/**************************************************************************** * Ralink Tech Inc. * 4F, No. 2 Technology 5th Rd. * Science-based Industrial Park * Hsin-chu, Taiwan, R.O.C. * (c) Copyright 2002, Ralink Technology, Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. **************************************************************************** Module Name: action.c Abstract: Handle association related requests either from WSTA or from local MLME Revision History: Who When What -------- ---------- ---------------------------------------------- Jan Lee 2006 created for rt2860 */ #include "rt_config.h" #include "action.h" extern UCHAR ZeroSsid[32]; static VOID ReservedAction( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN MLME_QUEUE_ELEM *Elem); /* ========================================================================== Description: association state machine init, including state transition and timer init Parameters: S - pointer to the association state machine Note: The state machine looks like the following ASSOC_IDLE MT2_MLME_DISASSOC_REQ mlme_disassoc_req_action MT2_PEER_DISASSOC_REQ peer_disassoc_action MT2_PEER_ASSOC_REQ drop MT2_PEER_REASSOC_REQ drop MT2_CLS3ERR cls3err_action ========================================================================== */ VOID ActionStateMachineInit( IN RTMP_ADAPTER *pAd, IN STATE_MACHINE *S, OUT STATE_MACHINE_FUNC Trans[]) { StateMachineInit(S, (STATE_MACHINE_FUNC *)Trans, MAX_ACT_STATE, MAX_ACT_MSG, (STATE_MACHINE_FUNC)Drop, ACT_IDLE, ACT_MACHINE_BASE); StateMachineSetAction(S, ACT_IDLE, MT2_PEER_SPECTRUM_CATE, (STATE_MACHINE_FUNC)PeerSpectrumAction); StateMachineSetAction(S, ACT_IDLE, MT2_PEER_QOS_CATE, (STATE_MACHINE_FUNC)PeerQOSAction); StateMachineSetAction(S, ACT_IDLE, MT2_PEER_DLS_CATE, (STATE_MACHINE_FUNC)ReservedAction); #ifdef DOT11_N_SUPPORT StateMachineSetAction(S, ACT_IDLE, MT2_PEER_BA_CATE, (STATE_MACHINE_FUNC)PeerBAAction); StateMachineSetAction(S, ACT_IDLE, MT2_PEER_HT_CATE, (STATE_MACHINE_FUNC)PeerHTAction); #ifdef DOT11_VHT_AC StateMachineSetAction(S, ACT_IDLE, MT2_PEER_VHT_CATE, (STATE_MACHINE_FUNC)PeerVHTAction); #endif /* DOT11_VHT_AC */ StateMachineSetAction(S, ACT_IDLE, MT2_MLME_ADD_BA_CATE, (STATE_MACHINE_FUNC)MlmeADDBAAction); StateMachineSetAction(S, ACT_IDLE, MT2_MLME_ORI_DELBA_CATE, (STATE_MACHINE_FUNC)MlmeDELBAAction); StateMachineSetAction(S, ACT_IDLE, MT2_MLME_REC_DELBA_CATE, (STATE_MACHINE_FUNC)MlmeDELBAAction); #endif /* DOT11_N_SUPPORT */ StateMachineSetAction(S, ACT_IDLE, MT2_PEER_PUBLIC_CATE, (STATE_MACHINE_FUNC)PeerPublicAction); StateMachineSetAction(S, ACT_IDLE, MT2_PEER_RM_CATE, (STATE_MACHINE_FUNC)PeerRMAction); StateMachineSetAction(S, ACT_IDLE, MT2_MLME_QOS_CATE, (STATE_MACHINE_FUNC)MlmeQOSAction); StateMachineSetAction(S, ACT_IDLE, MT2_MLME_DLS_CATE, (STATE_MACHINE_FUNC)MlmeDLSAction); StateMachineSetAction(S, ACT_IDLE, MT2_ACT_INVALID, (STATE_MACHINE_FUNC)MlmeInvalidAction); #ifdef CONFIG_AP_SUPPORT #endif /* CONFIG_AP_SUPPORT */ #ifdef DOT11W_PMF_SUPPORT StateMachineSetAction(S, ACT_IDLE, MT2_PEER_PMF_CATE, (STATE_MACHINE_FUNC)PMF_PeerAction); #endif /* DOT11W_PMF_SUPPORT */ } #ifdef DOT11_N_SUPPORT VOID MlmeADDBAAction(RTMP_ADAPTER *pAd, MLME_QUEUE_ELEM *Elem) { MLME_ADDBA_REQ_STRUCT *pInfo; UCHAR Addr[6]; PUCHAR pOutBuffer = NULL; NDIS_STATUS NStatus; ULONG Idx; FRAME_ADDBA_REQ Frame; ULONG FrameLen; BA_ORI_ENTRY *pBAEntry = NULL; MAC_TABLE_ENTRY *pEntry = NULL; struct wifi_dev *wdev; pInfo = (MLME_ADDBA_REQ_STRUCT *)Elem->Msg; NdisZeroMemory(&Frame, sizeof(FRAME_ADDBA_REQ)); if(MlmeAddBAReqSanity(pAd, Elem->Msg, Elem->MsgLen, Addr) && VALID_WCID(pInfo->Wcid)) { NStatus = MlmeAllocateMemory(pAd, &pOutBuffer); /* Get an unused nonpaged memory*/ if(NStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE,("BA - MlmeADDBAAction() allocate memory failed \n")); return; } /* 1. find entry */ pEntry = &pAd->MacTab.Content[pInfo->Wcid]; ASSERT((pEntry->wdev != NULL)); wdev = pEntry->wdev; Idx = pEntry->BAOriWcidArray[pInfo->TID]; if (Idx == 0) { MlmeFreeMemory(pAd, pOutBuffer); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_ERROR,("BA - MlmeADDBAAction() can't find BAOriEntry \n")); return; } else { pBAEntry =&pAd->BATable.BAOriEntry[Idx]; } ActHeaderInit(pAd, &Frame.Hdr, pInfo->pAddr, wdev->if_addr, wdev->bssid); Frame.Category = CATEGORY_BA; Frame.Action = ADDBA_REQ; Frame.BaParm.AMSDUSupported = 0; #ifdef WFA_VHT_PF if (pAd->CommonCfg.DesiredHtPhy.AmsduEnable) Frame.BaParm.AMSDUSupported = 1; #endif /* WFA_VHT_PF */ Frame.BaParm.BAPolicy = IMMED_BA; Frame.BaParm.TID = pInfo->TID; Frame.BaParm.BufSize = pInfo->BaBufSize; Frame.Token = pInfo->Token; Frame.TimeOutValue = pInfo->TimeOutValue; Frame.BaStartSeq.field.FragNum = 0; Frame.BaStartSeq.field.StartSeq = pEntry->TxSeq[pInfo->TID]; #ifdef UNALIGNMENT_SUPPORT { BA_PARM tmpBaParm; NdisMoveMemory((PUCHAR)(&tmpBaParm), (PUCHAR)(&Frame.BaParm), sizeof(BA_PARM)); *(USHORT *)(&tmpBaParm) = cpu2le16(*(USHORT *)(&tmpBaParm)); NdisMoveMemory((PUCHAR)(&Frame.BaParm), (PUCHAR)(&tmpBaParm), sizeof(BA_PARM)); } #else *(USHORT *)(&(Frame.BaParm)) = cpu2le16((*(USHORT *)(&(Frame.BaParm)))); #endif /* UNALIGNMENT_SUPPORT */ Frame.TimeOutValue = cpu2le16(Frame.TimeOutValue); Frame.BaStartSeq.word = cpu2le16(Frame.BaStartSeq.word); MakeOutgoingFrame(pOutBuffer, &FrameLen, sizeof(FRAME_ADDBA_REQ), &Frame, END_OF_ARGS); MiniportMMRequest(pAd, (MGMT_USE_QUEUE_FLAG | WMM_UP2AC_MAP[pInfo->TID]), pOutBuffer, FrameLen); MlmeFreeMemory(pAd, pOutBuffer); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("BA - Send ADDBA request. StartSeq = %x, FrameLen = %ld. BufSize = %d\n", Frame.BaStartSeq.field.StartSeq, FrameLen, Frame.BaParm.BufSize)); } } /* ========================================================================== Description: send DELBA and delete BaEntry if any Parametrs: Elem - MLME message MLME_DELBA_REQ_STRUCT IRQL = DISPATCH_LEVEL ========================================================================== */ VOID MlmeDELBAAction(RTMP_ADAPTER *pAd, MLME_QUEUE_ELEM *Elem) { MLME_DELBA_REQ_STRUCT *pInfo; PUCHAR pOutBuffer = NULL, pOutBuffer2 = NULL; ULONG Idx; FRAME_DELBA_REQ Frame; ULONG FrameLen; FRAME_BAR FrameBar; MAC_TABLE_ENTRY *pEntry = NULL; struct wifi_dev *wdev; pInfo = (MLME_DELBA_REQ_STRUCT *)Elem->Msg; /* must send back DELBA */ NdisZeroMemory(&Frame, sizeof(FRAME_DELBA_REQ)); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("==> MlmeDELBAAction(), Initiator(%d) \n", pInfo->Initiator)); if(MlmeDelBAReqSanity(pAd, Elem->Msg, Elem->MsgLen) && VALID_WCID(pInfo->Wcid)) { if(MlmeAllocateMemory(pAd, &pOutBuffer) != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_ERROR,("BA - MlmeDELBAAction() allocate memory failed 1. \n")); return; } if(MlmeAllocateMemory(pAd, &pOutBuffer2) != