const t = require('tap') const requireInject = require('require-inject') let result = '' const npmLog = { disableProgress: () => null, enableProgress: () => null, info: () => null, pause: () => null, resume: () => null, silly: () => null, } const npm = { config: { set () {} }, flatOptions: {}, log: npmLog, } const mocks = { 'init-package-json': (dir, initFile, config, cb) => cb(null, 'data'), '../../lib/utils/usage.js': () => 'usage instructions', '../../lib/utils/output.js': (...msg) => { result += msg.join('\n') }, } const Init = requireInject('../../lib/init.js', mocks) const init = new Init(npm) t.afterEach(cb => { result = '' npm.config = { get: () => '', set () {} } npm.commands = {} Object.defineProperty(npm, 'flatOptions', { value: {} }) npm.log = npmLog cb() }) t.test('classic npm init no args', t => { npm.config = { get () { return '~/.npm-init.js' }, } init.exec([], err => { t.ifError(err, 'npm init no args') t.matchSnapshot(result, 'should print helper info') t.end() }) }) t.test('classic npm init -y', t => { t.plan(7) npm.config = { get: () => '~/.npm-init.js', } Object.defineProperty(npm, 'flatOptions', { value: { yes: true} }) npm.log = { ...npm.log } npm.log.silly = (title, msg) => { t.equal(title, 'package data', 'should print title') t.equal(msg, 'data', 'should print pkg data info') } npm.log.resume = () => { t.ok('should resume logs') } = (title, msg) => { t.equal(title, 'init', 'should print title') t.equal(msg, 'written successfully', 'should print done info') } init.exec([], err => { t.ifError(err, 'npm init -y') t.equal(result, '') }) }) t.test('npm init ', t => { t.plan(4) npm.config = { set (key, val) { t.equal(key, 'package', 'should set package key') t.deepEqual(val, [], 'should set empty array value') }, } npm.commands.exec = (arr, cb) => { t.deepEqual( arr, ['create-react-app'], 'should npx with listed packages' ) cb() } init.exec(['react-app'], err => { t.ifError(err, 'npm init react-app') }) }) t.test('npm init @scope/name', t => { t.plan(2) npm.commands.exec = (arr, cb) => { t.deepEqual( arr, ['@npmcli/create-something'], 'should npx with scoped packages' ) cb() } init.exec(['@npmcli/something'], err => { t.ifError(err, 'npm init init @scope/name') }) }) t.test('npm init git spec', t => { t.plan(2) npm.commands.exec = (arr, cb) => { t.deepEqual( arr, ['npm/create-something'], 'should npx with git-spec packages' ) cb() } init.exec(['npm/something'], err => { t.ifError(err, 'npm init init @scope/name') }) }) t.test('npm init @scope', t => { t.plan(2) npm.commands.exec = (arr, cb) => { t.deepEqual( arr, ['@npmcli/create'], 'should npx with @scope/create pkgs' ) cb() } init.exec(['@npmcli'], err => { t.ifError(err, 'npm init init @scope/create') }) }) t.test('npm init tgz', t => { init.exec(['something.tgz'], err => { t.match( err, /Error: Unrecognized initializer: something.tgz/, 'should throw error when using an unsupported spec' ) t.end() }) }) t.test('npm init @next', t => { t.plan(2) npm.commands.exec = (arr, cb) => { t.deepEqual( arr, ['create-something@next'], 'should npx with something@next' ) cb() } init.exec(['something@next'], err => { t.ifError(err, 'npm init init something@next') }) }) t.test('npm init exec error', t => { npm.commands.exec = (arr, cb) => { cb(new Error('ERROR')) } init.exec(['something@next'], err => { t.match( err, /ERROR/, 'should exit with exec error' ) t.end() }) }) t.test('should not rewrite flatOptions', t => { t.plan(4) Object.defineProperty(npm, 'flatOptions', { get: () => ({}), set () { throw new Error('Should not set flatOptions') }, }) npm.config = { set (key, val) { t.equal(key, 'package', 'should set package key') t.deepEqual(val, [], 'should set empty array value') }, } npm.commands.exec = (arr, cb) => { t.deepEqual( arr, ['create-react-app', 'my-app'], 'should npx with extra args' ) cb() } init.exec(['react-app', 'my-app'], err => { t.ifError(err, 'npm init react-app') }) }) t.test('npm init cancel', t => { t.plan(3) const Init = requireInject('../../lib/init.js', { ...mocks, 'init-package-json': (dir, initFile, config, cb) => cb( new Error('canceled') ), }) const init = new Init(npm) npm.log = { ...npm.log } npm.log.warn = (title, msg) => { t.equal(title, 'init', 'should have init title') t.equal(msg, 'canceled', 'should log canceled') } init.exec([], err => { t.ifError(err, 'npm init cancel') }) }) t.test('npm init error', t => { const Init = requireInject('../../lib/init.js', { ...mocks, 'init-package-json': (dir, initFile, config, cb) => cb( new Error('Unknown Error') ), }) const init = new Init(npm) init.exec([], err => { t.match(err, /Unknown Error/, 'should throw error') t.end() }) })