const { resolve } = require('path') const t = require('tap') const requireInject = require('require-inject') const noop = () => null let libnpmdiff = noop let rlp = () => 'foo' const defaultFlatOptions = { defaultTag: 'latest', diff: [], diffUnified: null, diffIgnoreAllSpace: false, diffNoPrefix: false, diffSrcPrefix: '', diffDstPrefix: '', diffText: false, prefix: '.', savePrefix: '^', } const npm = { globalDir: __dirname, flatOptions: { ...defaultFlatOptions }, get prefix () { return this.flatOptions.prefix }, } const mocks = { npmlog: { info: noop, verbose: noop }, libnpmdiff: (...args) => libnpmdiff(...args), 'npm-registry-fetch': async () => ({}), '../../lib/utils/output.js': noop, '../../lib/utils/read-local-package.js': async () => rlp(), '../../lib/utils/usage.js': () => 'usage instructions', } t.afterEach(cb => { npm.flatOptions = { ...defaultFlatOptions } libnpmdiff = noop rlp = () => 'foo' npm.globalDir = __dirname cb() }) const Diff = requireInject('../../lib/diff.js', mocks) const diff = new Diff(npm) t.test('no args', t => { t.test('in a project dir', t => { t.plan(3) const path = t.testdir({}) libnpmdiff = async ([a, b], opts) => { t.equal(a, 'foo@latest', 'should have default spec comparison') t.equal(b, `file:${path}`, 'should compare to cwd') t.match(opts, npm.flatOptions, 'should forward flat options') } npm.flatOptions.prefix = path diff.exec([], err => { if (err) throw err }) }) t.test('no args, missing package.json name in cwd', t => { rlp = () => undefined diff.exec([], err => { t.match( err, /Needs multiple arguments to compare or run from a project dir./, 'should throw EDIFF error msg' ) t.end() }) }) t.test('no args, missing package.json in cwd', t => { rlp = () => { throw new Error('ERR') } diff.exec([], err => { t.match( err, /Needs multiple arguments to compare or run from a project dir./, 'should throw EDIFF error msg' ) t.end() }) }) t.end() }) t.test('single arg', t => { t.test('spec using cwd package name', t => { t.plan(3) const path = t.testdir({}) libnpmdiff = async ([a, b], opts) => { t.equal(a, 'foo@1.0.0', 'should forward single spec') t.equal(b, `file:${path}`, 'should compare to cwd') t.match(opts, npm.flatOptions, 'should forward flat options') } npm.flatOptions.diff = ['foo@1.0.0'] npm.flatOptions.prefix = path diff.exec([], err => { if (err) throw err }) }) t.test('unknown spec, no package.json', t => { const path = t.testdir({}) rlp = () => { throw new Error('ERR') } npm.flatOptions.diff = ['foo@1.0.0'] npm.flatOptions.prefix = path diff.exec([], err => { t.match( err, /Needs multiple arguments to compare or run from a project dir./, 'should throw usage error' ) t.end() }) }) t.test('spec using semver range', t => { t.plan(3) const path = t.testdir({}) libnpmdiff = async ([a, b], opts) => { t.equal(a, 'foo@~1.0.0', 'should forward single spec') t.equal(b, `file:${path}`, 'should compare to cwd') t.match(opts, npm.flatOptions, 'should forward flat options') } npm.flatOptions.diff = ['foo@~1.0.0'] npm.flatOptions.prefix = path diff.exec([], err => { if (err) throw err }) }) t.test('version', t => { t.plan(3) const path = t.testdir({}) libnpmdiff = async ([a, b], opts) => { t.equal(a, 'foo@2.1.4', 'should convert to expected first spec') t.equal(b, `file:${path}`, 'should compare to cwd') t.match(opts, npm.flatOptions, 'should forward flat options') } npm.flatOptions.diff = ['2.1.4'] npm.flatOptions.prefix = path diff.exec([], err => { if (err) throw err }) }) t.test('version, no package.json', t => { rlp = () => { throw new Error('ERR') } npm.flatOptions.diff = ['2.1.4'] diff.exec([], err => { t.match( err, /Needs multiple arguments to compare or run from a project dir./, 'should throw an error message explaining usage' ) t.end() }) }) t.test('version, filtering by files', t => { t.plan(3) const path = t.testdir({}) libnpmdiff = async ([a, b], opts) => { t.equal(a, 'foo@2.1.4', 'should use expected spec') t.equal(b, `file:${path}`, 'should compare to cwd') t.match(opts, { ...npm.flatOptions, diffFiles: [ './foo.js', './bar.js', ], }, 'should forward flatOptions and diffFiles') } npm.flatOptions.diff = ['2.1.4'] npm.flatOptions.prefix = path diff.exec(['./foo.js', './bar.js'], err => { if (err) throw err }) }) t.test('spec is not a dep', t => { t.plan(2) const path = t.testdir({ node_modules: {}, 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'my-project', }), }) libnpmdiff = async ([a, b], opts) => { t.equal(a, 'bar@1.0.0', 'should have current spec') t.equal(b, `file:${path}`, 'should compare to cwd') } npm.flatOptions.diff = ['bar@1.0.0'] npm.flatOptions.prefix = path diff.exec([], err => { if (err) throw err }) }) t.test('unknown package name', t => { t.plan(3) const path = t.testdir({ 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'my-project', dependencies: { bar: '^1.0.0', }, }), }) libnpmdiff = async ([a, b], opts) => { t.equal(a, 'simple-output@latest', 'should forward single spec') t.equal(b, `file:${path}`, 'should compare to cwd') t.match(opts, npm.flatOptions, 'should forward flat options') } npm.flatOptions.diff = ['simple-output'] npm.flatOptions.prefix = path diff.exec([], err => { if (err) throw err }) }) t.test('unknown package name, no package.json', t => { const path = t.testdir({}) rlp = () => { throw new Error('ERR') } npm.flatOptions.diff = ['bar'] npm.flatOptions.prefix = path diff.exec([], err => { t.match( err, /Needs multiple arguments to compare or run from a project dir./, 'should throw usage error' ) t.end() }) }) t.test('transform single direct dep name into spec comparison', t => { t.plan(4) const path = t.testdir({ node_modules: { bar: { 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'bar', version: '1.0.0', }), }, }, 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'my-project', dependencies: { bar: '^1.0.0', }, }), }) npm.flatOptions.diff = ['bar'] npm.flatOptions.prefix = path const Diff = requireInject('../../lib/diff.js', { ...mocks, pacote: { packument: (spec) => { t.equal(, 'bar', 'should have expected spec name') }, }, 'npm-pick-manifest': (packument, target) => { t.equal(target, '^1.0.0', 'should use expected target') return { version: '1.8.10' } }, libnpmdiff: async ([a, b], opts) => { t.equal(a, `bar@file:${resolve(path, 'node_modules/bar')}`, 'should target local node_modules pkg') t.equal(b, 'bar@1.8.10', 'should have possible semver range spec') }, }) const diff = new Diff(npm) diff.exec([], err => { if (err) throw err }) }) t.test('global space, transform single direct dep name', t => { t.plan(4) const path = t.testdir({ globalDir: { lib: { node_modules: { lorem: { 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'lorem', version: '2.0.0', }), }, }, }, }, project: { node_modules: { bar: { 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'bar', version: '1.0.0', }), }, }, 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'my-project', dependencies: { bar: '^1.0.0', }, }), }, }) = true npm.flatOptions.diff = ['lorem'] npm.flatOptions.prefix = resolve(path, 'project') npm.globalDir = resolve(path, 'globalDir/lib/node_modules') const Diff = requireInject('../../lib/diff.js', { ...mocks, pacote: { packument: (spec) => { t.equal(, 'lorem', 'should have expected spec name') }, }, 'npm-pick-manifest': (packument, target) => { t.equal(target, '*', 'should always want latest in global space') return { version: '2.1.0' } }, libnpmdiff: async ([a, b], opts) => { t.equal(a, `lorem@file:${resolve(path, 'globalDir/lib/node_modules/lorem')}`, 'should target local node_modules pkg') t.equal(b, 'lorem@2.1.0', 'should have possible semver range spec') }, }) const diff = new Diff(npm) diff.exec([], err => { if (err) throw err }) }) t.test('transform single spec into spec comparison', t => { t.plan(2) const path = t.testdir({ node_modules: { bar: { 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'bar', version: '1.0.0', }), }, }, 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'my-project', dependencies: { bar: '^1.0.0', }, }), }) libnpmdiff = async ([a, b], opts) => { t.equal(a, `bar@file:${resolve(path, 'node_modules/bar')}`, 'should target local node_modules pkg') t.equal(b, 'bar@2.0.0', 'should have expected comparison spec') } npm.flatOptions.diff = ['bar@2.0.0'] npm.flatOptions.prefix = path diff.exec([], err => { if (err) throw err }) }) t.test('transform single spec from transitive deps', t => { t.plan(4) const path = t.testdir({ node_modules: { bar: { 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'bar', version: '1.0.0', dependencies: { lorem: '^2.0.0', }, }), }, lorem: { 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'lorem', version: '2.0.0', }), }, }, 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'my-project', dependencies: { bar: '^1.0.0', }, }), }) const Diff = requireInject('../../lib/diff.js', { ...mocks, '../../lib/utils/read-local-package.js': async () => 'my-project', pacote: { packument: (spec) => { t.equal(, 'lorem', 'should have expected spec name') }, }, 'npm-pick-manifest': (packument, target) => { t.equal(target, '^2.0.0', 'should target first semver-range spec found') return { version: '2.2.2' } }, libnpmdiff: async ([a, b], opts) => { t.equal(a, `lorem@file:${resolve(path, 'node_modules/lorem')}`, 'should target local node_modules pkg') t.equal(b, 'lorem@2.2.2', 'should have expected target spec') }, }) const diff = new Diff(npm) npm.flatOptions.diff = ['lorem'] npm.flatOptions.prefix = path diff.exec([], err => { if (err) throw err }) }) t.test('missing actual tree', t => { t.plan(2) const path = t.testdir({ 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'my-project', }), }) const Diff = requireInject('../../lib/diff.js', { ...mocks, '../../lib/utils/read-local-package.js': async () => 'my-project', '@npmcli/arborist': class { constructor () { throw new Error('ERR') } }, libnpmdiff: async ([a, b], opts) => { t.equal(a, 'lorem@latest', 'should target latest version of pkg name') t.equal(b, `file:${path}`, 'should target current cwd') }, }) const diff = new Diff(npm) npm.flatOptions.diff = ['lorem'] npm.flatOptions.prefix = path diff.exec([], err => { if (err) throw err }) }) t.test('unknown package name', t => { t.plan(2) const path = t.testdir({}) rlp = async () => undefined libnpmdiff = async ([a, b], opts) => { t.equal(a, 'bar@latest', 'should target latest tag of name') t.equal(b, `file:${path}`, 'should compare to cwd') } npm.flatOptions.diff = ['bar'] npm.flatOptions.prefix = path diff.exec([], err => { if (err) throw err }) }) t.test('use project name in project dir', t => { t.plan(2) const path = t.testdir({}) rlp = async () => 'my-project' libnpmdiff = async ([a, b], opts) => { t.equal(a, 'my-project@latest', 'should target latest tag of name') t.equal(b, `file:${path}`, 'should compare to cwd') } npm.flatOptions.diff = ['my-project'] npm.flatOptions.prefix = path diff.exec([], err => { if (err) throw err }) }) t.test('dir spec type', t => { t.plan(2) const path = t.testdir({}) rlp = async () => 'my-project' libnpmdiff = async ([a, b], opts) => { t.equal(a, 'file:/path/to/other-dir', 'should target dir') t.equal(b, `file:${path}`, 'should compare to cwd') } npm.flatOptions.diff = ['/path/to/other-dir'] npm.flatOptions.prefix = path diff.exec([], err => { if (err) throw err }) }) t.test('unsupported spec type', t => { rlp = async () => 'my-project' npm.flatOptions.diff = ['git+'] diff.exec([], err => { t.match( err, /Spec type not supported./, 'should throw spec type not supported error.' ) t.end() }) }) t.end() }) t.test('first