().trim() === 'proprietary') {
+ if (info.license.toLowerCase().trim() === 'proprietary')
info.license = style.bright(color.red(info.license))
- } else {
+ else
info.license = color.green(info.license)
- }
style.underline(style.bright(`${info.name}@${info.version}`)) +
@@ -221,9 +225,8 @@ const prettyView = async (packument, manifest, opts) => {
' | versions: ' + info.versions
info.description && console.log(info.description)
- if (info.repo || info.site) {
+ if (info.repo || info.site)
info.site && console.log(color.cyan(info.site))
- }
const warningSign = unicode ? ' ⚠️ ' : '!!'
info.deprecated && console.log(
@@ -254,9 +257,8 @@ const prettyView = async (packument, manifest, opts) => {
console.log(columns(info.deps.slice(0, maxDeps), { padding: 1 }))
- if (info.deps.length > maxDeps) {
+ if (info.deps.length > maxDeps)
console.log(`(...and ${info.deps.length - maxDeps} more.)`)
- }
if (info.maintainers && info.maintainers.length) {
@@ -271,8 +273,10 @@ const prettyView = async (packument, manifest, opts) => {
if (info.publisher || info.modified) {
let publishInfo = 'published'
- if (info.modified) { publishInfo += ` ${info.modified}` }
- if (info.publisher) { publishInfo += ` by ${info.publisher}` }
+ if (info.modified)
+ publishInfo += ` ${info.modified}`
+ if (info.publisher)
+ publishInfo += ` by ${info.publisher}`
@@ -313,7 +317,8 @@ function showFields (data, version, fields) {
function search (data, fields, version, title) {
let field
const tail = fields
- while (!field && fields.length) field = tail.shift()
+ while (!field && fields.length)
+ field = tail.shift()
fields = [field].concat(tail)
let o
if (!field && !tail.length) {
@@ -326,16 +331,15 @@ function search (data, fields, version, title) {
if (index) {
field = index[1]
index = index[2]
- if (data[field] && data[field][index]) {
+ if (data[field] && data[field][index])
return search(data[field][index], tail, version, title)
- } else {
+ else
field = field + '[' + index + ']'
- }
if (Array.isArray(data)) {
- if (data.length === 1) {
+ if (data.length === 1)
return search(data[0], fields, version, title)
- }
let results = []
data.forEach(function (data, i) {
const tl = title.length
@@ -346,7 +350,8 @@ function search (data, fields, version, title) {
results = results.reduce(reducer, {})
return results
- if (!data[field]) return undefined
+ if (!data[field])
+ return undefined
data = data[field]
if (tail.length) {
// there are more fields to deal with.
@@ -368,23 +373,24 @@ async function printData (data, name, opts) {
versions.forEach(function (v) {
const fields = Object.keys(data[v])
includeFields = includeFields || (fields.length > 1)
- if (opts.json) msgJson.push({})
+ if (opts.json)
+ msgJson.push({})
fields.forEach(function (f) {
let d = cleanup(data[v][f])
- if (fields.length === 1 && opts.json) {
+ if (fields.length === 1 && opts.json)
msgJson[msgJson.length - 1][f] = d
- }
if (includeVersions || includeFields || typeof d !== 'string') {
- if (opts.json) {
+ if (opts.json)
msgJson[msgJson.length - 1][f] = d
- } else {
+ else
d = inspect(d, { showHidden: false, depth: 5, colors: npm.color, maxArrayLength: null })
- }
- } else if (typeof d === 'string' && opts.json) {
+ } else if (typeof d === 'string' && opts.json)
d = JSON.stringify(d)
- }
if (!opts.json) {
- if (f && includeFields) f += ' = '
+ if (f && includeFields)
+ f += ' = '
msg += (includeVersions ? name + '@' + v + ' ' : '') +
(includeFields ? f : '') + d + '\n'
@@ -394,13 +400,14 @@ async function printData (data, name, opts) {
if (opts.json) {
if (msgJson.length && Object.keys(msgJson[0]).length === 1) {
const k = Object.keys(msgJson[0])[0]
- msgJson = msgJson.map(function (m) { return m[k] })
+ msgJson = msgJson.map(function (m) {
+ return m[k]
+ })
- if (msgJson.length === 1) {
+ if (msgJson.length === 1)
msg = JSON.stringify(msgJson[0], null, 2) + '\n'
- } else if (msgJson.length > 1) {
+ else if (msgJson.length > 1)
msg = JSON.stringify(msgJson, null, 2) + '\n'
- }
// disable the progress bar entirely, as we can't meaningfully update it if
@@ -408,23 +415,25 @@ async function printData (data, name, opts) {
// only log if there is something to log
- if (msg !== '') console.log(msg.trim())
+ if (msg !== '')
+ console.log(msg.trim())
function cleanup (data) {
- if (Array.isArray(data)) {
+ if (Array.isArray(data))
return data.map(cleanup)
- }
- if (!data || typeof data !== 'object') return data
+ if (!data || typeof data !== 'object')
+ return data
const keys = Object.keys(data)
if (keys.length <= 3 &&
data.name &&
(keys.length === 1 ||
(keys.length === 3 && data.email && data.url) ||
- (keys.length === 2 && (data.email || data.url)))) {
+ (keys.length === 2 && (data.email || data.url))))
data = unparsePerson(data)
- }
return data
function unparsePerson (d) {