#include "askexperimentalvirtualfilesfeaturemessagebox.h" namespace OCC { AskExperimentalVirtualFilesFeatureMessageBox::AskExperimentalVirtualFilesFeatureMessageBox(QWidget *parent) : QMessageBox(QMessageBox::Warning, tr("Enable experimental feature?"), tr("When the \"virtual files\" mode is enabled no files will be downloaded initially. " "Instead, a tiny file will be created for each file that exists on the server. " "The contents can be downloaded by running these files or by using their context menu." "\n\n" "The virtual files mode is mutually exclusive with selective sync. " "Currently unselected folders will be translated to online-only folders " "and your selective sync settings will be reset." "\n\n" "Switching to this mode will abort any currently running synchronization." "\n\n" "This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any " "issues that come up."), QMessageBox::NoButton, parent) { this->addButton(tr("Enable experimental placeholder mode"), QMessageBox::AcceptRole); this->addButton(tr("Stay safe"), QMessageBox::RejectRole); this->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose); } }