OCC::GeneralSettings 0 0 791 686 Form true 0 0 771 637 General Settings Use &Monochrome Icons in the system tray Show &Desktop Notifications Start on &Login 0 0 Language 0 0 Advanced Show sync folders in &Explorer's Navigation Pane Sync hidden files 0 0 S&how crash reporter Edit &Ignored Files Log Settings Qt::Horizontal 555 20 Advanced - Approval of folder sync (Non virtual file mode only) Ask for confirmation before synchronizing folders larger than true 999999 99 MB Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Ask for confirmation before synchronizing external storages Network Updates 0 0 &Update Channel updateChannel 0 0 stable beta true true 0 0 &Restart && Update Qt::Vertical 20 40 0 0 0 0 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 ArrowCursor Copyright ownCloud GmbH Qt::LinksAccessibleByMouse|Qt::TextSelectableByMouse About NetworkSettings QWidget
autostartCheckBox desktopNotificationsCheckBox monoIconsCheckBox showInExplorerNavigationPaneCheckBox syncHiddenFilesCheckBox crashreporterCheckBox ignoredFilesButton logSettingsButton newFolderLimitCheckBox newFolderLimitSpinBox newExternalStorage updateChannel restartButton scrollArea newFolderLimitCheckBox toggled(bool) newFolderLimitSpinBox setEnabled(bool) 245 139 412 141