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { MlmeFreeMemory(pAd, pOutBuffer); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_ERROR, ("BA - MlmeDELBAAction() allocate memory failed 2. \n")); return; } /* SEND BAR (Send BAR to refresh peer reordering buffer.) */ pEntry = &pAd->MacTab.Content[pInfo->Wcid]; if (!pEntry->wdev) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_ERROR, ("%s():No binding wdev for wcid(%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, pInfo->Wcid)); MlmeFreeMemory(pAd, pOutBuffer); MlmeFreeMemory(pAd, pOutBuffer2); return; } wdev = pEntry->wdev; Idx = pEntry->BAOriWcidArray[pInfo->TID]; BarHeaderInit(pAd, &FrameBar, pEntry->Addr, wdev->if_addr); FrameBar.StartingSeq.field.FragNum = 0; /* make sure sequence not clear in DEL funciton.*/ FrameBar.StartingSeq.field.StartSeq = pAd->MacTab.Content[pInfo->Wcid].TxSeq[pInfo->TID]; /* make sure sequence not clear in DEL funciton.*/ FrameBar.BarControl.TID = pInfo->TID; /* make sure sequence not clear in DEL funciton.*/ FrameBar.BarControl.ACKPolicy = IMMED_BA; /* make sure sequence not clear in DEL funciton.*/ FrameBar.BarControl.Compressed = 1; /* make sure sequence not clear in DEL funciton.*/ FrameBar.BarControl.MTID = 0; /* make sure sequence not clear in DEL funciton.*/ MakeOutgoingFrame(pOutBuffer2, &FrameLen, sizeof(FRAME_BAR), &FrameBar, END_OF_ARGS); MiniportMMRequest(pAd, QID_AC_BE, pOutBuffer2, FrameLen); MlmeFreeMemory(pAd, pOutBuffer2); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE,("BA - MlmeDELBAAction() . Send BAR to refresh peer reordering buffer \n")); /* SEND DELBA FRAME*/ FrameLen = 0; //CFG_TODO #ifdef CONFIG_AP_SUPPORT IF_DEV_CONFIG_OPMODE_ON_AP(pAd) { ActHeaderInit(pAd, &Frame.Hdr, pEntry->Addr, pEntry->wdev->if_addr, pEntry->wdev->bssid); } #endif /* CONFIG_AP_SUPPORT */ Frame.Category = CATEGORY_BA; Frame.Action = DELBA; Frame.DelbaParm.Initiator = pInfo->Initiator; Frame.DelbaParm.TID = pInfo->TID; Frame.ReasonCode = 39; /* Time Out*/ *(USHORT *)(&Frame.DelbaParm) = cpu2le16(*(USHORT *)(&Frame.DelbaParm)); Frame.ReasonCode = cpu2le16(Frame.ReasonCode); MakeOutgoingFrame(pOutBuffer, &FrameLen, sizeof(FRAME_DELBA_REQ), &Frame, END_OF_ARGS); MiniportMMRequest(pAd, QID_AC_BE, pOutBuffer, FrameLen); MlmeFreeMemory(pAd, pOutBuffer); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("BA - MlmeDELBAAction() . 3 DELBA sent. Initiator(%d)\n", pInfo->Initiator)); } } #endif /* DOT11_N_SUPPORT */ VOID MlmeQOSAction(RTMP_ADAPTER *pAd, MLME_QUEUE_ELEM *Elem) { } VOID MlmeDLSAction(RTMP_ADAPTER *pAd, MLME_QUEUE_ELEM *Elem) { } VOID MlmeInvalidAction(RTMP_ADAPTER *pAd, MLME_QUEUE_ELEM *Elem) { /*PUCHAR pOutBuffer = NULL;*/ /*Return the receiving frame except the MSB of category filed set to 1.*/ } VOID PeerQOSAction(RTMP_ADAPTER *pAd, MLME_QUEUE_ELEM *Elem) { } #ifdef DOT11_N_SUPPORT VOID PeerBAAction(RTMP_ADAPTER *pAd, MLME_QUEUE_ELEM *Elem) { UCHAR Action = Elem->Msg[LENGTH_802_11+1]; switch(Action) { case ADDBA_REQ: PeerAddBAReqAction(pAd,Elem); break; case ADDBA_RESP: PeerAddBARspAction(pAd,Elem); break; case DELBA: PeerDelBAAction(pAd,Elem); break; } } #ifdef DOT11N_DRAFT3 #ifdef CONFIG_AP_SUPPORT extern UCHAR get_regulatory_class(IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd); VOID ApPublicAction(RTMP_ADAPTER *pAd, MLME_QUEUE_ELEM *Elem) { UCHAR Action = Elem->Msg[LENGTH_802_11+1]; BSS_2040_COEXIST_IE BssCoexist; /* Format as in IEEE*/ if (Action == ACTION_BSS_2040_COEXIST) { BssCoexist.word = Elem->Msg[LENGTH_802_11+2]; } } VOID SendBSS2040CoexistMgmtAction( IN RTMP_ADAPTER *pAd, IN UCHAR Wcid, IN UCHAR apidx, IN UCHAR InfoReq) { UCHAR *pOutBuffer = NULL; NDIS_STATUS NStatus; FRAME_ACTION_HDR Frame; ULONG FrameLen; BSS_2040_COEXIST_ELEMENT BssCoexistInfo; BSS_2040_INTOLERANT_CH_REPORT BssIntolerantInfo; UCHAR *pAddr1; struct wifi_dev *wdev; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("SendBSS2040CoexistMgmtAction(): Wcid=%d, apidx=%d, InfoReq=%d!