const t = require('tap') const glob = require('glob') const { resolve } = require('path') const full = process.env.npm_lifecycle_event === 'check-coverage' if (!full) t.pass('nothing to do here, not checking for full coverage') else { // some files do config.get() on load, so have to load npm first const npm = require('../../lib/npm.js') t.test('load npm first', t => npm.load(t.end)) t.test('load all the files', t => { // just load all the files so we measure coverage for the missing tests const dir = resolve(__dirname, '../../lib') for (const f of glob.sync(`${dir}/**/*.js`)) { require(f) t.pass('loaded ' + f) } t.pass('loaded all files') t.end() }) t.test('call the error handle so we dont freak out', t => { const errorHandler = require('../../lib/utils/error-handler.js') errorHandler() t.end() }) }