# vim: set softtabstop=2 shiftwidth=2: SHELL = bash PUBLISHTAG = $(shell node scripts/publish-tag.js) # these docs have the @VERSION@ tag in them, so they have to be rebuilt # whenever the package.json is touched, in case the version changed. version_mandocs = $(shell grep -rl '@VERSION@' docs/content \ |sed 's|.md|.1|g' \ |sed 's|docs/content/commands/|man/man1/|g' ) cli_mandocs = $(shell find docs/content/commands -name '*.md' \ |sed 's|.md|.1|g' \ |sed 's|docs/content/commands/|man/man1/|g' ) files_mandocs = $(shell find docs/content/configuring-npm -name '*.md' \ |sed 's|.md|.5|g' \ |sed 's|docs/content/configuring-npm/|man/man5/|g' ) misc_mandocs = $(shell find docs/content/using-npm -name '*.md' \ |sed 's|.md|.7|g' \ |sed 's|docs/content/using-npm/|man/man7/|g' ) mandocs = $(cli_mandocs) $(files_mandocs) $(misc_mandocs) markdown_docs = $(shell for file in $(find lib/commands -name '*.js'); do echo docs/content/commands/npm-$(basename $file .js).md; done) all: docs docs: mandocs htmldocs $(markdown_docs) # don't regenerate the snapshot if we're generating # snapshots, since presumably we just did that. mandocs: deps $(mandocs) @ ! [ "$${npm_lifecycle_event}" = "snap" ] && \ ! [ "$${npm_lifecycle_event}" = "postsnap" ] && \ TAP_SNAPSHOT=1 node test/lib/utils/config/definitions.js || true $(version_mandocs): package.json htmldocs: deps node bin/npm-cli.js rebuild cmark-gfm node docs/bin/dockhand.js clean: docsclean gitclean docsclean: rm -rf man deps: node bin/npm-cli.js run resetdeps ## targets for man files, these are encouraged to be only built by running `make docs` or `make mandocs` man/man1/%.1: docs/content/commands/%.md docs/bin/docs-build.js @[ -d man/man1 ] || mkdir -p man/man1 node docs/bin/docs-build.js $< $@ man/man5/npm-json.5: man/man5/package.json.5 cp $< $@ man/man5/npm-global.5: man/man5/folders.5 cp $< $@ man/man5/%.5: docs/content/configuring-npm/%.md docs/bin/docs-build.js @[ -d man/man5 ] || mkdir -p man/man5 node docs/bin/docs-build.js $< $@ man/man7/%.7: docs/content/using-npm/%.md docs/bin/docs-build.js @[ -d man/man7 ] || mkdir -p man/man7 node docs/bin/docs-build.js $< $@ # Any time the config definitions description changes, automatically # update the documentation to account for it docs/content/using-npm/config.md: docs/bin/config-doc.js lib/utils/config/*.js node docs/bin/config-doc.js mddocs: docs/bin/config-doc-command.js lib/utils/config/*.js lib/utils/cmd-list.js @for file in $(shell find docs/content/commands -name 'npm-*.md'); do \ cmdname=$$(basename $$file .md) ;\ cmdname=$${cmdname##npm-} ;\ echo node docs/bin/config-doc-command.js $${file} lib/commands/$${cmdname}.js ;\ node docs/bin/config-doc-command.js $${file} lib/commands/$${cmdname}.js ;\ done docs/content/commands/npm-%.md: lib/commands/%.js node docs/bin/config-doc-command.js $@ $< freshdocs: touch lib/utils/config/definitions.js touch docs/bin/*.js make docs make mddocs test-all: deps node bin/npm-cli.js run test-all ls-ok: node bin/npm-cli.js ls --omit=dev >/dev/null gitclean: git clean -fd uninstall: node bin/npm-cli.js rm -g -f npm link: uninstall node bin/npm-cli.js link -f --ignore-scripts prune: deps node bin/npm-cli.js prune --omit=dev --no-save --no-audit --no-fund node scripts/git-dirty.js publish: gitclean ls-ok link test-all docs prune node bin/npm-cli.js publish --tag=$(PUBLISHTAG) release: gitclean ls-ok docs prune @bash scripts/release.sh .PHONY: all latest install dev link docs mddocs clean uninstall test-all man docsclean release ls-ok deps prune freshdocs