/* * Copyright (C) by Olivier Goffart * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. */ #include "config.h" #include "propagateupload.h" #include "owncloudpropagator_p.h" #include "networkjobs.h" #include "account.h" #include "common/syncjournaldb.h" #include "common/syncjournalfilerecord.h" #include "common/utility.h" #include "filesystem.h" #include "propagatorjobs.h" #include "common/checksums.h" #include "syncengine.h" #include "propagateremotedelete.h" #include "common/asserts.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace OCC { Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(lcPutJob, "sync.networkjob.put", QtInfoMsg) Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(lcPropagateUpload, "sync.propagator.upload", QtInfoMsg) Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(lcPropagateUploadV1, "sync.propagator.upload.v1", QtInfoMsg) Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(lcPropagateUploadNG, "sync.propagator.upload.ng", QtInfoMsg) /** * We do not want to upload files that are currently being modified. * To avoid that, we don't upload files that have a modification time * that is too close to the current time. * * This interacts with the msBetweenRequestAndSync delay in the folder * manager. If that delay between file-change notification and sync * has passed, we should accept the file for upload here. */ static bool fileIsStillChanging(const SyncFileItem &item) { const QDateTime modtime = Utility::qDateTimeFromTime_t(item._modtime); const qint64 msSinceMod = modtime.msecsTo(QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc()); return std::chrono::milliseconds(msSinceMod) < SyncEngine::minimumFileAgeForUpload // if the mtime is too much in the future we *do* upload the file && msSinceMod > -10000; } PUTFileJob::PUTFileJob(AccountPtr account, const QString &path, std::unique_ptr device, const QMap &headers, int chunk, QObject *parent) : PUTFileJob(account, Utility::concatUrlPath(account->davUrl(), path), std::move(device), headers, chunk, parent) { // Long uploads must not block non-propagation jobs. setPriority(QNetworkRequest::LowPriority); } PUTFileJob::PUTFileJob(AccountPtr account, const QUrl &url, std::unique_ptr device, const QMap &headers, int chunk, QObject *parent) : AbstractNetworkJob(account, QString(), parent) , _device(device.release()) , _headers(headers) , _url(url) , _chunk(chunk) { _device->setParent(this); // Long uploads must not block non-propagation jobs. setPriority(QNetworkRequest::LowPriority); } PUTFileJob::~PUTFileJob() { // Make sure that we destroy the QNetworkReply before our _device of which it keeps an internal pointer. setReply(nullptr); } void PUTFileJob::start() { QNetworkRequest req; for (auto it = _headers.cbegin(); it != _headers.cend(); ++it) { req.setRawHeader(it.key(), it.value()); } sendRequest("PUT", _url, req, _device); connect(this, &AbstractNetworkJob::networkActivity, account().data(), &Account::propagatorNetworkActivity); _requestTimer.start(); AbstractNetworkJob::start(); } bool PUTFileJob::finished() { _device->close(); qCInfo(lcPutJob) << "PUT of" << reply()->request().url().toString() << "FINISHED WITH STATUS" << replyStatusString() << reply()->attribute(QNetworkRequest::HttpStatusCodeAttribute).toInt() << reply()->attribute(QNetworkRequest::HttpReasonPhraseAttribute); emit finishedSignal(); return true; } void PUTFileJob::newReplyHook(QNetworkReply *reply) { connect(reply, &QNetworkReply::uploadProgress, this, &PUTFileJob::uploadProgress); } void PropagateUploadFileCommon::setDeleteExisting(bool enabled) { _deleteExisting = enabled; } void PropagateUploadFileCommon::start() { if (propagator()->_abortRequested) { return; } // Check if the specific file can be accessed if (propagator()->hasCaseClashAccessibilityProblem(_item->_file)) { done(SyncFileItem::NormalError, tr("File %1 cannot be uploaded because another file with the same name, differing only in case, exists").arg(QDir::toNativeSeparators(_item->_file))); return; } // Check if we believe that the upload will fail due to remote quota limits const qint64 quotaGuess = propagator()->_folderQuota.value( QFileInfo(_item->_file).path(), std::numeric_limits::max()); if (_item->_size > quotaGuess) { // Necessary for blacklisting logic _item->_httpErrorCode = 507; emit propagator()->insufficientRemoteStorage(); done(SyncFileItem::DetailError, tr("Upload of %1 exceeds the quota for the folder").arg(Utility::octetsToString(_item->_size))); return; } propagator()->_activeJobList.append(this); if (!