Meeting Date: 2021-11-16 Minutes taken by: Pauli Attendees: Matt Caswell Paul Dale Dmitry Belyavsky Tim Hudson Richard Levitte Matthias St Pierre Tomáš Mráz Nicola Tuveri Apology from Shane. Agenda: * Nominate a minute taker and confirm agenda * Agree minutes from previous meeting * OTC hold reviews (20 minutes) * Review oustanding actions * OMC request for 3.1 release in six months * Review the staff plan for estimating MVP * Stable updates policy discussion * Discuss review process * Allocation of tasks to staff * Agree agenda for next meeting * AOB Pauli was agreed to be the minutes taker. ** Last week minutes were approved. Proposed: Matt, seconded: Pauli OTC hold reviews (20 minutes) #17003 Changing EVP_PKEY_base_id to a macro breaks applications not updated for OpenSSL 3.0.0 #16989 EC keys: i2d_PublicKey and d2i_PublicKey not working as expected #16896 d2i_KeyParams(EVP_PKEY_DHX, ...) creates pkey that you can't get p/g/q from #16998 Add error handling to x509_v3_set_ctx and x509_v3_set_nconf #16928 md5: add assembly implementation for aarch64 Outstanding actions AI: Matt to start the vote to agree the design policy once 2 weeks has elapsed since the PR was opened [not started yet] AI: Tomas to write a blog post [done] OMC request for 3.1 release in six months Does the OTC have questions about the requirements? Discussion about the six month time line that's a rehash of the previous discussion. Identify design team: who outside of staff have time to produce a design Tim can review but can't participate in the design process itself. Staff to be on the design team this is more than 10% and would require OMC approval. OTC memembers who aren't staff aren't going to have time to contribute to the design process. Concerns about low level network experience in group. ** OTC: ask OMC to allocate as much staff time as possible to this task. Proposed: Tim, seconded: Matt, Richard. The possibility of external people raised. Concerns about low level network knowledge. Third party input would be useful a little later down the line. Should we set up a design workshop (say mid Decemeber)? Any such workshop, if it happens, would be invite only. By the 7th of December we should have a much better idea about what is required. We need to do the initial estimation work to have a clue of the scope. OTC to plan for a workshop and to approach interested parties. January seems most likely but December would be much better from a time line perspective. ** OTC: staff are the initial design team. Proposed: Matt, seconded: Tim. Review the staff plan for estimating MVP Needs a section about how it meets the requirements. Section 2 needs to be priority ordered. E.g. QUIC API broken up into more and smaller bits. Organise two design meetings later this week. Lots of process and procedural discussions. Allocation of tasks to staff OTC asks staff to propose a plan for these two items: i2d d2i public key file load performance issue Proposed: Tim, seconded: Tomas. Discuss review process Matt needs to make changes based on Kurt's comments. Then ready for a vote. Discuss each of Kurt's comments in turn. Agree agenda for next meeting See below. New and carried over actions AI: Matt to start the vote to agree the design policy once 2 weeks has elapsed since the PR was opened AI: Tomas draft policy over function signature changes void -> int returns constification AI: Matt draft policy about improved assembler implementations and what releases are acceptable. AI: Richard to make OTC repo in GHE that can at least track issues. create issues for other outstanding OTC AIs. AI: OTC to ask OMC for time for design work. Agenda for the next meeting: * Nominate a minute taker and confirm agenda * Agree minutes from previous meeting * Review oustanding actions * Coverage discussion (Shane) delayed until the 30th November * Can we do anything with file load performance regression * How to handle substantial feature contributions from the community that have been stalled/pending for ages * Allocation of tasks to staff * Stable updates policy discussion * Discuss review process * Agree agenda for next meeting * AOB