const { test } = require('tap') const requireInject = require('require-inject') const { join } = require('path') const fs = require('fs') const ansiTrim = require('../../lib/utils/ansi-trim.js') const isWindows = require('../../lib/utils/is-windows.js') // getuid and getgid do not exist in windows, so we shim them // to return 0, as that is the value that lstat will assign the // gid and uid properties for fs.Stats objects if (isWindows) { process.getuid = () => 0 process.getgid = () => 0 } const output = [] let pingError const ping = async () => { if (pingError) throw pingError } let whichError = null const which = async () => { if (whichError) throw whichError return '/path/to/git' } const nodeVersions = [ { version: 'v14.0.0', lts: false }, { version: 'v13.0.0', lts: false }, // it's necessary to allow tests in node 10.x to not mark 12.x as lts { version: 'v12.0.0', lts: false }, { version: 'v10.13.0', lts: 'Dubnium' }, ] const fetch = async () => { return { json: async () => { return nodeVersions }, } } const logs = { info: [], } const clearLogs = (obj = logs) => { output.length = 0 for (const key in obj) { if (Array.isArray(obj[key])) obj[key].length = 0 else delete obj[key] } } const npm = { flatOptions: { registry: '', }, log: { info: (msg) => { }, newItem: (name) => { logs[name] = {} return { info: (_, msg) => { if (!logs[name].info) logs[name].info = [] logs[name].info.push(msg) }, warn: (_, msg) => { if (!logs[name].warn) logs[name].warn = [] logs[name].warn.push(msg) }, error: (_, msg) => { if (!logs[name].error) logs[name].error = [] logs[name].error.push(msg) }, silly: (_, msg) => { if (!logs[name].silly) logs[name].silly = [] logs[name].silly.push(msg) }, completeWork: () => {}, finish: () => { logs[name].finished = true }, } }, level: 'error', levels: { info: 1, error: 0, }, }, version: '7.1.0', } let latestNpm = npm.version const pacote = { manifest: async () => { return { version: latestNpm } }, } let verifyResponse = { verifiedCount: 1, verifiedContent: 1 } const cacache = { verify: async () => { return verifyResponse }, } const Doctor = requireInject('../../lib/doctor.js', { '../../lib/utils/is-windows.js': false, '../../lib/utils/ping.js': ping, '../../lib/utils/output.js': (data) => { output.push(data) }, cacache, pacote, 'make-fetch-happen': fetch, which, }) const doctor = new Doctor(npm) const origVersion = process.version test('node versions', t => { t.plan(nodeVersions.length) nodeVersions.forEach(({ version }) => { t.test(`${version}:`, vt => { Object.defineProperty(process, 'version', { value: version }) vt.teardown(() => { Object.defineProperty(process, 'version', { value: origVersion }) }) vt.test(`${version}: npm doctor checks ok`, st => { const dir = st.testdir() npm.cache = npm.flatOptions.cache = dir npm.localDir = dir npm.globalDir = dir npm.localBin = dir npm.globalBin = dir st.teardown(() => { delete npm.cache delete npm.flatOptions.cache delete npm.localDir delete npm.globalDir delete npm.localBin delete npm.globalBin clearLogs() }) doctor.exec([], (err) => { if (err) { return st.end() } st.match(logs, { checkPing: { finished: true }, getLatestNpmVersion: { finished: true }, getLatestNodejsVersion: { finished: true }, getGitPath: { finished: true }, [dir]: { finished: true }, verifyCachedFiles: { finished: true }, }, 'trackers all finished') st.match(output, /npm ping\s*ok/, 'ping output is ok') st.match(output, /npm -v\s*ok/, 'npm -v output is ok') st.match(output, /node -v\s*ok/, 'node -v output is ok') st.match(output, /npm config get registry\s*ok\s*using default/, 'npm config get registry output is ok') st.match(output, /which git\s*ok/, 'which git output is ok') st.match(output, /cached files\s*ok/, 'cached files are ok') st.match(output, /local node_modules\s*ok/, 'local node_modules are ok') st.match(output, /global node_modules\s*ok/, 'global node_modules are