arg is a qualified spec', t => { t.test('second arg is ALSO a qualified spec', t => { t.plan(3) libnpmdiff = async ([a, b], opts) => { t.equal(a, 'bar@1.0.0', 'should set expected first spec') t.equal(b, 'bar@^2.0.0', 'should set expected second spec') t.match(opts, npm.flatOptions, 'should forward flat options') } npm.flatOptions.diff = ['bar@1.0.0', 'bar@^2.0.0'] diff.exec([], err => { if (err) throw err }) }) t.test('second arg is a known dependency name', t => { t.plan(2) const path = t.testdir({ node_modules: { bar: { 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'bar', version: '1.0.0', }), }, }, 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'my-project', dependencies: { bar: '^1.0.0', }, }), }) rlp = async () => 'my-project' libnpmdiff = async ([a, b], opts) => { t.equal(a, 'bar@2.0.0', 'should set expected first spec') t.equal(b, `bar@file:${resolve(path, 'node_modules/bar')}`, 'should target local node_modules pkg') } npm.flatOptions.prefix = path npm.flatOptions.diff = ['bar@2.0.0', 'bar'] diff.exec([], err => { if (err) throw err }) }) t.test('second arg is a valid semver version', t => { t.plan(2) npm.flatOptions.diff = ['bar@1.0.0', '2.0.0'] libnpmdiff = async ([a, b], opts) => { t.equal(a, 'bar@1.0.0', 'should set expected first spec') t.equal(b, 'bar@2.0.0', 'should use name from first arg') } diff.exec([], err => { if (err) throw err }) }) t.test('second arg is an unknown dependency name', t => { t.plan(2) libnpmdiff = async ([a, b], opts) => { t.equal(a, 'bar@1.0.0', 'should set expected first spec') t.equal(b, 'bar-fork@latest', 'should target latest tag if not a dep') } npm.flatOptions.diff = ['bar@1.0.0', 'bar-fork'] diff.exec([], err => { if (err) throw err }) }) t.end() }) t.test('first arg is a known dependency name', t => { t.test('second arg is a qualified spec', t => { t.plan(2) const path = t.testdir({ node_modules: { bar: { 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'bar', version: '1.0.0', }), }, }, 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'my-project', dependencies: { bar: '^1.0.0', }, }), }) rlp = async () => 'my-project' libnpmdiff = async ([a, b], opts) => { t.equal(a, `bar@file:${resolve(path, 'node_modules/bar')}`, 'should target local node_modules pkg') t.equal(b, 'bar@2.0.0', 'should set expected second spec') } npm.flatOptions.prefix = path npm.flatOptions.diff = ['bar', 'bar@2.0.0'] diff.exec([], err => { if (err) throw err }) }) t.test('second arg is ALSO a known dependency', t => { t.plan(2) const path = t.testdir({ node_modules: { bar: { 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'bar', version: '1.0.0', }), }, 'bar-fork': { 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'bar-fork', version: '1.0.0', }), }, }, 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'my-project', dependencies: { bar: '^1.0.0', }, }), }) rlp = async () => 'my-project' libnpmdiff = async ([a, b], opts) => { t.equal(a, `bar@file:${resolve(path, 'node_modules/bar')}`, 'should target local node_modules pkg') t.equal(b, `bar-fork@file:${resolve(path, 'node_modules/bar-fork')}`, 'should target fork local node_modules pkg') } npm.flatOptions.prefix = path npm.flatOptions.diff = ['bar', 'bar-fork'] diff.exec([], err => { if (err) throw err }) }) t.test('second arg is a valid semver version', t => { t.plan(2) const path = t.testdir({ node_modules: { bar: { 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'bar', version: '1.0.0', }), }, }, 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'my-project', dependencies: { bar: '^1.0.0', }, }), }) rlp = async () => 'my-project' libnpmdiff = async ([a, b], opts) => { t.equal(a, `bar@file:${resolve(path, 'node_modules/bar')}`, 'should target local node_modules pkg') t.equal(b, 'bar@2.0.0', 'should use package name from first arg') } npm.flatOptions.prefix = path npm.flatOptions.diff = ['bar', '2.0.0'] diff.exec([], err => { if (err) throw err }) }) t.test('second arg is an unknown dependency name', t => { t.plan(2) const path = t.testdir({ node_modules: { bar: { 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'bar', version: '1.0.0', }), }, }, 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'my-project', dependencies: { bar: '^1.0.0', }, }), }) rlp = async () => 'my-project' libnpmdiff = async ([a, b], opts) => { t.equal(a, `bar@file:${resolve(path, 'node_modules/bar')}`, 'should target local node_modules pkg') t.equal(b, 'bar-fork@latest', 'should set expected second spec') } npm.flatOptions.prefix = path npm.flatOptions.diff = ['bar', 'bar-fork'] diff.exec([], err => { if (err) throw err }) }) t.end() }) t.test('first arg is a valid semver range', t => { t.test('second arg is a qualified spec', t => { t.plan(2) npm.flatOptions.diff = ['1.0.0', 'bar@2.0.0'] libnpmdiff = async ([a, b], opts) => { t.equal(a, 'bar@1.0.0', 'should use name from second arg') t.equal(b, 'bar@2.0.0', 'should use expected spec') } diff.exec([], err => { if (err) throw err }) }) t.test('second arg is a known dependency', t => { t.plan(2) const path = t.testdir({ node_modules: { bar: { 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'bar', version: '2.0.0', }), }, }, 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'my-project', dependencies: { bar: '^1.0.0', }, }), }) rlp = async () => 'my-project' libnpmdiff = async ([a, b], opts) => { t.equal(a, 'bar@1.0.0', 'should use name from second arg') t.equal(b, `bar@file:${resolve(path, 'node_modules/bar')}`, 'should set expected second spec from nm') } npm.flatOptions.prefix = path npm.flatOptions.diff = ['1.0.0', 'bar'] diff.exec([], err => { if (err) throw err }) }) t.test('second arg is ALSO a semver version', t => { t.plan(2) rlp = async () => 'my-project' libnpmdiff = async ([a, b], opts) => { t.equal(a, 'my-project@1.0.0', 'should use name from project dir') t.equal(b, 'my-project@2.0.0', 'should use name from project dir') } npm.flatOptions.diff = ['1.0.0', '2.0.0'] diff.exec([], err => { if (err) throw err }) }) t.test('second arg is ALSO a semver version BUT cwd not a project dir', t => { const path = t.testdir({}) rlp = () => { throw new Error('ERR') } npm.flatOptions.diff = ['1.0.0', '2.0.0'] npm.flatOptions.prefix = path diff.exec([], err => { t.match( err, /Needs to be run from a project dir in order to diff two versions./, 'should throw two versions need project dir error usage msg' ) t.end() }) }) t.test('second arg is an unknown dependency name', t => { t.plan(2) rlp = async () => 'my-project' libnpmdiff = async ([a, b], opts) => { t.equal(a, 'bar@1.0.0', 'should use name from second arg') t.equal(b, 'bar@latest', 'should compare against latest tag') } npm.flatOptions.diff = ['1.0.0', 'bar'] diff.exec([], err => { if (err) throw err }) }) t.test('second arg is a qualified spec, missing actual tree', t => { t.plan(2) const path = t.testdir({ 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'my-project', }), }) const Diff = requireInject('../../lib/diff.js', { ...mocks, '../../lib/utils/read-local-package.js': async () => 'my-project', '@npmcli/arborist': class { constructor () { throw new Error('ERR') } }, libnpmdiff: async ([a, b], opts) => { t.equal(a, 'lorem@1.0.0', 'should target latest version of pkg name') t.equal(b, 'lorem@2.0.0', 'should target expected spec') }, }) const diff = new Diff(npm) npm.flatOptions.diff = ['1.0.0', 'lorem@2.0.0'] npm.flatOptions.prefix = path diff.exec([], err => { if (err) throw err }) }) t.end() }) t.test('first arg is an unknown dependency name', t => { t.test('second arg is a qualified spec', t => { t.plan(3) libnpmdiff = async ([a, b], opts) => { t.equal(a, 'bar@latest', 'should set expected first spec') t.equal(b, 'bar@2.0.0', 