\n", Wcid, apidx, InfoReq)); NdisZeroMemory((PUCHAR)&BssCoexistInfo, sizeof(BSS_2040_COEXIST_ELEMENT)); NdisZeroMemory((PUCHAR)&BssIntolerantInfo, sizeof(BSS_2040_INTOLERANT_CH_REPORT)); BssCoexistInfo.ElementID = IE_2040_BSS_COEXIST; BssCoexistInfo.Len = 1; BssCoexistInfo.BssCoexistIe.word = pAd->CommonCfg.LastBSSCoexist2040.word; BssCoexistInfo.BssCoexistIe.field.InfoReq = InfoReq; BssIntolerantInfo.ElementID = IE_2040_BSS_INTOLERANT_REPORT; BssIntolerantInfo.Len = 1; BssIntolerantInfo.RegulatoryClass = get_regulatory_class(pAd); NStatus = MlmeAllocateMemory(pAd, &pOutBuffer); /*Get an unused nonpaged memory*/ if(NStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_ERROR,("ACT - SendBSS2040CoexistMgmtAction() allocate memory failed \n")); return; } if (Wcid == MCAST_WCID) pAddr1 = &BROADCAST_ADDR[0]; else pAddr1 = pAd->MacTab.Content[Wcid].Addr; wdev = &pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].wdev; ActHeaderInit(pAd, &Frame.Hdr, pAddr1, wdev->if_addr, wdev->bssid); Frame.Category = CATEGORY_PUBLIC; Frame.Action = ACTION_BSS_2040_COEXIST; MakeOutgoingFrame(pOutBuffer, &FrameLen, sizeof(FRAME_ACTION_HDR), &Frame, sizeof(BSS_2040_COEXIST_ELEMENT), &BssCoexistInfo, sizeof(BSS_2040_INTOLERANT_CH_REPORT), &BssIntolerantInfo, END_OF_ARGS); MiniportMMRequest(pAd, QID_AC_BE, pOutBuffer, FrameLen); MlmeFreeMemory(pAd, pOutBuffer); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_ERROR,("ACT - SendBSS2040CoexistMgmtAction(BSSCoexist2040=0x%x)\n", BssCoexistInfo.BssCoexistIe.word)); } #endif /* CONFIG_AP_SUPPORT */ BOOLEAN ChannelSwitchSanityCheck( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN UCHAR Wcid, IN UCHAR NewChannel, IN UCHAR Secondary) { UCHAR i; if (Wcid >= MAX_LEN_OF_MAC_TABLE) return FALSE; if ((NewChannel > 7) && (Secondary == 1)) return FALSE; if ((NewChannel < 5) && (Secondary == 3)) return FALSE; /* 0. Check if new channel is in the channellist.*/ for (i = 0;i < pAd->ChannelListNum;i++) { if (pAd->ChannelList[i].Channel == NewChannel) { break; } } if (i == pAd->ChannelListNum) return FALSE; return TRUE; } VOID ChannelSwitchAction( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN UCHAR Wcid, IN UCHAR NewChannel, IN UCHAR Secondary) { UCHAR rf_channel = 0, rf_bw; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE,("%s(): NewChannel=%d, Secondary=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, NewChannel, Secondary)); if (ChannelSwitchSanityCheck(pAd, Wcid, NewChannel, Secondary) == FALSE) return; pAd->CommonCfg.Channel = NewChannel; if (Secondary == EXTCHA_NONE) { pAd->CommonCfg.CentralChannel = pAd->CommonCfg.Channel; pAd->MacTab.Content[Wcid].HTPhyMode.field.BW = 0; pAd->CommonCfg.AddHTInfo.AddHtInfo.RecomWidth = 0; pAd->CommonCfg.AddHTInfo.AddHtInfo.ExtChanOffset = 0; rf_bw = BW_20; rf_channel = pAd->CommonCfg.Channel; } /* 1. Switches to BW = 40 And Station supports BW = 40.