/* IMPORTANT * This snapshot file is auto-generated, but designed for humans. * It should be checked into source control and tracked carefully. * Re-generate by setting TAP_SNAPSHOT=1 and running tests. * Make sure to inspect the output below. Do not ignore changes! */ 'use strict' exports[`test/lib/commands/publish.js TAP _auth config default registry > new package version 1`] = ` + test-package@1.0.0 ` exports[`test/lib/commands/publish.js TAP dry-run > must match snapshot 1`] = ` Array [ Array [ "", ], Array [ "", "package: test-package@1.0.0", ], Array [ "=== Tarball Contents ===", ], Array [ "", "87B package.json", ], Array [ "=== Tarball Details ===", ], Array [ "", String( name: test-package version: 1.0.0 filename: test-package-1.0.0.tgz package size: 160 B unpacked size: 87 B shasum:{sha} integrity:{sha} total files: 1 ), ], Array [ "", "", ], Array [ "", "Publishing to https://registry.npmjs.org/ (dry-run)", ], ] ` exports[`test/lib/commands/publish.js TAP has auth for scope configured registry > new package version 1`] = ` + @npm/test-package@1.0.0 ` exports[`test/lib/commands/publish.js TAP ignore-scripts > new package version 1`] = ` + test-package@1.0.0 ` exports[`test/lib/commands/publish.js TAP json > must match snapshot 1`] = ` Array [ Array [ "", "Publishing to https://registry.npmjs.org/", ], ] ` exports[`test/lib/commands/publish.js TAP json > new package json 1`] = ` { "id": "test-package@1.0.0", "name": "test-package", "version": "1.0.0", "size": 160, "unpackedSize": 87, "shasum": "{sha}", "integrity": "{sha}", "filename": "test-package-1.0.0.tgz", "files": [ { "path": "package.json", "size": 87, "mode": 420 } ], "entryCount": 1, "bundled": [] } ` exports[`test/lib/commands/publish.js TAP no auth dry-run > must match snapshot 1`] = ` + test-package@1.0.0 ` exports[`test/lib/commands/publish.js TAP no auth dry-run > warns about auth being needed 1`] = ` Array [ Array [ "", "This command requires you to be logged in to https://registry.npmjs.org/ (dry-run)", ], ] ` exports[`test/lib/commands/publish.js TAP re-loads publishConfig.registry if added during script process > new package version 1`] = ` + test-package@1.0.0 ` exports[`test/lib/commands/publish.js TAP respects publishConfig.registry, runs appropriate scripts > new package version 1`] = ` ` exports[`test/lib/commands/publish.js TAP scoped _auth config scoped registry > new package version 1`] = ` + @npm/test-package@1.0.0 ` exports[`test/lib/commands/publish.js TAP tarball > must match snapshot 1`] = ` Array [ Array [ "", ], Array [ "", "package: test-tar-package@1.0.0", ], Array [ "=== Tarball Contents ===", ], Array [ "", String( 26B index.js 98B package.json ), ], Array [ "=== Tarball Details ===", ], Array [ "", String( name: test-tar-package version: 1.0.0 filename: test-tar-package-1.0.0.tgz package size: 218 B unpacked size: 124 B shasum:{sha} integrity:{sha} total files: 2 ), ], Array [ "", "", ], Array [ "", "Publishing to https://registry.npmjs.org/", ], ] ` exports[`test/lib/commands/publish.js TAP tarball > new package json 1`] = ` + test-tar-package@1.0.0 ` exports[`test/lib/commands/publish.js TAP workspaces all workspaces - color > all public workspaces 1`] = ` + workspace-a@1.2.3-a + workspace-b@1.2.3-n + workspace-n@1.2.3-n ` exports[`test/lib/commands/publish.js TAP workspaces all workspaces - color > warns about skipped private workspace in color 1`] = ` Array [ Array [ "publish", "Skipping workspace \\u001b[32mworkspace-p\\u001b[39m, marked as \\u001b[1mprivate\\u001b[22m", ], ] ` exports[`test/lib/commands/publish.js TAP workspaces all workspaces - no color > all public workspaces 1`] = ` + workspace-a@1.2.3-a + workspace-b@1.2.3-n + workspace-n@1.2.3-n ` exports[`test/lib/commands/publish.js TAP workspaces all workspaces - no color > warns about skipped private workspace 1`] = ` Array [ Array [ "publish", "Skipping workspace workspace-p, marked as private", ], ] ` exports[`test/lib/commands/publish.js TAP workspaces json > all workspaces in json 1`] = ` { "workspace-a": { "id": "workspace-a@1.2.3-a", "name": "workspace-a", "version": "1.2.3-a", "size": 162, "unpackedSize": 82, "shasum": "{sha}", "integrity": "{sha}", "filename": "workspace-a-1.2.3-a.tgz", "files": [ { "path": "package.json", "size": 82, "mode": 420 } ], "entryCount": 1, "bundled": [] }, "workspace-b": { "id": "workspace-b@1.2.3-n", "name": "workspace-b", "version": "1.2.3-n", "size": 171, "unpackedSize": 92, "shasum": "{sha}", "integrity": "{sha}", "filename": "workspace-b-1.2.3-n.tgz", "files": [ { "path": "package.json", "size": 92, "mode": 420 } ], "entryCount": 1, "bundled": [] }, "workspace-n": { "id": "workspace-n@1.2.3-n", "name": "workspace-n", "version": "1.2.3-n", "size": 140, "unpackedSize": 42, "shasum": "{sha}", "integrity": "{sha}", "filename": "workspace-n-1.2.3-n.tgz", "files": [ { "path": "package.json", "size": 42, "mode": 420 } ], "entryCount": 1, "bundled": [] } } ` exports[`test/lib/commands/publish.js TAP workspaces one workspace - success > single workspace 1`] = ` + workspace-a@1.2.3-a `