/* * Copyright (C) by Klaas Freitag * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "common/syncjournaldb.h" #include "version.h" #include "filesystembase.h" #include "common/asserts.h" #include "common/checksums.h" #include "common/preparedsqlquerymanager.h" #include "common/c_jhash.h" // SQL expression to check whether path.startswith(prefix + '/') // Note: '/' + 1 == '0' #define IS_PREFIX_PATH_OF(prefix, path) \ "(" path " > (" prefix "||'/') AND " path " < (" prefix "||'0'))" #define IS_PREFIX_PATH_OR_EQUAL(prefix, path) \ "(" path " == " prefix " OR " IS_PREFIX_PATH_OF(prefix, path) ")" namespace OCC { Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(lcDb, "sync.database", QtInfoMsg) #define GET_FILE_RECORD_QUERY \ "SELECT path, inode, modtime, type, md5, fileid, remotePerm, filesize," \ " ignoredChildrenRemote, contentchecksumtype.name || ':' || contentChecksum" \ " FROM metadata" \ " LEFT JOIN checksumtype as contentchecksumtype ON metadata.contentChecksumTypeId == contentchecksumtype.id" static void fillFileRecordFromGetQuery(SyncJournalFileRecord &rec, SqlQuery &query) { rec._path = query.baValue(0); rec._inode = query.int64Value(1); rec._modtime = query.int64Value(2); rec._type = static_cast(query.intValue(3)); rec._etag = query.baValue(4); rec._fileId = query.baValue(5); rec._remotePerm = RemotePermissions::fromDbValue(query.baValue(6)); rec._fileSize = query.int64Value(7); rec._serverHasIgnoredFiles = (query.intValue(8) > 0); rec._checksumHeader = query.baValue(9); } static QByteArray defaultJournalMode(const QString &dbPath) { #if defined(Q_OS_WIN) // See #2693: Some exFAT file systems seem unable to cope with the // WAL journaling mode. They work fine with DELETE. QString fileSystem = FileSystem::fileSystemForPath(dbPath); qCInfo(lcDb) << "Detected filesystem" << fileSystem << "for" << dbPath; if (fileSystem.contains(QLatin1String("FAT"))) { qCInfo(lcDb) << "Filesystem contains FAT - using DELETE journal mode"; return "DELETE"; } #elif defined(Q_OS_MAC) if (dbPath.startsWith(QLatin1String("/Volumes/"))) { qCInfo(lcDb) << "Mounted sync dir, do not use WAL for" << dbPath; return "DELETE"; } #else Q_UNUSED(dbPath) #endif return "WAL"; } SyncJournalDb::SyncJournalDb(const QString &dbFilePath, QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) , _dbFile(dbFilePath) , _mutex(QMutex::Recursive) , _transaction(0) , _metadataTableIsEmpty(false) { // Allow forcing the journal mode for debugging static QByteArray envJournalMode = qgetenv("OWNCLOUD_SQLITE_JOURNAL_MODE"); _journalMode = envJournalMode; if (_journalMode.isEmpty()) { _journalMode = defaultJournalMode(_dbFile); } } QString SyncJournalDb::makeDbName(const QString &localPath, const QString &infix) { const QString journalPath = QStringLiteral(".sync_") + infix + QStringLiteral(".db"); // If it exists already, the path is clearly usable QFile file(QDir(localPath).filePath(journalPath)); if (file.exists()) { return journalPath; } // Try to create a file there if (file.open(QIODevice::ReadWrite)) { // Ok, all good. file.close(); file.remove(); return journalPath; } // Error during creation, just keep the original and throw errors later qCWarning(lcDb) << "Could not find a writable database path" << file.fileName() << file.errorString(); return journalPath; } bool SyncJournalDb::maybeMigrateDb(const QString &localPath, const QString &absoluteJournalPath) { const QString oldDbName = localPath + QLatin1String(".csync_journal.db"); if (!FileSystem::fileExists(oldDbName)) { return true; } const QString oldDbNameShm = oldDbName + QStringLiteral("-shm"); const QString oldDbNameWal = oldDbName + QStringLiteral("-wal"); const QString newDbName = absoluteJournalPath; const QString newDbNameShm = newDbName + QStringLiteral("-shm"); const QString newDbNameWal = newDbName + QStringLiteral("-wal"); // Whenever there is an old db file, migrate it to the new db path. // This is done to make switching from older versions to newer versions // work correctly even if the user had previously used a new version // and therefore already has an (outdated) new-style db file. QString error; if (FileSystem::fileExists(newDbName)) { if (!FileSystem::remove(newDbName, &error)) { qCWarning(lcDb) << "Database migration: Could not remove db file" << newDbName << "due to" << error; return false; } } if (FileSystem::fileExists(newDbNameWal)) { if (!FileSystem::remove(newDbNameWal, &error)) { qCWarning(lcDb) << "Database migration: Could not remove db WAL file" << newDbNameWal << "due to" << error; return false; } } if (FileSystem::fileExists(newDbNameShm)) { if (!FileSystem::remove(newDbNameShm, &error)) { qCWarning(lcDb) << "Database migration: Could not remove db SHM file" << newDbNameShm << "due to" << error; return false; } } if (!FileSystem::rename(oldDbName, newDbName, &error)) { qCWarning(lcDb) << "Database migration: could not rename" << oldDbName << "to" << newDbName << ":" << error; return false; } if (!FileSystem::rename(oldDbNameWal, newDbNameWal, &error)) { qCWarning(lcDb) << "Database migration: could not rename" << oldDbNameWal << "to" << newDbNameWal << ":" << error; return false; } if (!FileSystem::rename(oldDbNameShm, newDbNameShm, &error)) { qCWarning(lcDb) << "Database migration: could not rename" << oldDbNameShm << "to" << newDbNameShm << ":" << error; return false; } qCInfo(lcDb) << "Journal successfully migrated from" << oldDbName << "to" << newDbName; return true; } bool SyncJournalDb::exists() { QMutexLocker locker(&_mutex); return (!_dbFile.isEmpty() && QFile::exists(_dbFile)); } QString SyncJournalDb::databaseFilePath() const { return _dbFile; } // Note that this does not change the size of the -wal file, but it is supposed to make // the normal .db faster since the changes from the wal will be incorporated into it. // Then the next sync (and the SocketAPI) will have a faster access. void SyncJournalDb::walCheckpoint() { QElapsedTimer t; t.start(); SqlQuery pragma1(_db); pragma1.prepare("PRAGMA wal_checkpoint(FULL);"); if (pragma1.exec()) { qCDebug(lcDb) << "took" << t.elapsed() << "msec"; } } void SyncJournalDb::startTransaction() { if (_transaction == 0) { if (!_db.transaction()) { qCWarning(lcDb) << "ERROR starting transaction:" << _db.error(); return; } _transaction = 1; } else { qCDebug(lcDb) << "Database Transaction is running, not starting another one!"; } } void SyncJournalDb::commitTransaction() { if (_transaction == 1) { if (!_db.commit()) { qCWarning(lcDb) << "ERROR committing to the database:" << _db.error(); return; } _transaction = 0; } else { qCDebug(lcDb) << "No database Transaction to commit"; } } bool SyncJournalDb::sqlFail(const QString &log, const SqlQuery &query) { commitTransaction(); qCWarning(lcDb) << "SQL Error" << log << query.error(); _db.close(); OC_ASSERT(false); return false; } bool SyncJournalDb::checkConnect() { if (autotestFailCounter >= 0) { if (!autotestFailCounter--) { qCInfo(lcDb) << "Error Simulated"; return false; } } if (_db.isOpen()) { // Unfortunately the sqlite isOpen check can return true even when the underlying storage // has become unavailable - and then some operations may cause crashes. See #6049 if (!QFile::exists(_dbFile)) { qCWarning(lcDb) << "Database open, but file" << _dbFile << "does not exist"; close(); return false; } return true; } if (_dbFile.isEmpty()) { qCWarning(lcDb) << "Database filename" << _dbFile << "is empty"; return false; } // The database file is created by this call (SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE) if (!