*/ else if (((Secondary == EXTCHA_ABOVE) || (Secondary == EXTCHA_BELOW)) && (pAd->CommonCfg.HtCapability.HtCapInfo.ChannelWidth == 1) ) { rf_bw = BW_40; #ifdef GREENAP_SUPPORT if (pAd->ApCfg.bGreenAPActive == 1) { rf_bw = BW_20; pAd->CommonCfg.CentralChannel = pAd->CommonCfg.Channel; } else #endif /* GREENAP_SUPPORT */ if (Secondary == EXTCHA_ABOVE) pAd->CommonCfg.CentralChannel = pAd->CommonCfg.Channel + 2; else pAd->CommonCfg.CentralChannel = pAd->CommonCfg.Channel - 2; rf_channel = pAd->CommonCfg.CentralChannel; pAd->MacTab.Content[Wcid].HTPhyMode.field.BW = 1; } if (rf_channel != 0) { AsicSetChannel(pAd, rf_channel, rf_bw, Secondary, FALSE); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("%s(): %dMHz LINK UP, CtrlChannel=%d, CentralChannel= %d \n", __FUNCTION__, (rf_bw == BW_40 ? 40 : 20), pAd->CommonCfg.Channel, pAd->CommonCfg.CentralChannel)); } } #endif /* DOT11N_DRAFT3 */ #endif /* DOT11_N_SUPPORT */ VOID PeerPublicAction(RTMP_ADAPTER *pAd, MLME_QUEUE_ELEM *Elem) { UCHAR Action = Elem->Msg[LENGTH_802_11+1]; #if defined(CONFIG_HOTSPOT) && defined(CONFIG_AP_SUPPORT) if (!HotSpotEnable(pAd, Elem, ACTION_STATE_MESSAGES)) #endif if ((Elem->Wcid >= MAX_LEN_OF_MAC_TABLE) ) return; switch(Action) { #ifdef DOT11_N_SUPPORT #ifdef DOT11N_DRAFT3 case ACTION_BSS_2040_COEXIST: /* Format defined in IEEE 7.4.7a.1 in 11n Draf3.03*/ { /*UCHAR BssCoexist;*/ BSS_2040_COEXIST_ELEMENT *pCoexistInfo; BSS_2040_COEXIST_IE *pBssCoexistIe; BSS_2040_INTOLERANT_CH_REPORT *pIntolerantReport = NULL; if (Elem->MsgLen <= (LENGTH_802_11 + sizeof(BSS_2040_COEXIST_ELEMENT)) ) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_ERROR, ("ACTION - 20/40 BSS Coexistence Management Frame length too short! len = %ld!\n", Elem->MsgLen)); break; } DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("ACTION - 20/40 BSS Coexistence Management action----> \n")); hex_dump("CoexistenceMgmtFrame", Elem->Msg, Elem->MsgLen); pCoexistInfo = (BSS_2040_COEXIST_ELEMENT *) &Elem->Msg[LENGTH_802_11+2]; /*hex_dump("CoexistInfo", (PUCHAR)pCoexistInfo, sizeof(BSS_2040_COEXIST_ELEMENT));*/ if (Elem->MsgLen >= (LENGTH_802_11 + sizeof(BSS_2040_COEXIST_ELEMENT) + sizeof(BSS_2040_INTOLERANT_CH_REPORT))) { pIntolerantReport = (BSS_2040_INTOLERANT_CH_REPORT *)((PUCHAR)pCoexistInfo + sizeof(BSS_2040_COEXIST_ELEMENT)); } /*hex_dump("IntolerantReport ", (PUCHAR)pIntolerantReport, sizeof(BSS_2040_INTOLERANT_CH_REPORT));*/ if(pAd->CommonCfg.bBssCoexEnable == FALSE || (pAd->CommonCfg.bForty_Mhz_Intolerant == TRUE)) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("20/40 BSS CoexMgmt=%d, bForty_Mhz_Intolerant=%d, ignore this action!!\n", pAd->CommonCfg.bBssCoexEnable, pAd->CommonCfg.bForty_Mhz_Intolerant)); break; } pBssCoexistIe = (BSS_2040_COEXIST_IE *)(&pCoexistInfo->BssCoexistIe); #ifdef CONFIG_AP_SUPPORT IF_DEV_CONFIG_OPMODE_ON_AP(pAd) { BOOLEAN bNeedFallBack = FALSE; /*ApPublicAction(pAd, Elem);*/ if ((pBssCoexistIe->field.BSS20WidthReq ==1) || (pBssCoexistIe->field.Intolerant40 == 1)) { bNeedFallBack = TRUE; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("BSS_2040_COEXIST: BSS20WidthReq=%d, Intolerant40=%d!