_deleteExisting) { return slotComputeContentChecksum(); } auto job = new DeleteJob(propagator()->account(), propagator()->fullRemotePath(_item->_file), this); _jobs.append(job); connect(job, &DeleteJob::finishedSignal, this, &PropagateUploadFileCommon::slotComputeContentChecksum); connect(job, &QObject::destroyed, this, &PropagateUploadFileCommon::slotJobDestroyed); job->start(); } void PropagateUploadFileCommon::slotComputeContentChecksum() { if (propagator()->_abortRequested) { return; } const QString filePath = propagator()->fullLocalPath(_item->_file); // remember the modtime before checksumming to be able to detect a file // change during the checksum calculation _item->_modtime = FileSystem::getModTime(filePath); const QByteArray checksumType = propagator()->account()->capabilities().preferredUploadChecksumType(); // Maybe the discovery already computed the checksum? QByteArray existingChecksumType, existingChecksum; parseChecksumHeader(_item->_checksumHeader, &existingChecksumType, &existingChecksum); if (existingChecksumType == checksumType) { slotComputeTransmissionChecksum(checksumType, existingChecksum); return; } // Compute the content checksum. auto computeChecksum = new ComputeChecksum(this); computeChecksum->setChecksumType(checksumType); connect(computeChecksum, &ComputeChecksum::done, this, &PropagateUploadFileCommon::slotComputeTransmissionChecksum); connect(computeChecksum, &ComputeChecksum::done, computeChecksum, &QObject::deleteLater); computeChecksum->start(filePath); } void PropagateUploadFileCommon::slotComputeTransmissionChecksum(const QByteArray &contentChecksumType, const QByteArray &contentChecksum) { _item->_checksumHeader = makeChecksumHeader(contentChecksumType, contentChecksum); // Reuse the content checksum as the transmission checksum if possible const auto supportedTransmissionChecksums = propagator()->account()->capabilities().supportedChecksumTypes(); if (supportedTransmissionChecksums.contains(contentChecksumType)) { slotStartUpload(contentChecksumType, contentChecksum); return; } // Compute the transmission checksum. auto computeChecksum = new ComputeChecksum(this); if (uploadChecksumEnabled()) { computeChecksum->setChecksumType(propagator()->account()->capabilities().uploadChecksumType()); } else { computeChecksum->setChecksumType(QByteArray()); } connect(computeChecksum, &ComputeChecksum::done, this, &PropagateUploadFileCommon::slotStartUpload); connect(computeChecksum, &ComputeChecksum::done, computeChecksum, &QObject::deleteLater); const QString filePath = propagator()->fullLocalPath(_item->_file); computeChecksum->start(filePath); } void PropagateUploadFileCommon::slotStartUpload(const QByteArray &transmissionChecksumType, const QByteArray &transmissionChecksum) { // Remove ourselfs from the list of active job, before any posible call to done() // When we start chunks, we will add it again, once for every chunks. propagator()->_activeJobList.removeOne(this); _transmissionChecksumHeader = makeChecksumHeader(transmissionChecksumType, transmissionChecksum); // If no checksum header was not set, reuse the transmission checksum as the content checksum. if (_item->_checksumHeader.isEmpty()) { _item->_checksumHeader = _transmissionChecksumHeader; } const QString fullFilePath = propagator()->fullLocalPath(_item->_file); if (!FileSystem::fileExists(fullFilePath)) { done(SyncFileItem::SoftError, tr("File Removed")); return; } _item->_size = FileSystem::getSize(fullFilePath); const time_t prevModtime = _item->_modtime; // the _item value was set in