const t = require('tap') const { resolve } = require('path') const { fake: mockNpm } = require('../../fixtures/mock-npm') const normalizePath = p => p .replace(/\\+/g, '/') .replace(/\r\n/g, '\n') const cleanOutput = (str) => normalizePath(str) .replace(normalizePath(process.cwd()), '{CWD}') const RUN_SCRIPTS = [] const flatOptions = { scriptShell: undefined, } const config = { json: false, parseable: false, 'if-present': false, } const npm = mockNpm({ localPrefix: __dirname, flatOptions, config, cmd: (c) => { return { description: `test ${c} description` } }, output: (...msg) => output.push(msg), }) const output = [] const npmlog = { disableProgress: () => null, level: 'warn', error: () => null, } t.afterEach(() => { npm.color = false npmlog.level = 'warn' npmlog.error = () => null output.length = 0 RUN_SCRIPTS.length = 0 config['if-present'] = false config.json = false config.parseable = false }) const getRS = windows => { const RunScript = t.mock('../../../lib/commands/run-script.js', { '@npmcli/run-script': Object.assign(async opts => { RUN_SCRIPTS.push(opts) }, { isServerPackage: require('@npmcli/run-script').isServerPackage, }), npmlog, '../../../lib/utils/is-windows-shell.js': windows, }) return new RunScript(npm) } const runScript = getRS(false) const runScriptWin = getRS(true) const { writeFileSync } = require('fs') t.test('completion', t => { const dir = t.testdir() npm.localPrefix = dir t.test('already have a script name', async t => { const res = await runScript.completion({conf: {argv: {remain: ['npm', 'run', 'x']}}}) t.equal(res, undefined) t.end() }) t.test('no package.json', async t => { const res = await runScript.completion({conf: {argv: {remain: ['npm', 'run']}}}) t.strictSame(res, []) t.end() }) t.test('has package.json, no scripts', async t => { writeFileSync(`${dir}/package.json`, JSON.stringify({})) const res = await runScript.completion({conf: {argv: {remain: ['npm', 'run']}}}) t.strictSame(res, []) t.end() }) t.test('has package.json, with scripts', async t => { writeFileSync(`${dir}/package.json`, JSON.stringify({ scripts: { hello: 'echo hello', world: 'echo world' }, })) const res = await runScript.completion({conf: {argv: {remain: ['npm', 'run']}}}) t.strictSame(res, ['hello', 'world']) t.end() }) t.end() }) t.test('fail if no package.json', async t => { t.plan(2) npm.localPrefix = t.testdir() await t.rejects( runScript.exec([]), { code: 'ENOENT' } ) await t.rejects( runScript.exec(['test']), { code: 'ENOENT' } ) }) t.test('default env, start, and restart scripts', t => { npm.localPrefix = t.testdir({ 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'x', version: '1.2.3' }), 'server.js': 'console.log("hello, world")', }) t.test('start', async t => { await runScript.exec(['start']) t.match(RUN_SCRIPTS, [ { path: npm.localPrefix, args: [], scriptShell: undefined, stdio: 'inherit', stdioString: true, pkg: { name: 'x', version: '1.2.3', _id: 'x@1.2.3', scripts: {}}, event: 'start', }, ]) }) t.test('env', async t => { await runScript.exec(['env']) t.match(RUN_SCRIPTS, [ { path: npm.localPrefix, args: [], scriptShell: undefined, stdio: 'inherit', stdioString: true, pkg: { name: 'x', version: '1.2.3', _id: 'x@1.2.3', scripts: { env: 'env', }, }, event: 'env', }, ]) }) t.test('windows env', async t => { await runScriptWin.exec(['env']) t.match(RUN_SCRIPTS, [ { path: npm.localPrefix, args: [], scriptShell: undefined, stdio: 'inherit', stdioString: true, pkg: { name: 'x', version: '1.2.3', _id: 'x@1.2.3', scripts: { env: 'SET', } }, event: 'env', }, ]) }) t.test('restart', async t => { await runScript.exec(['restart']) t.match(RUN_SCRIPTS, [ { path: npm.localPrefix, args: [], scriptShell: undefined, stdio: 'inherit', stdioString: true, pkg: { name: 'x', version: '1.2.3', _id: 'x@1.2.3', scripts: { restart: 'npm stop --if-present && npm start', } }, event: 'restart', }, ]) }) t.end() }) t.test('non-default env script', t => { npm.localPrefix = t.testdir({ 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'x', version: '1.2.3', scripts: { env: 'hello', }, }), }) t.test('env', async t => { await runScript.exec(['env']) t.match(RUN_SCRIPTS, [ { path: npm.localPrefix, args: [], scriptShell: undefined, stdio: 'inherit', stdioString: true, pkg: { name: 'x', version: '1.2.3', _id: 'x@1.2.3', scripts: { env: 'hello', }, }, event: 'env', }, ]) }) t.test('env windows', async t => { await runScriptWin.exec(['env']) t.match(RUN_SCRIPTS, [ { path: npm.localPrefix, args: [], scriptShell: undefined, stdio: 'inherit', stdioString: true, pkg: { name: 'x', version: '1.2.3', _id: 'x@1.2.3', scripts: { env: 'hello', }, }, event: 'env', }, ]) }) t.end() }) t.test('try to run missing script', t => { npm.localPrefix = t.testdir({ 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ scripts: { hello: 'world' }, bin: { goodnight: 'moon' }, }), }) t.test('no suggestions', async t => { await t.rejects( runScript.exec(['notevenclose']), 'Missing script: "notevenclose"' ) }) t.test('script suggestions', async t => { await t.rejects( runScript.exec(['helo']), /Missing script: "helo"/ ) await t.rejects( runScript.exec(['helo']), /npm run hello/ ) }) t.test('bin suggestions', async t => { await t.rejects( runScript.exec(['goodneght']), /Missing script: "goodneght"/ ) await t.rejects( runScript.exec(['goodneght']), /npm exec goodnight/ ) }) t.test('with --if-present', async t => { config['if-present'] = true await runScript.exec(['goodbye']) t.strictSame(RUN_SCRIPTS, [], 'did not try to run anything') }) t.end() }) t.test('run pre/post hooks', async t => { npm.localPrefix = t.testdir({ 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'x', version: '1.2.3', scripts: { preenv: 'echo before the env', postenv: 'echo after the env', }, }), }) await runScript.exec(['env']) t.match(RUN_SCRIPTS, [ { event: 'preenv' }, { path: npm.localPrefix, args: [], scriptShell: undefined, stdio: 'inherit', stdioString: true, pkg: { name: 'x', version: '1.2.3', _id: 'x@1.2.3', scripts: { env: 'env', } }, event: 'env', }, { event: 'postenv' }, ]) }) t.test('skip pre/post hooks when using ignoreScripts', async t => { config['ignore-scripts'] = true npm.localPrefix = t.testdir({ 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'x', version: '1.2.3', scripts: { preenv: 'echo before the env', postenv: 'echo after the env', }, }), }) await runScript.exec(['env']) t.same(RUN_SCRIPTS, [ { path: npm.localPrefix, args: [], scriptShell: undefined, stdio: 'inherit', stdioString: true, pkg: { name: 'x', version: '1.2.3', _id: 'x@1.2.3', scripts: { preenv: 'echo before the env', postenv: 'echo after the env', env: 'env', } }, banner: true, event: 'env', }, ]) delete config['ignore-scripts'] }) t.test('run silent', async t => { npmlog.level = 'silent' t.teardown(() => { npmlog.level = 'warn' }) npm.localPrefix = t.testdir({ 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'x', version: '1.2.3', scripts: { preenv: 'echo before the env', postenv: 'echo after the env', }, }), }) await runScript.exec(['env']) t.match(RUN_SCRIPTS, [ { event: 'preenv', stdio: 'inherit', }, { path: npm.localPrefix, args: [], scriptShell: undefined, stdio: 'inherit', stdioString: true, pkg: { name: 'x', version: '1.2.3', _id: 'x@1.2.3', scripts: { env: 'env', } }, event: 'env', banner: false, }, { event: 'postenv', stdio: 'inherit', }, ]) }) t.test('list scripts', t => { const scripts = { test: 'exit 2', start: 'node server.js', stop: 'node kill-server.js', preenv: 'echo before the env', postenv: 'echo after the env', } npm.localPrefix = t.testdir({ 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'x', version: '1.2.3', scripts, }), }) t.test('no args', async t => { await runScript.exec([]) t.strictSame(output, [ ['Lifecycle scripts included in x@1.2.3:'], [' test\n exit 2'], [' start\n node server.js'], [' stop\n node kill-server.js'], ['\navailable