OCC::LogBrowser 0 0 600 399 Log Output 0 0 64 64 64 64 :/client/resources/light/warning.svg true <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600; color:#ff0000;">The logs contain sensitive information which you should not make publicly available</span></p></body></html> true 0 0 The client can write debug logs to a temporary folder. These logs are very helpful for diagnosing problems. Since log files can get large, the client will start a new one for each sync run and compress older ones. It is also recommended to enable deleting log files after a couple of hours to avoid consuming too much disk space. true If enabled, logs will be written to: C:/log Qt::LinksAccessibleByMouse|Qt::TextSelectableByMouse Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Enable logging to temporary folder Log Http traffic Log files to keep: 5 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 0 0 These settings persist across client restarts. Note that using any logging command line options will override the settings. true Open folder Qt::Horizontal QDialogButtonBox::Close