const { test } = require('tap') const requireInject = require('require-inject') const emptyMock = requireInject('../../lib/access.js', { '../../lib/npm.js': { flatOptions: {} } }) test('completion', t => { const { completion } = emptyMock const testComp = (argv, expect) => { completion({conf: {argv: {remain: argv}}}, (er, res) => { if (er) throw er t.strictSame(res, expect, argv.join(' ')) }) } testComp(['npm', 'access'], [ 'public', 'restricted', 'grant', 'revoke', 'ls-packages', 'ls-collaborators', 'edit', '2fa-required', '2fa-not-required' ]) testComp(['npm', 'access', 'grant'], ['read-only', 'read-write']) testComp(['npm', 'access', 'grant', 'read-only'], []) testComp(['npm', 'access', 'public'], []) testComp(['npm', 'access', 'restricted'], []) testComp(['npm', 'access', 'revoke'], []) testComp(['npm', 'access', 'ls-packages'], []) testComp(['npm', 'access', 'ls-collaborators'], []) testComp(['npm', 'access', 'edit'], []) testComp(['npm', 'access', '2fa-required'], []) testComp(['npm', 'access', '2fa-not-required'], []) testComp(['npm', 'access', 'revoke'], []) completion({conf: {argv: {remain: ['npm', 'access', 'foobar']}}}, (er) => { t.match(er, { message: 'foobar not recognized' }) }) t.end() }) test('subcommand required', t => { const access = emptyMock access([], (err) => { t.equal(err, '\nUsage: Subcommand is required.\n\n' + access.usage) t.end() }) }) test('unrecognized subcommand', (t) => { const access = emptyMock access(['blerg'], (err) => { t.match( err, /Usage: blerg is not a recognized subcommand/, 'should throw EUSAGE on missing subcommand' ) t.end() }) }) test('edit', (t) => { const access = emptyMock access([ 'edit', '@scoped/another' ], (err) => { t.match( err, /edit subcommand is not implemented yet/, 'should throw not implemented yet error' ) t.end() }) }) test('access public on unscoped package', (t) => { const prefix = t.testdir({ 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'npm-access-public-pkg' }) }) const access = requireInject('../../lib/access.js', { '../../lib/npm.js': { prefix } }) access([ 'public' ], (err) => { t.match( err, /Usage: This command is only available for scoped packages/, 'should throw scoped-restricted error' ) t.end() }) }) test('access public on scoped package', (t) => { t.plan(4) const name = '@scoped/npm-access-public-pkg' const prefix = t.testdir({ 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name }) }) const access = requireInject('../../lib/access.js', { 'libnpmaccess': { public: (pkg, { registry }) => { t.equal(pkg, name, 'should use pkg name ref') t.equal( registry, '', 'should forward correct options' ) return true } }, '../../lib/npm.js': { flatOptions: { registry: '' }, prefix } }) access([ 'public' ], (err) => { t.ifError(err, 'npm access') t.ok('should successfully access public on scoped package') }) }) test('access public on missing package.json', (t) => { const prefix = t.testdir({ 'node_modules': {} }) const access = requireInject('../../lib/access.js', { '../../lib/npm.js': { prefix } }) access([ 'public' ], (err) => { t.match( err, /no package name passed to command and no package.json found/, 'should throw no package.json found error' ) t.end() }) }) test('access public on invalid package.json', (t) => { const prefix = t.testdir({ 'package.json': '{\n', 'node_modules': {} }) const access = requireInject('../../lib/access.js', { '../../lib/npm.js': { prefix } }) access([ 'public' ], (err) => { t.match( err, /JSONParseError/, 'should throw failed to parse package.json' ) t.end() }) }) test('access restricted on unscoped package', (t) => { const prefix = t.testdir({ 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'npm-access-restricted-pkg' }) }) const access = requireInject('../../lib/access.js', { '../../lib/npm.js': { prefix } }) access([ 'restricted' ], (err) => { t.match( err, /Usage: This command is only available for scoped packages/, 'should throw scoped-restricted error' ) t.end() }) }) test('access restricted on scoped package', (t) => { t.plan(4) const name = '@scoped/npm-access-restricted-pkg' const prefix = t.testdir({ 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name }) }) const access = requireInject('../../lib/access.js', { 'libnpmaccess': { restricted: (pkg, { registry }) => { t.equal(pkg, name, 'should use pkg name ref') t.equal( registry, '', 'should forward correct options' ) return true } }, '../../lib/npm.js': { flatOptions: { registry: '' }, prefix } }) access([ 'restricted' ], (err) => { t.ifError(err, 'npm access') t.ok('should successfully access restricted on scoped package') }) }) test('access restricted on missing package.json', (t) => { const prefix = t.testdir({ 'node_modules': {} }) const access = requireInject('../../lib/access.js', { '../../lib/npm.js': { prefix } }) access([ 'restricted' ], (err) => { t.match( err, /no package name passed to command and no package.json found/, 'should throw no package.json found error' ) t.end() }) }) test('access restricted on invalid package.json', (t) => { const prefix = t.testdir({ 'package.json': '{\n', 'node_modules': {} }) const access = requireInject('../../lib/access.js', { '../../lib/npm.js': { prefix } }) access([ 'restricted' ], (err) => { t.match( err, /JSONParseError/, 'should throw failed to parse package.json' ) t.end() }) }) test('access grant read-only', (t) => { t.plan(5) const access = requireInject('../../lib/access.js', { 'libnpmaccess': { grant: (spec, team, permissions) => { t.equal(spec, '@scoped/another', 'should use expected spec') t.equal(team, 'myorg:myteam', 'should use expected