# # We are building GCC with make and Clang with ninja, the combinations are more # or less arbitrarily chosen. We just want to check that both compilers and both # CMake generators work. It's unlikely that a specific generator only breaks # with a specific compiler. # DEFAULT_PHP_VERSION = "7.4" GUI_TEST_DIR = "/drone/src/test/gui" GUI_TEST_REPORT_DIR = "/drone/src/test/guiReportUpload" NOTIFICATION_TEMPLATE_DIR = "/drone/src" STACKTRACE_FILE = "%s/stacktrace.log" % GUI_TEST_REPORT_DIR CYTOPIA_BLACK = "cytopia/black" DOCKER_GIT = "docker:git" MYSQL = "mysql:8.0" OC_CI_ALPINE = "owncloudci/alpine:latest" OC_CI_BAZEL_BUILDIFIER = "owncloudci/bazel-buildifier" OC_CI_CLIENT = "owncloudci/client:latest" OC_CI_CORE = "owncloudci/core" OC_CI_DRONE_CANCEL_PREVIOUS_BUILDS = "owncloudci/drone-cancel-previous-builds" OC_CI_PHP = "owncloudci/php:%s" # Eventually, we have to use image built on ubuntu # Todo: update or remove the following images # https://github.com/owncloud/client/issues/10070 OC_CI_CLIENT_FEDORA = "owncloudci/client:fedora-36-amd64" OC_CI_SQUISH = "owncloudci/squish:fedora-36-6.7-20220106-1008-qt515x-linux64" OC_CI_TRANSIFEX = "owncloudci/transifex:latest" OC_TEST_MIDDLEWARE = "owncloud/owncloud-test-middleware:1.8.2" OC_UBUNTU = "owncloud/ubuntu:20.04" PLUGINS_GIT_ACTION = "plugins/git-action:1" PLUGINS_S3 = "plugins/s3" PLUGINS_SLACK = "plugins/slack" PYTHON = "python" THEGEEKLAB_DRONE_GITHUB_COMMENT = "thegeeklab/drone-github-comment:1" TOOLHIPPIE_CALENS = "toolhippie/calens:latest" OC_CI_DRONE_SKIP_PIPELINE = "owncloudci/drone-skip-pipeline" dir = { "base": "/drone", } def main(ctx): build_trigger = { "ref": [ "refs/heads/master", "refs/heads/2.**", "refs/tags/**", "refs/pull/**", ], } cron_trigger = { "event": [ "cron", ], } pipelines = [] if ctx.build.event == "cron": # cron job pipelines unit_tests = unit_test_pipeline( ctx, "gcc", "g++", "Release", "Unix Makefiles", trigger = cron_trigger, ) + unit_test_pipeline( ctx, "clang", "clang++", "Debug", "Ninja", trigger = cron_trigger, ) gui_tests = gui_test_pipeline(ctx, trigger = cron_trigger) notify = notification( name = "build", trigger = cron_trigger, ) pipelines = unit_tests + gui_tests + pipelinesDependsOn(notify, unit_tests + gui_tests) else: pipelines = cancelPreviousBuilds() + \ gui_tests_format(build_trigger) + \ check_starlark(build_trigger) + \ changelog(ctx, trigger = build_trigger) + \ unit_test_pipeline(ctx, "clang", "clang++", "Debug", "Ninja", trigger = build_trigger) + \ gui_test_pipeline(ctx, trigger = build_trigger, version = "latest") return pipelines def from_secret(name): return { "from_secret": name, } def check_starlark(trigger = {}): return [{ "kind": "pipeline", "type": "docker", "name": "check-starlark", "steps": [ { "name": "format-check-starlark", "image": OC_CI_BAZEL_BUILDIFIER, "commands": [ "buildifier --mode=check .drone.star", ], }, { "name": "show-diff", "image": OC_CI_BAZEL_BUILDIFIER, "commands": [ "buildifier --mode=fix .drone.star", "git diff", ], "when": { "status": [ "failure", ], }, }, ], "trigger": trigger, }] def unit_test_pipeline(ctx, c_compiler, cxx_compiler, build_type, generator, trigger = {}): build_command = "ninja" if generator == "Ninja" else "make" pipeline_name = c_compiler + "-" + build_type.lower() + "-" + build_command build_dir = "build-" + pipeline_name return [{ "kind": "pipeline", "name": pipeline_name, "platform": { "os": "linux", "arch": "amd64", }, "steps": skipIfUnchanged(ctx, "unit-tests") + gitSubModules() + build_client(c_compiler, cxx_compiler, build_type, generator, build_command, build_dir) + unit_tests(build_dir), "trigger": trigger, }] def gui_test_pipeline(ctx, trigger = {}, filterTags = [], version = "daily-master-qa"): pipeline_name = "GUI-tests" build_dir = "build-" + pipeline_name squish_parameters = "--reportgen html,%s --envvar