npm-config(1) -- Manage the npm configuration file ================================================== ## SYNOPSIS npm config set [--global] npm config get npm config delete npm config list ## DESCRIPTION npm gets its configuration values from 5 sources, in this priority: * cli: The command line flags. Putting `--foo bar` on the command line sets the `foo` configuration parameter to `"bar"`. A `--` argument tells the cli parser to stop reading flags. A `--flag` parameter that is at the *end* of the command will be given the value of `true`. * env: Any environment variables that start with `npm_config_` will be interpreted as a configuration parameter. For example, putting `npm_config_foo=bar` in your environment will set the `foo` configuration parameter to `bar`. Any environment configurations that are not given a value will be given the value of `true`. Config values are case-insensitive, so `NPM_CONFIG_FOO=bar` will work the same. * $HOME/.npmrc (or the `userconfig` param, if set above): This file is an ini-file formatted list of `key = value` parameters. * $PREFIX/etc/npmrc (or the `globalconfig` param, if set above): This file is an ini-file formatted list of `key = value` parameters * default configs: This is a set of configuration parameters that are internal to npm, and are defaults if nothing else is specified. ## Sub-commands Config supports the following sub-commands: ### set npm config set key value Sets the config key to the value. ### get npm config get key Echo the config value to stdout. (NOTE: All the other npm logging is done to stderr, so pipes should work properly, and you can do `npm get key 2>/dev/null` to print out JUST the config value.) ### list npm config list Show all the config settings. ### delete npm config delete key Deletes the key from all configuration files. ## Config Settings npm supports a very basic argument parser. For any of the settings in npm-config(1), you can set them explicitly for a single command by doing: npm --key val Configurations defined on the command line are not saved to the .npmrc file. ### loglevel Default: "info" The log level to show. Levels are: verbose, info, warn, error, win, silent. Each of these maps to a numeric value, above which all logs must pass to be seen. "win" only shows the "ok" or "not ok" ending message. The other options are self-explanatory. ### auto-activate Default: true Automatically activate a package after installation, if there is not an active version already. Set to "always" to always activate when installing. ### update-dependents Default: true Automatically update a package's dependencies after installation, if it is the newest version installed. Set to "always" to update dependents when a new version is installed, even if it's not the newest. ### root Default: `$INSTALL_PREFIX/lib/node` The root folder where packages are installed and npm keeps its data. ### binroot Default: `$INSTALL_PREFIX/bin` The folder where executable programs are installed. Set to "false" to not install executables ### manroot Default: $INSTALL_PREFIX/share/man The folder where man pages are installed. Set to "false" to not install man pages. ### registry Default: The base URL of the npm package registry. ### _auth A base-64 encoded "user:pass" pair. This is created by npm-adduser(1). If your config file is ever corrupted, you can set this manually by doing: npm adduser ### _authCrypt If crypto.Cipher is available, and you have some private keys in `$HOME/.ssh`, then npm will encrypt your "_auth" config before saving to the .npmrc file, and will decrypt the "_authCrypt" config when it reads the .npmrc file. ### tag Default: latest If you ask npm to install a package and don't tell it a specific version, then it will install the specified tag. Note: this has no effect on the npm-tag(1) command. ### proxy If proxy is available, then npm will fetch the modules from the registry via the proxy server. Example: proxy = http://proxy-server:8080 ### userconfig The default user configuration file is process.env.HOME+"/.npmrc". Note that this must be provided either in the cli or env settings. Once the userconfig is read, it is irrelevant. ### globalconfig The default global configuration file is resolved based on the location of the node executable. It is process.execPath+"/../../etc/npmrc". In the canonical NodeJS installation with `make install`, this is `/usr/local/etc/npmrc`. If you put the node binary somewhere else (for instance, if you are using nvm or nave), then it would be resolved relative to that location. Note that this must be provided in the cli, env, or userconfig settings. Once the globalconfig is read, this parameter is irrelevant. ### global If set to some truish value (for instance, by being the last cli flag or being passed a literal `true` or `1`), and the `npm config set` param is being called, then the new configuration paramater is written global config file. Otherwise, they are saved to the user config file. ### dev If set to a truish value, then it'll install the "devDependencies" as well as "dependencies" when installing a package. Note that devDependencies are *always* installed when linking a package. ### tar Default: env.TAR or "tar" The name of a GNU-compatible tar program on your system. ### gzip Default: env.GZIP or "gzip" The name of a GNU-compatible gzip program on your system.