ok') st.match(output, /local bin folder\s*ok/, 'local bin is ok') st.match(output, /global bin folder\s*ok/, 'global bin is ok') st.match(output, /cache contents\s*ok/, 'cache contents is ok') st.end() }) }) vt.test('npm doctor supports silent', st => { const dir = st.testdir() npm.cache = npm.flatOptions.cache = dir npm.localDir = dir npm.globalDir = dir npm.localBin = dir npm.globalBin = dir npm.log.level = 'info' st.teardown(() => { delete npm.cache delete npm.flatOptions.cache delete npm.localDir delete npm.globalDir delete npm.localBin delete npm.globalBin npm.log.level = 'error' clearLogs() }) doctor.exec([], (err) => { if (err) { return st.end() } st.match(logs, { checkPing: { finished: true }, getLatestNpmVersion: { finished: true }, getLatestNodejsVersion: { finished: true }, getGitPath: { finished: true }, [dir]: { finished: true }, verifyCachedFiles: { finished: true }, }, 'trackers all finished') st.strictSame(output, [], 'did not print output') st.end() }) }) vt.test('npm doctor supports color', st => { const dir = st.testdir() npm.cache = npm.flatOptions.cache = dir npm.localDir = dir npm.globalDir = dir npm.localBin = dir npm.globalBin = dir npm.color = true pingError = { message: 'generic error' } const _consoleError = console.error console.error = () => {} st.teardown(() => { delete npm.cache delete npm.flatOptions.cache delete npm.localDir delete npm.globalDir delete npm.localBin delete npm.globalBin delete npm.color pingError = null console.error = _consoleError clearLogs() }) doctor.exec([], (err) => { st.match(err, /Some problems found/, 'detected the ping error') st.match(logs, { checkPing: { finished: true }, getLatestNpmVersion: { finished: true }, getLatestNodejsVersion: { finished: true }, getGitPath: { finished: true }, [dir]: { finished: true }, verifyCachedFiles: { finished: true }, }, 'trackers all finished') st.match(output, /npm ping.*not ok/, 'ping output is ok') st.match(output, /npm -v.*ok/, 'npm -v output is ok') st.match(output, /node -v.*ok/, 'node -v output is ok') st.match(output, /npm config get registry.*ok.*using default/, 'npm config get registry output is ok') st.match(output, /which git.*ok/, 'which git output is ok') st.match(output, /cached files.*ok/, 'cached files are ok') st.match(output, /local node_modules.*ok/, 'local node_modules are ok') st.match(output, /global node_modules.*ok/, 'global node_modules are ok') st.match(output, /local bin folder.*ok/, 'local bin is ok') st.match(output, /global bin folder.*ok/, 'global bin is ok') st.match(output, /cache contents.*ok/, 'cache contents is ok') st.notEqual(output[0], ansiTrim(output[0]), 'output should contain color codes') st.end() }) }) vt.test('npm doctor skips some tests in windows', st => { const WinDoctor = requireInject('../../lib/doctor.js', { '../../lib/utils/is-windows.js': true, '../../lib/utils/ping.js': ping, '../../lib/utils/output.js': (data) => { output.push(data) }, cacache, pacote, 'make-fetch-happen': fetch, which, }) const winDoctor = new WinDoctor(npm) const dir = st.testdir() npm.cache = npm.flatOptions.cache = dir npm.localDir = dir npm.globalDir = dir npm.localBin = dir npm.globalBin = dir st.teardown(() => { delete npm.cache delete npm.flatOptions.cache delete npm.localDir delete npm.globalDir delete npm.localBin delete npm.globalBin clearLogs() }) winDoctor.exec([], (err) => { if (err) { return st.end() } st.match(logs, { checkPing: { finished: true }, getLatestNpmVersion: { finished: true }, getLatestNodejsVersion: { finished: true }, getGitPath: { finished: true }, [dir]: undefined, verifyCachedFiles: { finished: true }, }, 'trackers all finished') st.match(output, /npm ping\s*ok/, 'ping output is ok') st.match(output, /npm -v\s*ok/, 'npm -v output is ok') st.match(output, /node -v\s*ok/, 'node -v output is ok') st.match(output, /npm config get registry\s*ok\s*using default/, 'npm config get registry