#!/usr/bin/env node // don't assume that npm is installed in any particular spot, since this // might conceivably be a bootstrap attempt. var log = require("./lib/utils/log") log("ok", "it worked if it ends with") var fs = require("fs") , path = require("path") , sys = require("sys") , npm = require("./npm") , ini = require("./lib/utils/ini") // supported commands. , argv = process.argv.slice(2) , arg = "" , conf = {} , key , arglist = [] , command , flagsDone log(argv, "cli") while (arg = argv.shift()) { if (!key && (arg === "-h" || arg === "-?")) arg = "--help" if (!command && (npm.commands.hasOwnProperty(arg))) { if (key) { conf[key] = true key = null } command = arg } else if (!flagsDone && arg.substr(0, 2) === "--") { if (key) conf[key] = true key = arg.substr(2) if (key === "help") conf[key] = true, key = null flagsDone = (key === "") } else if (key) { conf[key] = arg key = null } else arglist.push(arg) } if (key) conf[key] = true npm.argv = arglist var vindex = arglist.indexOf("-v") , printVersion = vindex !== -1 || conf.version if (printVersion) { sys.puts(npm.version) if (vindex !== -1) arglist.splice(vindex, 1) } else log(npm.version, "version") process.on("uncaughtException", errorHandler) process.on("exit", function () { if (!itWorked) log("not ok") }) var itWorked = false if (!command && !conf.help) { if (!printVersion) { // npm.commands.help([arglist.join(" ")]) if (arglist.length) log(arglist, "unknown command") sys.error( "What do you want me to do?\n\n" + "Usage:\n" + " npm [flags] [args]\n" + "Check 'man npm' or 'man npm-help' for more information\n\n" + "This is supposed to happen. " ) process.exit(1) } else itWorked = true } else { ini.resolveConfigs(conf, function (er) { if (er) return errorHandler(er) if (npm.config.get("help") && command !== "help") { arglist.unshift(command) command = "help" } npm.config.set("root", ini.get("root")) npm.commands[command](arglist, errorHandler) }) } function errorHandler (er) { if (!er) { itWorked = true log("ok") return } sys.error("") log(er, "!") sys.error("") log("try running: 'npm help "+command+"'", "failure") log("Report this *entire* log at ", "failure") log("or email it to ", "failure") process.exit(1) }