/* * Copyright (C) by Duncan Mac-Vicar P. * Copyright (C) by Klaas Freitag * Copyright (C) by Daniel Molkentin * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. */ #include "application.h" #include #include #include "config.h" #include "common/asserts.h" #include "account.h" #include "accountstate.h" #include "connectionvalidator.h" #include "folder.h" #include "folderman.h" #include "logger.h" #include "logbrowser.h" #include "configfile.h" #include "socketapi/socketapi.h" #include "sslerrordialog.h" #include "theme.h" #include "clientproxy.h" #include "sharedialog.h" #include "accountmanager.h" #include "creds/abstractcredentials.h" #include "updater/ocupdater.h" #include "owncloudsetupwizard.h" #include "version.h" #include "csync_exclude.h" #include "common/vfs.h" #include "settingsdialog.h" #include "translations.h" #include "config.h" #if defined(Q_OS_WIN) #include #endif #if defined(WITH_CRASHREPORTER) #include #endif #include #include #include #pragma push_macro("QT_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_BEFORE") #undef QT_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_BEFORE #define QT_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_BEFORE 0 #include #pragma pop_macro("QT_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_BEFORE") class QSocket; namespace { void migrateConfigFile(const QCoreApplication *app) { using namespace OCC; if (!ConfigFile::exists()) { // check whether an old config location must be migrated // we support multiple locations from old versions // these are worked on in-order to upgrade from version to version // the algorithm is the same for all these locations, thus we can use a loop // note that we try to migrate in descending order, i.e., we try to migrate from the last release, then from the release before, ... // this is done in order to avoid porting old configu const auto configLocationsToMigrate = [&app] { QStringList out; // note: this change is temporary to allow using QDesktopServices etc. to determine the paths // the application name was changed to auto scopeGuard = qScopeGuard([&app, oldApplicationName = app->applicationName()] { // reset to original value app->setApplicationName(oldApplicationName); }); auto addLegacyLocation = [&out](const QString &path) { if (QFileInfo(path).isDir()) { // macOS 10.11.x does not like trailing slash for rename/move. out.append(Utility::stripTrailingSlash(path)); } }; QCoreApplication::setApplicationName(Theme::instance()->appNameGUI()); // location used in versions from 2.5 to 2.8 addLegacyLocation(QStandardPaths::writableLocation(Utility::isWindows() ? QStandardPaths::AppDataLocation : QStandardPaths::AppConfigLocation)); // location used in versions <= 2.4 // We need to use the deprecated QDesktopServices::storageLocation because of its Qt4 behavior of adding "data" to the path addLegacyLocation(QDesktopServices::storageLocation(QDesktopServices::DataLocation)); return out; }(); // macOS 10.11.x does not like trailing slash for rename/move. const auto confDir = Utility::stripTrailingSlash(ConfigFile::configPath()); for (auto &oldDir : configLocationsToMigrate) { qCInfo(lcApplication) << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Migrating old config from" << oldDir << "to" << confDir; if (!QFile::rename(oldDir, confDir)) { qCWarning(lcApplication) << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Failed to move the old config directory to its new location (" << oldDir << "to" << confDir << ")"; // Try to move the files one by one if (QFileInfo(confDir).isDir() || QDir().mkpath(confDir)) { const auto filesList = QDir(oldDir).entryInfoList(QDir::Files); qCInfo(lcApplication) << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Will move the individual files" << filesList; for (const auto &fileInfo : filesList) { if (!QFile::rename(fileInfo.canonicalFilePath(), confDir + "/" + fileInfo.fileName())) { qCWarning(lcApplication) << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Fallback move of " << fileInfo.fileName() << "also failed"; } else { // we found a suitable config directory to migrate, hence we can stop here // if we continued to run, we would try to overwrite the working migration break; } } } } else { #ifndef Q_OS_WIN // Create a symbolic link so a downgrade of the client would still find the config. QFile::link(confDir, oldDir); #endif // we found a suitable config directory to migrate, hence we can stop here // if we continued to run, we would try to overwrite the working migration break; } } } } } // namespace namespace OCC { Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(lcApplication, "gui.application", QtInfoMsg) bool Application::configVersionMigration() { QStringList deleteKeys, ignoreKeys; AccountManager::backwardMigrationSettingsKeys(&deleteKeys, &ignoreKeys); FolderMan::backwardMigrationSettingsKeys(&deleteKeys, &ignoreKeys); ConfigFile configFile; // Did the client version change? // (The client version is adjusted further down) bool versionChanged = configFile.clientVersionString() != MIRALL_VERSION_STRING; // We want to message the user either for destructive changes, // or if we're ignoring something and the client version changed. bool warningMessage = !deleteKeys.isEmpty() || (!ignoreKeys.isEmpty() && versionChanged); if (!versionChanged && !warningMessage) return true; const auto backupFile = configFile.backup(); if (warningMessage) { QString boldMessage; if (!deleteKeys.isEmpty()) { boldMessage = tr("Continuing will mean deleting these settings."); } else { boldMessage = tr("Continuing will mean ignoring these settings."); } QMessageBox box( QMessageBox::Warning, APPLICATION_SHORTNAME, tr("Some settings were configured in newer versions of this client and " "use features that are not available in this version.
