/* * Copyright (C) by Klaas Freitag * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. */ #ifndef _THEME_H #define _THEME_H #include "common/utility.h" #include "syncresult.h" #include #include class QIcon; class QString; class QObject; class QPixmap; class QColor; class QPaintDevice; namespace OCC { class SyncResult; /** * @brief The Theme class * @ingroup libsync */ class OWNCLOUDSYNC_EXPORT Theme : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: enum class VersionFormat { Plain, Url, RichText, OneLiner }; Q_ENUM(VersionFormat); /* returns a singleton instance. */ static Theme *instance(); ~Theme() override; /** * @brief appNameGUI - Human readable application name. * * Use and redefine this if the human readable name contains spaces, * special chars and such. * * By default, the name is derived from the APPLICATION_NAME * cmake variable. * * @return QString with human readable app name. */ virtual QString appNameGUI() const; /** * @brief appName - Application name (short) * * Use and redefine this as an application name. Keep it straight as * it is used for config files etc. If you need a more sophisticated * name in the GUI, redefine appNameGUI. * * By default, the name is derived from the APPLICATION_SHORTNAME * cmake variable, and should be the same. This method is only * reimplementable for legacy reasons. * * Warning: Do not modify this value, as many things, e.g. settings * depend on it! You most likely want to modify \ref appNameGUI(). * * @return QString with app name. */ virtual QString appName() const; /** * @brief configFileName * @return the name of the config file. */ virtual QString configFileName() const; #ifndef TOKEN_AUTH_ONLY /** * Wehther we allow a fallback to a vanilla icon */ enum class IconType { BrandedIcon, BrandedIconWithFallbackToVanillaIcon, VanillaIcon }; /** * get an sync state icon */ QIcon syncStateIcon(const SyncResult &status, bool sysTray = false, bool sysTrayMenuVisible = false) const; QIcon syncStateIcon(SyncResult::Status result, bool sysTray = false, bool sysTrayMenuVisible = false) const; virtual QIcon folderDisabledIcon() const; virtual QIcon folderOfflineIcon(bool sysTray = false, bool sysTrayMenuVisible = false) const; virtual QIcon applicationIcon() const; virtual QIcon aboutIcon() const; /** * Whether use the dark icon theme * The function also ensures the theme supports the dark theme */ bool isUsingDarkTheme() const; /** * Whether the branding allows the dark theme */ bool allowDarkTheme() const; #endif virtual QString statusHeaderText(SyncResult::Status) const; /** * Characteristics: bool if more than one sync folder is allowed */ virtual bool singleSyncFolder() const; /** * When true, client works with multiple accounts. */ virtual bool multiAccount() const; /** * URL to documentation. * * This is opened in the browser when the "Help" action is selected from the tray menu. * * If the function is overridden to return an empty string the action is removed from * the menu. * * Defaults to ownCloud's client documentation website. */ virtual QString helpUrl() const; /** * The url to use for showing help on conflicts. * * If the function is overridden to return an empty string no help link will be shown. * * Defaults to helpUrl() + "conflicts.html", which is a page in ownCloud's client * documentation website. If helpUrl() is empty, this function will also return the * empty string. */ virtual QString conflictHelpUrl() const; /** * Setting a value here will pre-define the server url. * * The respective UI controls will be disabled * Deprecated: Use overrideServerUrlV2 as it allows overrides */ Q_DECL_DEPRECATED_X("Use overrideServerUrlV2") virtual QString overrideServerUrl() const; /** Same as overrideServerUrl allows override by * setting $OWNCLOUD_OVERRIDE_SERVER_URL */ QString overrideServerUrlV2() const; /** * This is only usefull when previous version had a different overrideServerUrl * with a different auth type in that case You should then specify "http" or "shibboleth". * Normaly this should be left empty. */ virtual QString forceConfigAuthType() const; /** * The default folder name without path