\n", pBssCoexistIe->field.BSS20WidthReq, pBssCoexistIe->field.Intolerant40)); } else if ((pIntolerantReport) && (pIntolerantReport->Len > 1) /*&& (pIntolerantReport->RegulatoryClass == get_regulatory_class(pAd))*/) { int i; UCHAR *ptr; INT retVal; BSS_COEX_CH_RANGE coexChRange; ptr = pIntolerantReport->ChList; bNeedFallBack = TRUE; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("The pIntolerantReport len = %d, chlist=", pIntolerantReport->Len)); for(i =0 ; i < (pIntolerantReport->Len -1); i++, ptr++) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("%d,", *ptr)); } DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("\n")); retVal = GetBssCoexEffectedChRange(pAd, &coexChRange); if (retVal == TRUE) { ptr = pIntolerantReport->ChList; bNeedFallBack = FALSE; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Check IntolerantReport Channel List in our effectedChList(%d~%d)\n", pAd->ChannelList[coexChRange.effectChStart].Channel, pAd->ChannelList[coexChRange.effectChEnd].Channel)); for(i =0 ; i < (pIntolerantReport->Len -1); i++, ptr++) { UCHAR chEntry; chEntry = *ptr; if (chEntry >= pAd->ChannelList[coexChRange.effectChStart].Channel && chEntry <= pAd->ChannelList[coexChRange.effectChEnd].Channel) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Found Intolerant channel in effect range=%d!\n", *ptr)); bNeedFallBack = TRUE; break; } } DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("After CoexChRange Check, bNeedFallBack=%d!\n", bNeedFallBack)); } if (bNeedFallBack) { pBssCoexistIe->field.Intolerant40 = 1; pBssCoexistIe->field.BSS20WidthReq = 1; } } if (bNeedFallBack) { int apidx; NdisMoveMemory((PUCHAR)&pAd->CommonCfg.LastBSSCoexist2040, (PUCHAR)pBssCoexistIe, sizeof(BSS_2040_COEXIST_IE)); pAd->CommonCfg.Bss2040CoexistFlag |= BSS_2040_COEXIST_INFO_SYNC; if (!(pAd->CommonCfg.Bss2040CoexistFlag & BSS_2040_COEXIST_TIMER_FIRED)) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Fire the Bss2040CoexistTimer with timeout=%ld!\n", pAd->CommonCfg.Dot11BssWidthChanTranDelay)); pAd->CommonCfg.Bss2040CoexistFlag |= BSS_2040_COEXIST_TIMER_FIRED; /* More 5 sec for the scan report of STAs.*/ RTMPSetTimer(&pAd->CommonCfg.Bss2040CoexistTimer, (pAd->CommonCfg.Dot11BssWidthChanTranDelay + 5) * 1000); } else { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Already fallback to 20MHz, Extend the timeout of Bss2040CoexistTimer!\n")); /* More 5 sec for the scan report of STAs.*/ RTMPModTimer(&pAd->CommonCfg.Bss2040CoexistTimer, (pAd->CommonCfg.Dot11BssWidthChanTranDelay + 5) * 1000); } apidx = pAd->MacTab.Content[Elem->Wcid].apidx; for (apidx = 0; apidx < pAd->ApCfg.BssidNum; apidx++) SendBSS2040CoexistMgmtAction(pAd, MCAST_WCID, apidx, 0); } } #endif /* CONFIG_AP_SUPPORT */ } break; #endif /* DOT11N_DRAFT3 */ #endif /* DOT11_N_SUPPORT */ #if defined(CONFIG_HOTSPOT) && defined(CONFIG_AP_SUPPORT) case ACTION_GAS_INIT_REQ: if (HotSpotEnable(pAd, Elem, ACTION_STATE_MESSAGES)) ReceiveGASInitReq(pAd, Elem); break; case ACTION_GAS_CB_REQ: if (HotSpotEnable(pAd, Elem, ACTION_STATE_MESSAGES)) ReceiveGASCBReq(pAd, Elem); break; #endif case ACTION_WIFI_DIRECT: break; default: break; } } static VOID ReservedAction(RTMP_ADAPTER *pAd, MLME_QUEUE_ELEM *Elem) { UCHAR Category; if (Elem->MsgLen <= LENGTH_802_11) { return; } Category = Elem->Msg[LENGTH_802_11]; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE,("Rcv reserved category(%d) Action Frame\n", Category)); hex_dump("Reserved Action Frame", &Elem->Msg[0], Elem->MsgLen); } VOID PeerRMAction(RTMP_ADAPTER *pAd, MLME_QUEUE_ELEM *Elem) { #ifdef CONFIG_AP_SUPPORT #endif /* CONFIG_AP_SUPPORT */ return; } #ifdef DOT11_N_SUPPORT #ifdef CONFIG_AP_SUPPORT #ifdef DOT11N_DRAFT3 VOID SendNotifyBWActionFrame(RTMP_ADAPTER *pAd, UCHAR Wcid, UCHAR apidx) { UCHAR *pOutBuffer = NULL, *pAddr1; NDIS_STATUS NStatus; FRAME_ACTION_HDR