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diff options
authorOlivier Goffart <ogoffart@woboq.com>2015-06-15 15:16:21 +0300
committerOlivier Goffart <ogoffart@woboq.com>2015-06-15 15:16:21 +0300
commita3c543a627bf2f624a08561d82d4c034918322fb (patch)
tree47f2d06e28d326787e842c0eb2ea748962fb8ebf /src/gui/folderstatusdelegate.cpp
parent8bcd0261dc77084e7e892c68820f97e0f33756f4 (diff)
Move FolderStatusDelegate to its own file
Diffstat (limited to 'src/gui/folderstatusdelegate.cpp')
1 files changed, 322 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/gui/folderstatusdelegate.cpp b/src/gui/folderstatusdelegate.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..400ddcc29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gui/folderstatusdelegate.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+ * Copyright (C) by Klaas Freitag <freitag@kde.org>
+ * Copyright (C) by Olivier Goffart <ogoffart@woboq.com>
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+ * for more details.
+ */
+#include "folderstatusdelegate.h"
+#include "folderstatusmodel.h"
+#include "folderman.h"
+#include "accountstate.h"
+#include "utility.h"
+#include <theme.h>
+#include <account.h>
+#include <QFileIconProvider>
+#include <QPainter>
+#include <QApplication>
+namespace OCC {
+ :QStyledItemDelegate()
+ // TODO Auto-generated destructor stub
+//alocate each item size in listview.
+QSize FolderStatusDelegate::sizeHint(const QStyleOptionViewItem & option ,
+ const QModelIndex & index) const
+ if (static_cast<const FolderStatusModel *>(index.model())->classify(index) != FolderStatusModel::RootFolder) {
+ return QStyledItemDelegate::sizeHint(option, index);
+ }
+ Q_UNUSED(option)
+ QFont aliasFont = option.font;
+ QFont font = option.font;
+ aliasFont.setPointSize( font.pointSize() +2 );
+ QFontMetrics fm(font);
+ QFontMetrics aliasFm(aliasFont);
+ int aliasMargin = aliasFm.height()/2;
+ int margin = fm.height()/4;
+ // calc height
+ int h = aliasMargin; // margin to top
+ h += aliasFm.height(); // alias
+ h += margin; // between alias and local path
+ h += fm.height(); // local path
+ h += margin; // between local and remote path
+ h += fm.height(); // remote path
+ h += aliasMargin; // bottom margin
+ // add some space to show an error condition.
+ if( ! qvariant_cast<QStringList>(index.data(FolderErrorMsg)).isEmpty() ) {
+ QStringList errMsgs = qvariant_cast<QStringList>(index.data(FolderErrorMsg));
+ h += aliasMargin*2 + errMsgs.count()*fm.height();
+ }
+ if( qvariant_cast<bool>(index.data(AddProgressSpace)) ) {
+ int margin = fm.height()/4;
+ h += (5 * margin); // All the margins
+ h += 2* fm.boundingRect(tr("File")).height();
+ }
+ return QSize( 0, h);
+void FolderStatusDelegate::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option,
+ const QModelIndex &index) const
+ if (qvariant_cast<bool>(index.data(AddButton))) {
+ painter->drawText(option.rect, "[+ Add Folder]");
+ return;
+ }
+ QStyledItemDelegate::paint(painter,option,index);
+ if (static_cast<const FolderStatusModel *>(index.model())->classify(index) != FolderStatusModel::RootFolder) {
+ return;
+ }
+ painter->save();
+ QFont aliasFont = option.font;
+ QFont subFont = option.font;
+ QFont errorFont = subFont;
+ QFont progressFont = subFont;
+ progressFont.setPointSize( subFont.pointSize()-2);
+ //font.setPixelSize(font.weight()+);
+ aliasFont.setBold(true);
+ aliasFont.setPointSize( subFont.pointSize()+2 );
+ QFontMetrics subFm( subFont );
+ QFontMetrics aliasFm( aliasFont );
+ QFontMetrics progressFm( progressFont );
+ int aliasMargin = aliasFm.height()/2;
+ int margin = subFm.height()/4;
+ QIcon statusIcon = qvariant_cast<QIcon>(index.data(FolderStatusIconRole));