on the server at setup time. */ virtual QString defaultServerFolder() const; /** * The default folder name without path on the client side at setup time. */ virtual QString defaultClientFolder() const; /** * Override to encforce a particular locale, i.e. "de" or "pt_BR" */ virtual QString enforcedLocale() const { return QString(); } #ifndef TOKEN_AUTH_ONLY /** colored, white or black */ QString systrayIconFlavor(bool mono, bool sysTrayMenuVisible = false) const; /** @return color for the setup wizard */ virtual QColor wizardHeaderTitleColor() const; virtual QColor wizardHeaderSubTitleColor() const; /** @return color for the setup wizard. */ virtual QColor wizardHeaderBackgroundColor() const; /** @return logo for the setup wizard. */ virtual QIcon wizardHeaderLogo() const; /** * The default implementation creates a * background based on * \ref wizardHeaderTitleColor(). * * @return banner for the setup wizard. */ virtual QPixmap wizardHeaderBanner(const QSize &size) const; #endif /** * The SHA sum of the released git commit */ QString gitSHA1(VersionFormat format = VersionFormat::Plain) const; /** * The used library versions */ QString aboutVersions(VersionFormat format = VersionFormat::Plain) const; /** * About dialog contents */ virtual QString about() const; virtual bool aboutShowCopyright() const; /** * Define if the systray icons should be using mono design */ void setSystrayUseMonoIcons(bool mono); /** * Retrieve wether to use mono icons for systray */ bool systrayUseMonoIcons() const; /** * Check if mono icons are available */ bool monoIconsAvailable() const; /** * @brief Where to check for new Updates. */ virtual QString updateCheckUrl() const; /** * Default option for the newBigFolderSizeLimit. * Size in MB of the maximum size of folder before we ask the confirmation. * Set -1 to never ask confirmation. 0 to ask confirmation for every folder. **/ virtual qint64 newBigFolderSizeLimit() const; /** * Hide the checkbox that says "Ask for confirmation before synchronizing folders larger than X MB" * in the account wizard */ virtual bool wizardHideFolderSizeLimitCheckbox() const; /** * Hide the checkbox that says "Ask for confirmation before synchronizing external storages" * in the account wizard */ virtual bool wizardHideExternalStorageConfirmationCheckbox() const; /** * Skip the advanced page and create a sync with the default settings */ virtual bool wizardSkipAdvancedPage() const; /** * Alternative path on the server that provides access to the webdav capabilities * * Attention: Make sure that this string does NOT have a leading slash and that * it has a trailing slash, for example "remote.php/webdav/". */ virtual QString webDavPath() const; /** * @brief Sharing options * * Allow link sharing and or user/group sharing */ virtual bool linkSharing() const; virtual bool userGroupSharing() const; /** * If this returns true, the user cannot configure the proxy in the network settings. * The proxy settings will be disabled in the configuration dialog. * Default returns false. */ virtual bool forceSystemNetworkProxy() const; /** * @brief How to handle the userID * * @value UserIDUserName Wizard asks for user name as ID * @value UserIDEmail Wizard asks for an email as ID * @value UserIDCustom Specify string in \ref customUserID */ enum UserIDType { UserIDUserName = 0, UserIDEmail, UserIDCustom }; /** @brief What to display as the userID (e.g. in the wizards) * * @return UserIDType::UserIDUserName, unless reimplemented */ virtual UserIDType userIDType() const; /** * @brief Allows to customize the type of user ID (e.g. user name, email) * * @note This string cannot be translated, but is still useful for * referencing brand name IDs (e.g. "ACME ID", when using ACME.) * * @return An empty string, unless reimplemented */ virtual QString customUserID() const; /** * @brief Demo string to be displayed when no text has been * entered for the user id (e.g. mylogin@company.com) * * @return An empty string, unless reimplemented */ virtual QString userIDHint() const; /** * @brief Postfix that will be enforced in a URL. e.g. * ".myhosting.com". * * @return An empty string, unless