Converting word processing files from Google Docs to Markdown ============================================================= Converting documents from Google Docs to anything other than what you get with 'Files'->'Download as' or using an add-on is a bit of an adventure. All of them come with quirks. Downloading and converting with pandoc -------------------------------------- For simple documents, [pandoc]( turns out to be versatile enough to do a decent job that only requires small amounts of post processing. Experiments have shown that to convert a Google Docs wordprocessing document to Markdown with pandoc, a download in ODT format gives the cleanest results. It still requires a little bit of editing, of which some can be automated, using this script: ``` shell #! /bin/sh for f in "$@"; do b=`basename "$f" .odt` if [ "$f" != "$b" ]; then bns=`echo "$b" | sed -e 's| *||g'` pandoc -t markdown --atx-headers --extract-media=media "$f" | perl -p -e ' BEGIN { $/ = ""; } s|^\[\]\{#anchor-\d+\}|#!# |; s|(\n\s*)> |$1|g; ' > "$" echo "'$' produced, make sure to edit the title page and the headings" fi done ``` When a Markdown file has been produced, a litte bit of editing is required. A required thing is to look for all lines starting with `#!#` and replace them with an appropriate number of `#` characters, depending on the original heading's level. ATX format headings are used, since they allow more than 2 heading levels. Try rendering the Markdown file using bin/md-to-html5, have a look at the result. If you're satisfied, commit the Markdown file and images, and make appropiate changes in the top Makefile. If not, make changes in the Markdown file and try again. Using an add-on in Google Docs and using the result --------------------------------------------------- Unfortunately, it seems that there are things where Pandoc loses track of what it's doing. I have not analyzed if it's a pandoc bug or if the ODT input was bad. Also, pandoc isn't very good at recognising code sections. The other option is to use an add-on in Google Docs. I've played with [gd2md]( with fairly satisfactory results. Things to be wary of with gd2md are: - It doesn't make a difference between ordered lists with numbers and ordered lists with letters, it makes them all numbered items. - It sometimes doesn't convert simple things, like headings, and leaves them as HTML - It sometimes leaves code as explicit HTML wrapped with \ - It leaves tables in HTML form - You have to provide the images yourself - Internal links to bookmarks and headings are sometimes left with no corresponding anchor All these things need to be looked after and edited into markdown. Try rendering the Markdown file using bin/md-to-html5, have a look at the result. If you're satisfied, commit the Markdown file and images, and make appropiate changes in the top Makefile. If not, make changes in the Markdown file and try again.