QT_LOGGING_RULES=sync.httplogger=true;gui.socketapi=false --tags ~@skip" % GUI_TEST_REPORT_DIR if (len(filterTags) > 0): for tags in filterTags: squish_parameters += " --tags " + tags pipeline_name += "-" + tags build_config = { "c_compiler": "gcc", "cxx_compiler": "g++", "build_type": "Debug", "generator": "Ninja", "build_command": "ninja", } return [{ "kind": "pipeline", "name": pipeline_name, "platform": { "os": "linux", "arch": "amd64", }, "steps": skipIfUnchanged(ctx, "gui-tests") + gitSubModules() + installCore(version) + setupServerAndApp() + fixPermissions() + owncloudLog() + setGuiTestReportDir() + build_client( build_config["c_compiler"], build_config["cxx_compiler"], build_config["build_type"], build_config["generator"], build_config["build_command"], build_dir, OC_CI_CLIENT_FEDORA, ) + gui_tests(squish_parameters) + # GUI test result has been disabled for now, as we squish can not produce the result in both html and json format. # Disabled untill the feature to generate json result is implemented in squish, or some other method to reuse the log parser is implemented. # showGuiTestResult() + uploadGuiTestLogs() + buildGithubComment(pipeline_name) + githubComment(pipeline_name), "services": testMiddlewareService() + owncloudService() + databaseService(), "trigger": trigger, "volumes": [ { "name": "uploads", "temp": {}, }, ], }] def build_client(c_compiler, cxx_compiler, build_type, generator, build_command, build_dir, image = OC_CI_CLIENT): return [ { "name": "generate", "image": image, "environment": { "LC_ALL": "C.UTF-8", }, "commands": [ 'mkdir -p "' + build_dir + '"', 'cd "' + build_dir + '"', 'cmake -G"' + generator + '" -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER="' + c_compiler + '" -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER="' + cxx_compiler + '" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE="' + build_type + '" -DBUILD_TESTING=1 -DWITH_LIBCLOUDPROVIDERS=ON -S ..', ], }, { "name": build_command, "image": image, "environment": { "LC_ALL": "C.UTF-8", }, "commands": [ 'cd "' + build_dir + '"', build_command + " -j4", ], }, ] def unit_tests(build_dir): return [{ "name": "ctest", "image": OC_CI_CLIENT, "environment": { "LC_ALL": "C.UTF-8", }, "commands": [ 'cd "' + build_dir + '"', "useradd -m -s /bin/bash tester", "chown -R tester:tester .", "su-exec tester ctest --output-on-failure -LE nodrone", ], }] def gui_tests(squish_parameters = ""): return [{ "name": "GUItests", "image": OC_CI_SQUISH, "environment": { "LICENSEKEY": from_secret("squish_license_server"), "GUI_TEST_REPORT_DIR": GUI_TEST_REPORT_DIR, "CLIENT_REPO": "/drone/src/", "MIDDLEWARE_URL": "http://testmiddleware:3000/", "BACKEND_HOST": "http://owncloud/", "SECURE_BACKEND_HOST": "https://owncloud/", "SERVER_INI": "/drone/src/test/gui/drone/server.ini", "SQUISH_PARAMETERS": squish_parameters, "STACKTRACE_FILE": STACKTRACE_FILE, }, }] def gui_tests_format(trigger): return [{ "kind": "pipeline", "type": "docker", "name": "guitestformat", "steps": [ { "name": "black", "image": CYTOPIA_BLACK, "commands": [ "cd /drone/src/test/gui", "black --check --diff .", ], }, ], "trigger": trigger, }] def changelog(ctx, trigger = {}): repo_slug = ctx.build.source_repo if ctx.build.source_repo else ctx.repo.slug return [{ "kind": "pipeline", "type": "docker", "name": "changelog", "clone": { "disable": True, }, "steps": [ { "name": "clone", "image": PLUGINS_GIT_ACTION, "settings": { "actions": [ "clone", ], "remote": "https://github.com/%s" % (repo_slug), "branch": ctx.build.source if ctx.build.event == "pull_request" else "master", "path": "/drone/src", "netrc_machine": "github.com", "netrc_username": from_secret("github_username"), "netrc_password": from_secret("github_token"), }, }, { "name": "generate", "image": TOOLHIPPIE_CALENS, "commands": [ "calens >| CHANGELOG.md", ], }, { "name": "diff", "image": OC_CI_ALPINE, "commands": [ "git diff", ], }, { "name": "output", "image": TOOLHIPPIE_CALENS, "commands": [ "cat CHANGELOG.md", ], }, { "name": "publish", "image": PLUGINS_GIT_ACTION, "settings": { "actions": [ "commit", "push", ], "message": "Automated changelog update [skip ci]", "branch": "master", "author_email": "devops@owncloud.com", "author_name": "ownClouders", "netrc_machine": "github.com", "netrc_username": from_secret("github_username"), "netrc_password": from_secret("github_token"), }, "when": { "ref": { "exclude": [ "refs/pull/**", "refs/tags/**", ], }, }, }, ], "trigger": trigger, }] def notification(name, trigger = {}): trigger = dict(trigger) if not "status" in trigger: trigger["status"] = [] trigger["status"].append("success") trigger["status"].append("failure") return [{ "kind": "pipeline", "name": "notifications-" + name, "platform": { "os": "linux", "arch": "amd64", }, "steps": [ { "name": "create-template", "image": OC_CI_ALPINE, "environment": { "CACHE_ENDPOINT": { "from_secret": "cache_public_s3_server", }, "CACHE_BUCKET": { "from_secret": "cache_public_s3_bucket", }, }, "commands": [ "bash %s/drone/notification_template.sh %s" % (GUI_TEST_DIR, NOTIFICATION_TEMPLATE_DIR), ], }, { "name": "notification", "image": PLUGINS_SLACK, "settings": { "webhook": from_secret("private_rocketchat"), "channel": "desktop-internal", "template": "file:%s/template.md" % NOTIFICATION_TEMPLATE_DIR, }, }, ], "trigger": trigger, }] def databaseService(): return [{ "name": "mysql", "image": MYSQL, "environment": { "MYSQL_USER": "owncloud", "MYSQL_PASSWORD": "owncloud", "MYSQL_DATABASE": "owncloud", "MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD": "owncloud", }, "command": ["--default-authentication-plugin=mysql_native_password"], }] def installCore(version = "latest"): return [{ "name": "install-core", "image": OC_CI_CORE, "settings": { "version": version, "core_path": "/drone/src/server", "db_type": "mysql", "db_name": "owncloud", "db_host": "mysql", "db_username": "owncloud", "db_password": "owncloud", }, }] def setupServerAndApp(logLevel = 2): return [{ "name": "setup-owncloud-server", "image": OC_CI_PHP % DEFAULT_PHP_VERSION, "commands": [ "cd /drone/src/server/", "php occ a:e testing", "php occ config:system:set trusted_domains 1 --value=owncloud", "php occ log:manage --level %s" % logLevel, "php occ config:list", "php occ config:system:set skeletondirectory --value=/var/www/owncloud/server/apps/testing/data/tinySkeleton", "php occ config:system:set sharing.federation.allowHttpFallback --value=true --type=bool", ], }] def owncloudService(): return [{ "name": "owncloud", "image": OC_CI_PHP % DEFAULT_PHP_VERSION, "environment": { "APACHE_WEBROOT": "/drone/src/server/", "APACHE_CONFIG_TEMPLATE": "ssl", "APACHE_SSL_CERT_CN": "server", "APACHE_SSL_CERT": "%s/%s.crt" % (dir["base"], "server"), "APACHE_SSL_KEY": "%s/%s.key" % (dir["base"], "server"), "APACHE_LOGGING_PATH": "/dev/null", }, "commands": [ "cat /etc/apache2/templates/base >> /etc/apache2/templates/ssl", "/usr/local/bin/apachectl -e debug -D FOREGROUND", ], }] def testMiddlewareService(): environment = { "BACKEND_HOST": "http://owncloud", "NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED": "0", "MIDDLEWARE_HOST": "testmiddleware", "REMOTE_UPLOAD_DIR": "/uploads", } return [{ "name": "testmiddleware", "image": OC_TEST_MIDDLEWARE, "environment": environment, "volumes": [{ "name": "uploads", "path": "/uploads", }], }] def owncloudLog(): return [{ "name": "owncloud-log", "image": OC_UBUNTU, "detach": True, "commands": [ "tail -f /drone/src/server/data/owncloud.log", ], }] def fixPermissions(): return [{ "name": "fix-permissions", "image": OC_CI_PHP % DEFAULT_PHP_VERSION, "commands": [ "cd /drone/src/server", "chown www-data * -R", ], }] def gitSubModules(): return [{ "name": "submodules", "image": DOCKER_GIT, "commands": [ "git submodule