- update version in version.txt - run update_stuff.py from the scripts folder - regenerate test output by running cmake with -DDOCTEST_TEST_MODE=COLLECT and then running ctest - run update_wandbox_link.py - might need to do this first: set path=C:/Python27;%PATH% - or just call python from C:\Python27\python.exe - commit in dev - merge dev in master and coverity_scan (and rebase them?) - push all branches (git push --all) - run update_changelog.py in master - might need a tmp folder in the root drive (C or D) - commit in master and push - create github release with the same semver tag as the changelog - merge master in dev - update packages - vcpkg https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg/tree/master/ports/doctest - hunter - https://github.com/ruslo/hunter/blob/master/cmake/configs/default.cmake - https://github.com/ruslo/hunter/blob/master/cmake/projects/doctest/hunter.cmake - conan - https://github.com/bincrafters/conan-doctest