#!/bin/bash # the "npm" command is set to a custom function here so that we can # test the code in this repo, rather than whichever version of npm # happens to be installed. main () { # setup FAILURES=0 npm install "$NPMPKG" # TODO: add more tests here. # Run node programs by doing node some-thing.js node test-npm-installed.js npm install "$TESTDIR"/packages/mjsunit.runner npm install jsdom npm rm jsdom@0.0.1 npm rm mjsunit.runner # teardown npm rm npm if [ $FAILURES -eq 0 ]; then # rm -rf "$ROOTDIR" # rm -rf "$BINDIR" rm -rf "$ROOTDIR/.npm/.cache" rm -rf "$ROOTDIR/.npm/.tmp" echo_err "ok" else rm -rf "$ROOTDIR/.npm/.cache" rm -rf "$ROOTDIR/.npm/.tmp" echo_err "FAILED: $FAILURES" fi exit $FAILURES } #################### # Test Harness below # fake functions npm () { "$NPMCLI" --binroot "$TESTDIR/bin" --root "$TESTDIR/root" "$@" \ &>output.log \ || fail npm "$@" rm output.log } node () { local prog="$TESTDIR/$1" PATH="$PATH":"$TESTDIR/bin" NODE_PATH="$TESTDIR/root" $(which node) "$prog" \ &>output.log \ || fail node "$@" } # get the absolute path of the executable SELF_PATH="$0" if [ "${SELF_PATH:0:1}" != "." ] && [ "${SELF_PATH:0:1}" != "/" ]; then SELF_PATH=./"$SELF_PATH" fi SELF_PATH=$( cd -P -- "$(dirname -- "$SELF_PATH")" \ && pwd -P \ ) && SELF_PATH=$SELF_PATH/$(basename -- "$0") # resolve symlinks while [ -h "$SELF_PATH" ]; do DIR=$(dirname -- "$SELF_PATH") SYM=$(readlink -- "$SELF_PATH") SELF_PATH=$( cd -- "$DIR" \ && cd -- $(dirname -- "$SYM") \ && pwd \ )/$(basename -- "$SYM") done NPMPKG="$(dirname -- "$(dirname -- "$SELF_PATH")")" NPMCLI="$NPMPKG/cli.js" TESTDIR="$NPMPKG/test/" ROOTDIR="$TESTDIR/root" BINDIR="$TESTDIR/bin" [ -d "$ROOTDIR" ] && rm -rf -- "$ROOTDIR" [ -d "$BINDIR" ] && rm -rf -- "$BINDIR" mkdir -p -- "$ROOTDIR" mkdir -p -- "$BINDIR" echo_err () { echo "$@" >&2 } fail () { let 'FAILURES += 1' cat output.log echo_err "" echo_err -e "\033[33mFailure: $@\033[m" } main