#!/usr/bin/env node // don't assume that npm is installed in any particular spot, since this // might conceivably be a bootstrap attempt. var fs = require("fs") , path = require("path") , sys = require("sys") , path = require("path") , npm = require("./npm") // supported commands. , log = require("./lib/utils/log") , argv = process.argv.slice(2) , arg = "" , conf = {} , key , arglist = [] , command , flagsDone log(sys.inspect(argv), "cli") while (arg = argv.shift()) { if (!command && (arg in npm.commands)) { if (key) { conf[key] = true key = null } command = arg } else if (!flagsDone && arg.substr(0, 2) === "--") { if (key) conf[key] = true key = arg.substr(2) flagsDone = (key === "") } else if (key) { conf[key] = arg key = null } else arglist.push(arg) } if (key) conf[key] = true npm.argv = arglist for (var k in conf) npm.config.set(k, conf[k]) if (!command) npm.commands.help([arglist.join(" ")]) else npm.commands[command](arglist, function (er, ok) { if (er) { sys.error("") log("Error: "+er.message, "!") var s = er.stack.split("\n").slice(2) s.forEach(function (s) { log(s, "!") }) sys.error("") log("try running: 'npm help "+command+"'", "failure") log("or report this to ", "failure") } else log("ok") })