'should set expected second spec') t.match(opts, npm.flatOptions, 'should forward flat options') } npm.flatOptions.diff = ['bar', 'bar@2.0.0'] diff.exec([], err => { if (err) throw err }) }) t.test('second arg is a known dependency', t => { t.plan(2) const path = t.testdir({ node_modules: { bar: { 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'bar', version: '2.0.0', }), }, }, 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'my-project', dependencies: { bar: '^1.0.0', }, }), }) rlp = async () => 'my-project' libnpmdiff = async ([a, b], opts) => { t.equal(a, 'bar-fork@latest', 'should use latest tag') t.equal(b, `bar@file:${resolve(path, 'node_modules/bar')}`, 'should target local node_modules pkg') } npm.flatOptions.prefix = path npm.flatOptions.diff = ['bar-fork', 'bar'] diff.exec([], err => { if (err) throw err }) }) t.test('second arg is a valid semver version', t => { t.plan(2) libnpmdiff = async ([a, b], opts) => { t.equal(a, 'bar@latest', 'should use latest tag') t.equal(b, 'bar@^1.0.0', 'should use name from first arg') } npm.flatOptions.diff = ['bar', '^1.0.0'] diff.exec([], err => { if (err) throw err }) }) t.test('second arg is ALSO an unknown dependency name', t => { t.plan(2) libnpmdiff = async ([a, b], opts) => { t.equal(a, 'bar@latest', 'should use latest tag') t.equal(b, 'bar-fork@latest', 'should use latest tag') } npm.flatOptions.diff = ['bar', 'bar-fork'] diff.exec([], err => { if (err) throw err }) }) t.test('cwd not a project dir', t => { t.plan(2) const path = t.testdir({}) rlp = () => { throw new Error('ERR') } libnpmdiff = async ([a, b], opts) => { t.equal(a, 'bar@latest', 'should use latest tag') t.equal(b, 'bar-fork@latest', 'should use latest tag') } npm.flatOptions.diff = ['bar', 'bar-fork'] npm.flatOptions.prefix = path diff.exec([], err => { if (err) throw err }) }) t.end() }) t.test('various options', t => { t.test('using --name-only option', t => { t.plan(1) npm.flatOptions.diffNameOnly = true libnpmdiff = async ([a, b], opts) => { t.match(opts, { ...npm.flatOptions, diffNameOnly: true, }, 'should forward nameOnly=true option') } diff.exec([], err => { if (err) throw err }) }) t.test('set files after both versions', t => { t.plan(3) npm.flatOptions.diff = ['2.1.4', '3.0.0'] libnpmdiff = async ([a, b], opts) => { t.equal(a, 'foo@2.1.4', 'should use expected spec') t.equal(b, 'foo@3.0.0', 'should use expected spec') t.match(opts, { ...npm.flatOptions, diffFiles: [ './foo.js', './bar.js', ], }, 'should forward diffFiles values') } diff.exec(['./foo.js', './bar.js'], err => { if (err) throw err }) }) t.test('set files no diff args', t => { t.plan(3) const path = t.testdir({}) rlp = async () => 'my-project' libnpmdiff = async ([a, b], opts) => { t.equal(a, 'my-project@latest', 'should have default spec') t.equal(b, `file:${path}`, 'should compare to cwd') t.match(opts, { ...npm.flatOptions, diffFiles: [ './foo.js', './bar.js', ], }, 'should forward all remaining items as filenames') } npm.flatOptions.prefix = path diff.exec(['./foo.js', './bar.js'], err => { if (err) throw err }) }) t.test('using diff option', t => { t.plan(1) npm.flatOptions.diffContext = 5 npm.flatOptions.diffIgnoreWhitespace = true npm.flatOptions.diffNoPrefix = false npm.flatOptions.diffSrcPrefix = 'foo/' npm.flatOptions.diffDstPrefix = 'bar/' npm.flatOptions.diffText = true libnpmdiff = async ([a, b], opts) => { t.match(opts, { ...npm.flatOptions, diffContext: 5, diffIgnoreWhitespace: true, diffNoPrefix: false, diffSrcPrefix: 'foo/', diffDstPrefix: 'bar/', diffText: true, }, 'should forward diff options') } diff.exec([], err => { if (err) throw err }) }) t.end() }) t.test('too many args', t => { npm.flatOptions.diff = ['a', 'b', 'c'] diff.exec([], err => { t.match( err, /Can't use more than two --diff arguments./, 'should throw usage error' ) t.end() }) })