PropagateUploadFile::start() // but a potential checksum calculation could have taken some time during which the file could // have been changed again, so better check again here. // But skip the file if the mtime is too close to 'now'! // That usually indicates a file that is still being changed // or not yet fully copied to the destination. _item->_modtime = FileSystem::getModTime(fullFilePath); if (prevModtime != _item->_modtime || fileIsStillChanging(*_item)) { propagator()->_anotherSyncNeeded = true; done(SyncFileItem::Message, tr("Local file changed during sync. It will be resumed.")); return; } doStartUpload(); } UploadDevice::UploadDevice(const QString &fileName, qint64 start, qint64 size, BandwidthManager *bwm) : _file(fileName) , _start(start) , _size(size) , _read(0) , _bandwidthManager(bwm) , _bandwidthQuota(0) , _readWithProgress(0) , _bandwidthLimited(false) , _choked(false) { _bandwidthManager->registerUploadDevice(this); } UploadDevice::~UploadDevice() { if (_bandwidthManager) { _bandwidthManager->unregisterUploadDevice(this); } } bool UploadDevice::open(QIODevice::OpenMode mode) { if (mode & QIODevice::WriteOnly) return false; // Get the file size now: _file.fileName() is no longer reliable // on all platforms after openAndSeekFileSharedRead(). auto fileDiskSize = FileSystem::getSize(_file.fileName()); QString openError; if (!FileSystem::openAndSeekFileSharedRead(&_file, &openError, _start)) { setErrorString(openError); return false; } _size = qBound(0ll, _size, fileDiskSize - _start); _read = 0; return QIODevice::open(mode); } void UploadDevice::close() { _file.close(); QIODevice::close(); } qint64 UploadDevice::writeData(const char *, qint64) { OC_ASSERT_X(false, "write to read only device"); return 0; } qint64 UploadDevice::readData(char *data, qint64 maxlen) { if (_size - _read <= 0) { // at end if (_bandwidthManager) { _bandwidthManager->unregisterUploadDevice(this); } return -1; } maxlen = qMin(maxlen, _size - _read); if (maxlen <= 0) { return 0; } if (isChoked()) { return 0; } if (isBandwidthLimited()) { maxlen = qMin(maxlen, _bandwidthQuota); if (maxlen <= 0) { // no quota return 0; } _bandwidthQuota -= maxlen; } auto c = _file.read(data, maxlen); if (c < 0) { setErrorString(_file.errorString()); return -1; } _read += c; return c; } void UploadDevice::slotJobUploadProgress(qint64 sent, qint64 t) { if (sent == 0 || t == 0) { return; } // used by the BandwidthManager _readWithProgress = sent; } bool UploadDevice::atEnd() const { return _read >= _size; } qint64 UploadDevice::size() const { return _size; } qint64 UploadDevice::bytesAvailable() const { return _size - _read + QIODevice::bytesAvailable(); } // random access, we can seek bool UploadDevice::isSequential() const { return false; } bool UploadDevice::seek(qint64 pos) { if (!QIODevice::seek(pos)) { return false; } if (pos < 0 || pos > _size) { return false; } _read = pos; _file.seek(_start + pos); return true; } void UploadDevice::giveBandwidthQuota(qint64 bwq) { if (!atEnd()) { _bandwidthQuota = bwq; QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "readyRead", Qt::QueuedConnection); // tell QNAM that we have quota } } void UploadDevice::setBandwidthLimited(bool b) { _bandwidthLimited = b; QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "readyRead", Qt::QueuedConnection); } void UploadDevice::setChoked(bool b) { _choked = b; if (!_choked) { QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "readyRead", Qt::QueuedConnection); } } void PropagateUploadFileCommon::done(SyncFileItem::Status status, const QString &errorString) { _finished = true; PropagateItemJob::done(status, errorString); } void PropagateUploadFileCommon::checkResettingErrors() { if (_item->_httpErrorCode == 412 || propagator()->account()->capabilities().httpErrorCodesThatResetFailingChunkedUploads().contains(_item->_httpErrorCode)) { auto uploadInfo = propagator()->_journal->getUploadInfo(_item->_file); uploadInfo._errorCount += 1; if (uploadInfo._errorCount > 3) { qCInfo(lcPropagateUpload) << "Reset transfer