'use strict'; const errcode = require('../index'); const expect = require('expect.js'); describe('errcode', () => { describe('string as first argument', () => { it('should throw an error', () => { expect(() => { errcode('my message'); }).to.throwError((err) => { expect(err).to.be.a(TypeError); }); }); }); describe('error as first argument', () => { it('should accept an error and do nothing', () => { const myErr = new Error('my message'); const err = errcode(myErr); expect(err).to.be(myErr); expect(err.hasOwnProperty(err.code)).to.be(false); }); it('should accept an error and add a code', () => { const myErr = new Error('my message'); const err = errcode(myErr, 'ESOME'); expect(err).to.be(myErr); expect(err.code).to.be('ESOME'); }); it('should accept an error object and add code & properties', () => { const myErr = new Error('my message'); const err = errcode(myErr, 'ESOME', { foo: 'bar', bar: 'foo' }); expect(err).to.be.an(Error); expect(err.code).to.be('ESOME'); expect(err.foo).to.be('bar'); expect(err.bar).to.be('foo'); }); it('should create an error object without code but with properties', () => { const myErr = new Error('my message'); const err = errcode(myErr, { foo: 'bar', bar: 'foo' }); expect(err).to.be.an(Error); expect(err.code).to.be(undefined); expect(err.foo).to.be('bar'); expect(err.bar).to.be('foo'); }); it('should set a non-writable field', () => { const myErr = new Error('my message'); Object.defineProperty(myErr, 'code', { value: 'derp', writable: false, }); const err = errcode(myErr, 'ERR_WAT'); expect(err).to.be.an(Error); expect(err.stack).to.equal(myErr.stack); expect(err.code).to.be('ERR_WAT'); }); it('should add a code to frozen object', () => { const myErr = new Error('my message'); const err = errcode(Object.freeze(myErr), 'ERR_WAT'); expect(err).to.be.an(Error); expect(err.stack).to.equal(myErr.stack); expect(err.code).to.be('ERR_WAT'); }); it('should to set a field that throws at assignment time', () => { const myErr = new Error('my message'); Object.defineProperty(myErr, 'code', { enumerable: true, set() { throw new Error('Nope!'); }, get() { return 'derp'; }, }); const err = errcode(myErr, 'ERR_WAT'); expect(err).to.be.an(Error); expect(err.stack).to.equal(myErr.stack); expect(err.code).to.be('ERR_WAT'); }); it('should retain error type', () => { const myErr = new TypeError('my message'); Object.defineProperty(myErr, 'code', { value: 'derp', writable: false, }); const err = errcode(myErr, 'ERR_WAT'); expect(err).to.be.a(TypeError); expect(err.stack).to.equal(myErr.stack); expect(err.code).to.be('ERR_WAT'); }); it('should add a code to a class that extends Error', () => { class CustomError extends Error { set code(val) { throw new Error('Nope!'); } } const myErr = new CustomError('my message'); Object.defineProperty(myErr, 'code', { value: 'derp', writable: false, configurable: false, }); const err = errcode(myErr, 'ERR_WAT'); expect(err).to.be.a(CustomError); expect(err.stack).to.equal(myErr.stack); expect(err.code).to.be('ERR_WAT'); // original prototype chain should be intact expect(() => { const otherErr = new CustomError('my message'); otherErr.code = 'derp'; }).to.throwError(); }); it('should support errors that are not Errors', () => { const err = errcode({ message: 'Oh noes!', }, 'ERR_WAT'); expect(err.message).to.be('Oh noes!'); expect(err.code).to.be('ERR_WAT'); }); }); describe('falsy first arguments', () => { it('should not allow passing null as the first argument', () => { expect(() => { errcode(null); }).to.throwError((err) => { expect(err).to.be.a(TypeError); }); }); it('should not allow passing undefined as the first argument', () => { expect(() => { errcode(undefined); }).to.throwError((err) => { expect(err).to.be.a(TypeError); }); }); }); });