+ QString aliasText = qvariant_cast<QString>(index.data(FolderAliasRole));
+ QString pathText = qvariant_cast<QString>(index.data(FolderPathRole));
+ QString remotePath = qvariant_cast<QString>(index.data(FolderSecondPathRole));
+ QStringList errorTexts= qvariant_cast<QStringList>(index.data(FolderErrorMsg));
+ int overallPercent = qvariant_cast<int>(index.data(SyncProgressOverallPercent));
+ QString overallString = qvariant_cast<QString>(index.data(SyncProgressOverallString));
+ QString itemString = qvariant_cast<QString>(index.data(SyncProgressItemString));
+ int warningCount = qvariant_cast<int>(index.data(WarningCount));
+ bool syncOngoing = qvariant_cast<bool>(index.data(SyncRunning));
+ // QString statusText = qvariant_cast<QString>(index.data(FolderStatus));
+ bool syncEnabled = index.data(FolderAccountConnected).toBool();
+ // QString syncStatus = syncEnabled? tr( "Enabled" ) : tr( "Disabled" );
+ QRect iconRect = option.rect;
+ QRect aliasRect = option.rect;
+ iconRect.setLeft( option.rect.left() + aliasMargin );
+ iconRect.setTop( iconRect.top() + aliasMargin ); // (iconRect.height()-iconsize.height())/2);
+ // alias box
+ aliasRect.setTop(aliasRect.top() + aliasMargin );
+ aliasRect.setBottom(aliasRect.top() + aliasFm.height());
+ aliasRect.setRight(aliasRect.right() - aliasMargin );
+ // remote directory box
+ QRect remotePathRect = aliasRect;
+ remotePathRect.setTop(aliasRect.bottom() + margin );
+ remotePathRect.setBottom(remotePathRect.top() + subFm.height());
+ // local directory box
+ QRect localPathRect = remotePathRect;
+ localPathRect.setTop( remotePathRect.bottom() + margin );
+ localPathRect.setBottom( localPathRect.top() + subFm.height());
+ iconRect.setBottom(localPathRect.bottom());
+ iconRect.setWidth(iconRect.height());
+ int nextToIcon = iconRect.right()+aliasMargin;
+ aliasRect.setLeft(nextToIcon);
+ localPathRect.setLeft(nextToIcon);
+ remotePathRect.setLeft(nextToIcon);
+ int iconSize = iconRect.width();
+ QPixmap pm = statusIcon.pixmap(iconSize, iconSize, syncEnabled ? QIcon::Normal : QIcon::Disabled );
+ painter->drawPixmap(QPoint(iconRect.left(), iconRect.top()), pm);
+ // only show the warning icon if the sync is running. Otherwise its
+ // encoded in the status icon.
+ if( warningCount > 0 && syncOngoing) {
+ QRect warnRect;
+ warnRect.setLeft(iconRect.left());
+ warnRect.setTop(iconRect.bottom()-17);
+ warnRect.setWidth(16);
+ warnRect.setHeight(16);
+ QIcon warnIcon(":/client/resources/warning");
+ QPixmap pm = warnIcon.pixmap(16,16, syncEnabled ? QIcon::Normal : QIcon::Disabled );
+ painter->drawPixmap(QPoint(warnRect.left(), warnRect.top()),pm );
+ }
+ auto palette = option.palette;
+ if (qApp->style()->inherits("QWindowsVistaStyle")) {
+ // Hack: Windows Vista's light blue is not contrasting enough for white
+ // (code from QWindowsVistaStyle::drawControl for CE_ItemViewItem)
+ palette.setColor(QPalette::All, QPalette::HighlightedText, palette.color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Text));
+ palette.setColor(QPalette::All, QPalette::Highlight, palette.base().color().darker(108));
+ }
+ QPalette::ColorGroup cg = option.state & QStyle::State_Enabled
+ ? QPalette::Normal : QPalette::Disabled;
+ if (cg == QPalette::Normal && !(option.state & QStyle::State_Active))
+ cg = QPalette::Inactive;
+ if (option.state & QStyle::State_Selected) {
+ painter->setPen(palette.color(cg, QPalette::HighlightedText));
+ } else {
+ painter->setPen(palette.color(cg, QPalette::Text));
+ }
+ QString elidedAlias = aliasFm.elidedText(aliasText, Qt::ElideRight, aliasRect.width());
+ painter->setFont(aliasFont);
+ painter->drawText(aliasRect, elidedAlias);
+ painter->setFont(subFont);
+ QString elidedRemotePathText;