of" << _item->_file << "due to repeated error" << _item->_httpErrorCode; uploadInfo = SyncJournalDb::UploadInfo(); } else { qCInfo(lcPropagateUpload) << "Error count for maybe-reset error" << _item->_httpErrorCode << "on file" << _item->_file << "is" << uploadInfo._errorCount; } propagator()->_journal->setUploadInfo(_item->_file, uploadInfo); propagator()->_journal->commit(QStringLiteral("Upload info")); } } void PropagateUploadFileCommon::commonErrorHandling(AbstractNetworkJob *job) { QByteArray replyContent; QString errorString = job->errorStringParsingBody(&replyContent); qCDebug(lcPropagateUpload) << replyContent; // display the XML error in the debug if (_item->_httpErrorCode == 412) { // Precondition Failed: Either an etag or a checksum mismatch. // Maybe the bad etag is in the database, we need to clear the // parent folder etag so we won't read from DB next sync. propagator()->_journal->schedulePathForRemoteDiscovery(_item->_file); propagator()->_anotherSyncNeeded = true; } // Ensure errors that should eventually reset the chunked upload are tracked. checkResettingErrors(); SyncFileItem::Status status = classifyError(job->reply()->error(), _item->_httpErrorCode, &propagator()->_anotherSyncNeeded, replyContent); // Insufficient remote storage. if (_item->_httpErrorCode == 507) { // Update the quota expectation const auto path = QFileInfo(_item->_file).path(); auto quotaIt = propagator()->_folderQuota.find(path); if (quotaIt != propagator()->_folderQuota.end()) { quotaIt.value() = qMin(quotaIt.value(), _item->_size - 1); } else { propagator()->_folderQuota[path] = _item->_size - 1; } // Set up the error status = SyncFileItem::DetailError; errorString = tr("Upload of %1 exceeds the quota for the folder").arg(Utility::octetsToString(_item->_size)); emit propagator()->insufficientRemoteStorage(); } abortWithError(status, errorString); } void PropagateUploadFileCommon::adjustLastJobTimeout(AbstractNetworkJob *job, qint64 fileSize) { job->setTimeout(qBound( job->timeoutMsec(), // Calculate 3 minutes for each gigabyte of data qint64((3 * 60 * 1000) * fileSize / 1e9), // Maximum of 30 minutes 30 * 60 * 1000LL)); } void PropagateUploadFileCommon::slotJobDestroyed(QObject *job) { _jobs.erase(std::remove(_jobs.begin(), _jobs.end(), job), _jobs.end()); } // This function is used whenever there is an error occuring and jobs might be in progress void PropagateUploadFileCommon::abortWithError(SyncFileItem::Status status, const QString &error) { qCWarning(lcPropagateUpload) << Q_FUNC_INFO << _item->_file << error; if (!_aborting) { abort(AbortType::Synchronous); done(status, error); } } QMap PropagateUploadFileCommon::headers() { QMap headers; headers[QByteArrayLiteral("Content-Type")] = QByteArrayLiteral("application/octet-stream"); headers[QByteArrayLiteral("X-OC-Mtime")] = QByteArray::number(qint64(_item->_modtime)); if (qEnvironmentVariableIntValue("OWNCLOUD_LAZYOPS")) headers[QByteArrayLiteral("OC-LazyOps")] = QByteArrayLiteral("true"); if (_item->_file.contains(QLatin1String(".sys.admin#recall#"))) { // This is a file recall triggered by the admin. Note: the // recall list file created by the admin and downloaded by the // client (.sys.admin#recall#) also falls into this category // (albeit users are not supposed to mess up with it) // We use a special tag header so that the server may decide to store this file away in some admin stage area // And not directly in the user's area (which would trigger redownloads etc). headers["OC-Tag"] = ".sys.admin#recall#"; } if (!_item->_etag.isEmpty() && _item->_etag != "empty_etag" && _item->_instruction != CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_NEW // On new files never send a If-Match && _item->_instruction != CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_TYPE_CHANGE && !