team') t.equal(permissions, 'read-only', 'should forward permissions') return true } }, '../../lib/npm.js': {} }) access([ 'grant', 'read-only', 'myorg:myteam', '@scoped/another' ], (err) => { t.ifError(err, 'npm access') t.ok('should successfully access grant read-only') }) }) test('access grant read-write', (t) => { t.plan(5) const access = requireInject('../../lib/access.js', { 'libnpmaccess': { grant: (spec, team, permissions) => { t.equal(spec, '@scoped/another', 'should use expected spec') t.equal(team, 'myorg:myteam', 'should use expected team') t.equal(permissions, 'read-write', 'should forward permissions') return true } }, '../../lib/npm.js': {} }) access([ 'grant', 'read-write', 'myorg:myteam', '@scoped/another' ], (err) => { t.ifError(err, 'npm access') t.ok('should successfully access grant read-write') }) }) test('access grant current cwd', (t) => { t.plan(5) const prefix = t.testdir({ 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'yargs' }) }) const access = requireInject('../../lib/access.js', { 'libnpmaccess': { grant: (spec, team, permissions) => { t.equal(spec, 'yargs', 'should use expected spec') t.equal(team, 'myorg:myteam', 'should use expected team') t.equal(permissions, 'read-write', 'should forward permissions') return true } }, '../../lib/npm.js': { prefix } }) access([ 'grant', 'read-write', 'myorg:myteam' ], (err) => { t.ifError(err, 'npm access') t.ok('should successfully access grant current cwd') }) }) test('access grant others', (t) => { const access = emptyMock access([ 'grant', 'rerere', 'myorg:myteam', '@scoped/another' ], (err) => { t.match( err, /Usage: First argument must be either `read-only` or `read-write`./, 'should throw unrecognized argument error' ) t.end() }) }) test('access grant missing team args', (t) => { const access = emptyMock access([ 'grant', 'read-only', undefined, '@scoped/another' ], (err) => { t.match( err, /Usage: `` argument is required./, 'should throw missing argument error' ) t.end() }) }) test('access grant malformed team arg', (t) => { const access = emptyMock access([ 'grant', 'read-only', 'foo', '@scoped/another' ], (err) => { t.match( err, /Usage: Second argument used incorrect format.\n/, 'should throw malformed arg error' ) t.end() }) }) test('access 2fa-required/2fa-not-required', t => { let pkg t.plan(2) const access = requireInject('../../lib/access.js', { 'libnpmaccess': { tfaRequired: (spec) => { t.equal(spec, '@scope/pkg', 'should use expected spec') return true }, tfaNotRequired: (spec) => { t.equal(spec, 'unscoped-pkg', 'should use expected spec') return true } }, '../../lib/npm.js': {} }) access(['2fa-required', '@scope/pkg'], er => { if (er) throw er }) access(['2fa-not-required', 'unscoped-pkg'], er => { if (er) throw er }) }) test('access revoke', (t) => { t.plan(4) const access = requireInject('../../lib/access.js', { 'libnpmaccess': { revoke: (spec, team) => { t.equal(spec, '@scoped/another', 'should use expected spec') t.equal(team, 'myorg:myteam', 'should use expected team') return true } }, '../../lib/npm.js': {} }) access([ 'revoke', 'myorg:myteam', '@scoped/another' ], (err) => { t.ifError(err, 'npm access') t.ok('should successfully access revoke') }) }) test('access revoke missing team args', (t) => { const access = emptyMock access([ 'revoke', undefined, '@scoped/another' ], (err) => { t.match( err, /Usage: `` argument is required./, 'should throw missing argument error' ) t.end() }) }) test('access revoke malformed team arg', (t) => { const access = emptyMock access([ 'revoke', 'foo', '@scoped/another' ], (err) => { t.match( err, /Usage: First argument used incorrect format.\n/, 'should throw malformed arg error' ) t.end() }) }) test('npm access ls-packages with no team', (t) => { t.plan(3) const access = requireInject('../../lib/access.js', { 'libnpmaccess': { lsPackages: (entity) => { t.equal(entity, 'foo', 'should use expected entity') return {} } }, '../../lib/utils/get-identity.js': () => Promise.resolve('foo'), '../../lib/utils/output.js': () => null, '../../lib/npm.js': {} }) access([ 'ls-packages' ], (err) => { t.ifError(err, 'npm access') t.ok('should successfully access ls-packages with no team') }) }) test('access ls-packages on team', (t) => { t.plan(3) const access = requireInject('../../lib/access.js', { 'libnpmaccess': { lsPackages: (entity) => { t.equal(entity, 'myorg:myteam', 'should use expected entity') return {} } }, '../../lib/utils/output.js': () => null, '../../lib/npm.js': {} }) access([ 'ls-packages', 'myorg:myteam' ], (err) => { t.ifError(err, 'npm access') t.ok('should successfully access ls-packages on team') }) }) test('access ls-collaborators on current', (t) => { t.plan(3) const prefix = t.testdir({ 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'yargs' }) }) const access = requireInject('../../lib/access.js', { 'libnpmaccess': { lsCollaborators: (spec) => { t.equal(spec, 'yargs', 'should use expected spec') return {} } }, '../../lib/utils/output.js': () => null, '../../lib/npm.js': { prefix } }) access([ 'ls-collaborators' ], (err) => { t.ifError(err, 'npm access') t.ok('should successfully access ls-collaborators on current') }) }) test('access ls-collaborators on spec', (t) => { t.plan(3) const access = requireInject('../../lib/access.js', { 'libnpmaccess': { lsCollaborators: (spec) => { t.equal(spec, 'yargs', 'should use expected spec') return {} } }, '../../lib/utils/output.js': () => null, '../../lib/npm.js': {} }) access([ 'ls-collaborators', 'yargs' ], (err) => { t.ifError(err, 'npm access') t.ok('should successfully access ls-packages with no team') }) })