" "
" "%1
" "
" "The current configuration file was already backed up to %2.") .arg(boldMessage, backupFile)); box.addButton(tr("Quit"), QMessageBox::AcceptRole); auto continueBtn = box.addButton(tr("Continue"), QMessageBox::DestructiveRole); box.exec(); if (box.clickedButton() != continueBtn) { QTimer::singleShot(0, qApp, &QApplication::quit); return false; } auto settings = ConfigFile::settingsWithGroup("foo"); settings->endGroup(); // Wipe confusing keys from the future, ignore the others for (const auto &badKey : qAsConst(deleteKeys)) settings->remove(badKey); } configFile.setClientVersionString(MIRALL_VERSION_STRING); return true; } QString Application::displayLanguage() const { return _displayLanguage; } ownCloudGui *Application::gui() const { return _gui; } Application::Application(int &argc, char **argv) : SharedTools::QtSingleApplication(Theme::instance()->appName(), argc, argv) , _gui(nullptr) , _theme(Theme::instance()) , _logExpire(0) , _logFlush(false) , _logDebug(false) , _userTriggeredConnect(false) , _debugMode(false) { qsrand(std::random_device()()); #ifdef Q_OS_WIN // Ensure OpenSSL config file is only loaded from app directory QString opensslConf = QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() + QString("/openssl.cnf"); qputenv("OPENSSL_CONF", opensslConf.toLocal8Bit()); #endif // TODO: Can't set this without breaking current config paths // setOrganizationName(QLatin1String(APPLICATION_VENDOR)); setOrganizationDomain(QLatin1String(APPLICATION_REV_DOMAIN)); setApplicationName(_theme->appName()); setWindowIcon(_theme->applicationIcon()); // migrate old configuration files if necessary migrateConfigFile(this); // needed during commandline options parsing setApplicationVersion(_theme->versionSwitchOutput()); #if defined(OC_PLUGIN_DIR) && defined(Q_OS_LINUX) // logged below, must be done once logger has been set up const QString extraPluginDir = QDir(QApplication::applicationDirPath()).filePath(QStringLiteral(OC_PLUGIN_DIR)); this->addLibraryPath(extraPluginDir); #endif parseOptions(arguments()); if (isRunning()) return; #if defined(WITH_CRASHREPORTER) if (ConfigFile().crashReporter()) { auto reporter = QStringLiteral(CRASHREPORTER_EXECUTABLE); #ifdef Q_OS_WIN if (!reporter.endsWith(QLatin1String(".exe"))) { reporter.append(QLatin1String(".exe")); } #endif _crashHandler.reset(new CrashReporter::Handler(QDir::tempPath(), true, reporter)); } #endif setupLogging(); setupTranslations(); qCInfo(lcApplication) << "Plugin search paths:" << libraryPaths(); // Check vfs plugins if (Theme::instance()->showVirtualFilesOption() && bestAvailableVfsMode() == Vfs::Off) { qCWarning(lcApplication) << "Theme wants to show vfs mode, but no vfs plugins are available"; } if (isVfsPluginAvailable(Vfs::WindowsCfApi)) qCInfo(lcApplication) << "VFS windows plugin is available"; if (isVfsPluginAvailable(Vfs::WithSuffix)) qCInfo(lcApplication) << "VFS suffix plugin is available"; if (!configVersionMigration()) { return; } ConfigFile cfg; // The timeout is initialized with an environment variable, if not, override with the value from the config if (!AbstractNetworkJob::httpTimeout) AbstractNetworkJob::httpTimeout = cfg.timeout(); if (_quitInstance) { QTimer::singleShot(0, qApp, &QApplication::quit); return; } _folderManager.reset(new FolderMan); connect(this, &SharedTools::QtSingleApplication::messageReceived, this, &Application::slotParseMessage); if (!AccountManager::instance()->restore()) { // If there is an error reading the account settings, try again // after a couple of seconds, if that fails, give up. // (non-existence is not an error) Utility::sleep(5); if (!AccountManager::instance()->restore()) { qCCritical(lcApplication) << "Could not read the account