update --init --recursive", ], }] def setGuiTestReportDir(): return [{ "name": "create-gui-test-report-directory", "image": OC_UBUNTU, "commands": [ "mkdir %s/screenshots -p" % GUI_TEST_REPORT_DIR, "chmod 777 %s -R" % GUI_TEST_REPORT_DIR, ], }] def showGuiTestResult(): return [{ "name": "show-gui-test-result", "image": PYTHON, "commands": [ "python /drone/src/test/gui/TestLogParser.py /drone/src/test/guiTestReport/results.json", ], "when": { "status": [ "failure", ], }, }] def uploadGuiTestLogs(): return [{ "name": "upload-gui-test-result", "image": PLUGINS_S3, "settings": { "bucket": { "from_secret": "cache_public_s3_bucket", }, "endpoint": { "from_secret": "cache_public_s3_server", }, "path_style": True, "source": "%s/**/*" % GUI_TEST_REPORT_DIR, "strip_prefix": "%s" % GUI_TEST_REPORT_DIR, "target": "/${DRONE_REPO}/${DRONE_BUILD_NUMBER}/guiReportUpload", }, "environment": { "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID": { "from_secret": "cache_public_s3_access_key", }, "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY": { "from_secret": "cache_public_s3_secret_key", }, }, "when": { "status": [ "failure", ], }, }] def buildGithubComment(suite = ""): return [{ "name": "build-github-comment", "image": OC_UBUNTU, "commands": [ "bash /drone/src/test/gui/drone/comment.sh %s ${DRONE_REPO} ${DRONE_BUILD_NUMBER}" % GUI_TEST_REPORT_DIR, ], "environment": { "TEST_CONTEXT": suite, "CACHE_ENDPOINT": { "from_secret": "cache_public_s3_server", }, "CACHE_BUCKET": { "from_secret": "cache_public_s3_bucket", }, }, "when": { "status": [ "failure", ], "event": [ "pull_request", ], }, }] def githubComment(alternateSuiteName): prefix = "Results for %s ${DRONE_BUILD_LINK}/${DRONE_JOB_NUMBER}${DRONE_STAGE_NUMBER}/1" % alternateSuiteName return [{ "name": "github-comment", "image": THEGEEKLAB_DRONE_GITHUB_COMMENT, "settings": { "message": "%s/comments.file" % GUI_TEST_REPORT_DIR, "key": "pr-${DRONE_PULL_REQUEST}", "update": "true", "api_key": { "from_secret": "github_token", }, }, "commands": [ "if [ -s %s/comments.file ]; then echo '%s' | cat - %s/comments.file > temp && mv temp %s/comments.file && /bin/drone-github-comment; fi" % (GUI_TEST_REPORT_DIR, prefix, GUI_TEST_REPORT_DIR, GUI_TEST_REPORT_DIR), ], "when": { "status": [ "failure", ], "event": [ "pull_request", ], }, }] def cancelPreviousBuilds(): return [{ "kind": "pipeline", "type": "docker", "name": "cancel-previous-builds", "clone": { "disable": True, }, "steps": [{ "name": "cancel-previous-builds", "image": OC_CI_DRONE_CANCEL_PREVIOUS_BUILDS, "settings": { "DRONE_TOKEN": { "from_secret": "drone_token", }, }, }], "trigger": { "ref": [ "refs/pull/**", ], }, }] def skipIfUnchanged(ctx, type): if ("full-ci" in ctx.build.title.lower()): return [] base = [ "^.github/.*", "^.vscode/.*", "^changelog/.*", "README.md", ".gitignore", "CHANGELOG.md", "CONTRIBUTING.md", "COPYING", "COPYING.documentation", ] skip = [] if type == "unit-tests": skip = base + [ "^test/gui/.*", ] if type == "gui-tests": skip = base + [ "^test/([^g]|g[^u]|gu[^i]).*", ] return [{ "name": "skip-if-unchanged", "image": OC_CI_DRONE_SKIP_PIPELINE, "settings": { "ALLOW_SKIP_CHANGED": skip, }, "when": { "event": [ "pull_request", ], }, }] def stepDependsOn(steps = []): if type(steps) == dict: steps = [steps] return getPipelineNames(steps) def getPipelineNames(pipelines = []): names = [] for pipeline in pipelines: names.append(pipeline["name"]) return names def pipelineDependsOn(pipeline, dependant_pipelines): if "depends_on" in pipeline.keys(): pipeline["depends_on"] = pipeline["depends_on"] + getPipelineNames(dependant_pipelines) else: pipeline["depends_on"] = getPipelineNames(dependant_pipelines) return pipeline def pipelinesDependsOn(pipelines, dependant_pipelines): pipes = [] for pipeline in pipelines: pipes.append(pipelineDependsOn(pipeline, dependant_pipelines)) return pipes