_db.openOrCreateReadWrite(_dbFile)) { QString error = _db.error(); qCWarning(lcDb) << "Error opening the db:" << error; return false; } if (!QFile::exists(_dbFile)) { qCWarning(lcDb) << "Database file" << _dbFile << "does not exist"; return false; } SqlQuery pragma1(_db); pragma1.prepare("SELECT sqlite_version();"); if (!pragma1.exec()) { return sqlFail(QStringLiteral("SELECT sqlite_version()"), pragma1); } else { pragma1.next(); qCInfo(lcDb) << "sqlite3 version" << pragma1.stringValue(0); } // Set locking mode to avoid issues with WAL on Windows static QByteArray locking_mode_env = qgetenv("OWNCLOUD_SQLITE_LOCKING_MODE"); if (locking_mode_env.isEmpty()) locking_mode_env = "EXCLUSIVE"; pragma1.prepare("PRAGMA locking_mode=" + locking_mode_env + ";"); if (!pragma1.exec()) { return sqlFail(QStringLiteral("Set PRAGMA locking_mode"), pragma1); } else { pragma1.next(); qCInfo(lcDb) << "sqlite3 locking_mode=" << pragma1.stringValue(0); } pragma1.prepare("PRAGMA journal_mode=" + _journalMode + ";"); if (!pragma1.exec()) { return sqlFail(QStringLiteral("Set PRAGMA journal_mode"), pragma1); } else { pragma1.next(); qCInfo(lcDb) << "sqlite3 journal_mode=" << pragma1.stringValue(0); } // For debugging purposes, allow temp_store to be set static QByteArray env_temp_store = qgetenv("OWNCLOUD_SQLITE_TEMP_STORE"); if (!env_temp_store.isEmpty()) { pragma1.prepare("PRAGMA temp_store = " + env_temp_store + ";"); if (!pragma1.exec()) { return sqlFail(QStringLiteral("Set PRAGMA temp_store"), pragma1); } qCInfo(lcDb) << "sqlite3 with temp_store =" << env_temp_store; } // With WAL journal the NORMAL sync mode is safe from corruption, // otherwise use the standard FULL mode. QByteArray synchronousMode = "FULL"; if (QString::fromUtf8(_journalMode).compare(QStringLiteral("wal"), Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) synchronousMode = "NORMAL"; pragma1.prepare("PRAGMA synchronous = " + synchronousMode + ";"); if (!pragma1.exec()) { return sqlFail(QStringLiteral("Set PRAGMA synchronous"), pragma1); } else { qCInfo(lcDb) << "sqlite3 synchronous=" << synchronousMode; } pragma1.prepare("PRAGMA case_sensitive_like = ON;"); if (!pragma1.exec()) { return sqlFail(QStringLiteral("Set PRAGMA case_sensitivity"), pragma1); } { // Future version of the client (2.6) will have an index 'metadata_parent' which // depends on a custom sqlite function which does not exist yet in 2.5. // So make sure to remove the index if it exists, otherwise we will crash when inserting // rows in the metadata database. // The 2.6 client will anyway re-creates this index if it does not exist. SqlQuery query(_db); query.prepare("DROP INDEX IF EXISTS metadata_parent;"); if (!query.exec()) { return sqlFail(QStringLiteral("updateMetadataTableStructure: remove index metadata_parent"), query); } } sqlite3_create_function(_db.sqliteDb(), "parent_hash", 1, SQLITE_UTF8 | SQLITE_DETERMINISTIC, nullptr, [] (sqlite3_context *ctx,int, sqlite3_value **argv) { auto text = reinterpret_cast(sqlite3_value_text(argv[0])); const char *end = std::strrchr(text, '/'); if (!end) end = text; sqlite3_result_int64(ctx, c_jhash64(reinterpret_cast(text), end - text, 0)); }, nullptr, nullptr); /* Because insert is so slow, we do everything in a transaction, and only need one call to commit */ startTransaction(); SqlQuery createQuery(_db); createQuery.prepare("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS metadata(" "phash INTEGER(8)," "pathlen INTEGER," "path VARCHAR(4096)," "inode INTEGER," "uid INTEGER," "gid INTEGER," "mode INTEGER," "modtime INTEGER(8)," "type INTEGER," "md5 VARCHAR(32)," /* This is the etag. Called md5 for compatibility */ // updateDatabaseStructure() will add // fileid // remotePerm // filesize // ignoredChildrenRemote // contentChecksum // contentChecksumTypeId "PRIMARY KEY(phash)" ");"); #ifndef SQLITE_IOERR_SHMMAP // Requires sqlite >= 3.7.7 but old CentOS6 has sqlite-3.6.20 // Definition taken from https://sqlite.org/c3ref/c_abort_rollback.html #define SQLITE_IOERR_SHMMAP (SQLITE_IOERR | (21<<8)) #endif if (!createQuery.exec()) { // In certain situations the io error can be avoided by switching // to the DELETE journal mode, see #5723 if (_journalMode != "DELETE" && createQuery.errorId() == SQLITE_IOERR && sqlite3_extended_errcode(_db.sqliteDb()) == SQLITE_IOERR_SHMMAP) { qCWarning(lcDb) << "IO error SHMMAP on table creation, attempting with DELETE journal mode"; _journalMode = "DELETE"; commitTransaction(); _db.close(); return checkConnect(); } return sqlFail(QStringLiteral("Create table metadata"), createQuery); } createQuery.prepare("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS downloadinfo(" "path VARCHAR(4096)," "tmpfile VARCHAR(4096)," "etag VARCHAR(32)," "errorcount INTEGER," "PRIMARY KEY(path)" ");"); if (!createQuery.exec()) { return sqlFail(QStringLiteral("Create table downloadinfo"), createQuery); } createQuery.prepare("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS uploadinfo(" "path VARCHAR(4096)," "chunk INTEGER," "transferid INTEGER," "errorcount INTEGER," "size INTEGER(8)," "modtime INTEGER(8)," "contentChecksum TEXT," "PRIMARY KEY(path)" ");"); if (!createQuery.exec()) { return sqlFail(QStringLiteral("Create table uploadinfo"), createQuery); } // create the blacklist table. createQuery.prepare("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS blacklist (" "path VARCHAR(4096)," "lastTryEtag VARCHAR[32]," "lastTryModtime INTEGER[8]," "retrycount INTEGER," "errorstring VARCHAR[4096]," "PRIMARY KEY(path)" ");"); if (!createQuery.exec()) { return sqlFail(QStringLiteral("Create table blacklist"), createQuery); } // create the selectivesync table. createQuery.prepare("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS selectivesync (" "path VARCHAR(4096)," "type INTEGER" ");"); if (!createQuery.exec()) { return sqlFail(QStringLiteral("Create table selectivesync"), createQuery); } // create the checksumtype table. createQuery.prepare("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS checksumtype(" "id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY," "name TEXT UNIQUE" ");"); if (!createQuery.exec()) { return sqlFail(QStringLiteral("Create table checksumtype"), createQuery); } // create the datafingerprint table. createQuery.prepare("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS datafingerprint(" "fingerprint TEXT UNIQUE" ");"); if (!createQuery.exec()) { return sqlFail(QStringLiteral("Create table datafingerprint"), createQuery); } // create the flags table. createQuery.prepare("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS flags (" "path TEXT PRIMARY KEY," "pinState INTEGER" ");"); if (!createQuery.exec()) { return sqlFail(QStringLiteral("Create table flags"), createQuery); } // create the conflicts table. createQuery.prepare("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS conflicts(" "path TEXT PRIMARY KEY," "baseFileId TEXT," "baseEtag TEXT," "baseModtime INTEGER" ");"); if (!createQuery.exec()) { return sqlFail(QStringLiteral("Create table conflicts"), createQuery); } createQuery.prepare("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS version(" "major INTEGER(8)," "minor INTEGER(8)," "patch INTEGER(8)," "custom VARCHAR(256)" ");"); if (!createQuery.exec()) { return sqlFail(QStringLiteral("Create table version"), createQuery); } bool forceRemoteDiscovery = false; SqlQuery versionQuery("SELECT major, minor, patch FROM version;", _db); if (!versionQuery.next().hasData) { forceRemoteDiscovery = true; createQuery.prepare("INSERT INTO version VALUES (?1, ?2, ?3, ?4);"); createQuery.bindValue(1, MIRALL_VERSION_MAJOR); createQuery.bindValue(2, MIRALL_VERSION_MINOR); createQuery.bindValue(3, MIRALL_VERSION_PATCH); createQuery.bindValue(4, MIRALL_VERSION_BUILD); if (!createQuery.exec()) { return sqlFail(QStringLiteral("Update version"), createQuery); } } else { int major = versionQuery.intValue(0); int minor = versionQuery.intValue(1); int patch = versionQuery.intValue(2); if (major == 1 && minor == 8 && (patch == 0 || patch == 1)) { qCInfo(lcDb) << "possibleUpgradeFromMirall_1_8_0_or_1 detected!"; forceRemoteDiscovery = true; } // - There was a bug in versions <2.3.0 that could lead to stale // local files and a remote discovery will fix them. // See #5190 #5242. // - New remote HasZSyncMetadata permission added, invalidate cache if (major == 2 && minor < 5) { qCInfo(lcDb) << "upgrade from client < 2.5.0 detected! forcing remote discovery"; forceRemoteDiscovery = true; } // Not comparing the BUILD id here, correct? if (!