settings, quitting"; QMessageBox::critical( nullptr, tr("Error accessing the configuration file"), tr("There was an error while accessing the configuration " "file at %1.") .arg(ConfigFile::configFile()), tr("Quit %1").arg(Theme::instance()->appNameGUI())); QTimer::singleShot(0, qApp, &QApplication::quit); return; } } FolderMan::instance()->setSyncEnabled(true); setQuitOnLastWindowClosed(false); _theme->setSystrayUseMonoIcons(cfg.monoIcons()); connect(_theme, &Theme::systrayUseMonoIconsChanged, this, &Application::slotUseMonoIconsChanged); // Setting up the gui class will allow tray notifications for the // setup that follows, like folder setup _gui = new ownCloudGui(this); if (_showSettings) { _gui->slotShowSettings(); } FolderMan::instance()->setupFolders(); _proxy.setupQtProxyFromConfig(); // folders have to be defined first, than we set up the Qt proxy. // Enable word wrapping of QInputDialog (#4197) setStyleSheet("QInputDialog QLabel { qproperty-wordWrap:1; }"); connect(AccountManager::instance(), &AccountManager::accountAdded, this, &Application::slotAccountStateAdded); connect(AccountManager::instance(), &AccountManager::accountRemoved, this, &Application::slotAccountStateRemoved); for (const auto &ai : AccountManager::instance()->accounts()) { slotAccountStateAdded(ai.data()); } connect(FolderMan::instance()->socketApi(), &SocketApi::shareCommandReceived, _gui.data(), &ownCloudGui::slotShowShareDialog); // startup procedure. connect(&_checkConnectionTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &Application::slotCheckConnection); _checkConnectionTimer.setInterval(ConnectionValidator::DefaultCallingIntervalMsec); // check for connection every 32 seconds. _checkConnectionTimer.start(); // Also check immediately QTimer::singleShot(0, this, &Application::slotCheckConnection); // Can't use onlineStateChanged because it is always true on modern systems because of many interfaces connect(&_networkConfigurationManager, &QNetworkConfigurationManager::configurationChanged, this, &Application::slotSystemOnlineConfigurationChanged); // Update checks UpdaterScheduler *updaterScheduler = new UpdaterScheduler(this); connect(updaterScheduler, &UpdaterScheduler::updaterAnnouncement, _gui.data(), [this](const QString &title, const QString &msg) { _gui->slotShowTrayMessage(title, msg); }); connect(updaterScheduler, &UpdaterScheduler::requestRestart, _folderManager.data(), &FolderMan::slotScheduleAppRestart); // Cleanup at Quit. connect(this, &QCoreApplication::aboutToQuit, this, &Application::slotCleanup); } Application::~Application() { // Make sure all folders are gone, otherwise removing the // accounts will remove the associated folders from the settings. if (_folderManager) { _folderManager->unloadAndDeleteAllFolders(); } // Remove the account from the account manager so it can be deleted. AccountManager::instance()->shutdown(); } void Application::slotAccountStateRemoved(const AccountStatePtr &accountState) { if (_gui) { disconnect(accountState.data(), &AccountState::stateChanged, _gui.data(), &ownCloudGui::slotAccountStateChanged); disconnect(accountState->account().data(), &Account::serverVersionChanged, _gui.data(), &ownCloudGui::slotTrayMessageIfServerUnsupported); } if (_folderManager) { disconnect(accountState.data(), &AccountState::stateChanged, _folderManager.data(), &FolderMan::slotAccountStateChanged); disconnect(accountState->account().data(), &Account::serverVersionChanged, _folderManager.data(), &FolderMan::slotServerVersionChanged); } // if there is no more account, show the wizard. if (_gui && AccountManager::instance()->accounts().isEmpty()) { // allow to add a new account if there is non any more. Always think // about single account