via `npm run-script`:'], [' preenv\n echo before the env'], [' postenv\n echo after the env'], [''], ], 'basic report') }) t.test('silent', async t => { npmlog.level = 'silent' await runScript.exec([]) t.strictSame(output, []) }) t.test('warn json', async t => { npmlog.level = 'warn' config.json = true await runScript.exec([]) t.strictSame(output, [[JSON.stringify(scripts, 0, 2)]], 'json report') }) t.test('parseable', async t => { config.parseable = true await runScript.exec([]) t.strictSame(output, [ ['test:exit 2'], ['start:node server.js'], ['stop:node kill-server.js'], ['preenv:echo before the env'], ['postenv:echo after the env'], ]) }) t.end() }) t.test('list scripts when no scripts', async t => { npm.localPrefix = t.testdir({ 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'x', version: '1.2.3', }), }) await runScript.exec([]) t.strictSame(output, [], 'nothing to report') }) t.test('list scripts, only commands', async t => { npm.localPrefix = t.testdir({ 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'x', version: '1.2.3', scripts: { preversion: 'echo doing the version dance' }, }), }) await runScript.exec([]) t.strictSame(output, [ ['Lifecycle scripts included in x@1.2.3:'], [' preversion\n echo doing the version dance'], [''], ]) }) t.test('list scripts, only non-commands', async t => { npm.localPrefix = t.testdir({ 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'x', version: '1.2.3', scripts: { glorp: 'echo doing the glerp glop' }, }), }) await runScript.exec([]) t.strictSame(output, [ ['Scripts available in x@1.2.3 via `npm run-script`:'], [' glorp\n echo doing the glerp glop'], [''], ]) }) t.test('workspaces', t => { npm.localPrefix = t.testdir({ packages: { a: { 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'a', version: '1.0.0', scripts: { glorp: 'echo a doing the glerp glop' }, }), }, b: { 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'b', version: '2.0.0', scripts: { glorp: 'echo b doing the glerp glop' }, }), }, c: { 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'c', version: '1.0.0', scripts: { test: 'exit 0', posttest: 'echo posttest', lorem: 'echo c lorem', }, }), }, d: { 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'd', version: '1.0.0', scripts: { test: 'exit 0', posttest: 'echo posttest', }, }), }, e: { 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'e', scripts: { test: 'exit 0', start: 'echo start something' }, }), }, noscripts: { 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'noscripts', version: '1.0.0', }), }, }, 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'x', version: '1.2.3', workspaces: ['packages/*'], }), }) t.test('list all scripts', async t => { await runScript.execWorkspaces([], []) t.strictSame(output, [ ['Scripts available in a@1.0.0 via `npm run-script`:'], [' glorp\n echo a doing the glerp glop'], [''], ['Scripts available in b@2.0.0 via `npm run-script`:'], [' glorp\n echo b doing the glerp glop'], [''], ['Lifecycle scripts included in c@1.0.0:'], [' test\n exit 0'], [' posttest\n echo posttest'], ['\navailable via `npm run-script`:'], [' lorem\n echo c lorem'], [''], ['Lifecycle scripts included in d@1.0.0:'], [' test\n exit 0'], [' posttest\n echo posttest'], [''], ['Lifecycle scripts included in e:'], [' test\n exit 0'], [' start\n echo start something'], [''], ]) }) t.test('list regular scripts, filtered by name', async t => { await runScript.execWorkspaces([], ['a', 'b']) t.strictSame(output, [ ['Scripts available in a@1.0.0 via `npm run-script`:'], [' glorp\n echo a doing the glerp glop'], [''], ['Scripts available in b@2.0.0 via `npm run-script`:'], [' glorp\n echo b doing the glerp glop'], [''], ]) }) t.test('list regular scripts, filtered by path', async t => { await runScript.execWorkspaces([], ['./packages/a']) t.strictSame(output, [ ['Scripts available in a@1.0.0 via `npm run-script`:'], [' glorp\n echo a doing the glerp