# Compose Compose is a [Hugo](https://gohugo.io/) theme for documentation websites, inspired by [forestry.io](forestry.io)'s docs page. The theme provides a simple navigation & structure. ![Hugo Compose Theme](https://github.com/onweru/compose/blob/master/images/tn.png) ![Hugo Compose Theme](https://github.com/onweru/compose/blob/master/images/tn-1.png) ## Features 1. Docs 2. Gallery Support (via shortcode) 3. Native lazy loading of images ## Installation Install a recent release of the Hugo "extended" version; ideally versions `>= 0.61.0`. If you install from [hugo releases page](https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo/releases), download the `_extended` version, which supports sass. ## Example You can find an example project that uses Compose in the [Compose Userguide](https://github.com/onweru/compose-userguide), which also stands as the theme's user guide. > This guide covers the necessary bits. As the project evolves, the userguide will get more comprehensive You can use Hugo to generate and serve a local copy of the guide (also useful for testing local theme changes), making sure you have installed all the prerequisites listed above: ``` git clone --recurse-submodules --depth 1 https://github.com/onweru/compose.git cd compose/exampleSite/ hugo server --themesDir ../.. ``` Note that you need the `themesDir` flag when running Hugo because the site files are inside the theme repo. ### How do I disable dark mode? Under `params` add `darkMode = false` to your `config.toml` file. If your site is based on the exampleSite, the value is already included; you only need to uncomment it. > The user will still have the option to activate dark mode, if they so wish ## From the same creator 1. [Clarity Theme](https://github.com/chipzoller/hugo-clarity) 2. [Newsroom Theme](https://github.com/onweru/newsroom) 3. [Swift Theme](https://github.com/onweru/hugo-swift-theme) ## License This theme is available under the [MIT license](https://github.com/onweru/compose/blob/master/LICENSE.md).