Frame; ULONG FrameLen; struct wifi_dev *wdev; NStatus = MlmeAllocateMemory(pAd, &pOutBuffer); /* Get an unused nonpaged memory */ if(NStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_ERROR,("ACT - SendNotifyBWAction() allocate memory failed \n")); return; } if (Wcid == MCAST_WCID) pAddr1 = &BROADCAST_ADDR[0]; else pAddr1 = pAd->MacTab.Content[Wcid].Addr; wdev = &pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].wdev; ActHeaderInit(pAd, &Frame.Hdr, pAddr1, wdev->if_addr, wdev->bssid); Frame.Category = CATEGORY_HT; Frame.Action = NOTIFY_BW_ACTION; MakeOutgoingFrame(pOutBuffer, &FrameLen, sizeof(FRAME_ACTION_HDR), &Frame, END_OF_ARGS); *(pOutBuffer + FrameLen) = pAd->CommonCfg.AddHTInfo.AddHtInfo.RecomWidth; FrameLen++; MiniportMMRequest(pAd, QID_AC_BE, pOutBuffer, FrameLen); MlmeFreeMemory(pAd, pOutBuffer); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE,("ACT - SendNotifyBWAction(NotifyBW= %d)!\n", pAd->CommonCfg.AddHTInfo.AddHtInfo.RecomWidth)); } #endif /* DOT11N_DRAFT3 */ #endif /* CONFIG_AP_SUPPORT */ VOID PeerHTAction(RTMP_ADAPTER *pAd, MLME_QUEUE_ELEM *Elem) { UCHAR Action = Elem->Msg[LENGTH_802_11+1]; MAC_TABLE_ENTRY *pEntry; if (Elem->Wcid >= MAX_LEN_OF_MAC_TABLE) return; pEntry = &pAd->MacTab.Content[Elem->Wcid]; switch(Action) { case NOTIFY_BW_ACTION: DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE,("ACTION - HT Notify Channel bandwidth action----> \n")); if (Elem->Msg[LENGTH_802_11+2] == 0) /* if value is 1, keep the same as supported channel bandwidth. */ pEntry->HTPhyMode.field.BW = 0; else { pEntry->HTPhyMode.field.BW = pEntry->MaxHTPhyMode.field.BW & pAd->CommonCfg.HtCapability.HtCapInfo.ChannelWidth; } break; case SMPS_ACTION: /**/ DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE,("ACTION - SMPS action----> \n")); if (((Elem->Msg[LENGTH_802_11+2] & 0x1) == 0)) pEntry->MmpsMode = MMPS_DISABLE; else if (((Elem->Msg[LENGTH_802_11+2] & 0x2) == 0)) pEntry->MmpsMode = MMPS_STATIC; else pEntry->MmpsMode = MMPS_DYNAMIC; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE,("Wcid(%d) MIMO PS = %d\n", Elem->Wcid, pEntry->MmpsMode)); /* rt2860c : add something for smps change.*/ break; case SETPCO_ACTION: break; case MIMO_CHA_MEASURE_ACTION: break; default: DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_WARN,("%s(): Unknown HT Action:%d\n", __FUNCTION__, Action)); break; } } #ifdef DOT11_VHT_AC VOID PeerVHTAction(RTMP_ADAPTER *pAd, MLME_QUEUE_ELEM *Elem) { UCHAR Action = Elem->Msg[LENGTH_802_11+1]; if (Elem->Wcid >= MAX_LEN_OF_MAC_TABLE) return; switch(Action) { case ACT_VHT_OPMODE_NOTIFY: { OPERATING_MODE *op_mode = (OPERATING_MODE *)&Elem->Msg[LENGTH_802_11+2]; MAC_TABLE_ENTRY *pEntry = &pAd->MacTab.Content[Elem->Wcid]; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE,("ACTION - Operating Mode Notification action---->\n")); hex_dump("OperatingModeNotify", &Elem->Msg[0], Elem->MsgLen); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("\t RxNssType=%d, RxNss=%d, ChBW=%d\n", op_mode->rx_nss_type, op_mode->rx_nss, op_mode->ch_width)); if (op_mode->rx_nss_type == 0) { pEntry->force_op_mode = TRUE; NdisMoveMemory(&pEntry->operating_mode, op_mode, 1); } } break; default: break; } } #endif /* DOT11_VHT_AC */ /* ========================================================================== Description: Retry sending ADDBA Reqest. IRQL = DISPATCH_LEVEL Parametrs: p8023Header: if this is already 802.3 