/* * Copyright (C) by Klaas Freitag * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #ifndef SYNCJOURNALDB_H #define SYNCJOURNALDB_H #include #include #include #include #include #include "common/utility.h" #include "common/ownsql.h" #include "common/preparedsqlquerymanager.h" #include "common/syncjournalfilerecord.h" #include "common/result.h" #include "common/pinstate.h" namespace OCC { class SyncJournalFileRecord; /** * @brief Class that handles the sync database * * This class is thread safe. All public functions lock the mutex. * @ingroup libsync */ class OCSYNC_EXPORT SyncJournalDb : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: explicit SyncJournalDb(const QString &dbFilePath, QObject *parent = nullptr); ~SyncJournalDb() override; /// Create a journal path for a specific configuration static QString makeDbName(const QString &localPath, const QString &infix = QStringLiteral("journal")); /// Migrate a csync_journal to the new path, if necessary. Returns false on error static bool maybeMigrateDb(const QString &localPath, const QString &absoluteJournalPath); // To verify that the record could be found check with SyncJournalFileRecord::isValid() bool getFileRecord(const QString &filename, SyncJournalFileRecord *rec) { return getFileRecord(filename.toUtf8(), rec); } bool getFileRecord(const QByteArray &filename, SyncJournalFileRecord *rec); bool getFileRecordByInode(quint64 inode, SyncJournalFileRecord *rec); bool getFileRecordsByFileId(const QByteArray &fileId, const std::function &rowCallback); bool getFilesBelowPath(const QByteArray &path, const std::function &rowCallback); bool listFilesInPath(const QByteArray &path, const std::function &rowCallback); Result setFileRecord(const SyncJournalFileRecord &record); bool deleteFileRecord(const QString &filename, bool recursively = false); bool updateFileRecordChecksum(const QString &filename, const QByteArray &contentChecksum, const QByteArray &contentChecksumType); /// Return value for hasHydratedOrDehydratedFiles() struct HasHydratedDehydrated { bool hasHydrated = false; bool hasDehydrated = false; }; /** Returns whether the item or any subitems are dehydrated */ Optional hasHydratedOrDehydratedFiles(const QByteArray &filename); bool exists(); void walCheckpoint(); QString databaseFilePath() const; static qint64 getPHash(const QByteArray &); void setErrorBlacklistEntry(const SyncJournalErrorBlacklistRecord &item); void wipeErrorBlacklistEntry(const QString &relativeFile); void wipeErrorBlacklistEntry(const QString &relativeFile, SyncJournalErrorBlacklistRecord::Category category); void wipeErrorBlacklistCategory(SyncJournalErrorBlacklistRecord::Category category); int wipeErrorBlacklist(); int errorBlackListEntryCount(); struct DownloadInfo { DownloadInfo() : _errorCount(0) , _valid(false) { } QString _tmpfile; QByteArray _etag; int _errorCount; bool _valid; }; struct UploadInfo { UploadInfo() : _chunk(0) , _transferid(0) , _size(0) , _errorCount(0) , _valid(false) { } int _chunk; uint _transferid; qint64 _size; qint64 _modtime; int _errorCount; bool _valid; QByteArray _contentChecksum; /** * Returns true if this entry refers to a chunked upload that can be continued. * (As opposed to a small file transfer which is stored in the db so we can detect the case * when the upload succeeded, but the connection was dropped before we got the answer) */ bool isChunked() const { return _transferid != 0; } }; DownloadInfo getDownloadInfo(const QString &file); void setDownloadInfo(const QString &file, const DownloadInfo &i); QVector getAndDeleteStaleDownloadInfos(const QSet &keep); int downloadInfoCount(); UploadInfo getUploadInfo(const QString &file); void setUploadInfo(const QString &file, const UploadInfo &i); // Return the list of transfer ids that were removed. QVector deleteStaleUploadInfos(const QSet &keep); SyncJournalErrorBlacklistRecord errorBlacklistEntry(const QString &); bool deleteStaleErrorBlacklistEntries(const QSet &keep); /// Delete flags table entries that have no metadata correspondent void deleteStaleFlagsEntries(); void avoidRenamesOnNextSync(const QString &path) { avoidRenamesOnNextSync(path.toUtf8()); } void avoidRenamesOnNextSync(const QByteArray &path); enum SelectiveSyncListType { /** The black list is the list of folders that are unselected in the selective sync dialog. * For the sync engine, those folders are considered as if they were not there, so the local * folders