output is ok') st.match(output, /which git\s*ok/, 'which git output is ok') st.match(output, /cache contents\s*ok/, 'cache contents is ok') st.end() }) }) vt.test('npm doctor ping error E{3}', st => { const dir = st.testdir() npm.cache = npm.flatOptions.cache = dir npm.localDir = dir npm.globalDir = dir npm.localBin = dir npm.globalBin = dir pingError = { code: 'E111', message: 'this error is 111' } const consoleError = console.error // we just print an empty line here, so swallow it and ignore console.error = () => {} st.teardown(() => { delete npm.cache delete npm.flatOptions.cache delete npm.localDir delete npm.globalDir delete npm.localBin delete npm.globalBin pingError = null console.error = consoleError clearLogs() }) doctor.exec([], (err) => { st.match(err, /Some problems found/, 'detected the ping error') st.match(logs, { checkPing: { finished: true }, getLatestNpmVersion: { finished: true }, getLatestNodejsVersion: { finished: true }, getGitPath: { finished: true }, [dir]: { finished: true }, verifyCachedFiles: { finished: true }, }, 'trackers all finished') st.match(output, /npm ping\s*not ok\s*111 this error is 111/, 'ping output contains trimmed error') st.match(output, /npm -v\s*ok/, 'npm -v output is ok') st.match(output, /node -v\s*ok/, 'node -v output is ok') st.match(output, /npm config get registry\s*ok\s*using default/, 'npm config get registry output is ok') st.match(output, /which git\s*ok/, 'which git output is ok') st.match(output, /cached files\s*ok/, 'cached files are ok') st.match(output, /local node_modules\s*ok/, 'local node_modules are ok') st.match(output, /global node_modules\s*ok/, 'global node_modules are ok') st.match(output, /local bin folder\s*ok/, 'local bin is ok') st.match(output, /global bin folder\s*ok/, 'global bin is ok') st.match(output, /cache contents\s*ok/, 'cache contents is ok') st.end() }) }) vt.test('npm doctor generic ping error', st => { const dir = st.testdir() npm.cache = npm.flatOptions.cache = dir npm.localDir = dir npm.globalDir = dir npm.localBin = dir npm.globalBin = dir pingError = { message: 'generic error' } const consoleError = console.error // we just print an empty line here, so swallow it and ignore console.error = () => {} st.teardown(() => { delete npm.cache delete npm.flatOptions.cache delete npm.localDir delete npm.globalDir delete npm.localBin delete npm.globalBin pingError = null console.error = consoleError clearLogs() }) doctor.exec([], (err) => { st.match(err, /Some problems found/, 'detected the ping error') st.match(logs, { checkPing: { finished: true }, getLatestNpmVersion: { finished: true }, getLatestNodejsVersion: { finished: true }, getGitPath: { finished: true }, [dir]: { finished: true }, verifyCachedFiles: { finished: true }, }, 'trackers all finished') st.match(output, /npm ping\s*not ok\s*generic error/, 'ping output contains trimmed error') st.match(output, /npm -v\s*ok/, 'npm -v output is ok') st.match(output, /node -v\s*ok/, 'node -v output is ok') st.match(output, /npm config get registry\s*ok\s*using default/, 'npm config get registry output is ok') st.match(output, /which git\s*ok/, 'which git output is ok') st.match(output, /cached files\s*ok/, 'cached files are ok') st.match(output, /local node_modules\s*ok/, 'local node_modules are ok') st.match(output, /global node_modules\s*ok/, 'global node_modules are ok') st.match(output, /local bin folder\s*ok/, 'local bin is ok') st.match(output, /global bin folder\s*ok/, 'global bin is ok') st.match(output, /cache contents\s*ok/, 'cache contents is ok') st.end() }) }) vt.test('npm doctor outdated npm version', st => { const dir = st.testdir() npm.cache = npm.flatOptions.cache = dir npm.localDir = dir npm.globalDir = dir npm.localBin = dir npm.globalBin = dir latestNpm = '7.1.1' const consoleError = console.error // we just print an empty line here, so swallow it and ignore