/* IMPORTANT * This snapshot file is auto-generated, but designed for humans. * It should be checked into source control and tracked carefully. * Re-generate by setting TAP_SNAPSHOT=1 and running tests. * Make sure to inspect the output below. Do not ignore changes! */ 'use strict' exports[`test/lib/utils/update-notifier.js TAP notification situations major to current > color 1`] = ` New major version of npm available! 122.420.69 -> 123.420.69 Changelog: https://github.com/npm/cli/releases/tag/v123.420.69 Run npm install -g npm@123.420.69 to update! ` exports[`test/lib/utils/update-notifier.js TAP notification situations major to current > no color 1`] = ` New major version of npm available! 122.420.69 -> 123.420.69 Changelog: Run \`npm install -g npm@123.420.69\` to update! ` exports[`test/lib/utils/update-notifier.js TAP notification situations minor to current > color 1`] = ` New minor version of npm available! 123.419.69 -> 123.420.69 Changelog: https://github.com/npm/cli/releases/tag/v123.420.69 Run npm install -g npm@123.420.69 to update! ` exports[`test/lib/utils/update-notifier.js TAP notification situations minor to current > no color 1`] = ` New minor version of npm available! 123.419.69 -> 123.420.69 Changelog: Run \`npm install -g npm@123.420.69\` to update! ` exports[`test/lib/utils/update-notifier.js TAP notification situations minor to next version > color 1`] = ` New minor version of npm available! 123.420.70 -> 123.421.70 Changelog: https://github.com/npm/cli/releases/tag/v123.421.70 Run npm install -g npm@123.421.70 to update! ` exports[`test/lib/utils/update-notifier.js TAP notification situations minor to next version > no color 1`] = ` New minor version of npm available! 123.420.70 -> 123.421.70 Changelog: Run \`npm install -g npm@123.421.70\` to update! ` exports[`test/lib/utils/update-notifier.js TAP notification situations new beta available > color 1`] = ` New prerelease version of npm available! 124.0.0-beta.0 -> 124.0.0-beta.99999 Changelog: https://github.com/npm/cli/releases/tag/v124.0.0-beta.99999 Run npm install -g npm@124.0.0-beta.99999 to update! ` exports[`test/lib/utils/update-notifier.js TAP notification situations new beta available > no color 1`] = ` New prerelease version of npm available! 124.0.0-beta.0 -> 124.0.0-beta.99999 Changelog: Run \`npm install -g npm@124.0.0-beta.99999\` to update! ` exports[`test/lib/utils/update-notifier.js TAP notification situations patch to current > color 1`] = ` New patch version of npm available! 123.420.68 -> 123.420.69 Changelog: https://github.com/npm/cli/releases/tag/v123.420.69 Run npm install -g npm@123.420.69 to update! ` exports[`test/lib/utils/update-notifier.js TAP notification situations patch to current > no color 1`] = ` New patch version of npm available! 123.420.68 -> 123.420.69 Changelog: Run \`npm install -g npm@123.420.69\` to update! ` exports[`test/lib/utils/update-notifier.js TAP notification situations patch to next version > color 1`] = ` New patch version of npm available! 123.421.69 -> 123.421.70 Changelog: https://github.com/npm/cli/releases/tag/v123.421.70 Run npm install -g npm@123.421.70 to update! ` exports[`test/lib/utils/update-notifier.js TAP notification situations patch to next version > no color 1`] = ` New patch version of npm available! 123.421.69 -> 123.421.70 Changelog: Run \`npm install -g npm@123.421.70\` to update! `