will be deleted */ SelectiveSyncBlackList = 1, /** When a shared folder has a size bigger than a configured size, it is by default not sync'ed * Unless it is in the white list, in which case the folder is sync'ed and all its children. * If a folder is both on the black and the white list, the black list wins */ SelectiveSyncWhiteList = 2, /** List of big sync folders that have not been confirmed by the user yet and that the UI * should notify about */ SelectiveSyncUndecidedList = 3 }; /* return the specified list from the database */ QStringList getSelectiveSyncList(SelectiveSyncListType type, bool *ok); /* Write the selective sync list (remove all other entries of that list */ void setSelectiveSyncList(SelectiveSyncListType type, const QStringList &list); /** * Make sure that on the next sync fileName and its parents are discovered from the server. * * That means its metadata and, if it's a directory, its direct contents. * * Specifically, etag (md5 field) of fileName and all its parents are set to _invalid_. * That causes a metadata difference and a resulting discovery from the remote for the * affected folders. * * Since folders in the selective sync list will not be rediscovered (csync_ftw, * _csync_detect_update skip them), the _invalid_ marker will stay. And any * child items in the db will be ignored when reading a remote tree from the database. * * Any setFileRecord() call to affected directories before the next sync run will be * adjusted to retain the invalid etag via _etagStorageFilter. */ void schedulePathForRemoteDiscovery(const QString &fileName) { schedulePathForRemoteDiscovery(fileName.toUtf8()); } void schedulePathForRemoteDiscovery(const QByteArray &fileName); /** * Wipe _etagStorageFilter. Also done implicitly on close(). */ void clearEtagStorageFilter(); /** * Ensures full remote discovery happens on the next sync. * * Equivalent to calling schedulePathForRemoteDiscovery() for all files. */ void forceRemoteDiscoveryNextSync(); /* Because sqlite transactions are really slow, we encapsulate everything in big transactions * Commit will actually commit the transaction and create a new one. */ void commit(const QString &context, bool startTrans = true); void commitIfNeededAndStartNewTransaction(const QString &context); /** Open the db if it isn't already. * * This usually creates some temporary files next to the db file, like * $dbfile-shm or $dbfile-wal. * * returns true if it could be openend or is currently opened. */ bool open(); /** Returns whether the db is currently openend. */ bool isOpen(); /** Close the database */ void close(); /** * allow to reopen/recreate the db after it was closed (unit tests) * This is usually not allowed to prevent accidential recreation of db. */ void allowReopen(); /** * Returns the checksum type for an id. */ QByteArray getChecksumType(int checksumTypeId); /** * The data-fingerprint used to detect backup */ void setDataFingerprint(const QByteArray &dataFingerprint); QByteArray dataFingerprint(); // Conflict record functions /// Store a new or updated record in the database void setConflictRecord(const ConflictRecord &record); /// Retrieve a conflict record by path of the file with the conflict tag ConflictRecord conflictRecord(const QByteArray &path); /// Delete a conflict record by path of the file with the conflict tag void deleteConflictRecord(const QByteArray &path); /// Return all paths of files with a conflict tag in the name and records in the db QByteArrayList conflictRecordPaths(); /** Find the base name for a conflict file name, using journal or name pattern * * The path must by sync-folder relative. * * Will return an empty string if it's not even a conflict file by pattern. */ QByteArray conflictFileBaseName(const QByteArray &conflictName); /** * Delete any file entry. This will force the next sync to re-sync everything as if it was new, * restoring everyfile on every remote. If a file is there both on the client and server side, * it will be a conflict that will be automatically resolved if the file is the same. */ void clearFileTable(); /** * Set the 'ItemTypeVirtualFileDownload' to all the files that have the ItemTypeVirtualFile flag * within the directory specified path path * * The path "" marks everything. */ void markVirtualFileForDownloadRecursively(const QByteArray &path); /** Grouping for all functions relating to pin states, * * Use internalPinStates() to get at them. */ struct OCSYNC_EXPORT PinStateInterface { PinStateInterface(const PinStateInterface &) = delete; PinStateInterface(PinStateInterface &&) = delete; /** * Gets the PinState for the path without considering parents. * * If a path has no explicit PinState "Inherited" is returned. * * The path should not have a trailing slash. * It's valid to use the root path "". * * Returns none on db error. */ Optional rawForPath(const QByteArray &path); /** * Gets the PinState for the path after inheriting from parents. * * If the exact path has no entry or has an Inherited state, * the state of the closest parent path is returned. * * The path should not have a trailing slash. * It's valid to use the root path "". * * Never returns PinState::Inherited. If the root is "Inherited" * or there's an error, "AlwaysLocal" is returned. * * Returns none on db error. */ Optional effectiveForPath(const QByteArray &path); /** * Like effectiveForPath() but also considers subitem pin states. * * If the path's pin state and all subitem's pin states are identical * then that pin state will be returned. * * If some subitem's pin state is different from the path's state, * PinState::Inherited will be returned. Inherited isn't returned in * any other cases. * * It's valid to use the root path "". * Returns none on db error. */ Optional effectiveForPathRecursive(const QByteArray &path); /** * Sets a path's pin state. * * The path should not have a trailing slash. * It's valid to use the root path "". */ void setForPath(const QByteArray &path, PinState state); /** * Wipes pin states for a path and below. * * Used when the user asks a subtree to have a particular pin state. * The path should not have a trailing slash. * The path "" wipes every entry. */ void wipeForPathAndBelow(const QByteArray &path); /** * Returns list of all paths with their pin state as in the db. * * Returns nothing on db error. * Note that this will have an entry for "". */ Optional>> rawList(); SyncJournalDb *_db; }; friend struct PinStateInterface; /** Access to PinStates stored in the database. * * Important: Not all vfs plugins store the pin states in the database, * prefer to use Vfs::pinState() etc. */ PinStateInterface internalPinStates(); /** * Only used for auto-test: * when positive, will decrease the counter for every database operation. * reaching 0 makes the operation fails */ int autotestFailCounter = -1; private: int getFileRecordCount(); bool updateDatabaseStructure(); bool updateMetadataTableStructure(); bool updateErrorBlacklistTableStructure(); bool sqlFail(const QString &log, const SqlQuery &query); void commitInternal(const QString &context, bool startTrans = true); void startTransaction(); void commitTransaction(); QVector tableColumns(const QByteArray &table); bool checkConnect(); // Same as forceRemoteDiscoveryNextSync but without acquiring the lock void forceRemoteDiscoveryNextSyncLocked(); // Returns the integer id of the checksum type // // Returns 0 on failure and for empty checksum types. int mapChecksumType(const QByteArray &checksumType); SqlDatabase _db; QString _dbFile; QMutex _mutex; // Public functions are protected with the mutex. QMap _checksymTypeCache; int _transaction; bool _metadataTableIsEmpty; /* Storing etags to these folders, or their parent folders, is filtered out. * * When schedulePathForRemoteDiscovery() is called some etags to _invalid_ in the * database. If this is done during a sync run, a later propagation job might * undo that by writing the correct etag to the database instead. This filter * will prevent this write and instead guarantee the _invalid_ etag stays in * place. * * The list is cleared on close() (end of sync run) and explicitly with * clearEtagStorageFilter() (start of sync run). * * The contained paths have a trailing /. */ QList _etagStorageFilter; /** The journal mode to use for the db. * * Typically WAL initially, but may be set to other modes via environment * variable, for specific filesystems, or when WAL fails in a particular way. */ QByteArray _journalMode; PreparedSqlQueryManager _queryManager; /** * Whether the db was already closed, prevent recreation */ bool _closed = false; }; bool OCSYNC_EXPORT operator==(const SyncJournalDb::DownloadInfo &lhs, const SyncJournalDb::DownloadInfo &rhs); bool OCSYNC_EXPORT operator==(const SyncJournalDb::UploadInfo &lhs, const SyncJournalDb::UploadInfo &rhs); } // namespace OCC #endif // SYNCJOURNALDB_H