const log = require('npmlog') const fs = require('fs') const parseJSON = require('json-parse-even-better-errors') const rpj = require('read-package-json-fast') const { resolve } = require('path') const getWorkspaces = require('./workspaces/get-workspaces.js') const BaseCommand = require('./base-command.js') class SetScript extends BaseCommand { /* istanbul ignore next - see test/lib/load-all-commands.js */ static get description () { return 'Set tasks in the scripts section of package.json' } /* istanbul ignore next - see test/lib/load-all-commands.js */ static get params () { return ['workspace', 'workspaces'] } /* istanbul ignore next - see test/lib/load-all-commands.js */ static get name () { return 'set-script' } /* istanbul ignore next - see test/lib/load-all-commands.js */ static get usage () { return ['[