_deleteExisting) { // We add quotes because the owncloud server always adds quotes around the etag, and // csync_owncloud.c's owncloud_file_id always strips the quotes. headers[QByteArrayLiteral("If-Match")] = '"' + _item->_etag + '"'; } // Set up a conflict file header pointing to the original file auto conflictRecord = propagator()->_journal->conflictRecord(_item->_file.toUtf8()); if (conflictRecord.isValid()) { headers[QByteArrayLiteral("OC-Conflict")] = "1"; if (!conflictRecord.initialBasePath.isEmpty()) headers[QByteArrayLiteral("OC-ConflictInitialBasePath")] = conflictRecord.initialBasePath; if (!conflictRecord.baseFileId.isEmpty()) headers[QByteArrayLiteral("OC-ConflictBaseFileId")] = conflictRecord.baseFileId; if (conflictRecord.baseModtime != -1) headers[QByteArrayLiteral("OC-ConflictBaseMtime")] = QByteArray::number(conflictRecord.baseModtime); if (!conflictRecord.baseEtag.isEmpty()) headers[QByteArrayLiteral("OC-ConflictBaseEtag")] = conflictRecord.baseEtag; } return headers; } void PropagateUploadFileCommon::finalize() { if (_item->_remotePerm.isNull()) { qCWarning(lcPropagateUpload) << "PropagateUploadFileCommon::finalize: Missing permissions for" << propagator()->fullRemotePath(_item->_file); auto permCheck = new PropfindJob(propagator()->account(), propagator()->fullRemotePath(_item->_file)); _jobs.append(permCheck); permCheck->setProperties({ "http://owncloud.org/ns:permissions" }); connect(permCheck, &PropfindJob::result, this, [this, permCheck](const QMap &map) { _item->_remotePerm = RemotePermissions::fromServerString(map.value(QStringLiteral("permissions"))); finalize(); slotJobDestroyed(permCheck); }); connect(permCheck, &QObject::destroyed, this, &PropagateUploadFileCommon::slotJobDestroyed); permCheck->start(); return; } // Update the quota, if known auto quotaIt = propagator()->_folderQuota.find(QFileInfo(_item->_file).path()); if (quotaIt != propagator()->_folderQuota.end()) quotaIt.value() -= _item->_size; #ifdef Q_OS_WIN m_fileLock.close(); #endif // Update the database entry const auto result = propagator()->updateMetadata(*_item); if (!result) { done(SyncFileItem::FatalError, tr("Error updating metadata: %1").arg(result.error())); return; } else if (result.get() == Vfs::ConvertToPlaceholderResult::Locked) { done(SyncFileItem::SoftError, tr("The file %1 is currently in use").arg(_item->_file)); return; } // Files that were new on the remote shouldn't have online-only pin state // even if their parent folder is online-only. if (_item->_instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_NEW || _item->_instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_TYPE_CHANGE) { auto &vfs = propagator()->syncOptions()._vfs; const auto pin = vfs->pinState(_item->_file); if (pin && *pin == PinState::OnlineOnly) { vfs->setPinState(_item->_file, PinState::Unspecified); } } // Remove from the progress database: propagator()->_journal->setUploadInfo(_item->_file, SyncJournalDb::UploadInfo()); propagator()->_journal->commit(QStringLiteral("upload file start")); done(SyncFileItem::Success); } void PropagateUploadFileCommon::abortNetworkJobs( PropagatorJob::AbortType abortType, const std::function &mayAbortJob) { if (_aborting) return; _aborting = true; // Count the number of jobs that need aborting, and emit the overall // abort signal when they're all done. QSharedPointer runningCount(new int(0)); auto oneAbortFinished = [this, runningCount]() { (*runningCount)--; if (*runningCount == 0) { emit this->abortFinished(); } }; // Abort all running jobs, except for explicitly excluded ones for (auto *job : qAsConst(_jobs)) { auto reply = job->reply(); if (!reply || !reply->isRunning()) continue; (*runningCount)++; // If a job should not be aborted that means we'll never abort before // the hard abort timeout signal comes as runningCount will never go to // zero. // We may however finish before that if the un-abortable job completes // normally. if (!mayAbortJob(job)) continue; // Abort the job if (abortType == AbortType::Asynchronous) { // Connect to finished signal of job reply to asynchonously finish the abort connect(reply, &QNetworkReply::finished, this, oneAbortFinished); } reply->abort(); } if (*runningCount == 0 && abortType == AbortType::Asynchronous) emit abortFinished(); } }