reimplemented */ virtual QString wizardUrlPostfix() const; /** * @brief String that will be shown as long as no text has been entered by the user. * * @return An empty string, unless reimplemented */ virtual QString wizardUrlHint() const; /** * @brief the server folder that should be queried for the quota information * * This can be configured to show the quota infromation for a different * folder than the root. This is the folder on which the client will do * PROPFIND calls to get "quota-available-bytes" and "quota-used-bytes" * * Defaults: "/" */ virtual QString quotaBaseFolder() const; /** * The OAuth client_id, secret pair. * Note that client that change these value cannot connect to un-branded owncloud servers. */ virtual QString oauthClientId() const; virtual QString oauthClientSecret() const; /** * Defaults to http://localhost due to historic reasons, * can be set to reasons. * This option is only available with oauth2 not with OpenID Connect. */ virtual QString oauthLocalhost() const; /** * By default the client tries to get the OAuth access endpoint and the OAuth token endpoint from /.well-known/openid-configuration * Setting this allow authentication without a well known url * * @return QPair */ virtual QPair oauthOverrideAuthUrl() const; /** * Returns the required opeidconnect scopes */ virtual QString openIdConnectScopes() const; /** * Returns the openidconnect promt type * It is supposed to be "consent select_account". * For Konnect it currently needs to be select_account, * which is the current default. */ virtual QString openIdConnectPrompt() const; /** * @brief What should be output for the --version command line switch. * * By default, it's a combination of appName(), version(), the GIT SHA1 and some * important dependency versions. */ virtual QString versionSwitchOutput() const; /** * @brief Whether to show the option to create folders using "virtual files". * * By default, this is the same as enableExperimentalFreatures() */ virtual bool showVirtualFilesOption() const; virtual bool forceVirtualFilesOption() const; /** * @brief Whether to show options considered as experimental. * * By default, the options are not shown unless experimental options are * manually enabled in the configuration file. */ virtual bool enableExperimentalFeatures() const; /** * Whether to clear cookies before checking status.php * This is used with F5 BIG-IP seups. */ virtual bool connectionValidatorClearCookies() const; /** * Enables the response of V2/GET_CLIENT_ICON, default true. * See #9167 */ virtual bool enableSocketApiIconSupport() const; /** * Warn if we find multiple db files in the sync root. * This can indicate that the sync dir is shared between multiple clients or accounts */ virtual bool warnOnMultipleDb() const; /** * Whether to or not to allow multiple sync folder pairs for the same remote folder. * Default: true */ virtual bool allowDuplicatedFolderSyncPair() const; protected: #ifndef TOKEN_AUTH_ONLY QIcon themeUniversalIcon(const QString &name, IconType iconType = IconType::BrandedIcon) const; QIcon themeTrayIcon(const QString &name, bool sysTrayMenuVisible = false, IconType iconType = IconType::BrandedIconWithFallbackToVanillaIcon) const; QIcon themeIcon(const QString &name, IconType iconType = IconType::BrandedIconWithFallbackToVanillaIcon) const; #endif Theme(); signals: void systrayUseMonoIconsChanged(bool); private: Theme(Theme const &); Theme &operator=(Theme const &); QIcon loadIcon(const QString &flavor, const QString &name, IconType iconType) const; // whether or not a theme is available bool hasTheme(IconType type, const QString &theme) const; static Theme *_instance; bool _mono = false; #ifndef TOKEN_AUTH_ONLY mutable QMap _iconCache; // <, bool // caches the availability of themes for branded and unbranded themes mutable QMap, bool> _themeCache; const bool _hasBrandedColored = hasTheme(IconType::BrandedIcon, QStringLiteral("colored")); const bool _hasBrandedDark = hasTheme(IconType::BrandedIcon, QStringLiteral("dark")); #endif }; template <> QString OCC::Utility::enumToDisplayName(Theme::UserIDType userIdType); } #endif // _THEME_H