(major == MIRALL_VERSION_MAJOR && minor == MIRALL_VERSION_MINOR && patch == MIRALL_VERSION_PATCH)) { createQuery.prepare("UPDATE version SET major=?1, minor=?2, patch =?3, custom=?4 " "WHERE major=?5 AND minor=?6 AND patch=?7;"); createQuery.bindValue(1, MIRALL_VERSION_MAJOR); createQuery.bindValue(2, MIRALL_VERSION_MINOR); createQuery.bindValue(3, MIRALL_VERSION_PATCH); createQuery.bindValue(4, MIRALL_VERSION_BUILD); createQuery.bindValue(5, major); createQuery.bindValue(6, minor); createQuery.bindValue(7, patch); if (!createQuery.exec()) { return sqlFail(QStringLiteral("Update version"), createQuery); } } } commitInternal(QStringLiteral("checkConnect")); bool rc = updateDatabaseStructure(); if (!rc) { qCWarning(lcDb) << "Failed to update the database structure!"; } /* * If we are upgrading from a client version older than 1.5, * we cannot read from the database because we need to fetch the files id and etags. * * If 1.8.0 caused missing data in the local tree, so we also don't read from DB * to get back the files that were gone. * In 1.8.1 we had a fix to re-get the data, but this one here is better */ if (forceRemoteDiscovery) { forceRemoteDiscoveryNextSyncLocked(); } const auto deleteDownloadInfo = _queryManager.get(PreparedSqlQueryManager::DeleteDownloadInfoQuery, QByteArrayLiteral("DELETE FROM downloadinfo WHERE path=?1"), _db); if (!deleteDownloadInfo) { return sqlFail(QStringLiteral("prepare _deleteDownloadInfoQuery"), *deleteDownloadInfo); } const auto deleteUploadInfoQuery = _queryManager.get(PreparedSqlQueryManager::DeleteUploadInfoQuery, QByteArrayLiteral("DELETE FROM uploadinfo WHERE path=?1"), _db); if (!deleteUploadInfoQuery) { return sqlFail(QStringLiteral("prepare _deleteUploadInfoQuery"), *deleteUploadInfoQuery); } QByteArray sql("SELECT lastTryEtag, lastTryModtime, retrycount, errorstring, lastTryTime, ignoreDuration, renameTarget, errorCategory, requestId " "FROM blacklist WHERE path=?1"); if (Utility::fsCasePreserving()) { // if the file system is case preserving we have to check the blacklist // case insensitively sql += " COLLATE NOCASE"; } const auto getErrorBlacklistQuery = _queryManager.get(PreparedSqlQueryManager::GetErrorBlacklistQuery, sql, _db); if (!getErrorBlacklistQuery) { return sqlFail(QStringLiteral("prepare _getErrorBlacklistQuery"), *getErrorBlacklistQuery); } // don't start a new transaction now commitInternal(QStringLiteral("checkConnect End"), false); // This avoid reading from the DB if we already know it is empty // thereby speeding up the initial discovery significantly. _metadataTableIsEmpty = (getFileRecordCount() == 0); // Hide 'em all! FileSystem::setFileHidden(databaseFilePath(), true); FileSystem::setFileHidden(databaseFilePath() + QStringLiteral("-wal"), true); FileSystem::setFileHidden(databaseFilePath() + QStringLiteral("-shm"), true); FileSystem::setFileHidden(databaseFilePath() + QStringLiteral("-journal"), true); return rc; } void SyncJournalDb::close() { QMutexLocker locker(&_mutex); qCInfo(lcDb) << "Closing DB" << _dbFile; commitTransaction(); _db.close(); clearEtagStorageFilter(); _metadataTableIsEmpty = false; } bool SyncJournalDb::updateDatabaseStructure() { if (!updateMetadataTableStructure()) return false; if (!updateErrorBlacklistTableStructure()) return false; return true; } bool SyncJournalDb::updateMetadataTableStructure() { auto columns = tableColumns("metadata"); bool re = true; // check if the file_id column is there and create it if not if (columns.isEmpty()) { return false; } if (columns.indexOf("fileid") == -1) { SqlQuery query(_db); query.prepare("ALTER TABLE metadata ADD COLUMN fileid VARCHAR(128);"); if (!query.exec()) { sqlFail(QStringLiteral("updateMetadataTableStructure: Add column fileid"), query); re = false; } query.prepare("CREATE INDEX metadata_file_id ON metadata(fileid);"); if (!query.exec()) { sqlFail(QStringLiteral("updateMetadataTableStructure: create index fileid"), query); re = false; } commitInternal(QStringLiteral("update database structure: add fileid col")); } if (columns.indexOf("remotePerm") == -1) { SqlQuery query(_db); query.prepare("ALTER TABLE metadata ADD COLUMN remotePerm VARCHAR(128);"); if (!query.exec()) { sqlFail(QStringLiteral("updateMetadataTableStructure: add column remotePerm"), query); re = false; } commitInternal(QStringLiteral("update database structure (remotePerm)")); } if (columns.indexOf("filesize") == -1) { SqlQuery query(_db); query.prepare("ALTER TABLE metadata ADD COLUMN filesize BIGINT;"); if (!query.exec()) { sqlFail(QStringLiteral("updateDatabaseStructure: add column filesize"), query); re = false; } commitInternal(QStringLiteral("update database structure: add filesize col")); } if (1) { SqlQuery query(_db); query.prepare("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS metadata_inode ON metadata(inode);"); if (!query.exec()) { sqlFail(QStringLiteral("updateMetadataTableStructure: create index inode"), query); re = false; } commitInternal(QStringLiteral("update database structure: add inode index")); } if (1) { SqlQuery query(_db); query.prepare("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS metadata_path ON metadata(path);"); if (!query.exec()) { sqlFail(QStringLiteral("updateMetadataTableStructure: create index path"), query); re = false; } commitInternal(QStringLiteral("update database structure: add path index")); } if (1) { SqlQuery query(_db); query.prepare("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS metadata_parent ON metadata(parent_hash(path));"); if (!query.exec()) { sqlFail(QStringLiteral("updateMetadataTableStructure: create index parent"), query); re = false; } commitInternal(QStringLiteral("update database structure: add parent index")); } if (columns.indexOf("ignoredChildrenRemote") == -1) { SqlQuery query(_db); query.prepare("ALTER TABLE metadata ADD COLUMN ignoredChildrenRemote INT;"); if (!query.exec()) { sqlFail(QStringLiteral("updateMetadataTableStructure: add ignoredChildrenRemote column"), query); re = false; } commitInternal(QStringLiteral("update database structure: add ignoredChildrenRemote col")); } if (columns.indexOf("contentChecksum") == -1) { SqlQuery query(_db); query.prepare("ALTER TABLE metadata ADD COLUMN contentChecksum TEXT;"); if (!query.exec()) { sqlFail(QStringLiteral("updateMetadataTableStructure: add contentChecksum column"), query); re = false; } commitInternal(QStringLiteral("update database structure: add contentChecksum col")); } if (columns.indexOf("contentChecksumTypeId") == -1) { SqlQuery query(_db); query.prepare("ALTER TABLE metadata ADD COLUMN contentChecksumTypeId INTEGER;"); if (!query.exec()) { sqlFail(QStringLiteral("updateMetadataTableStructure: add contentChecksumTypeId column"), query); re = false; } commitInternal(QStringLiteral("update database structure: add contentChecksumTypeId col")); } auto uploadInfoColumns = tableColumns("uploadinfo"); if (uploadInfoColumns.isEmpty()) return false; if (!uploadInfoColumns.contains("contentChecksum")) { SqlQuery query(_db); query.prepare("ALTER TABLE uploadinfo ADD COLUMN contentChecksum TEXT;"); if (!query.exec()) { sqlFail(QStringLiteral("updateMetadataTableStructure: add contentChecksum column"), query); re = false; } commitInternal(QStringLiteral("update database structure: add contentChecksum col for uploadinfo")); } auto conflictsColumns = tableColumns("conflicts"); if (conflictsColumns.isEmpty()) return false; if (!conflictsColumns.contains("basePath")) { SqlQuery query(_db); query.prepare("ALTER TABLE conflicts ADD COLUMN basePath TEXT;"); if (!query.exec()) { sqlFail(QStringLiteral("updateMetadataTableStructure: add basePath column"), query); re = false; } } return re; } bool SyncJournalDb::updateErrorBlacklistTableStructure() { auto columns = tableColumns("blacklist"); bool re = true; if (columns.isEmpty()) { return false; } if (columns.indexOf("lastTryTime") == -1) { SqlQuery query(_db); query.prepare("ALTER TABLE blacklist ADD COLUMN lastTryTime INTEGER(8);"); if (!query.exec()) { sqlFail(QStringLiteral("updateBlacklistTableStructure: Add lastTryTime fileid"), query); re = false; } query.prepare("ALTER TABLE blacklist ADD COLUMN ignoreDuration INTEGER(8);"); if (!query.exec()) { sqlFail(QStringLiteral("updateBlacklistTableStructure: Add ignoreDuration fileid"), query); re = false; } commitInternal(QStringLiteral("update database structure: add lastTryTime, ignoreDuration cols")); } if (columns.indexOf("renameTarget") == -1) { SqlQuery query(_db); query.prepare("ALTER TABLE blacklist ADD COLUMN renameTarget VARCHAR(4096);"); if (!query.exec()) { sqlFail(QStringLiteral("updateBlacklistTableStructure: Add renameTarget"), query); re = false; } commitInternal(QStringLiteral("update database structure: add renameTarget col")); } if (columns.indexOf("errorCategory") == -1) { SqlQuery query(_db); query.prepare("ALTER TABLE blacklist ADD COLUMN errorCategory INTEGER(8);"); if (!query.exec()) { sqlFail(QStringLiteral("updateBlacklistTableStructure: Add errorCategory"), query); re = false; } commitInternal(QStringLiteral("update database structure: add errorCategory col")); } if (columns.indexOf("requestId") == -1) { SqlQuery query(_db); query.prepare("ALTER TABLE blacklist ADD COLUMN requestId VARCHAR(36);"); if (!query.exec()) { sqlFail(QStringLiteral("updateBlacklistTableStructure: Add requestId"), query); re = false; } commitInternal(QStringLiteral("update database structure: add errorCategory col")); } SqlQuery query(_db); query.prepare("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS blacklist_index ON blacklist(path collate nocase);"); if (!query.exec()) { sqlFail(QStringLiteral("updateErrorBlacklistTableStructure: create index blacklit"), query); re = false; } return re; } QVector SyncJournalDb::tableColumns(const QByteArray &table) { QVector columns; if (!checkConnect()) { return columns; } SqlQuery query("PRAGMA table_info('" + table + "');", _db); if (!query.exec()) { return columns; } while (query.next().hasData) { columns.append(query.baValue(1)); } qCDebug(lcDb) << "Columns in the current journal:" << columns; return columns; } qint64 SyncJournalDb::getPHash(const QByteArray &file) { qint64 h; int len = file.length(); h = c_jhash64((uint8_t *)file.data(), len, 0); return h; } Result SyncJournalDb::setFileRecord(const SyncJournalFileRecord &_record) { SyncJournalFileRecord record = _record; QMutexLocker locker(&_mutex); if (!_etagStorageFilter.isEmpty()) { // If we are a directory that should not be read from db next time, don't write the etag QByteArray prefix = record._path + "/"; for (const auto &it : qAsConst(_etagStorageFilter)) { if (it.startsWith(prefix)) { qCInfo(lcDb) << "Filtered writing the etag of" << prefix << "because it is a prefix of" << it; record._etag = "_invalid_"; break; } } } OC_ASSERT(!record._remotePerm.isNull()); qCInfo(lcDb) << "Updating file record for path:" << record._path << "inode:" << record._inode << "modtime:" << record._modtime << "type:" << record._type << "etag:" << record._etag << "fileId:" << record._fileId << "remotePerm:" << record._remotePerm.toString() << "fileSize:" << record._fileSize << "checksum:" << record._checksumHeader; const qint64 phash = getPHash(record._path); if (checkConnect()) { int plen = record._path.length(); QByteArray etag(record._etag); if (etag.isEmpty()) etag = ""; QByteArray fileId(record._fileId); if (fileId.isEmpty()) fileId = ""; QByteArray remotePerm = record._remotePerm.toDbValue(); QByteArray checksumType, checksum; parseChecksumHeader(record._checksumHeader, &checksumType, &checksum); int contentChecksumTypeId = mapChecksumType(checksumType); const auto query = _queryManager.get(PreparedSqlQueryManager::SetFileRecordQuery, QByteArrayLiteral("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO metadata " "(phash, pathlen, path, inode, uid, gid, mode, modtime, type, md5, fileid, remotePerm, filesize, ignoredChildrenRemote, contentChecksum, contentChecksumTypeId) " "VALUES (?1 , ?2, ?3 , ?4 , ?5 , ?6 , ?7, ?8 , ?9 , ?10, ?11, ?12, ?13, ?14, ?15, ?16);"), _db); if (!query) { return query->error(); } query->bindValue(1, phash); query->bindValue(2, plen); query->bindValue(3, record._path); query->bindValue(4, record._inode); query->bindValue(5, 0); // uid Not used query->bindValue(6, 0); // gid Not used query->bindValue(7, 0); // mode Not used query->bindValue(8, record._modtime); query->bindValue(9, record._type); query->bindValue(10, etag); query->bindValue(11, fileId); query->bindValue(12, remotePerm); query->bindValue(13, record._fileSize); query->bindValue(14, record._serverHasIgnoredFiles ? 1 : 0); query->bindValue(15, checksum); query->bindValue(16, contentChecksumTypeId); if (!query->exec()) { return query->error(); } // Can't be true anymore. _metadataTableIsEmpty = false; return {}; } else { qCWarning(lcDb) << "Failed to connect database."; return tr("Failed to connect database."); // checkConnect failed. } } // TODO: filename -> QBytearray? bool SyncJournalDb::deleteFileRecord(const QString &filename, bool recursively) { QMutexLocker locker(&_mutex); if (checkConnect()) { // if (!recursively) { // always delete the actual file. { const auto query = _queryManager.get(PreparedSqlQueryManager::DeleteFileRecordPhash, QByteArrayLiteral("DELETE FROM metadata WHERE phash=?1"), _db); if (!query) { return false; } const qint64 phash = getPHash(filename.toUtf8()); query->bindValue(1, phash); if (!query->exec()) { return false; } } if (recursively) { const auto query = _queryManager.get(PreparedSqlQueryManager::DeleteFileRecordRecursively, QByteArrayLiteral("DELETE FROM metadata WHERE " IS_PREFIX_PATH_OF("?1", "path")), _db); if (!query) return false; query->bindValue(1, filename); if (!query->exec()) { return false; } } return true; } else { qCWarning(lcDb) << "Failed to connect database."; return false; // checkConnect failed. } } bool SyncJournalDb::getFileRecord(const QByteArray &filename, SyncJournalFileRecord *rec) { QMutexLocker locker(&_mutex); // Reset the output var in case the caller is reusing it. Q_ASSERT(rec); rec->_path.clear(); Q_ASSERT(!rec->isValid()); if (_metadataTableIsEmpty) return true; // no error, yet nothing found (rec->isValid() == false) if (!checkConnect()) return false; if (!filename.isEmpty()) { const auto query = _queryManager.get(PreparedSqlQueryManager::GetFileRecordQuery, QByteArrayLiteral(GET_FILE_RECORD_QUERY " WHERE phash=?1"), _db); if (!query) { return false; } query->bindValue(1, getPHash(filename)); if (!query->exec()) { close(); return false; } auto next = query->next(); if (!next.ok) { QString err = query->error(); qCWarning(lcDb) << "No journal entry found for" << filename << "Error:" << err; close(); return false; } if (next.hasData) { fillFileRecordFromGetQuery(*rec, *query); } } return true; } bool SyncJournalDb::getFileRecordByInode(quint64 inode, SyncJournalFileRecord *rec) { QMutexLocker