console.error = () => {} st.teardown(() => { delete npm.cache delete npm.flatOptions.cache delete npm.localDir delete npm.globalDir delete npm.localBin delete npm.globalBin latestNpm = npm.version console.error = consoleError clearLogs() }) doctor.exec([], (err) => { st.match(err, /Some problems found/, 'detected the out of date npm') st.match(logs, { checkPing: { finished: true }, getLatestNpmVersion: { finished: true }, getLatestNodejsVersion: { finished: true }, getGitPath: { finished: true }, [dir]: { finished: true }, verifyCachedFiles: { finished: true }, }, 'trackers all finished') st.match(output, /npm ping\s*ok/, 'ping output is ok') st.match(output, /npm -v\s*not ok/, 'npm -v output is not ok') st.match(output, /node -v\s*ok/, 'node -v output is ok') st.match(output, /npm config get registry\s*ok\s*using default/, 'npm config get registry output is ok') st.match(output, /which git\s*ok/, 'which git output is ok') st.match(output, /cached files\s*ok/, 'cached files are ok') st.match(output, /local node_modules\s*ok/, 'local node_modules are ok') st.match(output, /global node_modules\s*ok/, 'global node_modules are ok') st.match(output, /local bin folder\s*ok/, 'local bin is ok') st.match(output, /global bin folder\s*ok/, 'global bin is ok') st.match(output, /cache contents\s*ok/, 'cache contents is ok') st.end() }) }) vt.test('npm doctor file permission checks', st => { const dir = st.testdir({ cache: { one: 'one', link: st.fixture('symlink', './baddir'), unreadable: 'unreadable', baddir: {}, }, local: { two: 'two', notmine: 'notmine', }, global: { three: 'three', broken: 'broken', }, localBin: { four: 'four', five: 'five', }, globalBin: { six: 'six', seven: 'seven', }, }) const _fsLstat = fs.lstat fs.lstat = (p, cb) => { let err = null let stat = null try { stat = fs.lstatSync(p) } catch (err) { return cb(err) } switch (p) { case join(dir, 'local', 'notmine'): stat.uid += 1 stat.gid += 1 break case join(dir, 'global', 'broken'): err = new Error('broken') break } return cb(err, stat) } const _fsReaddir = fs.readdir fs.readdir = (p, cb) => { let err = null let result = null try { result = fs.readdirSync(p) } catch (err) { return cb(err) } if (p === join(dir, 'cache', 'baddir')) err = new Error('broken') return cb(err, result) } const _fsAccess = fs.access fs.access = (p, mask, cb) => { const err = new Error('failed') switch (p) { case join(dir, 'cache', 'unreadable'): case join(dir, 'localBin', 'four'): case join(dir, 'globalBin', 'six'): return cb(err) default: return cb(null) } } const Doctor = requireInject('../../lib/doctor.js', { '../../lib/utils/is-windows.js': false, '../../lib/utils/ping.js': ping, '../../lib/utils/output.js': (data) => { output.push(data) }, cacache, pacote, 'make-fetch-happen': fetch, which, fs, }) const doctor = new Doctor(npm) // it's necessary to allow tests in node 10.x to not mark 12.x as lted npm.cache = npm.flatOptions.cache = join(dir, 'cache') npm.localDir = join(dir, 'local') npm.globalDir = join(dir, 'global') npm.localBin = join(dir, 'localBin') npm.globalBin = join(dir, 'globalBin') const _consoleError = console.error console.error = () => {} st.teardown(() => { delete npm.cache delete npm.flatOptions.cache delete npm.localDir delete npm.globalDir delete npm.localBin delete npm.globalBin console.error = _consoleError fs.lstat = _fsLstat fs.readdir = _fsReaddir fs.access = _fsAccess clearLogs() }) doctor.exec([], (err) => { st.match(err, /Some problems found/, 'identified problems') st.match(logs, { checkPing: { finished: true }, getLatestNpmVersion: { finished: true }, getLatestNodejsVersion: { finished: true }, getGitPath: { finished: true }, [join(dir, 'cache')]: { finished: true }, [join(dir, 'local')]: { finished: true }, [join(dir, 'global')]: { finished: true }, [join(dir, 'localBin')]: { finished: true }, [join(dir, 'globalBin')]: { finished: true }, verifyCachedFiles: { finished: true }, }, 'trackers all finished') st.match(output, /npm ping\s*ok/, 'ping output is ok') st.match(output, /npm -v\s*ok/, 'npm -v output is ok') st.match(output, /node -v\s*ok/, 'node -v output is ok') st.match(output, /npm config get registry\s*ok\s*using default/, 'npm config get registry output is ok') st.match(output, /which git\s*ok/, 'which git output is ok') st.match(output, /cached files\s*not ok/, 'cached files are not ok') st.match(output, /local node_modules\s*not ok/, 'local node_modules are not ok') st.match(output, /global node_modules\s*not ok/, 'global node_modules are not ok') st.match(output, /local bin folder\s*not ok/, 'local bin is not ok') st.match(output, /global bin folder\s*not ok/, 'global bin is not ok') st.match(output, /cache contents\s*ok/, 'cache contents is ok') st.end() }) }) vt.test('npm doctor missing git', st => { const dir = st.testdir() npm.cache = npm.flatOptions.cache = dir npm.localDir = dir npm.globalDir = dir npm.localBin = dir npm.globalBin = dir whichError = new Error('boom') const consoleError = console.error // we just print an empty line here, so swallow it and ignore console.error = () => {} st.teardown(() => { delete npm.cache delete npm.flatOptions.cache delete npm.localDir delete npm.globalDir delete npm.localBin delete npm.globalBin whichError = null console.error = consoleError clearLogs() }) doctor.exec([], (err) => { st.match(err, /Some problems found/, 'detected the missing git') st.match(logs, { checkPing: { finished: true }, getLatestNpmVersion: { finished: true }, getLatestNodejsVersion: { finished: true }, getGitPath: { finished: true }, [dir]: { finished: true }, verifyCachedFiles: { finished: true }, }, 'trackers all finished') st.match(output, /npm ping\s*ok/, 'ping output is ok') st.match(output, /npm -v\s*ok/, 'npm -v output is ok') st.match(output, /node -v\s*ok/, 'node -v output is ok') st.match(output, /npm config get registry\s*ok\s*using default/, 'npm config get registry output is ok') st.match(output, /which git\s*not ok/, 'which git output is not ok') st.match(output, /cached files\s*ok/, 'cached files are ok') st.match(output, /local node_modules\s*ok/, 'local node_modules are ok') st.match(output, /global node_modules\s*ok/, 'global node_modules are ok') st.match(output, /local bin folder\s*ok/, 'local bin is ok') st.match(output, /global bin folder\s*ok/, 'global bin is ok') st.match(output, /cache contents\s*ok/, 'cache contents is ok') st.end() }) }) vt.test('npm doctor cache verification showed bad content', st => { const dir = st.testdir() npm.cache = npm.flatOptions.cache = dir npm.localDir = dir npm.globalDir = dir npm.localBin = dir npm.globalBin = dir const _verifyResponse = verifyResponse verifyResponse = { ...verifyResponse, badContentCount: 1, } const consoleError = console.error // we just print an empty line here, so swallow it and ignore console.error = () => {} st.teardown(() => { delete npm.cache delete npm.flatOptions.cache delete npm.localDir delete npm.globalDir delete npm.localBin delete npm.globalBin verifyResponse = _verifyResponse console.error = consoleError clearLogs() }) doctor.exec([], (err) => { // cache verification problems get fixed and so do not throw an error if (err) { return st.end() } st.match(logs, { checkPing: { finished: true }, getLatestNpmVersion: { finished: true }, getLatestNodejsVersion: { finished: true }, getGitPath: { finished: true }, [dir]: { finished: true }, verifyCachedFiles: { finished: true }, }, 'trackers all finished') st.match(output, /npm ping\s*ok/, 'ping output is ok') st.match(output, /npm -v\s*ok/, 'npm -v output is ok') st.match(output, /node -v\s*ok/, 'node -v output is ok') st.match(output, /npm config get registry\s*ok\s*using default/, 'npm config get registry output is ok') st.match(output, /which git\s*ok/, 'which git output is ok') st.match(output, /cached