theming! gui()->runNewAccountWizard(); } } void Application::slotAccountStateAdded(AccountState *accountState) { connect(accountState, &AccountState::stateChanged, _gui.data(), &ownCloudGui::slotAccountStateChanged); connect(accountState->account().data(), &Account::serverVersionChanged, _gui.data(), &ownCloudGui::slotTrayMessageIfServerUnsupported); connect(accountState, &AccountState::stateChanged, _folderManager.data(), &FolderMan::slotAccountStateChanged); connect(accountState->account().data(), &Account::serverVersionChanged, _folderManager.data(), &FolderMan::slotServerVersionChanged); _gui->slotTrayMessageIfServerUnsupported(accountState->account().data()); } void Application::slotCleanup() { AccountManager::instance()->save(); FolderMan::instance()->unloadAndDeleteAllFolders(); _gui->slotShutdown(); _gui->deleteLater(); } // FIXME: This is not ideal yet since a ConnectionValidator might already be running and is in // progress of timing out in some seconds. // Maybe we need 2 validators, one triggered by timer, one by network configuration changes? void Application::slotSystemOnlineConfigurationChanged(QNetworkConfiguration cnf) { if (cnf.state() & QNetworkConfiguration::Active) { QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "slotCheckConnection", Qt::QueuedConnection); } } void Application::slotCheckConnection() { const auto &list = AccountManager::instance()->accounts(); for (const auto &accountState : list) { AccountState::State state = accountState->state(); // Don't check if we're manually signed out or // when the error is permanent. if (state != AccountState::SignedOut && state != AccountState::ConfigurationError && state != AccountState::AskingCredentials) { accountState->checkConnectivity(); } } if (list.isEmpty()) { // let gui open the setup wizard _gui->slotOpenSettingsDialog(); _checkConnectionTimer.stop(); // don't popup the wizard on interval; } } void Application::slotCrash() { Utility::crash(); } void Application::slotCrashEnforce() { OC_ENFORCE(1 == 0); } void Application::slotCrashFatal() { qFatal("la Qt fatale"); } void Application::slotShowGuiMessage(const QString &title, const QString &message) { gui()->slotShowGuiMessage(title, message); } void Application::slotownCloudWizardDone(int res) { AccountManager *accountMan = AccountManager::instance(); FolderMan *folderMan = FolderMan::instance(); // During the wizard, scheduling of new syncs is disabled folderMan->setSyncEnabled(true); if (res == QDialog::Accepted) { // Check connectivity of the newly created account _checkConnectionTimer.start(); slotCheckConnection(); // If one account is configured: enable autostart bool shouldSetAutoStart = (accountMan->accounts().size() == 1); #ifdef Q_OS_MAC // Don't auto start when not being 'installed' shouldSetAutoStart = shouldSetAutoStart && QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath().startsWith("/Applications/"); #endif if (shouldSetAutoStart) { Utility::setLaunchOnStartup(_theme->appName(), _theme->appNameGUI(), true); } _gui->slotShowSettings(); } } void Application::setupLogging() { // might be called from second instance auto logger = Logger::instance(); logger->setLogFile(_logFile); logger->setLogDir(_logDir); logger->setLogExpire(_logExpire); logger->setLogFlush(_logFlush); logger->setLogDebug(_logDebug); logger->enterNextLogFile(); // Possibly configure logging from config file LogBrowser::setupLoggingFromConfig(); qCInfo(lcApplication) << "##################" << _theme->appName() << "locale:" << QLocale::system().name() << "version:" << _theme->aboutVersions(Theme::VersionFormat::OneLiner); qCInfo(lcApplication) << "Arguments:" << qApp->arguments(); } void Application::slotUseMonoIconsChanged(bool) { _gui->slotComputeOverallSyncStatus(); } void