locker(&_mutex); // Reset the output var in case the caller is reusing it. Q_ASSERT(rec); rec->_path.clear(); Q_ASSERT(!rec->isValid()); if (!inode || _metadataTableIsEmpty) return true; // no error, yet nothing found (rec->isValid() == false) if (!checkConnect()) return false; const auto query = _queryManager.get(PreparedSqlQueryManager::GetFileRecordQueryByInode, QByteArrayLiteral(GET_FILE_RECORD_QUERY " WHERE inode=?1"), _db); if (!query) return false; query->bindValue(1, inode); if (!query->exec()) return false; auto next = query->next(); if (!next.ok) return false; if (next.hasData) fillFileRecordFromGetQuery(*rec, *query); return true; } bool SyncJournalDb::getFileRecordsByFileId(const QByteArray &fileId, const std::function &rowCallback) { QMutexLocker locker(&_mutex); if (fileId.isEmpty() || _metadataTableIsEmpty) return true; // no error, yet nothing found (rec->isValid() == false) if (!checkConnect()) return false; const auto query = _queryManager.get(PreparedSqlQueryManager::GetFileRecordQueryByFileId, QByteArrayLiteral(GET_FILE_RECORD_QUERY " WHERE fileid=?1"), _db); if (!query) { return false; } query->bindValue(1, fileId); if (!query->exec()) return false; forever { auto next = query->next(); if (!next.ok) return false; if (!next.hasData) break; SyncJournalFileRecord rec; fillFileRecordFromGetQuery(rec, *query); rowCallback(rec); } return true; } bool SyncJournalDb::getFilesBelowPath(const QByteArray &path, const std::function &rowCallback) { QMutexLocker locker(&_mutex); if (_metadataTableIsEmpty) return true; // no error, yet nothing found if (!checkConnect()) return false; auto _exec = [&rowCallback](SqlQuery &query) { if (!query.exec()) { return false; } forever { auto next = query.next(); if (!next.ok) return false; if (!next.hasData) break; SyncJournalFileRecord rec; fillFileRecordFromGetQuery(rec, query); rowCallback(rec); } return true; }; if(path.isEmpty()) { // Since the path column doesn't store the starting /, the getFilesBelowPathQuery // can't be used for the root path "". It would scan for (path > '/' and path < '0') // and find nothing. So, unfortunately, we have to use a different query for // retrieving the whole tree. const auto query = _queryManager.get(PreparedSqlQueryManager::GetAllFilesQuery, QByteArrayLiteral(GET_FILE_RECORD_QUERY " ORDER BY path||'/' ASC"), _db); if (!query) { return false; } return _exec(*query); } else { // This query is used to skip discovery and fill the tree from the // database instead const auto query = _queryManager.get(PreparedSqlQueryManager::GetFilesBelowPathQuery, QByteArrayLiteral(GET_FILE_RECORD_QUERY " WHERE " IS_PREFIX_PATH_OF("?1", "path") // We want to ensure that the contents of a directory are sorted // directly behind the directory itself. Without this ORDER BY // an ordering like foo, foo-2, foo/file would be returned. // With the trailing /, we get foo-2, foo, foo/file. This property // is used in fill_tree_from_db(). " ORDER BY path||'/' ASC"), _db); if (!query) { return false; } query->bindValue(1, path); return _exec(*query); } } bool SyncJournalDb::listFilesInPath(const QByteArray& path, const std::function& rowCallback) { QMutexLocker locker(&_mutex); if (_metadataTableIsEmpty) return true; if (!checkConnect()) return false; const auto query = _queryManager.get(PreparedSqlQueryManager::ListFilesInPathQuery, QByteArrayLiteral(GET_FILE_RECORD_QUERY " WHERE parent_hash(path) = ?1 ORDER BY path||'/' ASC"), _db); if (!query) { return false; } query->bindValue(1, getPHash(path)); if (!query->exec()) return false; forever { auto next = query->next(); if (!next.ok) return false; if (!next.hasData) break; SyncJournalFileRecord rec; fillFileRecordFromGetQuery(rec, *query); if (!rec._path.startsWith(path) || rec._path.indexOf("/", path.size() + 1) > 0) { qWarning(lcDb) << "hash collision" << path << rec._path; continue; } rowCallback(rec); } return true; } int SyncJournalDb::getFileRecordCount() { QMutexLocker locker(&_mutex); SqlQuery query(_db); query.prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM metadata"); if (!query.exec()) { return -1; } if (query.next().hasData) { int count = query.intValue(0); return count; } return -1; } bool SyncJournalDb::updateFileRecordChecksum(const QString &filename, const QByteArray &contentChecksum, const QByteArray &contentChecksumType) { QMutexLocker locker(&_mutex); qCInfo(lcDb) << "Updating file checksum" << filename << contentChecksum << contentChecksumType; const qint64 phash = getPHash(filename.toUtf8()); if (!checkConnect()) { qCWarning(lcDb) << "Failed to connect database."; return false; } int checksumTypeId = mapChecksumType(contentChecksumType); const auto query = _queryManager.get(PreparedSqlQueryManager::SetFileRecordChecksumQuery, QByteArrayLiteral("UPDATE metadata" " SET contentChecksum = ?2, contentChecksumTypeId = ?3" " WHERE phash == ?1;"), _db); if (!query) { return false; } query->bindValue(1, phash); query->bindValue(2, contentChecksum); query->bindValue(3, checksumTypeId); return query->exec(); } Optional SyncJournalDb::hasHydratedOrDehydratedFiles(const QByteArray &filename) { QMutexLocker locker(&_mutex); if (!checkConnect()) return {}; const auto query = _queryManager.get(PreparedSqlQueryManager::CountDehydratedFilesQuery, QByteArrayLiteral("SELECT DISTINCT type FROM metadata" " WHERE (" IS_PREFIX_PATH_OR_EQUAL("?1", "path") " OR ?1 == '');"), _db); if (!query) { return {}; } query->bindValue(1, filename); if (!query->exec()) return {}; HasHydratedDehydrated result; forever { auto next = query->next(); if (!next.ok) return {}; if (!next.hasData) break; auto type = static_cast(query->intValue(0)); if (type == ItemTypeFile || type == ItemTypeVirtualFileDehydration) result.hasHydrated = true; if (type == ItemTypeVirtualFile || type == ItemTypeVirtualFileDownload) result.hasDehydrated = true; } return result; } static void toDownloadInfo(SqlQuery &query, SyncJournalDb::DownloadInfo *res) { bool ok = true; res->_tmpfile = query.stringValue(0); res->_etag = query.baValue(1); res->_errorCount = query.intValue(2); res->_valid = ok; } static bool deleteBatch(SqlQuery &query, const QStringList &entries, const QString &name) { if (entries.isEmpty()) return true; qCDebug(lcDb) << "Removing stale" << name << "entries:" << entries.join(QStringLiteral(", ")); // FIXME: Was ported from execBatch, check if correct! for (const auto &entry : entries) { query.reset_and_clear_bindings(); query.bindValue(1, entry); if (!query.exec()) { return false; } } return true; } SyncJournalDb::DownloadInfo SyncJournalDb::getDownloadInfo(const QString &file) { QMutexLocker locker(&_mutex); DownloadInfo res; if (checkConnect()) { const auto query = _queryManager.get(PreparedSqlQueryManager::GetDownloadInfoQuery, QByteArrayLiteral("SELECT tmpfile, etag, errorcount FROM downloadinfo WHERE path=?1"), _db); if (!query) { return res; } query->bindValue(1, file); if (!query->exec()) { return res; } if (query->next().hasData) { toDownloadInfo(*query, &res); } } return res; } void SyncJournalDb::setDownloadInfo(const QString &file, const SyncJournalDb::DownloadInfo &i) { QMutexLocker locker(&_mutex); if (!checkConnect()) { return; } if (i._valid) { const auto query = _queryManager.get(PreparedSqlQueryManager::SetDownloadInfoQuery, QByteArrayLiteral("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO downloadinfo " "(path, tmpfile, etag, errorcount) " "VALUES ( ?1 , ?2, ?3, ?4 )"), _db); if (!query) { return; } query->bindValue(1, file); query->bindValue(2, i._tmpfile); query->bindValue(3, i._etag); query->bindValue(4, i._errorCount); query->exec(); } else { const auto query = _queryManager.get(PreparedSqlQueryManager::DeleteDownloadInfoQuery); query->bindValue(1, file); query->exec(); } } QVector