OCC::NetworkSettings 0 0 623 581 Form true Proxy Settings No Proxy true proxyButtonGroup Use system proxy proxyButtonGroup Specify proxy manually as proxyButtonGroup false false 0 Host 0 0 : 0 0 1 65535 8080 false Proxy server requires authentication false 0 0 0 0 QLineEdit::Password Note: proxy settings have no effects for accounts on localhost 0 0 Download Bandwidth No limit true Limit to 3/4 of estimated bandwidth Limit automatically Limit to false 9999 80 KBytes/s Qt::Vertical 147 25 0 0 Upload Bandwidth No limit true Limit to 3/4 of estimated bandwidth Limit automatically Limit to false 1 9999 10 KBytes/s Qt::Vertical 20 0 downloadLimitRadioButton toggled(bool) downloadSpinBox setEnabled(bool) 73 69 131 78 uploadLimitRadioButton toggled(bool) uploadSpinBox setEnabled(bool) 322 101 411 106