format, p8023Header is NULL Return : TRUE if put into rx reordering buffer, shouldn't indicaterxhere. FALSE , then continue indicaterx at this moment. ========================================================================== */ VOID ORIBATimerTimeout(RTMP_ADAPTER *pAd) { MAC_TABLE_ENTRY *pEntry; INT i, total; UCHAR TID; total = pAd->MacTab.Size * NUM_OF_TID; for (i = 1; ((i 0)) ; i++) { if (pAd->BATable.BAOriEntry[i].ORI_BA_Status == Originator_Done) { pEntry = &pAd->MacTab.Content[pAd->BATable.BAOriEntry[i].Wcid]; TID = pAd->BATable.BAOriEntry[i].TID; ASSERT(pAd->BATable.BAOriEntry[i].Wcid < MAX_LEN_OF_MAC_TABLE); } total --; } } VOID SendRefreshBAR(RTMP_ADAPTER *pAd, MAC_TABLE_ENTRY *pEntry) { FRAME_BAR FrameBar; ULONG FrameLen; NDIS_STATUS NStatus; UCHAR *pOutBuffer = NULL, i, TID; USHORT Sequence, idx; BA_ORI_ENTRY *pBAEntry; for (i = 0; i BAOriWcidArray[i]; if (idx == 0) continue; pBAEntry = &pAd->BATable.BAOriEntry[idx]; if (pBAEntry->ORI_BA_Status == Originator_Done) { TID = pBAEntry->TID; ASSERT(pBAEntry->Wcid < MAX_LEN_OF_MAC_TABLE); NStatus = MlmeAllocateMemory(pAd, &pOutBuffer); /*Get an unused nonpaged memory*/ if(NStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_ERROR,("BA - MlmeADDBAAction() allocate memory failed \n")); return; } Sequence = pEntry->TxSeq[TID]; BarHeaderInit(pAd, &FrameBar, pEntry->Addr, pEntry->wdev->if_addr); FrameBar.StartingSeq.field.FragNum = 0; /* make sure sequence not clear in DEL function.*/ FrameBar.StartingSeq.field.StartSeq = Sequence; /* make sure sequence not clear in DEL funciton.*/ FrameBar.BarControl.TID = TID; /* make sure sequence not clear in DEL funciton.*/ MakeOutgoingFrame(pOutBuffer, &FrameLen, sizeof(FRAME_BAR), &FrameBar, END_OF_ARGS); MiniportMMRequest(pAd, (MGMT_USE_QUEUE_FLAG | WMM_UP2AC_MAP[TID]), pOutBuffer, FrameLen); MlmeFreeMemory(pAd, pOutBuffer); } } } #endif /* DOT11_N_SUPPORT */ VOID ActHeaderInit( IN RTMP_ADAPTER *pAd, IN OUT PHEADER_802_11 pHdr80211, IN UCHAR *da, IN UCHAR *sa, IN UCHAR *bssid) { NdisZeroMemory(pHdr80211, sizeof(HEADER_802_11)); pHdr80211->FC.Type = FC_TYPE_MGMT; pHdr80211->FC.SubType = SUBTYPE_ACTION; COPY_MAC_ADDR(pHdr80211->Addr1, da); COPY_MAC_ADDR(pHdr80211->Addr2, sa); COPY_MAC_ADDR(pHdr80211->Addr3, bssid); } VOID BarHeaderInit( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN OUT PFRAME_BAR pCntlBar, IN PUCHAR pDA, IN PUCHAR pSA) { /* USHORT Duration;*/ NdisZeroMemory(pCntlBar, sizeof(FRAME_BAR)); pCntlBar->FC.Type = FC_TYPE_CNTL; pCntlBar->FC.SubType = SUBTYPE_BLOCK_ACK_REQ; pCntlBar->BarControl.MTID = 0; pCntlBar->BarControl.Compressed = 1; pCntlBar->BarControl.ACKPolicy = 0; pCntlBar->Duration = 16 + RTMPCalcDuration(pAd, RATE_1, sizeof(FRAME_BA)); COPY_MAC_ADDR(pCntlBar->Addr1, pDA); COPY_MAC_ADDR(pCntlBar->Addr2, pSA); } /* ========================================================================== Description: Insert Category and action code into the action frame. Parametrs: 1. frame buffer pointer. 2. frame length. 3. category code of the frame. 4. action code of the frame. Return : None. ========================================================================== */ VOID InsertActField( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, OUT PUCHAR pFrameBuf, OUT PULONG pFrameLen, IN UINT8 Category, IN UINT8 ActCode) { ULONG TempLen; MakeOutgoingFrame( pFrameBuf, &TempLen, 1, &Category, 1, &ActCode, END_OF_ARGS); *pFrameLen = *pFrameLen + TempLen; return; }