glop'], [''], ]) }) t.test('list regular scripts, filtered by parent folder', async t => { await runScript.execWorkspaces([], ['./packages']) t.strictSame(output, [ ['Scripts available in a@1.0.0 via `npm run-script`:'], [' glorp\n echo a doing the glerp glop'], [''], ['Scripts available in b@2.0.0 via `npm run-script`:'], [' glorp\n echo b doing the glerp glop'], [''], ['Lifecycle scripts included in c@1.0.0:'], [' test\n exit 0'], [' posttest\n echo posttest'], ['\navailable via `npm run-script`:'], [' lorem\n echo c lorem'], [''], ['Lifecycle scripts included in d@1.0.0:'], [' test\n exit 0'], [' posttest\n echo posttest'], [''], ['Lifecycle scripts included in e:'], [' test\n exit 0'], [' start\n echo start something'], [''], ]) }) t.test('list all scripts with colors', async t => { npm.color = true await runScript.execWorkspaces([], []) t.strictSame(output, [ [ '\u001b[1mScripts\u001b[22m available in \x1B[32ma@1.0.0\x1B[39m via `\x1B[34mnpm run-script\x1B[39m`:', ], [' glorp\n \x1B[2mecho a doing the glerp glop\x1B[22m'], [''], [ '\u001b[1mScripts\u001b[22m available in \x1B[32mb@2.0.0\x1B[39m via `\x1B[34mnpm run-script\x1B[39m`:', ], [' glorp\n \x1B[2mecho b doing the glerp glop\x1B[22m'], [''], [ '\x1B[0m\x1B[1mLifecycle scripts\x1B[22m\x1B[0m included in \x1B[32mc@1.0.0\x1B[39m:', ], [' test\n \x1B[2mexit 0\x1B[22m'], [' posttest\n \x1B[2mecho posttest\x1B[22m'], ['\navailable via `\x1B[34mnpm run-script\x1B[39m`:'], [' lorem\n \x1B[2mecho c lorem\x1B[22m'], [''], [ '\x1B[0m\x1B[1mLifecycle scripts\x1B[22m\x1B[0m included in \x1B[32md@1.0.0\x1B[39m:', ], [' test\n \x1B[2mexit 0\x1B[22m'], [' posttest\n \x1B[2mecho posttest\x1B[22m'], [''], [ '\x1B[0m\x1B[1mLifecycle scripts\x1B[22m\x1B[0m included in \x1B[32me\x1B[39m:', ], [' test\n \x1B[2mexit 0\x1B[22m'], [' start\n \x1B[2mecho start something\x1B[22m'], [''], ]) }) t.test('list all scripts --json', async t => { config.json = true await runScript.execWorkspaces([], []) t.strictSame(output, [ [ '{\n' + ' "a": {\n' + ' "glorp": "echo a doing the glerp glop"\n' + ' },\n' + ' "b": {\n' + ' "glorp": "echo b doing the glerp glop"\n' + ' },\n' + ' "c": {\n' + ' "test": "exit 0",\n' + ' "posttest": "echo posttest",\n' + ' "lorem": "echo c lorem"\n' + ' },\n' + ' "d": {\n' + ' "test": "exit 0",\n' + ' "posttest": "echo posttest"\n' + ' },\n' + ' "e": {\n' + ' "test": "exit 0",\n' + ' "start": "echo start something"\n' + ' },\n' + ' "noscripts": {}\n' + '}', ], ]) }) t.test('list all scripts --parseable', async t => { config.parseable = true await runScript.execWorkspaces([], []) t.strictSame(output, [ ['a:glorp:echo a doing the glerp glop'], ['b:glorp:echo b doing the glerp glop'], ['c:test:exit 0'], ['c:posttest:echo posttest'], ['c:lorem:echo c lorem'], ['d:test:exit 0'], ['d:posttest:echo posttest'], ['e:test:exit 0'], ['e:start:echo start something'], ]) }) t.test('list no scripts --loglevel=silent', async t => { npmlog.level = 'silent' await runScript.execWorkspaces([], []) t.strictSame(output, []) }) t.test('run scripts across all workspaces', async t => { await runScript.execWorkspaces(['test'], []) t.match(RUN_SCRIPTS, [ { path: resolve(npm.localPrefix, 'packages/c'), pkg: { name: 'c', version: '1.0.0' }, event: 'test', }, { path: resolve(npm.localPrefix, 'packages/c'), pkg: { name: 'c', version: '1.0.0' }, event: 'posttest', }, { path: resolve(npm.localPrefix, 'packages/d'), pkg: { name: 'd', version: '1.0.0' }, event: 'test', }, { path: resolve(npm.localPrefix, 'packages/d'), pkg: { name: 'd', version: '1.0.0' }, event: 'posttest', }, { path: resolve(npm.localPrefix, 'packages/e'), pkg: { name: 'e' }, event: 'test', }, ]) }) t.test('missing scripts in all workspaces', async t => { const LOG = [] npmlog.error = (err) => { LOG.push(String(err)) } await t.rejects( runScript.execWorkspaces(['missing-script'], []), /Missing script: missing-script/, 'should throw missing script error' ) process.exitCode = 0 // clean exit code t.match(RUN_SCRIPTS, []) t.strictSame(, [ 'Lifecycle script `missing-script` failed with error:', 'Error: Missing script: "missing-script"\n\nTo see a list of scripts, run:\n npm run', ' in workspace: a@1.0.0', ' at location: {CWD}/test/lib/commands/tap-testdir-run-script-workspaces/packages/a', 'Lifecycle script `missing-script` failed with error:', 'Error: Missing script: "missing-script"\n\nTo see a list of scripts, run:\n npm run', ' in workspace: b@2.0.0', ' at location: {CWD}/test/lib/commands/tap-testdir-run-script-workspaces/packages/b', 'Lifecycle script `missing-script` failed with error:', 'Error: Missing script: "missing-script"\n\nTo see a list of scripts, run:\n npm run', ' in workspace: c@1.0.0', ' at location: {CWD}/test/lib/commands/tap-testdir-run-script-workspaces/packages/c', 'Lifecycle script `missing-script` failed with error:', 'Error: Missing script: "missing-script"\n\nTo see a list of scripts, run:\n npm run', ' in workspace: d@1.0.0', ' at location: {CWD}/test/lib/commands/tap-testdir-run-script-workspaces/packages/d', 'Lifecycle script `missing-script` failed with error:', 'Error: Missing script: "missing-script"\n\nTo see a list of scripts, run:\n npm run', ' in workspace: e', ' at location: {CWD}/test/lib/commands/tap-testdir-run-script-workspaces/packages/e', 'Lifecycle script `missing-script` failed with error:', 'Error: Missing script: "missing-script"\n\nTo see a list of scripts, run:\n npm run', ' in workspace: noscripts@1.0.0', ' at location: {CWD}/test/lib/commands/tap-testdir-run-script-workspaces/packages/noscripts', ], 'should log error msgs for each workspace script') }) t.test('missing scripts in some workspaces', async t => { const LOG = [] npmlog.error = (err) => { LOG.push(String(err)) } await runScript.execWorkspaces(['test'], ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']) t.match(RUN_SCRIPTS, []) t.strictSame(, [ 'Lifecycle script `test` failed with error:', 'Error: Missing script: "test"\n\nTo see a list of scripts, run:\n npm run', ' in workspace: a@1.0.0', ' at location: {CWD}/test/lib/commands/tap-testdir-run-script-workspaces/packages/a', 'Lifecycle script `test` failed with error:', 'Error: Missing script: "test"\n\nTo see a list of scripts, run:\n npm run', ' in workspace: b@2.0.0', ' at location: {CWD}/test/lib/commands/tap-testdir-run-script-workspaces/packages/b', ], 'should log error msgs for each workspace script') }) t.test('no workspaces when filtering by user args', async t => { await t.rejects( runScript.execWorkspaces([], ['foo', 'bar']), 'No workspaces found:\n --workspace=foo --workspace=bar', 'should throw error msg' ) }) t.test('no workspaces', async t => { const _prevPrefix = npm.localPrefix npm.localPrefix = t.testdir({ 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'foo', version: '1.0.0', }), }) await t.rejects( runScript.execWorkspaces([], []), /No workspaces found!/, 'should throw error msg' ) npm.localPrefix = _prevPrefix }) t.test('single failed workspace run', async t => { const RunScript = t.mock('../../../lib/commands/run-script.js', { '@npmcli/run-script': () => { throw new Error('err') }, npmlog, '../../../lib/utils/is-windows-shell.js': false, }) const runScript = new RunScript(npm) await runScript.execWorkspaces(['test'], ['c']) process.exitCode = 0 // clean up exit code }) t.test('failed workspace run with succeeded runs', async t => { const RunScript = t.mock('../../../lib/commands/run-script.js', { '@npmcli/run-script': async opts => { if ( === 'a') throw new Error('ERR') RUN_SCRIPTS.push(opts) }, npmlog, '../../../lib/utils/is-windows-shell.js': false, }) const runScript = new RunScript(npm) await runScript.execWorkspaces(['glorp'], ['a', 'b']) t.match(RUN_SCRIPTS, [ { path: resolve(npm.localPrefix, 'packages/b'), pkg: { name: 'b', version: '2.0.0' }, event: 'glorp', }, ]) process.exitCode = 0 // clean up exit code }) t.end() })