const { test } = require('tap') const requireInject = require('require-inject') let getIdentityImpl = () => 'someperson' let npmFetchBody = null const npmFetch = async (uri, opts) => { npmFetchBody = opts.body } npmFetch.json = async (uri, opts) => { return { versions: { '1.0.0': {}, '1.0.1': {}, '1.0.1-pre': {}, }, } } const Deprecate = requireInject('../../lib/deprecate.js', { '../../lib/utils/get-identity.js': async () => getIdentityImpl(), '../../lib/utils/otplease.js': async (opts, fn) => fn(opts), libnpmaccess: { lsPackages: async () => ({ foo: 'write', bar: 'write', baz: 'write', buzz: 'read' }), }, 'npm-registry-fetch': npmFetch, }) const deprecate = new Deprecate({ flatOptions: { registry: '' }, }) test('completion', async t => { const defaultIdentityImpl = getIdentityImpl t.teardown(() => { getIdentityImpl = defaultIdentityImpl }) const testComp = async (argv, expect) => { const res = await deprecate.completion({ conf: { argv: { remain: argv } } }) t.strictSame(res, expect, `completion: ${argv}`) } await Promise.all([ testComp([], ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']), testComp(['b'], ['bar', 'baz']), testComp(['fo'], ['foo']), testComp(['g'], []), testComp(['foo', 'something'], []), ]) getIdentityImpl = () => { throw new Error('deprecate test failure') } t.rejects(testComp([], []), { message: 'deprecate test failure' }) }) test('no args', t => { deprecate.exec([], (err) => { t.match(err, /Usage: npm deprecate/, 'logs usage') t.end() }) }) test('only one arg', t => { deprecate.exec(['foo'], (err) => { t.match(err, /Usage: npm deprecate/, 'logs usage') t.end() }) }) test('invalid semver range', t => { deprecate.exec(['foo@notaversion', 'this will fail'], (err) => { t.match(err, /invalid version range/, 'logs semver error') t.end() }) }) test('deprecates given range', t => { t.teardown(() => { npmFetchBody = null }) deprecate.exec(['foo@1.0.0', 'this version is deprecated'], (err) => { if (err) throw err t.match(npmFetchBody, { versions: { '1.0.0': { deprecated: 'this version is deprecated', }, '1.0.1': { // the undefined here is necessary to ensure that we absolutely // did not assign this property deprecated: undefined, }, }, }) t.end() }) }) test('deprecates all versions when no range is specified', t => { t.teardown(() => { npmFetchBody = null }) deprecate.exec(['foo', 'this version is deprecated'], (err) => { if (err) throw err t.match(npmFetchBody, { versions: { '1.0.0': { deprecated: 'this version is deprecated', }, '1.0.1': { deprecated: 'this version is deprecated', }, '1.0.1-pre': { deprecated: 'this version is deprecated', }, }, }) t.end() }) })