const fs = require('fs') const { resolve } = require('path') const t = require('tap') const requireInject = require('require-inject') const npm = { globalDir: '', flatOptions: { global: false, prefix: '', }, localPrefix: '', } const mocks = { '../../lib/utils/reify-finish.js': () => Promise.resolve(), '../../lib/utils/usage.js': () => 'usage instructions', } const Uninstall = requireInject('../../lib/uninstall.js', mocks) const uninstall = new Uninstall(npm) t.afterEach(cb => { npm.globalDir = '' npm.prefix = '' = false npm.flatOptions.prefix = '' cb() }) t.test('remove single installed lib', t => { const path = t.testdir({ 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'test-rm-single-lib', version: '1.0.0', dependencies: { a: '*', b: '*', }, }), node_modules: { a: { 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'a', version: '1.0.0', }), }, b: { 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'b', version: '1.0.0', }), }, }, 'package-lock.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'test-rm-single-lib', version: '1.0.0', lockfileVersion: 2, requires: true, packages: { '': { name: 'test-rm-single-lib', version: '1.0.0', dependencies: { a: '*', }, }, 'node_modules/a': { version: '1.0.0', }, 'node_modules/b': { version: '1.0.0', }, }, dependencies: { a: { version: '1.0.0', }, b: { version: '1.0.0', }, }, }), }) const b = resolve(path, 'node_modules/b') t.ok(() => fs.statSync(b)) npm.flatOptions.prefix = path uninstall.exec(['b'], err => { if (err) throw err t.throws(() => fs.statSync(b), 'should have removed package from nm') t.end() }) }) t.test('remove multiple installed libs', t => { const path = t.testdir({ node_modules: { a: { 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'a', version: '1.0.0', }), }, b: { 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'b', version: '1.0.0', }), }, }, 'package-lock.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'test-rm-single-lib', version: '1.0.0', lockfileVersion: 2, requires: true, packages: { '': { name: 'test-rm-single-lib', version: '1.0.0', dependencies: { a: '*', }, }, 'node_modules/a': { version: '1.0.0', }, 'node_modules/b': { version: '1.0.0', }, }, dependencies: { a: { version: '1.0.0', }, b: { version: '1.0.0', }, }, }), }) const a = resolve(path, 'node_modules/a') const b = resolve(path, 'node_modules/b') t.ok(() => fs.statSync(a)) t.ok(() => fs.statSync(b)) npm.flatOptions.prefix = path uninstall.exec(['b'], err => { if (err) throw err t.throws(() => fs.statSync(a), 'should have removed a package from nm') t.throws(() => fs.statSync(b), 'should have removed b package from nm') t.end() }) }) t.test('no args local', t => { const path = t.testdir() npm.flatOptions.prefix = path uninstall.exec([], err => { t.match( err, /Must provide a package name to remove/, 'should throw package name required error' ) t.end() }) }) t.test('no args global', t => { const path = t.testdir({ lib: { node_modules: { a: t.fixture('symlink', '../../projects/a'), }, }, projects: { a: { 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'a', version: '1.0.0', }), }, }, }) npm.localPrefix = resolve(path, 'projects', 'a') npm.globalDir = resolve(path, 'lib', 'node_modules') = true npm.flatOptions.prefix = path const a = resolve(path, 'lib/node_modules/a') t.ok(() => fs.statSync(a)) uninstall.exec([], err => { if (err) throw err t.throws(() => fs.statSync(a), 'should have removed global nm symlink') t.end() }) }) t.test('no args global but no package.json', t => { const path = t.testdir({}) npm.prefix = path npm.localPrefix = path = true uninstall.exec([], err => { t.match( err, 'usage instructions', 'should throw usage instructions' ) t.end() }) }) t.test('unknown error reading from localPrefix package.json', t => { const path = t.testdir({}) const Uninstall = requireInject('../../lib/uninstall.js', { ...mocks, 'read-package-json-fast': () => Promise.reject(new Error('ERR')), }) const uninstall = new Uninstall(npm) npm.prefix = path npm.localPrefix = path = true uninstall.exec([], err => { t.match( err, /ERR/, 'should throw unknown error' ) t.end() }) })