SyncJournalDb::getAndDeleteStaleDownloadInfos(const QSet &keep) { QVector empty_result; QMutexLocker locker(&_mutex); if (!checkConnect()) { return empty_result; } SqlQuery query(_db); // The selected values *must* match the ones expected by toDownloadInfo(). query.prepare("SELECT tmpfile, etag, errorcount, path FROM downloadinfo"); if (!query.exec()) { return empty_result; } QStringList superfluousPaths; QVector deleted_entries; while (query.next().hasData) { const QString file = query.stringValue(3); // path if (!keep.contains(file)) { superfluousPaths.append(file); DownloadInfo info; toDownloadInfo(query, &info); deleted_entries.append(info); } } { const auto query = _queryManager.get(PreparedSqlQueryManager::DeleteDownloadInfoQuery); if (!deleteBatch(*query, superfluousPaths, QStringLiteral("downloadinfo"))) { return empty_result; } } return deleted_entries; } int SyncJournalDb::downloadInfoCount() { int re = 0; QMutexLocker locker(&_mutex); if (checkConnect()) { SqlQuery query("SELECT count(*) FROM downloadinfo", _db); if (!query.exec()) { sqlFail(QStringLiteral("Count number of downloadinfo entries failed"), query); } if (query.next().hasData) { re = query.intValue(0); } } return re; } SyncJournalDb::UploadInfo SyncJournalDb::getUploadInfo(const QString &file) { QMutexLocker locker(&_mutex); UploadInfo res; if (checkConnect()) { const auto query = _queryManager.get(PreparedSqlQueryManager::GetUploadInfoQuery, QByteArrayLiteral("SELECT chunk, transferid, errorcount, size, modtime, contentChecksum FROM " "uploadinfo WHERE path=?1"), _db); if (!query) { return res; } query->bindValue(1, file); if (!query->exec()) { return res; } if (query->next().hasData) { bool ok = true; res._chunk = query->intValue(0); res._transferid = query->intValue(1); res._errorCount = query->intValue(2); res._size = query->int64Value(3); res._modtime = query->int64Value(4); res._contentChecksum = query->baValue(5); res._valid = ok; } } return res; } void SyncJournalDb::setUploadInfo(const QString &file, const SyncJournalDb::UploadInfo &i) { QMutexLocker locker(&_mutex); if (!checkConnect()) { return; } if (i._valid) { const auto query = _queryManager.get(PreparedSqlQueryManager::SetUploadInfoQuery, QByteArrayLiteral("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO uploadinfo " "(path, chunk, transferid, errorcount, size, modtime, contentChecksum) " "VALUES ( ?1 , ?2, ?3 , ?4 , ?5, ?6 , ?7 )"), _db); if (!query) { return; } query->bindValue(1, file); query->bindValue(2, i._chunk); query->bindValue(3, i._transferid); query->bindValue(4, i._errorCount); query->bindValue(5, i._size); query->bindValue(6, i._modtime); query->bindValue(7, i._contentChecksum); if (!query->exec()) { return; } } else { const auto query = _queryManager.get(PreparedSqlQueryManager::DeleteUploadInfoQuery); query->bindValue(1, file); if (!query->exec()) { return; } } } QVector SyncJournalDb::deleteStaleUploadInfos(const QSet &keep) { QMutexLocker locker(&_mutex); QVector ids; if (!checkConnect()) { return ids; } SqlQuery query(_db); query.prepare("SELECT path,transferid FROM uploadinfo"); if (!query.exec()) { return ids; } QStringList superfluousPaths; while (query.next().hasData) { const QString file = query.stringValue(0); if (!keep.contains(file)) { superfluousPaths.append(file); ids.append(query.intValue(1)); } } const auto deleteUploadInfoQuery = _queryManager.get(PreparedSqlQueryManager::DeleteUploadInfoQuery); deleteBatch(*deleteUploadInfoQuery, superfluousPaths, QStringLiteral("uploadinfo")); return ids; } SyncJournalErrorBlacklistRecord SyncJournalDb::errorBlacklistEntry(const QString &file) { QMutexLocker locker(&_mutex); SyncJournalErrorBlacklistRecord entry; if (file.isEmpty()) return entry; if (checkConnect()) { const auto query = _queryManager.get(PreparedSqlQueryManager::GetErrorBlacklistQuery); query->bindValue(1, file); if (query->exec()) { if (query->next().hasData) { entry._lastTryEtag = query->baValue(0); entry._lastTryModtime = query->int64Value(1); entry._retryCount = query->intValue(2); entry._errorString = query->stringValue(3); entry._lastTryTime = query->int64Value(4); entry._ignoreDuration = query->int64Value(5); entry._renameTarget = query->stringValue(6); entry._errorCategory = static_cast( query->intValue(7)); entry._requestId = query->baValue(8); entry._file = file; } } } return entry; } bool SyncJournalDb::deleteStaleErrorBlacklistEntries(const QSet &keep) { QMutexLocker locker(&_mutex); if (!checkConnect()) { return false; } SqlQuery query(_db); query.prepare("SELECT path FROM blacklist"); if (!query.exec()) { return false; } QStringList superfluousPaths; while (query.next().hasData) { const QString file = query.stringValue(0); if (!keep.contains(file)) { superfluousPaths.append(file); } } SqlQuery delQuery(_db); delQuery.prepare("DELETE FROM blacklist WHERE path = ?"); return deleteBatch(delQuery, superfluousPaths, QStringLiteral("blacklist")); } void SyncJournalDb::deleteStaleFlagsEntries() { QMutexLocker locker(&_mutex); if (!checkConnect()) return; SqlQuery delQuery("DELETE FROM flags WHERE path != '' AND path NOT IN (SELECT path from metadata);", _db); delQuery.exec(); } int SyncJournalDb::errorBlackListEntryCount() { int re = 0; QMutexLocker locker(&_mutex); if (checkConnect()) { SqlQuery query("SELECT count(*) FROM blacklist", _db); if (!query.exec()) { sqlFail(QStringLiteral("Count number of blacklist entries failed"), query); } if (query.next().hasData) { re = query.intValue(0); } } return re; } int SyncJournalDb::wipeErrorBlacklist() { QMutexLocker locker(&_mutex); if (checkConnect()) { SqlQuery query(_db); query.prepare("DELETE FROM blacklist"); if (!query.exec()) { sqlFail(QStringLiteral("Deletion of whole blacklist failed"), query); return -1; } return query.numRowsAffected(); } return -1; } void SyncJournalDb::wipeErrorBlacklistEntry(const QString &relativeFile) { if (relativeFile.isEmpty()) { return; } Q_ASSERT(QFileInfo(relativeFile).isRelative()); QMutexLocker locker(&_mutex); if (checkConnect()) { SqlQuery query(_db); query.prepare("DELETE FROM blacklist WHERE path=?1"); query.bindValue(1, relativeFile); if (!query.exec()) { sqlFail(QStringLiteral("Deletion of blacklist item failed."), query); } } } void SyncJournalDb::wipeErrorBlacklistEntry(const QString &relativeFile, SyncJournalErrorBlacklistRecord::Category category) { if (relativeFile.isEmpty()) { return; } Q_ASSERT(QFileInfo(relativeFile).isRelative()); QMutexLocker locker(&_mutex); if (checkConnect()) { SqlQuery query(_db); query.prepare("DELETE FROM blacklist WHERE path=?1 AND errorCategory=?2"); query.bindValue(1, relativeFile); query.bindValue(2, category); if (!query.exec()) { sqlFail(QStringLiteral("Deletion of blacklist item failed."), query); } } } void SyncJournalDb::wipeErrorBlacklistCategory(SyncJournalErrorBlacklistRecord::Category category) { QMutexLocker locker(&_mutex); if (checkConnect()) { SqlQuery query(_db); query.prepare("DELETE FROM blacklist WHERE errorCategory=?1"); query.bindValue(1, category); if (!query.exec()) { sqlFail(QStringLiteral("Deletion of blacklist category failed."), query); } } } void SyncJournalDb::setErrorBlacklistEntry(const SyncJournalErrorBlacklistRecord &item) { QMutexLocker locker(&_mutex); qCInfo(lcDb) << "Setting blacklist entry for" << item._file << item._retryCount << item._errorString << item._lastTryTime << item._ignoreDuration << item._lastTryModtime << item._lastTryEtag << item._renameTarget << item._errorCategory; if (!checkConnect()) { return; } const auto query = _queryManager.get(PreparedSqlQueryManager::SetErrorBlacklistQuery, QByteArrayLiteral("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO blacklist " "(path, lastTryEtag, lastTryModtime, retrycount, errorstring, lastTryTime, ignoreDuration, renameTarget, errorCategory, requestId) " "VALUES ( ?1, ?2, ?3, ?4, ?5, ?6, ?7, ?8, ?9, ?10)"), _db); if (!query) { return; } query->bindValue(1, item._file); query->bindValue(2, item._lastTryEtag); query->bindValue(3, item._lastTryModtime); query->bindValue(4, item._retryCount); query->bindValue(5, item._errorString); query->bindValue(6, item._lastTryTime); query->bindValue(7, item._ignoreDuration); query->bindValue(8, item._renameTarget); query->bindValue(9, item._errorCategory); query->bindValue(10, item._requestId); query->exec(); } QStringList SyncJournalDb::getSelectiveSyncList(SyncJournalDb::SelectiveSyncListType type, bool *ok) { QStringList result; OC_ASSERT(ok); QMutexLocker locker(&_mutex); if (!checkConnect()) { *ok = false; return result; } const auto query = _queryManager.get(PreparedSqlQueryManager::GetSelectiveSyncListQuery, QByteArrayLiteral("SELECT path FROM selectivesync WHERE type=?1"), _db); if (!query) { *ok = false; return result; } query->bindValue(1, int(type)); if (!query->exec()) { *ok = false; return result; } forever { auto next = query->next(); if (!next.ok) { *ok = false; return result; } if (!next.hasData) break; auto entry = query->stringValue(0); if (!entry.endsWith(QLatin1Char('/'))) { entry.append(QLatin1Char('/')); } result.append(entry); } *ok = true; return result; } void SyncJournalDb::setSelectiveSyncList(SyncJournalDb::SelectiveSyncListType type, const QStringList &list) { QMutexLocker locker(&_mutex); if (!checkConnect()) { return; } startTransaction(); //first, delete all entries of this type SqlQuery delQuery("DELETE FROM selectivesync WHERE type == ?1", _db); delQuery.bindValue(1, int(type)); if (!delQuery.exec()) { qCWarning(lcDb) << "SQL error when deleting selective sync list" << list << delQuery.error(); } SqlQuery insQuery("INSERT INTO selectivesync VALUES (?1, ?2)", _db); for (const auto &path : list) { insQuery.reset_and_clear_bindings(); insQuery.bindValue(1, path); insQuery.bindValue(2, int(type)); if (!insQuery.exec()) { qCWarning(lcDb) << "SQL error when inserting into selective sync" << type << path << delQuery.error(); } } commitInternal(QStringLiteral("setSelectiveSyncList")); } void SyncJournalDb::avoidRenamesOnNextSync(const QByteArray &path) { QMutexLocker locker(&_mutex); if (!checkConnect()) { return; } SqlQuery query(_db); query.prepare("UPDATE metadata SET fileid = '', inode = '0' WHERE " IS_PREFIX_PATH_OR_EQUAL("?1", "path")); query.bindValue(1, path); query.exec(); // We also need to remove the ETags so the update phase refreshes the directory paths // on the next sync schedulePathForRemoteDiscovery(path); } void SyncJournalDb::schedulePathForRemoteDiscovery(const QByteArray &fileName) { QMutexLocker locker(&_mutex); if (!checkConnect()) { return; } // Remove trailing slash auto argument = fileName; if (argument.endsWith('/')) argument.chop(1); SqlQuery query(_db); // This query will match entries for which the path is a prefix of fileName // Note: ItemTypeDirectory == 2 query.prepare("UPDATE metadata SET md5='_invalid_' WHERE " IS_PREFIX_PATH_OR_EQUAL("path", "?1") " AND type == 2;"); query.bindValue(1, argument); query.exec(); // Prevent future overwrite of the etags of this folder and all // parent folders for this sync argument.append('/'); _etagStorageFilter.append(argument); } void SyncJournalDb::clearEtagStorageFilter() { _etagStorageFilter.clear(); } void SyncJournalDb::forceRemoteDiscoveryNextSync() { QMutexLocker locker(&_mutex); if (!checkConnect()) { return; } forceRemoteDiscoveryNextSyncLocked(); } void SyncJournalDb::forceRemoteDiscoveryNextSyncLocked() { qCInfo(lcDb) << "Forcing remote re-discovery by deleting folder Etags"; SqlQuery deleteRemoteFolderEtagsQuery(_db); deleteRemoteFolderEtagsQuery.prepare("UPDATE metadata SET md5='_invalid_' WHERE type=2;"); deleteRemoteFolderEtagsQuery.exec(); } QByteArray SyncJournalDb::getChecksumType(int checksumTypeId) { QMutexLocker locker(&_mutex); if (!checkConnect()) { return QByteArray(); } // Retrieve the id const auto query = _queryManager.get(PreparedSqlQueryManager::GetChecksumTypeQuery, QByteArrayLiteral("SELECT name FROM checksumtype WHERE id=?1"), _db); if (!query) { return {}; } query->bindValue(1, checksumTypeId); if (!query->exec()) { return QByteArray(); } if (!query->next().hasData) { qCWarning(lcDb) << "No checksum type mapping found for" << checksumTypeId; return QByteArray(); } return query->baValue(0); } int SyncJournalDb::mapChecksumType(const QByteArray &checksumType) { if (checksumType.isEmpty()) { return 0; } auto it = _checksymTypeCache.find(checksumType); if (it != _checksymTypeCache.end()) return *it; // Ensure the checksum type is in the db { const auto query = _queryManager.get(PreparedSqlQueryManager::InsertChecksumTypeQuery, QByteArrayLiteral("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO checksumtype (name) VALUES (?1)"), _db); if (!query) { return 0; } query->bindValue(1, checksumType); if (!query->exec()) { return 0; } } // Retrieve the id { const auto query = _queryManager.get(PreparedSqlQueryManager::GetChecksumTypeIdQuery, QByteArrayLiteral("SELECT id FROM checksumtype WHERE name=?1"), _db); if (!query) { return 0; } query->bindValue(1, checksumType); if (!query->exec()) { return 0; } if (!query->next().hasData) { qCWarning(lcDb) << "No checksum type mapping found for" << checksumType; return 0; } auto value = query->intValue(0); _checksymTypeCache[checksumType] = value; return value; } } QByteArray SyncJournalDb::dataFingerprint() { QMutexLocker locker(&_mutex); if (!checkConnect()) { return QByteArray(); } const auto query = _queryManager.get(PreparedSqlQueryManager::GetDataFingerprintQuery, QByteArrayLiteral("SELECT fingerprint FROM datafingerprint"), _db); if (!query) { return QByteArray(); } if (!query->exec()) { return QByteArray(); } if (!query->next().hasData) { return QByteArray(); } return query->baValue(0); } void SyncJournalDb::setDataFingerprint(const QByteArray &dataFingerprint) { QMutexLocker locker(&_mutex); if (!checkConnect()) { return; } const auto setDataFingerprintQuery1 = _queryManager.get(PreparedSqlQueryManager::SetDataFingerprintQuery1, QByteArrayLiteral("DELETE FROM datafingerprint;"), _db); const auto setDataFingerprintQuery2 = _queryManager.get(PreparedSqlQueryManager::SetDataFingerprintQuery2, QByteArrayLiteral("INSERT INTO datafingerprint (fingerprint) VALUES (?1);"), _db); if (!setDataFingerprintQuery1 || !setDataFingerprintQuery2) { return; } setDataFingerprintQuery1->exec(); setDataFingerprintQuery2->bindValue(1, dataFingerprint); setDataFingerprintQuery2->exec(); } void SyncJournalDb::setConflictRecord(const ConflictRecord &record) { QMutexLocker locker(&_mutex); if (!checkConnect()) return; const auto query = _queryManager.get(PreparedSqlQueryManager::SetConflictRecordQuery, QByteArrayLiteral("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO conflicts " "(path, baseFileId, baseModtime, baseEtag, basePath) " "VALUES (?1, ?2, ?3, ?4, ?5);"), _db); OC_ASSERT(query); query->bindValue(1, record.path); query->bindValue(2, record.baseFileId); query->bindValue(3, record.baseModtime); query->bindValue(4, record.baseEtag); query->bindValue(5, record.initialBasePath); OC_ASSERT(query->exec()); } ConflictRecord SyncJournalDb::conflictRecord(const QByteArray &path) { ConflictRecord entry; QMutexLocker locker(&_mutex); if (!checkConnect()) { return entry; } const auto query = _queryManager.get(PreparedSqlQueryManager::GetConflictRecordQuery, QByteArrayLiteral("SELECT baseFileId, baseModtime, baseEtag, basePath FROM conflicts WHERE path=?1;"), _db); OC_ASSERT(query); query->bindValue(1, path); OC_ASSERT(query->exec()); if (!query->next().hasData) return entry; entry.path = path; entry.baseFileId = query->baValue(0); entry.baseModtime = query->int64Value(1); entry.baseEtag = query->baValue(2); entry.initialBasePath = query->baValue(3); return entry; } void SyncJournalDb::deleteConflictRecord(const QByteArray &path) { QMutexLocker locker(&_mutex); if (!checkConnect()) return; const auto query = _queryManager.get(PreparedSqlQueryManager::DeleteConflictRecordQuery, QByteArrayLiteral("DELETE FROM conflicts WHERE path=?1;"), _db); OC_ASSERT(query); query->bindValue(1, path); OC_ASSERT(query->exec()); } QByteArrayList SyncJournalDb::conflictRecordPaths() { QMutexLocker locker(&_mutex); if (!checkConnect()) return {}; SqlQuery query(_db); query.prepare("SELECT path FROM conflicts"); OC_ASSERT(query.exec()); QByteArrayList paths; while (query.next().hasData) paths.append(query.baValue(0)); return paths; } QByteArray SyncJournalDb::conflictFileBaseName(const QByteArray &conflictName) { auto conflict = conflictRecord(conflictName); QByteArray result; if (conflict.isValid()) { getFileRecordsByFileId(conflict.baseFileId, [&result](const SyncJournalFileRecord &record) { if (!record._path.isEmpty()) result = record._path; }); } if (result.isEmpty()) result = Utility::conflictFileBaseNameFromPattern(conflictName); return result; } void SyncJournalDb::clearFileTable() { QMutexLocker lock(&_mutex); SqlQuery query(_db); query.prepare("DELETE FROM metadata;"); query.exec(); } void SyncJournalDb::markVirtualFileForDownloadRecursively(const QByteArray &path) { QMutexLocker lock(&_mutex); if (!checkConnect()) return; static_assert(ItemTypeVirtualFile == 4 && ItemTypeVirtualFileDownload == 5, ""); SqlQuery query("UPDATE metadata SET type=5 WHERE " "(" IS_PREFIX_PATH_OF("?1", "path") " OR ?1 == '') " "AND type=4;", _db); query.bindValue(1, path); query.exec(); // We also must make sure we do not read the files from the database (same logic as in schedulePathForRemoteDiscovery) // This includes all the parents up to the root, but also all the directory within the selected dir. static_assert(ItemTypeDirectory == 2, ""); query.prepare("UPDATE metadata SET md5='_invalid_' WHERE " "(" IS_PREFIX_PATH_OF("?1", "path") " OR ?1 == '' OR " IS_PREFIX_PATH_OR_EQUAL("path", "?1") ") AND type == 2;"); query.bindValue(1, path); query.exec(); } Optional SyncJournalDb::PinStateInterface::rawForPath(const QByteArray &path) { QMutexLocker lock(&_db->_mutex); if (!_db->checkConnect()) return {}; const auto query = _db->_queryManager.get(PreparedSqlQueryManager::GetRawPinStateQuery, QByteArrayLiteral("SELECT pinState FROM flags WHERE path == ?1;"), _db->_db); OC_ASSERT(query); query->bindValue(1, path); query->exec(); auto next = query->next(); if (!next.ok) return {}; // no-entry means Inherited if (!next.hasData) return PinState::Inherited; return static_cast(query->intValue(0)); } Optional SyncJournalDb::PinStateInterface::effectiveForPath(const QByteArray &path) { QMutexLocker lock(&_db->_mutex); if (!_db->checkConnect()) return {}; const auto query = _db->_queryManager.get(PreparedSqlQueryManager::GetEffectivePinStateQuery, QByteArrayLiteral("SELECT pinState FROM flags WHERE" // explicitly allow "" to represent the root path // (it'd be great if paths started with a / and "/" could be the root) " (" IS_PREFIX_PATH_OR_EQUAL("path", "?1") " OR path == '')" " AND pinState is not null AND pinState != 0" " ORDER BY length(path) DESC LIMIT 1;"), _db->_db); OC_ASSERT(query); query->bindValue(1, path); query->exec(); auto next = query->next(); if (!next.ok) return {}; // If the root path has no setting, assume AlwaysLocal if (!next.hasData) return PinState::AlwaysLocal; return static_cast(query->intValue(0)); } Optional SyncJournalDb::PinStateInterface::effectiveForPathRecursive(const QByteArray &path) { // Get the item's effective pin state. We'll compare subitem's pin states // against this. const auto basePin = effectiveForPath(path); if (!basePin) return {}; QMutexLocker lock(&_db->_mutex); if (!_db->checkConnect()) return {}; // Find all the non-inherited pin states below the item const auto query = _db->_queryManager.get(PreparedSqlQueryManager::GetSubPinsQuery, QByteArrayLiteral("SELECT DISTINCT pinState FROM flags WHERE" " (" IS_PREFIX_PATH_OF("?1", "path") " OR ?1 == '')" " AND pinState is not null and pinState != 0;"), _db->_db); OC_ASSERT(query); query->bindValue(1, path); query->exec(); // Check if they are all identical forever { auto next = query->next(); if (!next.ok) return {}; if (!next.hasData) break; const auto subPin = static_cast(query->intValue(0)); if (subPin != *basePin) return PinState::Inherited; } return *basePin; } void SyncJournalDb::PinStateInterface::setForPath(const QByteArray &path, PinState state) { QMutexLocker lock(&_db->_mutex); if (!_db->checkConnect()) return; const auto query = _db->_queryManager.get(PreparedSqlQueryManager::SetPinStateQuery, QByteArrayLiteral( // If we had sqlite >=3.24.0 everywhere this could be an upsert, // making further flags columns easy //"INSERT INTO flags(path, pinState) VALUES(?1, ?2)" //" ON CONFLICT(path) DO UPDATE SET pinState=?2;"), // Simple version that doesn't work nicely with multiple columns: "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO flags(path, pinState) VALUES(?1, ?2);"), _db->_db); OC_ASSERT(query); query->bindValue(1, path); query->bindValue(2, state); query->exec(); } void SyncJournalDb::PinStateInterface::wipeForPathAndBelow(const QByteArray &path) { QMutexLocker lock(&_db->_mutex); if (!_db->checkConnect()) return; const auto query = _db->_queryManager.get(PreparedSqlQueryManager::WipePinStateQuery, QByteArrayLiteral("DELETE FROM flags WHERE " // Allow "" to delete everything " (" IS_PREFIX_PATH_OR_EQUAL("?1", "path") " OR ?1 == '');"), _db->_db); OC_ASSERT(query); query->bindValue(1, path); query->exec(); } Optional>> SyncJournalDb::PinStateInterface::rawList() { QMutexLocker lock(&_db->_mutex); if (!_db->checkConnect()) return {}; SqlQuery query("SELECT path, pinState FROM flags;", _db->_db); query.exec(); QVector> result; forever { auto next = query.next(); if (!next.ok) return {}; if (!next.hasData) break; result.append({ query.baValue(0), static_cast(query.intValue(1)) }); } return result; } SyncJournalDb::PinStateInterface SyncJournalDb::internalPinStates() { return {this}; } void SyncJournalDb::commit(const QString &context, bool startTrans) { QMutexLocker lock(&_mutex); commitInternal(context, startTrans); } void SyncJournalDb::commitIfNeededAndStartNewTransaction(const QString &context) { QMutexLocker lock(&_mutex); if (_transaction == 1) { commitInternal(context, true); } else { startTransaction(); } } bool SyncJournalDb::open() { QMutexLocker lock(&_mutex); return checkConnect(); } bool SyncJournalDb::isOpen() { QMutexLocker lock(&_mutex); return _db.isOpen(); } void SyncJournalDb::commitInternal(const QString &context, bool startTrans) { qCDebug(lcDb) << "Transaction commit" << context << (startTrans ? "and starting new transaction" : ""); commitTransaction(); if (startTrans) { startTransaction(); } } SyncJournalDb::~SyncJournalDb() { close(); } bool operator==(const SyncJournalDb::DownloadInfo &lhs, const SyncJournalDb::DownloadInfo &rhs) { return lhs._errorCount == rhs._errorCount && lhs._etag == rhs._etag && lhs._tmpfile == rhs._tmpfile && lhs._valid == rhs._valid; } bool operator==(const SyncJournalDb::UploadInfo &lhs, const SyncJournalDb::UploadInfo &rhs) { return lhs._errorCount == rhs._errorCount && lhs._chunk == rhs._chunk && lhs._modtime == rhs._modtime && lhs._valid == rhs._valid && lhs._size == rhs._size && lhs._transferid == rhs._transferid && lhs._contentChecksum == rhs._contentChecksum; } } // namespace OCC