Application::slotParseMessage(const QString &msg, QObject *) { if (msg.startsWith(QLatin1String("MSG_PARSEOPTIONS:"))) { const int lengthOfMsgPrefix = 17; QStringList options = msg.mid(lengthOfMsgPrefix).split(QLatin1Char('|')); _showSettings = false; parseOptions(options); setupLogging(); if (_showSettings) { _gui->slotShowSettings(); } if (_quitInstance) { qApp->quit(); } } } // Helpers for displaying messages. Note that there is probably no console on Windows. static void displayHelpText(const QString &t, std::ostream &stream = std::cout) { Logger::instance()->attacheToConsole(); stream << qUtf8Printable(t) << std::endl; #ifdef Q_OS_WIN // No console on Windows. QString spaces(80, ' '); // Add a line of non-wrapped space to make the messagebox wide enough. QString text = QStringLiteral("
        + t.toHtmlEscaped() + QStringLiteral("
") + spaces + QStringLiteral("
"); QMessageBox::information(0, Theme::instance()->appNameGUI(), text); #endif } void Application::parseOptions(const QStringList &arguments) { QCommandLineParser parser; QString descriptionText; QTextStream descriptionTextStream(&descriptionText); descriptionTextStream << tr("%1 version %2\r\nFile synchronization desktop utility.").arg(_theme->appName(), _theme->version()) << endl; if (_theme->appName() == QLatin1String("ownCloud")) { descriptionTextStream << endl << endl << tr("For more information, see http://www.owncloud.org"); } parser.setApplicationDescription(descriptionText); auto helpOption = parser.addHelpOption(); auto versionOption = parser.addVersionOption(); // this little snippet saves a few lines below auto addOption = [&parser](const QCommandLineOption &option) { parser.addOption(option); return option; }; auto showSettingsOption = addOption({ { "s", "showsettings" }, tr("Show the settings dialog while starting.") }); auto quitInstanceOption = addOption({ { "q", "quit" }, tr("Quit the running instance.") }); auto logFileOption = addOption({ "logfile", tr("Write log to file (use - to write to stdout)."), "filename" }); auto logDirOption = addOption({ "logdir", tr("Write each sync log output in a new file in folder."), "name" }); auto logExpireOption = addOption({ "logexpire", tr("Remove logs older than hours (to be used with --logdir)."), "hours" }); auto logFlushOption = addOption({ "logflush", tr("Flush the log file after every write.") }); auto logDebugOption = addOption({ "logdebug", tr("Output debug-level messages in the log.") }); auto languageOption = addOption({ "language", tr("Override UI language."), "language" }); auto listLanguagesOption = addOption({ "list-languages", tr("Override UI language.") }); auto confDirOption = addOption({ "confdir", tr("Use the given configuration folder."), "dirname" }); auto debugOption = addOption({ "debug", tr("Enable debug mode.") }); // virtual file system parameters (optional) parser.addPositionalArgument("vfs file", tr("Virtual file system file to be opened (optional)."), { tr("[]") }); parser.process(arguments); // TODO: rename this option (see #8234 for more information) if (parser.isSet(showSettingsOption)) { _showSettings = true; } if (parser.isSet(quitInstanceOption)) { _quitInstance = true; } if (parser.isSet(logFileOption)) { _logFile = parser.value(logFileOption); } if (parser.isSet(logDirOption)) { _logDir = parser.value(logDirOption); } if (parser.isSet(logExpireOption)) { _logExpire = std::chrono::hours(parser.value(logExpireOption).toInt()); } if (parser.isSet(logFlushOption)) { _logFlush = true; } if (parser.isSet(logDebugOption)) { _logDebug = true; } if (parser.isSet(confDirOption)) { const auto confDir = parser.value(confDirOption); if (!ConfigFile::setConfDir(confDir)) { displayHelpText(tr("Invalid