files\s*ok/, 'cached files are ok') st.match(output, /local node_modules\s*ok/, 'local node_modules are ok') st.match(output, /global node_modules\s*ok/, 'global node_modules are ok') st.match(output, /local bin folder\s*ok/, 'local bin is ok') st.match(output, /global bin folder\s*ok/, 'global bin is ok') st.match(output, /cache contents\s*ok/, 'cache contents is not ok') st.end() }) }) vt.test('npm doctor cache verification showed reclaimed content', st => { const dir = st.testdir() npm.cache = npm.flatOptions.cache = dir npm.localDir = dir npm.globalDir = dir npm.localBin = dir npm.globalBin = dir const _verifyResponse = verifyResponse verifyResponse = { ...verifyResponse, reclaimedCount: 1, reclaimedSize: 100, } const consoleError = console.error // we just print an empty line here, so swallow it and ignore console.error = () => {} st.teardown(() => { delete npm.cache delete npm.flatOptions.cache delete npm.localDir delete npm.globalDir delete npm.localBin delete npm.globalBin verifyResponse = _verifyResponse console.error = consoleError clearLogs() }) doctor.exec([], (err) => { // cache verification problems get fixed and so do not throw an error if (err) { return st.end() } st.match(logs, { checkPing: { finished: true }, getLatestNpmVersion: { finished: true }, getLatestNodejsVersion: { finished: true }, getGitPath: { finished: true }, [dir]: { finished: true }, verifyCachedFiles: { finished: true }, }, 'trackers all finished') st.match(output, /npm ping\s*ok/, 'ping output is ok') st.match(output, /npm -v\s*ok/, 'npm -v output is ok') st.match(output, /node -v\s*ok/, 'node -v output is ok') st.match(output, /npm config get registry\s*ok\s*using default/, 'npm config get registry output is ok') st.match(output, /which git\s*ok/, 'which git output is ok') st.match(output, /cached files\s*ok/, 'cached files are ok') st.match(output, /local node_modules\s*ok/, 'local node_modules are ok') st.match(output, /global node_modules\s*ok/, 'global node_modules are ok') st.match(output, /local bin folder\s*ok/, 'local bin is ok') st.match(output, /global bin folder\s*ok/, 'global bin is ok') st.match(output, /cache contents\s*ok/, 'cache contents is not ok') st.end() }) }) vt.test('npm doctor cache verification showed missing content', st => { const dir = t.testdir() npm.cache = npm.flatOptions.cache = dir npm.localDir = dir npm.globalDir = dir npm.localBin = dir npm.globalBin = dir const _verifyResponse = verifyResponse verifyResponse = { ...verifyResponse, missingContent: 1, } const consoleError = console.error // we just print an empty line here, so swallow it and ignore console.error = () => {} st.teardown(() => { delete npm.cache delete npm.flatOptions.cache delete npm.localDir delete npm.globalDir delete npm.localBin delete npm.globalBin verifyResponse = _verifyResponse console.error = consoleError clearLogs() }) doctor.exec([], (err) => { // cache verification problems get fixed and so do not throw an error if (err) { return st.end() } st.match(logs, { checkPing: { finished: true }, getLatestNpmVersion: { finished: true }, getLatestNodejsVersion: { finished: true }, getGitPath: { finished: true }, [dir]: { finished: true }, verifyCachedFiles: { finished: true }, }, 'trackers all finished') st.match(output, /npm ping\s*ok/, 'ping output is ok') st.match(output, /npm -v\s*ok/, 'npm -v output is ok') st.match(output, /node -v\s*ok/, 'node -v output is ok') st.match(output, /npm config get registry\s*ok\s*using default/, 'npm config get registry output is ok') st.match(output, /which git\s*ok/, 'which git output is ok') st.match(output, /cached files\s*ok/, 'cached files are ok') st.match(output, /local node_modules\s*ok/, 'local node_modules are ok') st.match(output, /global node_modules\s*ok/, 'global node_modules are ok') st.match(output, /local bin folder\s*ok/, 'local bin is ok') st.match(output, /global bin folder\s*ok/, 