+ if (remotePath.isEmpty() || remotePath == QLatin1String("/")) {
+ elidedRemotePathText = subFm.elidedText(tr("Syncing all files in your account with"),
+ Qt::ElideRight, remotePathRect.width());
+ } else {
+ elidedRemotePathText = subFm.elidedText(tr("Remote path: %1").arg(remotePath),
+ Qt::ElideMiddle, remotePathRect.width());
+ }
+ painter->drawText(remotePathRect, elidedRemotePathText);
+ QString elidedPathText = subFm.elidedText(pathText, Qt::ElideMiddle, localPathRect.width());
+ painter->drawText(localPathRect, elidedPathText);
+ // paint an error overlay if there is an error string
+ int h = iconRect.bottom();
+ if( !errorTexts.isEmpty() ) {
+ h += aliasMargin;
+ QRect errorRect = localPathRect;
+ errorRect.setLeft( iconRect.left());
+ errorRect.setTop( h );
+ errorRect.setHeight(errorTexts.count() * subFm.height()+aliasMargin);
+ errorRect.setRight( option.rect.right()-aliasMargin );
+ painter->setBrush( QColor(0xbb, 0x4d, 0x4d) );
+ painter->setPen( QColor(0xaa, 0xaa, 0xaa));
+ painter->drawRoundedRect( errorRect, 4, 4 );
+ painter->setPen( Qt::white );
+ painter->setFont(errorFont);
+ QRect errorTextRect = errorRect;
+ errorTextRect.setLeft( errorTextRect.left()+aliasMargin );
+ errorTextRect.setTop( errorTextRect.top()+aliasMargin/2 );
+ int x = errorTextRect.left();
+ int y = errorTextRect.top()+aliasMargin/2 + subFm.height()/2;
+ foreach( QString eText, errorTexts ) {
+ painter->drawText(x, y, subFm.elidedText( eText, Qt::ElideLeft, errorTextRect.width()-2*aliasMargin));
+ y += subFm.height();
+ }
+ h = errorRect.bottom();
+ }
+ h += aliasMargin;
+ // Sync File Progress Bar: Show it if syncFile is not empty.
+ if( !overallString.isEmpty() || !itemString.isEmpty()) {
+ int fileNameTextHeight = subFm.boundingRect(tr("File")).height();
+ int barHeight = qMax(fileNameTextHeight, aliasFm.height()+4); ;
+ int overallWidth = option.rect.width()-2*aliasMargin;
+ painter->save();
+ // Sizes-Text
+ QRect octetRect = progressFm.boundingRect(QRect(), 0, overallString );
+ int progressTextWidth = octetRect.width() + 2;
+ // Overall Progress Bar.
+ QRect pBRect;
+ pBRect.setTop( h );
+ pBRect.setLeft( iconRect.left());
+ pBRect.setHeight(barHeight);
+ pBRect.setWidth( overallWidth - progressTextWidth - margin );
+ QStyleOptionProgressBarV2 pBarOpt;
+ pBarOpt.state = option.state | QStyle::State_Horizontal;
+ pBarOpt.minimum = 0;
+ pBarOpt.maximum = 100;
+ pBarOpt.progress = overallPercent;
+ pBarOpt.orientation = Qt::Horizontal;
+ pBarOpt.palette = palette;
+ pBarOpt.rect = pBRect;
+ QApplication::style()->drawControl( QStyle::CE_ProgressBar, &pBarOpt, painter );
+ // Overall Progress Text
+ QRect overallProgressRect;
+ overallProgressRect.setTop( pBRect.top() );
+ overallProgressRect.setHeight( pBRect.height() );
+ overallProgressRect.setLeft( pBRect.right()+margin);
+ overallProgressRect.setWidth( progressTextWidth );
+ painter->setFont(progressFont);
+ painter->drawText( overallProgressRect, Qt::AlignRight+Qt::AlignVCenter, overallString);
+ // painter->drawRect(overallProgressRect);
+ // Individual File Progress
+ QRect fileRect;
+ fileRect.setTop( pBRect.bottom() + margin);
+ fileRect.setLeft( iconRect.left());
+ fileRect.setWidth(overallWidth);
+ fileRect.setHeight(fileNameTextHeight);
+ QString elidedText = progressFm.elidedText(itemString, Qt::ElideLeft, fileRect.width());
+ painter->drawText( fileRect, Qt::AlignLeft+Qt::AlignVCenter, elidedText);
+ painter->restore();
+ }
+ painter->restore();
+bool FolderStatusDelegate::editorEvent ( QEvent * event, QAbstractItemModel * model,
+ const QStyleOptionViewItem & option, const QModelIndex & index )
+ return QStyledItemDelegate::editorEvent(event, model, option, index);
+ return false;
+} // namespace OCC