path passed to --confdir")); std::exit(1); } } if (parser.isSet(debugOption)) { _logDebug = true; _debugMode = true; } if (parser.isSet(languageOption)) { const auto languageValue = parser.value(languageOption); // fail if the language is unknown if (!Translations::listAvailableTranslations().contains(languageValue)) { displayHelpText(tr("Error: unknown language \"%1\" (use --list-languages to get a complete list of supported translations)").arg(languageValue)); std::exit(1); } else { _userEnforcedLanguage = languageValue; } } if (parser.isSet(listLanguagesOption)) { auto availableTranslations = Translations::listAvailableTranslations().toList(); availableTranslations.sort(Qt::CaseInsensitive); displayHelpText(tr("Available translations: %1").arg(availableTranslations.join(", "))); std::exit(1); } auto positionalArguments = parser.positionalArguments(); // ignore any positional arguments beyond the first one if (!positionalArguments.empty()) { QTimer::singleShot(0, this, [this, positionalArguments] { openVirtualFile(positionalArguments.front()); }); } } bool Application::debugMode() { return _debugMode; } QString substLang(const QString &lang) { // Map the more appropriate script codes // to country codes as used by Qt and // transifex translation conventions. // Simplified Chinese if (lang == QLatin1String("zh_Hans")) return QLatin1String("zh_CN"); // Traditional Chinese if (lang == QLatin1String("zh_Hant")) return QLatin1String("zh_TW"); return lang; } void Application::setupTranslations() { const auto trPath = Translations::translationsDirectoryPath(); qCDebug(lcApplication) << "Translations directory path:" << trPath; QStringList uiLanguages = QLocale::system().uiLanguages(); qCDebug(lcApplication) << "UI languages:" << uiLanguages; // the user can also set a locale in the settings, so we need to load the config file ConfigFile cfg; // allow user and theme to enforce a language via a commandline parameter const auto themeEnforcedLocale = Theme::instance()->enforcedLocale(); qCDebug(lcApplication) << "Theme-enforced locale:" << themeEnforcedLocale; // we need to track the enforced languages separately, since we need to distinguish between locale-provided // and user-enforced ones below QSet enforcedLanguages; // note that user-enforced languages are prioritized over the theme enforced one // to make testing easier, --language overrides the setting from the config file // as we are prepending to the list of languages, the list passed to the loop must be sorted with ascending priority for (const auto &enforcedLocale : { themeEnforcedLocale, cfg.uiLanguage(), _userEnforcedLanguage }) { if (!enforcedLocale.isEmpty()) { enforcedLanguages.insert(enforcedLocale); uiLanguages.prepend(enforcedLocale); } } qCDebug(lcApplication) << "Enforced languages:" << enforcedLanguages; QTranslator *translator = new QTranslator(this); QTranslator *qtTranslator = new QTranslator(this); QTranslator *qtkeychainTranslator = new QTranslator(this); for (QString lang : qAsConst(uiLanguages)) { lang.replace(QLatin1Char('-'), QLatin1Char('_')); // work around QTBUG-25973 lang = substLang(lang); const QString trFile = Translations::translationsFilePrefix() + lang; if (translator->load(trFile, trPath) || lang.startsWith(QLatin1String("en"))) { // Permissive approach: Qt and keychain translations // may be missing, but Qt translations must be there in order // for us to accept the language. Otherwise, we try with the next. // "en" is an exception as it is the default language and may not // have a translation file provided. qCInfo(lcApplication) << "Using" << lang << "translation"; _displayLanguage = lang; const QString qtTrPath = QLibraryInfo::location(QLibraryInfo::TranslationsPath); qCDebug(lcApplication) << "qtTrPath:" << qtTrPath; const QString qtTrFile = QLatin1String("qt_") + lang; qCDebug(lcApplication) << "qtTrFile:" << qtTrFile; const QString qtBaseTrFile = QLatin1String("qtbase_") + lang; qCDebug(lcApplication) << "qtBaseTrFile:" << qtBaseTrFile; if (!qtTranslator->load(qtTrFile, qtTrPath)) { if (!qtTranslator->load(qtTrFile, trPath)) { if (!qtTranslator->load(qtBaseTrFile, qtTrPath)) { if (!qtTranslator->load(qtBaseTrFile, trPath)) { qCCritical(lcApplication) << "Could not load Qt translations"; } } } } const QString qtkeychainTrFile = QLatin1String("qtkeychain_") + lang; if (!qtkeychainTranslator->load(qtkeychainTrFile, qtTrPath)) { if (!qtkeychainTranslator->load(qtkeychainTrFile, trPath)) { qCCritical(lcApplication) << "Could not load qtkeychain translations"; } } if (!translator->isEmpty() && !installTranslator(translator)) { qCCritical(lcApplication) << "Failed to install translator"; } if (!qtTranslator->isEmpty() && !installTranslator(qtTranslator)) { qCCritical(lcApplication) << "Failed to install Qt translator"; } if (!qtkeychainTranslator->isEmpty() && !installTranslator(qtkeychainTranslator)) { qCCritical(lcApplication) << "Failed to install qtkeychain translator"; } // makes sure widgets with locale-dependent formatting, e.g., QDateEdit, display the correct formatting // if the language is provided by the system locale anyway (i.e., coming from QLocale::system().uiLanguages()), we should // not mess with the system locale, though // if we did, we would enforce a locale for no apparent reason // see https://github.com/owncloud/client/issues/8608 for more information if (enforcedLanguages.contains(lang)) { QLocale newLocale(lang); qCDebug(lcApplication) << "language" << lang << "was enforced, changing default locale to" << newLocale; QLocale::setDefault(newLocale); #if QT_VERSION < QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 15, 0) // setting the layout direction directly only appears to be needed on mac setLayoutDirection(newLocale.textDirection()); #endif } break; } } } void Application::showSettingsDialog() { _gui->slotShowSettings(); } void Application::openVirtualFile(const QString &filename) { QString virtualFileExt = QStringLiteral(APPLICATION_DOTVIRTUALFILE_SUFFIX); if (!filename.endsWith(virtualFileExt)) { qWarning(lcApplication) << "Can only handle file ending in .owncloud. Unable to open" << filename; return; } QString relativePath; auto folder = FolderMan::instance()->folderForPath(filename, &relativePath); if (!folder) { qWarning(lcApplication) << "Can't find sync folder for" << filename; // TODO: show a QMessageBox for errors return; } folder->implicitlyHydrateFile(relativePath); QString normalName = filename.left(filename.size() - virtualFileExt.size()); auto con = QSharedPointer::create(); *con = connect(folder, &Folder::syncFinished, folder, [folder, con, normalName] { folder->disconnect(*con); if (QFile::exists(normalName)) { QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl::fromLocalFile(normalName)); } }); } void Application::tryTrayAgain() { qCInfo(lcApplication) << "Trying tray icon, tray available:" << QSystemTrayIcon::isSystemTrayAvailable(); if (!_gui->contextMenuVisible()) _gui->hideAndShowTray(); } bool Application::event(QEvent *event) { #ifdef Q_OS_MAC if (event->type() == QEvent::FileOpen) { QFileOpenEvent *openEvent = static_cast(event); qCDebug(lcApplication) << "QFileOpenEvent" << openEvent->file(); // virtual file, open it after the Folder were created (if the app is not terminated) QString fn = openEvent->file(); QTimer::singleShot(0, this, [this, fn] { openVirtualFile(fn); }); } #endif return SharedTools::QtSingleApplication::event(event); } } // namespace OCC