'global bin is ok') st.match(output, /cache contents\s*ok/, 'cache contents is not ok') st.end() }) }) vt.test('npm doctor not using default registry', st => { const dir = st.testdir() npm.cache = npm.flatOptions.cache = dir npm.localDir = dir npm.globalDir = dir npm.localBin = dir npm.globalBin = dir const _currentRegistry = npm.flatOptions.registry npm.flatOptions.registry = '' const consoleError = console.error // we just print an empty line here, so swallow it and ignore console.error = () => {} st.teardown(() => { delete npm.cache delete npm.flatOptions.cache delete npm.localDir delete npm.globalDir delete npm.localBin delete npm.globalBin npm.flatOptions.registry = _currentRegistry console.error = consoleError clearLogs() }) doctor.exec([], (err) => { // cache verification problems get fixed and so do not throw an error st.match(err, /Some problems found/, 'detected the non-default registry') st.match(logs, { checkPing: { finished: true }, getLatestNpmVersion: { finished: true }, getLatestNodejsVersion: { finished: true }, getGitPath: { finished: true }, [dir]: { finished: true }, verifyCachedFiles: { finished: true }, }, 'trackers all finished') st.match(output, /npm ping\s*ok/, 'ping output is ok') st.match(output, /npm -v\s*ok/, 'npm -v output is ok') st.match(output, /node -v\s*ok/, 'node -v output is ok') st.match(output, /npm config get registry\s*not ok/, 'npm config get registry output is not ok') st.match(output, /which git\s*ok/, 'which git output is ok') st.match(output, /cached files\s*ok/, 'cached files are ok') st.match(output, /local node_modules\s*ok/, 'local node_modules are ok') st.match(output, /global node_modules\s*ok/, 'global node_modules are ok') st.match(output, /local bin folder\s*ok/, 'local bin is ok') st.match(output, /global bin folder\s*ok/, 'global bin is ok') st.match(output, /cache contents\s*ok/, 'cache contents is ok') st.end() }) }) vt.end() }) }) }) test('outdated node version', vt => { vt.plan(1) const version = 'v10.0.0' Object.defineProperty(process, 'version', { value: version }) vt.teardown(() => { Object.defineProperty(process, 'version', { value: origVersion }) }) vt.test('npm doctor outdated nodejs version', st => { const dir = st.testdir() npm.cache = npm.flatOptions.cache = dir npm.localDir = dir npm.globalDir = dir npm.localBin = dir npm.globalBin = dir nodeVersions.push({ version: process.version.replace(/\d+(-.*)?$/, '999'), lts: false }) const consoleError = console.error // we just print an empty line here, so swallow it and ignore console.error = () => {} st.teardown(() => { delete npm.cache delete npm.flatOptions.cache delete npm.localDir delete npm.globalDir delete npm.localBin delete npm.globalBin nodeVersions.pop() console.error = consoleError clearLogs() }) doctor.exec([], (err) => { st.match(err, /Some problems found/, 'detected the out of date nodejs') st.match(logs, { checkPing: { finished: true }, getLatestNpmVersion: { finished: true }, getLatestNodejsVersion: { finished: true }, getGitPath: { finished: true }, [dir]: { finished: true }, verifyCachedFiles: { finished: true }, }, 'trackers all finished') st.match(output, /npm ping\s*ok/, 'ping output is ok') st.match(output, /npm -v\s*ok/, 'npm -v output is ok') st.match(output, /node -v\s*not ok/, 'node -v output is not ok') st.match(output, /npm config get registry\s*ok\s*using default/, 'npm config get registry output is ok') st.match(output, /which git\s*ok/, 'which git output is ok') st.match(output, /cached files\s*ok/, 'cached files are ok') st.match(output, /local node_modules\s*ok/, 'local node_modules are ok') st.match(output, /global node_modules\s*ok/, 'global node_modules are ok') st.match(output, /local bin folder\s*ok/, 'local bin is ok') st.match(output, /global bin folder\s*ok/, 'global bin is ok') st.match(output, /cache contents\s*ok/, 'cache contents is ok') st.end() }) }) })